Comments 1,260

Re: Reaction: PS5 Deep Dive Was As Expected, But Was Shockingly Misjudged


I know some were okay with the presentation (though I really hope it isn't just Sony bias), but for me, when you keep many silent about the PS5's information, a lot of people will think that you will have more to bring to the table. It was an interesting presentation for developers, yes, but for the people who aren't, they have the right to feel disappointed. And a Playstation fan myself, I was kinda underwhelmed. Especially with the BC feature.

Still, as long they have good exclusives to offer, and some features we may not have heard of yet, that might chance. Though looking at the comparison between Xbox One X and PS5, I feel like if they were to make the price $100 less, that could help a lot. Plus, information about the PSVR on the PS5 would have been great as well.

Despite all of this, I'm still gonna give them a chance and hope that, after the mixed reception, Sony will learn a thing or two if they're considering on showing another presentation. As a presentation for developers, it isn't bad, but as something you want to show to more than just developers, you really need to have something to keep your audience interested.

Since we're still MANY months behind the inevitable PS5 launch, I'm sure Sony still has some tricks up its sleeves.

Re: Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Adds Mighty Morphin' Cross-Play


Nice. Been waiting for cross play for a long while. I especially like how much better the presentation is now. Hoping this mean they'll be prepping for a new season. According to one user, two possible seasons will be announced this year.

Putting that aside, this is easily one of, if not, the best Power Rangers game out right now.

Re: PS Vita Remains a Viable Platform in 2020


Speaking of which, I'm considering on going back to Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice, Killzone Mercs, Oreshika and MH:FU soon. As well as playing MGS HD collection, since I recently bought it.

Vita is a real gem, and it's sad to see Sony abandoning it so quickly. If only the memory cards weren't so dang pricy.