Comments 1,260

Re: Sony Priming 'Even Less Exciting' PS5 Remaster for State of Play


I don't mind remasters but there's plenty of franchises out there that deserve actual remasters. I'm still surprised that we don't have a full Uncharted collection on the ps5, just Uncharted 4 with the standalone dlc. Imagine a remaster collection with all the uncharted games, including the Vita one.

Hell, I'm surprised they never bothered to make a God of war remaster collection, especially after Valhalla.

Re: PS Vita Fans Want Soul Sacrifice to Return on PS5, PS4 Next


There's a lot of potential with Soul Sacrifice. Back in high school, I started to brainstorm archfiend ideas like one based on Ahab/Moby Dick. The concept of turning literature/mythological creatures into grotesque (and maybe depressing) monsters is pretty fun. And honestly? I can see Forspoken's combat system work much better with Soul Sacrifice's.

Re: Freelance Artist Attempts to Redesign PS5, PC Flop Concord's Cast


@ThomasHL That's what I thought as well. Atleast with Overwatch the story is your standard heroes vs villains, with playable characters from both sides. Even in Paladins, it's centered around the conflict between the magistrate and the resistance, as well as othe factions.

In Concord, freegunners are supposed to be like, mercenaries or something? Supposedly, accorisng to the story, it's focused on a conflict between them and some kind of organization, but we don't have any playable characters that are part of that side, so we just have freegunners fighting other freegunners because...well, it's a competitive 5v5 shooter game, don't think too hard on it. If it was just a singleplayer/co-op action adventure rpg a la Guardians of the Galaxy with multiple choices the player can make given they belong to no one but themselves, I can definitely see this become, at worst, a cult classic like Days Gone.

@thefourfoldroot1 funny enough, there's a concept design for Emari and it looks miles better while keeping some of the good elements of her final design. Makes me hope someone would leak the entire concept art of the game, cause I'm more interested what was behind the game's development process if anything.

Re: Internal Sony Fairgame$ PS5, PC Chatter Is Reportedly Quite Positive


I'll take it with a grain of salt. I remember some of these insiders, and even Hermen himself, saying the same about Concord before its teaser was shown.

Also, he says that Sony left the game to die, but if that were the case, why spend millions of dollars for Secret Level to produce an episode for it? It just doesn't sit right with me, unless they are planning a big comeback in the future but only time will tell.

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


Can't help but feel bad for the developers. This is the first every live service title from Sony to be shut down this quickly, and literally before they would even air a Secret Level episode of Concord. I can only hope this could teach Sony a lesson about their focus on live service titles, but I also hope the developers will work on something better. Honestly, there's still a small chance for Concord to make a comeback if they turn the game into something we all wanted instead of another overpriced pvp shooter.

Re: Talking Point: Can PS5, PC Shooter Concord Be Saved?


Imo, what the game desperately needa are:

1) better character customization, particularly actually good looking skins that woudl convince me on continuing playing matches to get them (the ones we got aren't that great to say the least)

2) more variants. The fact that there's only one variant in this game is insane and makes me wonder if they only thought up this idea at the last second.

3) PvE content. This is their chance to do something that Blizzard failed to promise for OW2. Make us experience the adventures the characters are going through instead of making us wait each week for a cutscene we can just watch on youtube.

Additionally, i want to see more wacky characters. For a game that takes place in space, there's a big lack of "glup shiittos", something that even star wars hunters is somewhat nailing at better. There's only three characters in the game I would even consider unique base don their appearance while the rest are either human or too "human"-like.

Re: Capcom Ends New Content Support for Exoprimal


Sucks but not surprised. Knowing how Capcom treated their Resident Evil multiplayer titles, I figured this game wouldn't have lated that long. I don't think the game is bad but it really just cements the fact of how much everyone are desperate for a new Dino Crisis game.

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


I'm still annoyed taht the PSVR2 doesn't have backward compatibility. The fact that there are so many underrated games that are still locked on the first version felt like one step backwards for the hardware. I'm glad that third party and indie devs are still showing love but if Sony doesn't care, then what's the point? I would not be surprised if they pull a Vita move on this which is a shame because the system is actually pretty cool. Just wish it had more support from Sony themselves.

Re: One of PS2's Most Overlooked First-Party Games Is Coming to PS5, PS4


Personally thought the combat itself was kinda eh and the controls were a mess but it was saved by its presentation as well as its cast of characters (the voice acting was great as well). Ngl, I think reboot of the game could work. Add some Blade influence and I'm sold.

Oh and fun fact, one of the ghosts in the game is supposedly a descendnat of Sir Daniel Fortesque, right down to even having one eye.

Re: Rise of the Ronin PS5 Sales Beating the Nioh Series


I feel like I'm one of the few who likes the game. Yeah, it's practically Nioh but open world but as someone who loves Ghost of Tsushima and Nioh, that's good enough for me.

Also, I genuineky didn't care when people complained about the graphics. For me, rhey were good enough. I play Tecmo games for their gameplay, not for the graphics. Why else is the warriors franchise still going to this day?

Re: Rumour: PC, PS5 Versions of Media Molecule's Dreams Were Allegedly Real, Cancelled


The best thing they could have atleast done is give the game a PSV2 port. I don't mind the lack of a PS5 port as you can still play on it with improved performance but the fact that you are forced to have a PSVR1 just to play the game on VR is infuriating. Sony always say how much they care about live service but between this and the cancelled Spiderman and TLoU multiplayer projects, I'm starting to have my doubts.