Comments 1,260

Re: Concrete Genie Developer PixelOpus Is Shutting Down


@ThorsHammer Really feels like Sony's focus on next gen games with that AAA feel is doing more damage than good. Heck, even with China Hero Project which is supposed to expand chinese games to overseas, unless the games we're talking about are FIST and Lost Soul Aside, they barely mentioned any of their other games, including those that are still in development hell like Pervader and AI Limit.

Sony needs to step up and start giving us a catalogue of diverse games that aren't just from making deals with indie studios or third party studios, bur from first party studios as well. I want more colorful first party games that aren't just next gen open world action or over-the-shoulder narrative-focused, and this is coming from someone who loves God of War, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, etc.

Re: Media Molecule to Cease Live Service for Dreams, Now Working on a New Project


I honestly blame sony for not marketing this game enough. They couldn't at the very least give it a PC port to bring in new players. It's a shame because it had a lot of potential. But regardless, I guess it was expected. Because it was mostly just a "game maker", it probably didn't make a huge splash with the general audience, especially those who just want to play a game with a story and a more focused gameplay.

Re: Soapbox: PSVR2 Already Feels Like It's on Course for Failure


I'm still baffled as to how poorly marketed this was compared to the girst PSVR. Hell, PSVR1 even got the attention of chinese developers, which were all the rage for Sony asia back in 2016. But as years went on and with PSVR2 already on the horizon, I've barely seen any chinese game coming to the new platform. Not even ports atleast. I'm convinced the hype for the vr machine went down as time went by, but that's just me.

Also, lack of backward compatibility. The fact that previous psvr games need to be ported to PSVR2 instead of simply just playing them on it like with the ps5 is a huge downside. Not to mention not all of the psvr games will get ported. Highly doubt games like loading human, mini mech mayhem or dying reborn will get ported to VR2 at all, so don't hold your breat on playing them on a newer hardware.

Re: Fortnite Has Been Utterly Transformed by Brain Bending New Tools


@Impossibilium That's my problem I have with Sony. They have a tendency to give out some good ideas but they either don't do much with it, aren't well executed, or just abandon it completely. PS Tv, dreams, Playlink, ps classic, ps plus tiers, Vita, China hero, ps talents, live service games, etc. The only one I'm sueprised it managed to succeed was Ps vr, and even then the fact that psvr2 doesn't support backwards compatibility is a huge blow.

Dreams imo, is really underappreciated and I think it would benefit on coming to other platforms, especially when media molecule expressed interest on that idea. Imagine playing Dreams on the go on the switch and create games without needing internet connection. Instead, Sony would rather spend much of their money on ad campaigns for their bigger cinematic games instead of using half of it to support or expand their other projects.

Re: Uh Oh! Sony Patents NFT Trading Framework for Gaming Platforms


@UltimateOtaku91 Yeah, and the reactions for all of them were nothing but negative. Just because others are doing it, doesn't mean it's a good thing. They're just jumping on what's currently popular (trend catching). Besides, even if it's popular, it won't guarantee that it will be a success. Remember Ubisoft Quartz? Did so poorly that it practically killed the support for Ghost recon breakpoint.

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Be Worried by Live Service Implosion?


The problem with live service gamea nowadays is that they are trying to chase the same train of success of Fortnite. The problem is that it's already too little too late. Just look at Destruction All Stars. While I'm glad the developers tried to improve the game, because of the lack of any big updates (or any new characters) makes it obvious that the game's future is looking dim. If Sony is not leaning on supporting and improving destruction all stars, then who's to say they'll be any different with their other upcoming live service titles?

Sony should stick to what they do best. Single player games with optional multiplayer modes/components. It's a shame cause their IPs have potential for some MP growth. Imagine a Monster hunter style Horizon spinoff, or a hero shooter more for Rift Apart, or even something like GoT:Legends for God of war or spiderman 2. Dumb ideas I know, but still...

Re: Sony Will Publish Spectacular Action RPG Lost Soul Aside in 2024


They will also publish Convallaria, which gives me hope that it will turn out atleast as good as Lost Soul Aside, because we barely heard much about Convallaria and the gameplay videos thye have shown were "meh" to say the least, though they could just be pre-alpha footage.

I hope the best for these two games. So far, I enjoyed some of the latest China Hero's latest outings like Anno and FIST, although In Nightmare didn't turn out as good as I expected at launch (the devs did try their best on fixing the game and even ported it to Steam but still...), so I'm still toning down my expectations lol

Re: PS Plus Essential PS5, PS4 Games for November 2022 Announced


@LIMA great that you enjoyed it (i did too, though I'm still hoping the sequel expand more on the gameplay aspect) but you still really need to give Nioh a shot. Ignore some of the game's etilist fans though and there's a good reason why Sony loved the game so much that they went as far as to publish the games for the Playstation version (which probably explains why Nioh coming to Xbox is highly unlikely, as said by the devs). The only thing that might put you off are certainly the difficulty spikes (and the loot system if you' weren't a fan of that in games like Borderlands or Destiny).

Re: PS Plus Subscribers in Spain Get a Bonus Game This Month


@nessisonett true though just a quick heads up, the game didn't recieve glowing reviews (usually scores of 6 and lower) so dont get too excited lol this is just something playstation spain does at times (waves out was an example) and sadly not a lot of games from talents are usually hitters. A lot of them feel like bargain bin games, which is why you barely hear anything about them, despite there being many of them, so it's kinda hard to call it thriving. Well, for ps talents anyway. I'm sure the indie scene overall in spain is doing well, with the likes of blasphemous (spanish dub > english dub) and aragami.

Re: Bloodborne Movie, TV Show Could Be a Thing in the Future


@IronTruth hey, it could be worse. I'd take exposition over the characters dropping F-bombs every 10 second lol

Honestly, I just want the animators to work on the show. As for the writers, I definitely want them to be different, none from Castlevania that's for sure. Because if they make characters like Gyula or Gehrman constantly say swear words and s*x jokes, I'll be incredibly disappointed.

Re: Talking Point: We Need to Discuss This Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 Remaster


I personally don't mind remakes. I just wnat remakes of games that do deserve it.

Heck, if I'm being honest, I actually wouldn't mind a remake of Nathan Drake's first adventure, with combat as refined as UC4's, maybe sneaking in some new mechanics introduced in UC3/4, improving the Ai, and maybe even make the final boss actually, you know, fun lol since uncharted is still a popular sony IP, I think it could work.

Also, we're in due for a God of war remastered collection. Sales could sky rocket thanks to God of War 2018 and Ragnarok's popularity.

Again, I think remasters and remakes are fine, and I'm not surprised Sony is making them as "appetizers". Still, really makes me miss the time were Sony were showing off many of their upcoming games left and right.