Comments 691

Re: Test Your PlayStation General Knowledge - Issue 27



2.Had to remember but did.

3.Didn't know guessed, wrong. Not played the games only those inspired like Wet or Stranglehold.

4.As playing all PS3/360 era shooters I find you bet I knew this one, beat Blacksite Area 51 few weeks ago. Still have to get around to Rage 1 as it takes up 7GB of space to install the disk, Brink my copy didn't work so took it back and on the look for another and Quantum Theory looks cool like Dark Sector was fair or Binary Domain was great or Singularity waiting to find a copy for. Either way.

5.Random guess couldn't remember but guessed right.

6.Random guess but the platform made the most sense as I don't remember a PSP or PS3 version but do 360 and was a late title.

7.Made sense, I still need to buy Re-Pac at some point and not the Switch download code physical copy either grr Namco I want the physical cart version. Or a PS4 copy. Surprised no Maze Madness as an option.

8.Only played briefly, I had to know this with those around me being big Dragon Age fans, I had to get this right and I remember it mentioned in the story in my head enough at least.

9.Knew that was the gimmick the same as I remember it being a thing in Chronos the Soulslike by those that did Remnant and Darksiders 3. I thought the idea was cool. If Sifu had body parts split like Neverdead would have been cool to see a modern game do similar to it but oh well.

10.Obvious year literally played and finished it then the purchase and getting stuck during a certain swarm area.

9/10 not bad. Only got the Max Payne question wrong as had no idea. Any of them could be for all I know.

Re: You Can't Buy Concord on PS5, PC Anymore, But You Can Buy the Official Merch


The merch, the disk and sell it for high prices, not have private servers as people aren't interested enough to offer them, not get the trophy anymore.

The merch is probably fair though regardless of what logos or characters or otherwise. It's probably fair quality stuff just has the game's branding on it, nothing wrong with that.

A good mug or bag is still worth it.

The IP tried, but the merch will live on.

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


They can be but otherwise, while people say oh PC, I go yeah I know the setup is ignored and the PC is suitable platform. But it's not THAT difficult if you know what your doing and many people sometimes are willing to jump onboard, those willing to/smart enough to.

As if the PS5 storefront and many versions or the store/menu levels aren't confusing at all. XD PS4 was simpler Sony. XD

Prebuilds are a thing for a reason, you ask what games you want to play with it/are you streaming, etc. If the staff are good enough they can work around it, same as a casual if they are willing to. They can price things however much, same with retailers, same with Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo, it's customer laziness then complexity in some cases and people going eh just pay up or don't.

It's not that hard to understand people wanting things simple to use/simple minded people, easy to understand and not 3 clicks out of reach or easy to understand how to press buttons, tweaks settings or just play the game and laziness to think further than the bare minimum. XD

As if some types of people aren't easy to read by what they say/do and whatever is socially status relevant or emotionally related or whatever is simple to act on.

Prices may be high but you can get cheaper and build it yourself or whatever the prebuilds will scale it for besides heir prices varying besides retail stores prebuilds on display. Just because people can be too lazy or not understand the specs, what is compatible to slot in or are not interested in tracking things down like many collectors game hunting do in retro stores, ebay/Facebook Marketplace or EB games or other stores.

That's on the casuals not being interested in waiting/working things out and want things simple. The same people willing to go to other stores are likely the same types of people still willing to build a PC and go yep I can wait and the achievement was worth it in the end, they may mess up but it was still worth the effort

If drivers work, if parts are capable enough, if specs of games are considered, if settings are tweaked. How is it any different then quality/performance mode, the presets besides the advanced dropdown lists/sliders are still there.

They are becoming a more simplified PC version settings menu just without the drivers and part swapping really. XD

Re: Play the Worst Ratchet & Clank on PS5, PS4 with PS Plus Premium


@LP64000 They had different ideas. High Impact were different Insomniac/Naughty Dog staff, that's all.

These studios with the same staff but split aren't worse then a new studio entirely whether Sly 4, Mario Party, or others. Yet you get different staff and others filtered out/jumped to other studios but the new people in the same studios years later and players go oh that's not the same Mario Sports game or the same return to an IP or other factors. It happens.

Lost Frontier may have been what ND had planned (can't remember), don't know but oh another studio did it.

Similar to staff for Yooka Laylee/Bloodstained, etc. but instead of Indies & prior vet staff with talent we like & no publisher to step in which is why different design besides IP license they don't have access & successors of sorts (or besides No Man's Sky & ex Burnout staff/Nightingale with ex Bioware staff doing different things)

they were separate teams under Sony High Impact/Ready At Dawn with their Ratchet/GOW games on PSP (or were then weren't maybe as they went and made other IPs afterwards then either cancelled the studio or went back to Insomniac or wherever else maybe? I don't know after that Disney Princess game High Impact made what they did afterwards).

So not being Insom/ND those at High Impact or Ready At Dawn with their staff, is a bit ridiculous other than different staff forming a new studio and just not the staff we know and prefer 'their' ideas or those we are used to on console from is more the case. Besides Bend with Golden Abyss that's different of course.

With some Sanzaru or Mass Media in there for the PS2 SAC/Sly 4 or PS3/Vita ports of Ratchet and Jak.

Bend are a capable studio, Resistance Retribution is as good if not better than Fall of Man or 2, 3 I think is different enough in it's personality/Ratchet like level up system.

Days Gone is what it is, don't know enough about it. It took them 2011 to 2017 or 18 to do it to get their engines up to PS4 then Vita or whatever Vita projects they had in the works then cancelled. Syphon Filter has it's place of PS1/2/PSP.

Uncharted Golden Abyss isn't the best Uncharted in some areas but the new additions make sense for the Vita gimmicks (can do without the locker dial that wasn't great to work at times or touch screen punch swipes but the charcoal and gyro aim and other things were great I find) or adding things to the series then the typical formula after 3 games. Or doesn't have the same story just reworked each time besides the new details in each story. It may have been more dramatic then 2 stealth or 3's or the polish/personality offering then gameplay. To me the personality was fine enough for what they could do.

It's why I think Spiderman is ok but Sunset Overdrive their prior/first open world was more a 'them game' but the tower defence then outposts, weapon level ups and other factors of side missions being challenges or fair typical side missions in other open worlds games had a better balance and made it better to me then Spiderman being more typical open world or like prior Spiderman games but just more modern personality and only the puzzles/other stuff I preferred then the rest of the game so I liked what puzzles/challenges so about 10% or less of the game probably. Like the crimes and tokens and all that make sense like Spiderman 2 or 3 I'm playing but I just don't care for them as much either.

Re: Play the Worst Ratchet & Clank on PS5, PS4 with PS Plus Premium


Part 2:
Crack in Time is the most different in the series and is praised heavily for it's story/gameplay elements. So which fans or reviewers are hypocrites? Why can't Secret Agent Clank be different? I hate the handheld entry point too. Many handheld games are sometimes better than console games to me. My favourite PSP games are puzzle games and some from other genres are from series or one offs. Resistance Retribution has it's issues and it's a handheld game too but it gets a pass?

I am fine with he Dreamcast/PSP/N64 feeling different yet all have 1 stick, 2 sticks complaints are for modern day idiots that don't have the patience or willing to try something or remember how we used to have it. Played plenty and gotten used to the controls, just because others are too lazy to.

If Ratchet played like Knack/God of War of old entries on PSP with the L/R or with a second analogue stick aka to dodge would people complain about that too yep. Yet Knack/old God of War/DMC work fine with the camera this way, same with Pitfall Lost Expedition works with motion controls and it does the right stick to use items with the camera being the L1/R1 method like PS1. It's still playable, I 100%ed it fine. Attacks I think the Bouncer for PS2 does. Other games used sticks differently, other genres face buttons for menus then jump, attack, inventory, map, whatever else then a select/start, d-pad.

It was never done again and was the most and still is most ambitious of the series and Rift Apart is a new ideas, Tools of Destruction elements with limited Crack in Time elements and is pure garbage story, safe gameplay and Crack in Time has still better evne if sadly Rift Apart doesn't expand on them technical ideas. Travelling through rifts to new regions wow not like Spyro 3 didn't do that on a more basic scale.

Not like Blizar has 2 states and Crack in Time had 2-3 of those with 3 2-3 states of them, different sky boxes and different enemies, similar objects but better story telling around them. That's more technically impressive on a PS3 then PS5 with garbage story, cameo recycling and safe gameplay.

Even Tools of Destruction is Ratchet 2 & 3 trying to evolve and does so better then Rift Apart does. So tell me how that's a bad thing?

Re: Play the Worst Ratchet & Clank on PS5, PS4 with PS Plus Premium


Worst? Push Square get your facts right it's Before The Nexus that is worse and not just because it's a mobile/Jungle Run game either.

SAC in RAC 3 is ok but a whole game around it? I get ghost pirate robots as a joke but yeah they acted on it in Q4Booty too.

It's not that bad SAC, it's different that's all. Crack in Time is different but that ones fine because it's a PS3 game but it's ambitious? Logic there. XD

They were Insomniac/Naughty Dog staff that formed a new studio. Think of the games like Judas/Yooka Laylee/Bloodstained but instead of leaving the publisher they are just different staff. That's all High Impact are, other staff, with different ideas. Yet people see High Impact and go, but they aren't the same, yeah but they are different staff, just because people had better ideas or whatever you played first as a child means nothing.

These games are weird but how different is 2016 in tone/kids film accurate nowadays then Dreamworks kid/adult humour of the 2000s. Exactly.

I never take these games as oh full fledged on the go. I don't care about the marketing, I don't care if used to console experiences, handhelds are different platforms. The devs can try different things, they aren't always watered down just 'different'. I prefer that. I like Killzone Liberation being different, sure the hardware but an isometric shooter why not. Some camera changes help. Some genres help. It's like Gears Tactics or Halo Wars. It's cool to have something different not be only 1 genre or only 1 way forever.

Sure Nintendo handhelds the devs approach things different. Sony tried, the devs did what they could, wanted to do different with an IP or worked with the hardware. Why is that a bad thing? Because players want to see 1 thing happen and it the same way forever, that's boring, devs are part of a art medium, not one piece of art needs to be the same, it's boring for them it gets boring for us. It's why we get IP milking, stagnation, across medium products and moving way to other platforms.

This game is fine, it has issues but it improves on Size Matters, it adds more content it goes weird directions, sure no all of it is good or not all of it lands but I prefer it over a more generic entry in the series or the current state of the series being 'wow visually good but substance wise garbage. Pass on garbage animated family movie nonsense and sub par or boring safe gameplay the series has ever had 2016/Rift Apart.

It doesn't take itself seriously, it could be a dream/episode of Secret Agent Clank, it mixes things up.

The OG series and Future saga are fine but I mean SAC isn't that bad a game. Oh the stealth and rhythm segments aren't perfect but it was trying to be different.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Astro Bot Barely Registers at Retail, PS5 Numbers Plummet After Price Hike


With the other price hike they got yeah not surprised, and very few games or many happy with Switch for family, for being outside during time they have or just more compelling console/game preferences.

Is Astro great yes but would they get it for 1 game (2 because Playroom is free with the console) or if they see much difference/wanted more Astro bot at all. Or get the console for other reasons. Sure the slim is smaller but how many even look at that if the first model impressions.

Yeah to me I'd go if I wanted the Japan Studios (which obviously Asobi are the remaining of) games or more particular games that fit what they were going for like a Little Big Planet (Sackboy was a 3D World clone that has it's good points sure, Sumo Digital could try better really),

or the way many Japanese games are more plentiful or more exciting on Switch of AAs even besides the AAAs going to any platforms, I'd say yeah I'm happy getting my Japanese AA games on Switch.

PS5 has some but not many. Even Valkyria Chronicles I got 4 on Xbox One for $5, the 2 for PSP on Vita digitally and 1 for PS3 cheap. I considered the PS4 version physical but had to order it but got 1 on PS3 in a retro game store.

Got Demon Turf for Xbox as it was only physical on Xbox for some reason. Don't mind having an Indie platformer on Xbox beside Banjo, Blinx, Psychonauts or others. Most would get platformers on Switch as Nintendo offers many options besides at least 1 IP in other genres.

Sony focuses on the west and mostly other genres or modern game tropes. Some Japanese games do, others don't. The big Japanese IPs go to Switch I think, sure PlayStation in some cases besides like AA remake of Neptunia and the spin off sequels or whatever else of their fighting games, other JRPGs to play on either platform. But for platformers yeah I'd say Nintendo's the way to go for Indie platformers or their first party/third party platformers unless just PlayStation is someone's core platform regardless of their phone, Portal or otherwise for remote play.

Got Disgaea 6 & 7 on Switch, demo for 7 played on PS4, physical nope so Switch it was. Other games of other sorts I'd consider Switch probably.

Many digital games (some like Grid Autosport) or because too fan service like yep Switch or Steam going Switch. For old IPs then Vita sure but if particular IPs I would go handheld or remote play or particular gameplay/presentation then likely Switch. Xbox said no to Gal Gun, Sony did too, Switch it is for Gal Gun Returns a PS3/360 IP. Got 2 and Double Peace on PS4. Senran Kagura maybe.

I got racing games for Switch even if many I'd get for PS4/Xbox One but if I don't always find them then yeah for Switch a platform I'd usually never consider such a genre.

Whatever the case I'd get my Japanese games on Switch too due to what IPs they are or what platform seems the more viable to get them on if they don't have physical PS4 copies I'd go Switch as no interest in playing them on PS5.

Re: 'It Makes Sense Why the PS5 Pro Price Is So High,' Say Tech Experts


Uh as if the PS3 versus 360 prices weren't clear as different hardware. But people still had AV TVs then HD TV they upgraded to as well.

As if the Xbox and PS5 aren't clear of hey one has 2TB and is the same. As if the part differences between Switch and Series S besides being mobile and not of parts.

As if PC parts can be looked at.

As if consoles can be at a loss or not for the Pro in this case for the price and what it actually offers. I mean it could be overclocked for all we know, is that worth a price upgrade to overclock the same parts?

The PSSR sure makes sense to for that I guess the effort into it.

There are many reasons they can, have and see how much people will pay, how much parts actually cost which sure makes sense there. It's a niche product and all that too.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


Part 2:
I give them the money if they want help with the new consoles (they are gamers too but still) & if the older consoles I see a benefit in, still pick up games for then selling to others or stores & not getting much for them. But they went eh not sure about it during the announcement due to certain factors. If I was getting the consoles I'd weigh up the benefits too and I do.

I think the engineers will do a fair job with the upscaling as well I know it's more than just control over the tech/branding they will deliver on it for sure. Messaging or Sony tech/hard drives and all that. It has it's benefits.

I don't think much of 1400p to whatever it upscales to or frame rates balance with it and all that. I think it's fair. I myself am not that into 4K as much or some things like dust kick ups in some worlds in the quality/world details but if devs want to do those things that's on them not me. I care about game mechanics being compelling in a game to buy it, so not a fuss to me.

Do I think the Xbox needs a Pro, nope, they could if they wanted to, they could ditch consoles in a few years and be streaming only but they will have to weigh up their console sales and go hmm is the audience doing cloud from their Xbox One X or Xbox Series S/X anyway hmm, their Samsung TVs, their Fire Sticks, etc.

The 2TB is there, the GPU techniques are what they are that's fine. Whatever PCs people have and work for them as well.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


@XenonKnight I'm calling people blindly buying things, being focused on the latest thing without research and would buy it at first sight, too over loyal, people desperate to buy something no matter the price, are fine with the messaging, fine with the product no matter what and gladly will a sheep/whales whatever term fits.

Hardcore that weigh up their options know what works for them, they are not sheep they know what they need and don't need, they will voice their disappointment/using old PS5 instead and that's fair on them, I'd do the same due to certain factors as well like i would buying any product, games, old console, or non gaming related, they may get it when it's cheaper, they may care for physical, the upscaling extent in a person besides X/YT quality of images and videos, they may not see much need to upgrade to a 8K TV even. Multiple reasons.

People that buy whatever they see in front of them, bragging rights or other factors are more so sheep.

People are open to buying the PS5 Pro that's not what I mean. I know it's hardcore fans, a small percentage of the audience, aka many of us on this site are hardcore fans, we are tuned in to the news/many platforms

People can be a hardcore fan and still know what to weigh up what they want. Not all hardcore fans want the Pro Controller as it isn't necessary for the games they play/may not get much use. Many own a Portal, others don't.

Same with PSVR2, it has it's benefits with PS5 Pro, journalists had to ask if it would but Sony has their focus on what it is and that's what it is/their usual.

I may be into more benefits then the PS5 takes away and fits the Pro branding as a more in things in 1 type model I'd usually like to think of such a product as without taking too much away and the enhancements by upscaling have their benefits for sure.

But I also am on a PS4/Xbox One/Switch and mostly playing PS2/PS3/360 games back compat or not even with a 1080p 3D TV or a 32 inch 1080p TV. I go months without playing my PS4/Switch even. Use my Xbox One X for apps then back compat or Xbox One older games/smart delivery games, no cloud use.

Family have current gen, I pay attention to news, I know bits & pieces when they play them I walk in and go yeah that looks good or yeah I can help you with a part in a game, so I know how current gen is while not being interested in it at the moment right now as I like gaming enough to pay attention to old and new. So my not really part of current gen but paying attention can seem awkward like an I want to bash people on current gen. I don't, they can enjoy what they are of current gen and that's totally fine.

Family would have considered the PS5 Pro before the announcement & I'd pay about half or so for the PS5 OG (they have a Slim in a different room and sibling has their own PS5 2nd OG model), if I was interested even though I'm not.

I paid $500 for the PS4 base model/Xbox One X and I think the Xbox One VCR (could have said yes to PS4 Pro, but I didn't want it, was curious how bad load times were, was fine with 500GB, fine with old PS4 design, noise didn't bother me either, it's sitting there since the PS5 Slim family got instead because they didn't like the noise but may get used for remote play with the app on PS4, about as much as the PS Vita TV got used that I now have as more into the Vita and of course older consoles/left behind stuff) as well in 2020 or so.

Re: This May Be the Most Pointless Boxed PS5 Game Ever


At least Fortnite was physical codes in the box with DLC and less production cost on disks as it's updated constantly. No idea why Honkai is this way at all.

Online heavily updated games with a disk make no sense.

Though Rocket League has a physical disk, may later have been paper codes as well not sure. But if it has offline or bots matches or something then yeah I'd say it's fine, sure less content update access relevance for the game still but otherwise online required games disks are worthless unless archiving the content and removing the online requirement but that's very sketchy and not for TOS after all but I mean if no servers to work around then well yeah. But depends on the assets or anything at all on the disk then a license. That's a big amount of storage on 4K Blu-rays for a license after all. XD

I think most anime/gacha fans are well aware what goes online these days, unless they are hearing about it from less into the online space and pick it up physical sure but we all know it's worthless and no one really cares to archive these disks do they?

Whatever people want to do with their Concord physical copies. If someone reworks the game server wise then well people can play it on unofficial servers, sure no updated content but still. Same for Battleborn builds, PS Home archive builds the community has done, Babylon's Fall and so on.

Lawbreakers has it's audience for example and it's run by fans now. Or any Pretendo or PS2/3 fan server run games modded or different server to attach to.

Re: Prospective PS5 Pro Buyers Cause Disc Drives to Sell Out


As long as the authentication isn't bad I'd say good on these people proving they want disk drives. Will it work on PS5 Pro or is that a 'different disk drive' in branding or authentication/slotting in. Sony could go either way really.

Scalping, bots or people desperate & mindset changed who knows.

Bots or not that were buying the disk drives, many people buying them and there is limited stock because of course there would be they want to make less drives over time and push digital we all know that. Collectors or physical focused are the only small audiences left that care.

Most people go digital because it's easier, they experience what they can and move on like tv shows/music/news/conversations about something, sure some sales are good on digital (when they are) and many physical games can take a fair while to be cheaper but at least you can sell it later then go eh refund, ah can't unless broken ok then.

I've seen many physical media type Youtube videos saying all these things but they also leave out some details as well and those people also are just more open to the idea, get them cheap, maybe want the best version, may have gone oh it's off streaming, some people won't care about that compared to others, I struggle to find copies of The Middle and it's on a streaming service, still haven't watched it yet as family want to but are busy with other shows.

Collectors or physical media enjoyers (myself included) get whichever they can on DVD/Blu-ray they can. Not everyone is willing to do that. Collectors watch things like a hawk, not everyone does that and I don't expect them to either.

They experience what they want to/hear is good and move on. If they care enough or physical is their only option then sure but for most people they don't need to or want to.

Buying many physical with movies/tv shows I get it, anime complete seasons maybe cost more, sure may be worthless later but cheaper but space makes sense if people don't have it and control over their media and less digital removal or less disk wear over time to prevent hmm, or back it up yourself if can.

But either way price in comparison of live action western shows do in parts or value people have towards such games/shows versus streaming services is a big thing physical media youtube videos don't always talk about, so I may go eh yes people can't buy their anime and streaming service/watch it online via means.

Or same for live action shows but they do so for cheap & if people desperate to watch them enough then streaming service watch list or whatever lower bit rates then blu-ray having higher bit rates/stable quality versus device network busyness.

If they are even worth caring about revisiting them at all (not just because many anime in parts then complete season niche shows are what they are of cost then live action western shows/movies are).

Or collectors editions are all that end up on the shelves then blu-ray only copies because that was fun to come to & go eh why not can't be bothered waiting for 1 regular copy to show up. With DVDs a bonus now with Collectors Editions? Than prior both in 1 box ones.

Artbook sure, no OST (only BD disks have OP/ED & part of the regular edition along with interviews, trailers, promos, etc. IF they are on there, it varies per show w) and stickers/artcards.

Artbook & DVDs are the only thing I care about really there, artbooks are great for character info/comic panels/screenshots of places/character sketches/face angles/etc.

Re: In Case You Missed It, PS5 Pro Has a 2TB SSD Included


@Octaslasher I agree they could say 'here is 1 space for them all'.

I don't mind broken down articles whether on the site or search engine results but it is always done for traffic not just simplifying for the audience having that 1 question among a 'here is everything article' no matter how good or bad the headings/text presented is.

Always done for traffic reasons on news sites, from the headlines to the way they present the information, to the images, it's all clickbait/intrigue to the readers/those searching for it via many methods to 'click' on the site, ads happen and so on.

Same reason we have to keep commenting on them all. It makes it better than me having like 9 part comments. XD But that's on me.

But those clicks/engagement is what keeps them going and they do it on purpose. No idea for edits to comments but for first clicks/repeated clicks on and off the same articles (not just refreshing the page or jumping tabs if it's already loaded though could) and first comments I'd say so.

Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss Reckons Axed Game Devs Should Just 'Drive an Uber'


I mean sure going to different jobs, but not everyone can be a Youtuber either? Not everyone can be or is good at or needs to be an Uber. By their logic it's fair to be an Uber but oh the robots take that away as well or self driving cars.

Like he didn't think that far ahead even with his further elaboration besides just the headlight Push Square has used to be eye catching and however much they have detailed here. XD

Some people wanted to become or need that software engineer money or other types of jobs for a reason.

If they aren't talented they do become that over time with effort. Whatever management is the case, what leadership in different roles at different levels.

But not everyone that gets fired or a studio shut off can deal with that.

It's up to us audiences sure as we determine the sales, the personality, the story/messaging, the advertising and gameplay are right to us of compelling.

But if they have a mindset that doesn't work and they don't try hard enough to work around trends, the niche audiences, what Indies show is possible, nostalgia, a real fair impression of a product and understand audiences while bringing something interesting to the table that is dramatically cool or familiar and solid but not awkward enough to be uncompelling then sure.

I'm fine with games that don't innovate, but I would still like to see it. If we see games that are fun of gameplay I'll pick them up. Art style works well enough to be inviting but also not hard to read HUD/UI.

Video game development is hard, art to impress people in any sense is hard until we come around to it, different people, different norms, different senses of something being compelling.

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


Use an older PS5 or if have one a 4K Blu-ray player instead.

For a motion plus on Wii I have the separate one as my built in Wii Motion Plus remote died.

So yeah with a console I'm not going to just keep adding and removing a drive with ware and tear let alone the activation thing they have with. I get why they do it, still annoying it should just slot in no problem.

It's fair as it built in is probably more work to remove it then the attached version here but even still.

With all these articles it makes sense to break things down but wow these journalists get a lot of traffic clearly. XD

Re: 'It Felt Like Putting New Glasses On,' Claims First PS5 Pro Hands On


It will change things sure but is a 1400p to 1800p or whatever it ends up being increase (just a guess) that much worth it? For some people may be but I couldn't care less. What slight better upgrade of someone's glasses lens, sure fair comparison but better no. To me art style matters more.

Ah clickbait Push Square. Photoshop/GIMP blur tool & hue/saturation/contrast change, once you use those tools (remember bits & pieces so yes throwing words around badly here) you got us good. I use a smaller TV, I know the difference in 4K on larger ones, same way I use my 480p consoles versus the 480p OS quality setting on a PS4 or Switch. I'm not stupid. We all know what it looks like. Not blurry like that it isn't a Youtube video. XD Sure they don't scale the same as my PS2 with a AV to HDMI and the screen space like when you use a PSP to a TV and it's that 270p space so you use the 'zoom' feature on your HD TV (than a CRT) is lower on my 1080p 3D TV. Or the 16:9 then fill screen or 4:3 even.

You use a smaller TV and guess what it looks better than on your larger TV, wow magical how that works. XD

Like nah duh it looks different on larger TVs it has to work with the pixels more to match it's difference of size and how the 4K is so the pixels fill in gaps differently then it will on a smaller TV.

Any idiot that pays attention to larger/smaller TVs scaling it can tell that then just putting a blur tool so deliberately on an image a journalist will put. As if many readers/comments here don't know how Photoshop/GIMP works because we do. XD

1080p Ridge Racer 6 or 7/Lair weren't the best of 576i or whatever to 1080p for early PS3. They had to do what they had to do back then (like GT4 had 1080i, it did the 576i or whatever to make it happen) sure besides the 1080p of PS4 in difference to scale it but art style and texture work still mattered regardless.

I don't care for 8 or 16bit or 32bit, I know what they mean of the CPUs let alone the sprite work or buses, but who cares. Companies can keep trying though.

Depends how much you want to see and with glasses sure more but with a console, nah. I'm doing fine with a smaller TV and older consoles thanks. Happy to not upgrade and it still look fine in 1080p then upgrade because WOW more space for a TV and more scaling, yeah nah 1080p is fine thanks. XD

The checkboarding and techniques only do so much really. I couldn't care less. 2TB is fine, no disk drive as an option removed so digital sales continue is unfortunate. Bragging about techniques.

Does an image on Twitter/video on Youtube downgrade it absolutely. I know the differences in person, but I still don't care every time I see in it action in person when we do get the games. XD No matter the TV watching the footage on and no matter the compression the platforms have of streaming/image uploads.

Xbox doesn't care, they may offer one later or go 2TB same specs rest of the gen, may go for streaming and drop their console audience or they may go eh large enough console audience still and offer them for that smaller audience than their streaming one. It depends what they are willing to go with.

I'm still playing PS4/Xbox One/Switch and older and fine with 1080p and a smaller TV, even a 10+ year old 50 inch 3D TV for my PS3/360 games. 32 inch for a PC. Or casting a phone screen to it with a delay. I think I'm good with how i use screens for various things then 'latest and greatest and social bragging factors'. I'm comfortable right now.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


Well there is new GPU techniques, 2TB and no disk drive....

Seeing no Xbox option 'yet' or maybe ever as they push for streaming or keep to the 2TB as well with the same parts, is nice to see (besides yes save less on parts and working with what they have) as they are fine with their GPU techniques as it is. Sure price is high as well but the fact they aren't trying to brag about GPU techniques like Sony is (it's a fair tech for them to offer but if it REALLY isn't that different then who really cares, they can brand it any way they want and people will still believe it after all) they have is surprising.

Space Marine 2 with the hive mind Tyranids with big to kill smaller was a cool tidbit I noticed (not learn, forget, stunned I want in games with robots/bugs but eh, it's something). Not seen much wider appealing gameplay ideas though only little ones. Small ones count but haven't enough for me really. But current gen, no interest still.

Sony wants to brag as much as possible, will it have benefits yes I think so I know their engineers would put effort in for sure besides just accounts/marketers in their leadership being untrustworthy as they are and can tell us anything nonsensical.

Do they want store sales yes of course they do, why bother with a disk drive, more digital control, no disk to digital conversion ever, old PS5 or a 4K blu-ray player instead. Motion Plus for Wii I prefer over built in that died of whole remote. But for a console nah, both options in 1. Seeing a Series S struggle to be setup too made me think eh if internet settings mess up or parts, got that offline for disk besides less downloads when offline to play those digital games.

Do they want more people to not notice the price, the Dualsense price increase, the messes they have made, the products they ignore as they say good bye to that product and audience who like that niche product of PSVR2, Portal, etc. Of benefits from those.

Sony are doing a great job so far angering their hardcore fans that are more likely to weigh up their options and do want benefits but factors have gotten in the way of that then those that are sheep/whales whatever term works that will buy it immediately that they are relying on that don't care/eat it up and see the new product/forget prices or benefits PS4 Pro had that we were more comfortable with in how they handled it back then. Sigh.

I'm all for devs having more to work with. Like 32X to Saturn was awkward but the same applies even if different here with PS5 Pro to PS6 prep. I totally get it.

Hardcore fans 'usually' pay attention so the fact they want sheep to buy it in a heart beat is insane.

To get hardcore fans to jump on it or tech enthusiasts, thing is those on PC know what things are worth for sure and while fans will jump on it for the benefits or bragging rights.

I can skip a console or anything for social factors so to me it's just eh. The regular PS5 is totally fine. Regardless of the 1800p or 1400p or whatever else with frame rate, less 'blur shown in footage for comparison' as well.

The techniques being probably fair and oh Sony did what they did with the SSD as well to be special. It's fair for them to do so, but more proprietary stuff to call their own, do whatever to control then dealing with others licenses/messaging, it has it's benefits for them but also is clear why, brag about it as well, or theirs to control whichever way they want to and has been for a reason as well.

Re: The Crew 2 and Motorfest to Receive Offline Modes in Future Updates on PS5, PS4


Wow Ubisoft listens, if Outlaws or others don't in 10 years or other companies don't they will get a knocking on their doors as well.

If GT Sport can do it anyone can rework their games.

It sucks GT Sport cut out liveries when it could have been just the community content part they did.

Left achievements, they did rework brands central to work offline then be awkward to use with online on purpose, progression working of course as limited offline prior and the trophies for liveries and Sport tutorial videos. That's 2 trophies unachievable now.

Just like many old game MP achievements but for different reasons.

If only other singleplayer ones did it.

I get the whole SP/MP DRM balancing I totally get it but Capcom and PC DRM for old products or yes console wise 10+ year old products it's fair to say Ubisoft got their money, they don't need to restrict players anymore regardless of hardware and letting go of PS3/360 servers.

Glad to see The Crew 2 is doing it/being considered, doesn't change Crew 1 being the state it is though but they clearly heard the stop killing games group loud and clear going on YouTube the past few months.

If that happened with Mod Reposting (even if banners exist people can spread around) for Minecraft which like anime 'special' sites or others things don't happen (but also it's a benefit as big companies don't offer some anime so they get left behind because no sales potential/license no problem) but in that case some mod authors remove their mods and those sites are in some.cases an archive, as long as no malware in the files at least.

So when companies listen players go yep, in the news, buy it, for others they go back and play it or continue to if they already were and be happy.

This article works for players but also companies getting noticed, it doesn't stop them from being looked at in other ways prior but it is something for the few sales of The Crew 2 now when discounted and sales they didn't get even if not much.

Re: PS5 Pro Will Improve PSVR2 Games


Good to know of enhancements by however much is great. At least PCVR support as well for the future if not PS6 software support for it with USB C/Type A/another adaptor if they wanted to be difficult.

But it's always annoying journalists have to push the question because the console maker goes eh we have moved on from that product. Or it wasn't worth mentioning for our presentation. Like why not?

It's part of the generation and has relevance for an audience still interested, don't ignore them Sony, no matter how niche or no matter what sales outcomes, don't ignore audiences you offer products for.

They seem to ignore possibilities unless asked about it, if they want to really show it off they do, no matter length of time in a presentation, if they don't they say very little as possible and it's so annoying and disgusting business behaviour on their part.

It's very throw away and it's very disrespectful.

Once PS6 sure and if Sony offer an adaptor (I know USB C for PSVR2 then the PSVR1's needing an adaptor like Kinect for OG Xbox 360 then Slim/E having it fine, but it's Sony they could change their mind any time they want to) like PSVR1 did but if not then fine. Treat the audience that way, but it reflects on them.

The engineers may/may not care and move on or lessen their experimenting but the marketing or any leadership, Cerny as architect or any others ignoring an audience or don't bring it to the forefront in a presentation unless asked by journalists or players is just disrespectful to the audience of their other products.

(even though game devs go we don't know what to do with it or the small percentage that do want the power or those that go we don't have any ideas for the PSVR2 or controller gimmicks and act stupid of oh realism/ oh we don't think outside the box enough excuses.

We know it's sales & marketing or games not just ports or whatever IPs big enough or the game design & pushing the controllers gyro wrong and it's hilarious when on the Wii this was obvious, Red Steel 1-2 or other games, PS Move as well. I know because I go between them. Do they think we are stupid in how they make games 'feel' to play and what we are comfortable with?

Why is this so hard for Devs to comprehend oh realism, oh gaming has more flexibility to be whatever and not only real world logic. With such stupid ideas & not enough broader thinking about possibilities & their own little worlds/laziness to prototype better).

Maybe it's my mindset of wanting to know as a customer (or asking creator questions) or with YouTube videos/other messaging positions like Journalists, you know your audience has questions about how things work, or are a technical minded person and wonder what does or doesn't work so experiment & try to cover the info as best as possible whether a mod or product or otherwise what comes in a box or anything. But come on.

Sony & disappointment in products successes or not is the most annoying thing.

Saying nothing has it's downsides & disrespect as well. By PS6 sure, but people will ask if it software side supports PS6 with a USB C/Type A port as well.

Re: Freelance Artist Attempts to Redesign PS5, PC Flop Concord's Cast


For sketches they do do a better job in some areas for sure.

Then again some people go yep in a few minutes can make up game ideas or sketches. Some people in meetings and regular game company tasks had way more sketches and yet we ended up with whatever was approved in the end. I want to know what the actual sketches were in comparison from the Devs if fans/outsiders can do a better job.

They don't have to all be appealing in a fan service way or anything just more slick, more sharp, confident , cool, varied of maybe not stereotypes/tropes but more fitting of their roles in the game as a crew or class.

That and less Guardians of the Galaxy and others what people think is popular and have more flare about them then being a bunch of people in a room with a cultural push, no care for what they are making or even understand video games and not making anything unique in the game (it had a few fair ideas but they weren't strong).

Art matters, I care for gameplay but even then it's culture push and art style were a problem as well.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@CielloArc fair point. Been looking at PCs SSD, on board or platter hard drive and going huh weird of CPU gens, GPU, hard drive and RAM differences of prices or just what the stores got them for and won't mark them down even if a later product is cheaper.

I do forget that yes flash storage but even still.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


Disk drive separate/gone, 4K Blu rays, trailers huh, eh design. What a joke.

HOW DELUXE.. eh EU prices. Aussie prices $800, 1000+ Pro nah. PS3 all over again. Better work arounds for specs I'd say sure on price, but how they have pass.


Super fans buy it. Price is high & makes enough sense but still very awkward. The upgrade is minor.

Devs can waste time if their 3rd parties are not as focused on hiding load times as PS2/3 did of 1st party while PS4 they didn't. 3rd parties do what they do while 1st party try to make the most out of it for sure.

Devs may use it but how? FPS, ray tracing, quality mode garbage particles/dust kick up & other nonsense that makes it look worse in worlds & we can't see environments it's a Outlaws/Space Marine 2 thing I found very weird, eh reflections.

What am I supposed to get excited for? If I know Devs may push graphics/eh garbage on screen over FPS. Why?

If they own/want a Pro sure their fine to do so brag/get benefits but if Devs waste time who cares about the Pro it's up to the Devs uses of it & people have to suck it up on how they go about in their games with garbage graphics features we may not like. Frame rates better be there or else that's on them.

Eh fill in world stuff, yay.

Also 8K?

2TB is something but even then it's still a joke. Why is storage so expensive/want to push prices then should be.

I'm glad I got a Switch at $300 in a retro game store was not paying $400+ and it not going down in my region at all.

Glad got older consoles. I've seen cheaper disk/digital PS5s in retro game stores but I still have no interest in them.

I won't even go half with a family member on their PS5 to pay for Pro & get old one before the Pro was revealed. I especially won't be changing my mind that much now yet.

So I have PS5s to use buy or not, used it for Rift Apart, hated, that's it, only if they need help in a game. I don't even have to pay but would if Pro systems come out. I did PS4 Base/Xbox One X & VCR for $500 as was fair. I still use them today.

Sony is making it so much easier for me to not want a PS5 to use even in a house I easily can 4+ years in, have large enough PS4 & older consoles backlog of pickups so why would I want to play on PS5 for enhancements when gameplay for 3rd parties has been eh, whatever 1st party standard generic games since PS4 IPs I ignored for most of PS4 gen.

If disk's worked different sure but they don't too DRM/no disk digital converter at all. They want control.

Only thing is what got quiet boot like Xbox. So bad OS navigation layout, eh groups then folders (PS4/PS3/Wii U folders prefer) like Xbox One started, eh games, eh Portal/Psvr2 what is there I'd want a PS5 for, nothing yet.

Just if you liked PS4 which I didn't, I have it for some games sure but I hardly like or care to use the console even if it has a better OS layout & fair lineup still to play but can go months without using, so to me it's a boring upgrade & eh business practices. PS3 they were cocky as well but even then games were better.

Launches people go eh not this IP or that IP. Pilot Wings for 3DS yes among others I don't need a Mario or something else.

PS2/3 fair stuff there. PS4 Knack, Drive club, Infamous Second Son (as not big into open worlds it's an exception and got to play 1&2)) and Killzone among fair 3rd parties, for sure over the trash of later PS4 I avoided besides Knack 2 and Gravity Rush 2.

Sigh company business practices.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Fans Wonder Where All the Square Enix Characters Are


How much do people really know about Sony 1st party IPs then the 3rd parties they played so much on PS1-3. Says a lot doesn't it. It's not supported to be a crossover in the third party sense. Fans and licensing, their heads explode too much how much they don't pay attention to that.

Companies have their reasons for the cameos/likeness/elements of the characters/music and more. If Square doesn't want to that's on them. If Sony wanted just their IPs to be focused on in the game, that's fine by me. I prefer it that way too. More focus on what needs to be, more pushing of IPs they haven't in a while and less 3rd parties to mix in which costs a fair bit to include and doesn't need to be there regardless of world/mechanics potential and fans going WOW these are in the game. I am fine with 1st party only, it works fine as it is.

Business decisions are a thing for a reason. Sales or how they present them and other factors. The game is fine without them. Whatever other cameos as brief or particular of toes they have to avoid stepping on.

Nintendo had Nintendo Land, fans want another one or something similar to celebrate things (I think it suited the WIi U fine and the IPs fairly, but I care for gameplay then characters/IP attachment). Nintendo doesn't have to. Just because most people know more 1st party Nintendo IPs or play more third parties or whatever their childhood of PS1-3 were or PS4/5 focus is 3rd parties as well and not knowing licensing, then they do 1st party legacy Sony IPs is on them as players.

It's a 1st party IPs focused game, not a 3rd party characters mixed in one like a Mario Sports Mix on Wii (was Square Enix that's why mentioned it) or PS Allstars and it's 3rd party inclusions.

They didn't make 3rd party deals here, that's totally fine. Square have their goals now for multiplatform with some games then those exclusive and what sales/otherwise came from that of talks. That's what it is. Just move on.

That'd cost a bit to the game then whatever IPs they still have at PlayStation they will use of their trademark or likeness or whichever. They aren't counting voice actors for those games after all just their likeness and other core elements that were in those games/worlds.

I think it's fine without them, it allows focus/flexibility for them to keep it to the core goal of the project and the IPs they have to work with & those worlds/characters.

People need to not be that emotional/that fixated on THEIR favourite IPs and forget oh licensing is a thing, oh 3rd parties. That's the answer.

Re: Star Wars Outlaws' Instant Fail Stealth Sections Will Be Reworked in Upcoming PS5 Patch


Part 2:
What meetings didn't cover this enough or staff getting enough ideas out there/direction or skills/talent & whatever else.

The world is fine but some parts of engagement with some timed faction missions aren't great & the game is possible to get through but just not that polished enough or many opportunities for stealth then the bare minimum most games offer.

Why no Storm Trooper disguise either? If Luke/Han can do it in A New Hope why not in this game? It's a fair reference, it's a fair oh we can't do it because the armor doesn't fit, something fun & practical. Why no throwable rocks or something.

If I can think it up right now without prototyping it, it can't be that hard to think about it besides the other requirements for the project. Sigh.

Too much about their average world & bad writing where even the backstory to her being older she still seems like a really bad smuggler & her stealth sucks in gameplay as it does story wise.

Outlaws is an average game, rough at times & lacks fun ideas/flexibility or some gaps to fill of gameplay while other parts are fair. No RPG elements is different/fine, but exploring better execution of ideas needed still.

Charms & upgrades to collect was better than cosmetics in Jedi duology.

Re: Star Wars Outlaws' Instant Fail Stealth Sections Will Be Reworked in Upcoming PS5 Patch


To me playing Splintercell and other stealth games it's just basic stealth and I'm not even playing Outlaws, that was from watching another play it in person not online even if footage was clear then too and why I questioned the reputation of the factions.

How some kicked up dust/gas particles got more attention in the world design too is just baffling. Makes the game look worse besides ok art style, no gameplay benefit, only fluff to the world, why?

There is a reason I question empty/modern feeling game movesets besides skill trees as menu excuses to not touch the world. It's just annoying. Where are the more options to utilise regardless of easy/hard difficulty players & so both can use them & feeling less empty?

Nix is great but they have their limits at times too (settings to tweak as fair so accessibility/QOL is really good I like that attention to detail Massive/Ubisoft, I respect it) & QTEs for the food is really annoying & his/Kay's upgrades take time to explore/acquire.

AI are hit & miss regardless of location & developers forget audiences like run & gun/guns blazing sometimes especially for their wide audience sales products they want them to be (then a stealth game) that isn't marketed as such to make people change their mind besides gameplay footage.

Ubisoft wants their wide audience money yet Massive whichever staff in focus of design on mechanics or level design or AI or whatever didn't think very far about some details or how audiences think do they? This is why I find some modern games too empty/prioritize other things to fill in world/focus instead of on the movesets/general gameplay flow. Sigh.

Or were the publisher demands too much? Or whichever staff weren't able to get it going.

I can understand the Divsion 2/Avatar busyness compared to Outlaws in terms of dev time but whether a B team or just staff change ups or skills or time to spend or whatever I still question it. Especially the collision detection being pretty rough at times but understandable with the rest of the game's state of things as fair but has rough edges to sometimes bad.

Whether intended to be different, whether to tease/ease into SC or not even. I think Massive just didn't make a that great core gameplay loop at times. I mean guns as power ups to throw away was enough of a warning there. It's different so I respect that but it just doesn't suit the stealth gameplay, guns aren't throwable knifes/grenades/diguises. Why not lean into THAT for stealth gameplay.

Do these staff not have time? Or do they not have a broad enough imagination (besides prototyping with for programmers) is why I question this.

If time, sure, if imagination, why can't they think outside the box more?

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 (PS5) - Grimdark Shooter Is an Instant Co-Op Classic


@Jedge396 Your welcome.

I later discovered there is a terminal next to a ship docked in chapter 2 or so (I forget) at the Space Marine base mentioning the access to the operations mode when in the campaign as it mentions they are available and whether to not spoil if going between the campaign and operations (operations mode missions seem mixed in-between campaign missions story wise).

But yeah after the intro, co-op opens up after a cutscene in Chapter 1 when you have a squad/the current goal is revealed.

All good enjoy yourself when have the time to buy it/play it (digital or physical).

You can play offline with bots (no private servers yet but is coming I think) but have to trick the game with your network settings (test connection or tick box or so). Progression won't be saved, the customisation won't be accessible.

You can do so by launching the game, getting past the title screen, but once at the terminal before accessing it cut your network (not PSN, I mean the console's access to the internet). No idea if this messes with trophies.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


1am pass, can see it in the morning later but I highly doubt there is anything I want to see from it anyway.

If fair for the price difference (also lower the PS5/Slim price as well), disk drive and fair enhancement sure. Otherwise not my thing but I know people are interested the fans/tech enthusiasts into hardware (I myself care for gimmicks then hardware increases when it comes to looking at tech, just some GPU/CPU/RAM increases or tweaks is fine but not that amazing to me, really it doesn't bother me) will buy it for sure.

Prefer good viewing for Europe, I get for those that get home in Europe but really rough otherwise for the rest. Usually would assume they prioritize the US but apparently not with these times.

Regardless of currency values changing a fair bit and Sony putting it up I assume to match the equivalent or to get a bit more out of people as well regardless of changes to producing the PS5 they have reworked it for over time eh on price.

Whatever they tweak for the Pro whether overclocked CPU or a better one or GPU increase or RAM increase or whatever sure.... For mega/giga/ultra fans and enthusiasts sure, but even as an enthusiast I'm still not interested in the PS5 so a Pro is 'fine' to see but until games have worthwhile gameplay, I couldn't care less for a GPU upgrade or frame rates with tweaks to the CPU and RAM with textures, load times and general things or better flow of playing the game among other things if the gameplay is pathetic to begin with why would I care how much better it runs. They are still boring game experiences no matter how much better they run/look.

1st party, hardware, 30th anniversary things, other details on games as to me the studios aren't making anything that exciting, Bend/Bluepoint better be good but I doubt I care what they will make.

It will be a passable showcase at best. Hype for some and to me a D or F because I don't care about anything they offer as a brand, hardware or software currently. Astro/Media Molcule sure but Astro has it's moments, personality yes, gameplay is pretty standard for a platformer, still but 'creative' in a way then their more standardised other games.

Rift Apart being just load spaces with rifts, sigh, till they make it like Crack in Time sectors/more interesting I don't want games with marketing speak nonsense when Crack in Time doing aftermath, in progress & saving it states was more impressive, Blizar is the only level that does this again, 1 level, I want them to prove it.

Not be 'faster to load' for a standard Ratchet game format.

3rd parties do whatever they want and load times end up how they do, that's fine, but 1st party if they want to prove it/Sony instructs it to be that impressive that's fine but prove it.

Actually prove it to me not being pathetic about it when I know how Spyro 1 (use 2/3 swimming in the air glitch to the higher above low res version for level of detail tricks) to Crack in Time do their teleportation/texture differences/2 versions or more (Crack in Time likely more due to different skyboxes & objects, Spyro 2 had flags that spawn in that's it, but Crack in Time had many small areas with more dramatic changes so more LOD & 3 different states of those areas to tell that story/have enemies be there and more going on for the scenarios, Rift Apart has NONE of that) that's impressive for a PS3 with hard drive install & HDD at that Insomniac & Sony's marketing team.

Re: Guns More of a 'Fallback Solution' in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


I'm not against stealth but I mean like Star Wars while Indy wasn't about guns as Star Wars is. Some audiences want to use guns, not always stealth, or traps for enemies to walk into or whatever.

Guns or whip for not hitting enemies but doing other things or what they don't get about audiences that play a shooter for a reason or do guns blazing. Or creative in world solutions of designers and programmers offer them in the level design.

The whip should be used in many ways. To traverse gaps, hit enemies, use with items to distract or throw the items. The hat too to throw guards off. Why do no Devs think outside the box anymore? It boggles the mind.

Maybe the whip, maybe disguises in Indy I hope but not even Star Wars had Storm trooper disguises as an option, literally in a new hope that's a thing.

Some minds think what situations can happen, others whatever other factors for gameplay/worlds and we end up with not understanding audiences, has to be perfect design and basic options to play games and they end up empty feeling then fun to use abilities or weapons then being boring characters to play as or listen to talk. If quick thinking characters why can't they do it in game. Why are the level designers and programmers aable to make level design more interesting.

Re: Sony: It's Massively Important PS Studios Develops Games in Various Genres


Part 2:
Us 20 year olds or older and parents that did and STILL PLAY THEM. Not out growing things, we still play them, collect them, not just nostalgia but how appealing those oldmgames, Indies of now are, they clearly pay atyto audiences or stereotypes because even if a percentage don't because of their reasons to GROW UP or because of what they see society say when who cares what they think, a fun game is a fun game no matter the art style or for everyone and familiar messages, if the gameplay is fun, animation, worlds and character are creative and works for all ages by all means.

Mature games don't have to be so forced of dark worlds/tone they can in more for gameplay yet aren't just more menus and things to read/apply skills to, very mature. Like lol. I get motor skills but like come on.

Same for kids with rough gameplay/getting used to a controller as well.

Sony don't think, some staff are too focused on what they already see others do than going how do we apply this IP to a TV show, figures, OST, an ARG to get people excited. Think outside the box Sony. We players can, why is it so hard. XD

Probably the same reason I play old games look at ideas of old for inspiration not to copy paste. I can't prototype what they would have to or market it but I have. Abeain and use it to think up creative ideas. They don't.

Re: Sony: It's Massively Important PS Studios Develops Games in Various Genres


There is a reason many of us buy the not just or none at all of the Mario, Zelda, Pokemon games.

Nintendo has VARIETY. Xbox has variety but they just don't land in the same way. Sony had variety like Xbox that was not all connected or as easy to jump between but that's what I liked it, many genres, gameplay, story, reasons to be interested. Not what was popular but good competitive decisions. Not stagnant complacency with those in charge and what works.

The reason I & many others bought or are still collecting their old games is just that,, the variety of genres, the world's, the mechanics, the story telling, the difference in cultural tone regardless of if it holds up.

Vex may be based on up to 90s tv/movies. But they can still rework it to me era ones. They just choose not to because laziness.

If the other mascots for food, insect spray & more products are iconic I wonder why. They keep trying, they don't wait for some magical big IP to buy and same them time, they are still committed to them or change up their marketing.

Sony can't think hmm, like PS All-stars, what those worlds and characters offered mixing them together of the stage transitions.


It's not hard. They have fanbases, some still with the platform, some left. Just rework them. How hard is that. Sure many will complain but at least try.

They do Twisted Metal then go eh we don't know what to do with our IPs. You revived a game about vehicular combat with a killer clown & other crazy characters. How more tone deaf can they be of competition potential?

Why not a Parappa/Vib Ribbon as worlds with rhythm to solve their problems like any other sing to solve a problem in a kids show. Like come on.

Coded Arms with Konami's Roguelike, the whole inside a computer thing. Awesome series then Assault for PS3 was cancelled.

They can be blind to oh such OST, figures, comics, tv show potential isn't there for their IPs apparently in their minds. Sales success. Why not try first. Pure laziness to try.

But of Unit 13 OST like WTF are these people on. GOW sure but Unit 13 over SOCOM, the bigger IP, same studio. Who at Sony picks up on this nonsense. Unit 13 is a fair game yes but like what kind of delusion can a higher up have compared to the staff saying yeah we have the Unit 13 OST here to put out for fans of a 30th anniversary. XD

Comics/shows about military IPs, cartoony characters & their worlds/abilities/characters, alternative history of Resistance/sicif of Killzone, what idiot can't think that far ahead.

They let WipEour Rush exist, no anti grav racing tv show. Many exist. 2048 & modern eras the lore has of WipEout, that's Sony's stupidity because it isn't cinematic.

Same with any kids show like Skylanders or others.

If they want a Marvel or something major THEY HAVE TI WORK FOR IT. That's their problem. Laziness to build something up, using big IP only.

Not like the Gravity Rush anime interconnected OVA between games context it offers.

A anthology for different games like the ONL thing we all saw. Sony doesn't want to think outside the box.

They think all westerners are going to be that simple and forget oh many of us buying Astro aren't parents buying it for their kids they may be parents that grew up with those types of games.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


Part 4:

Why can't we have taped, magic infused or fibre tightened weapons in Nightingale or more tools/weapons, or an understanding of what survival games do right with quality of life, general world features to make players compelled, whether they grind Iron farms in Minecraft or use mods with machines, players stretch the limits of games, developers don't anymore.

But oh it's fine in Ark because it fits the cave people putting things together. Why do devs have so little imagination is the kind of question i find myself asking a lot these days.

Foamstars has 2 done to death modes yet I can think of a surfboard mode, a foam clean up mode, chemicals to mess with the foam, traps and more. They barely come up with anything that useful to use the foam for. Who prototyped that game long enough. They just don't have that mindset, too much money focus then to be creative with the worlds/core mechanics. It's just sad. It annoys me with modern gaming, money, graphics, basic mechanics and bare minimum ideas. Or fair stories but the gameplay still is basic.

There is prototyping for games, and there is what Astro does is pull inspiration from the games...

(like many Indie platformers and why I've not been impressed by them either, they either don't have the talent which is understandable or they just don't get the genre, they go oh presentation of characters, basic movests, sometimes one cool one and the rest is just weak to the flow of gameplay or FUN factor in it, they don't need minigames but I can still enjoy a Spyro 1 with more fair pacing of new moves and level design/secrets, some are unfair but I still get tested, many Indies or modern games are just that, modern, empty feeling at times to be too simple but I find myself bored with them, still finishing sure but still bored and disappointed with them)...

it does but that's just recycling mechanics or aspects from those games, it's not that original, it doesn't fill in gaps those games don't offer either regardless of platformer then horror, RPG or open world contexts.

Sorry so big.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


Part 3:

(many MP shooters modes, boring environments, where is the Ironsights of moving environments with shipping containers, sure it's a Black Ops clone but the maps move, most games have static maps, it's boring and my problem with MANY games having to be PERFECT not allowing the Infamous 1 dynamic decisions but easy gameified points to enter a story mission of Second Son, we just don't see it anymore, where is the The Club being a modern shooting gallery, we don't get this kind of unique take on things anymore, too safe, those games just came to mind that's all) or whatever comes to mind but still ends up very safe and done to death. As a few examples of games.

I am annoyed I can come up with animal abilities for better navigation/quest access in BIomutant, oh no we have gliders (other features, a merchant like BOTW I'll never find again) and vehicles but why can't I dig, fly, swim? I have to do a quest to get a jet ski? Like why? Why can't it be I have animal abilities and if someone doesn't have that ability they can still use the Jet Ski. Why can't we have more options not 1 option? Does it make the Jet Ski redundant not completely it may be faster and still relevant. You play as an animal that can walk on their legs, pees on checkpoints and 4 legs sprints in an apocalypse because animals that anthropomorphize but THAT's TOO FAR when it has gas immunity for 5 gas types. Why else do you think I came up with the abilityi aspect, if Sims can have it for human/pet traits or I can see Space Station Silicon Valley have robot animals with neutral and ignore you or aggression to other robot animals and they have their abilities of a fox that launches itself with a burst of speed for gaps, gorilla climbs vines/swings, etc besides using a mouse that a dog won't attack a sheep like logic. Like some of these developers I swear have little imagination, enough but not broad enough for the gameplay, just the bare minimum. For audiences to be 'simple' or devs really are just those types of people with no good ideas to think deep up to prototype them. Their skills, their time, their visions, their publisher demands, whatever the case.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


Part 2:
I don't see many B grade platformers ideas replicated or same level. Their quality differs but their mechanics were still unique. Yet any youtuber that looks at them would say yeah it'd be great if we see this again or ideas from this game. But we never do. Were glad to experience them us collectors but that's it. No one looks at them if they are a developer, no one looks at them not to copy paste the mechanic but get inspiration from them for something else which is what I do when I play them and see modern games and go this could have this here and here based on what cores they have, and what they miss (in my opinion/the ideas I have come to mind).

Other than say Ride 4 having a Forza Motorsport 1&2 region mechanic expanded upon I can't say I've come across similar in the racing genre or many others as many devs just copy and paste to compete.... even the rewind system for the genre, same studio (not same staff) did that rewind system, had RPG elements, Grid 2008 dumbed it down to 5 uses of rewinds and cut the RPG stuff, Forza Motorsport 3 dumbed it down to infinite and whatever it detects as a rewindable spot, and it's been that way from 2009+. What a waste of experimenting dumbed down so far and stagnant. Now the racing genre is just race, time trial, drift/elimination if your lucky. Forget unique modes, slight changes to be like 3 different drift modes or last man standing. It's all licensing these days, tracks/cars. Even Wreckfest we can't even have Flatout style (predecessor) flinging the driver target practice. It's just derbies and wow buses/motorised sofas. Cool but hardly changes up the gameplay. I can go to TOCA 3/V8 SUpercars 3 or DTM 3 or whatever for PS2 and DS/PSP/PS2-Xbox-PC are all different. DS/PSP have missions, console/PC has it's content. It's not just multiple car classes, it's challenges, modes. We don't get that anymore it's all stale. Even a project by Behaviour the Dead by Daylight devs (me I know fro Scaler/Wet) had a car in some sci-fi worlds. No idea what's come of it besides concept art. The fact things are so simple these days that that's amazing because realism/simplicity of using things.

I can't even say hey this Sega Rally like Indie should have more to it. Because the audience of players are too nostalgically stupid to care. Too emotionally satisfied.

I'll stick to enjoying Sega GT's car parts mechanic (not cosmetics, not parts to buy I mean a car building mode and using other cars chassis) that I think WRC 2023 did.

Cover shooters varying of moving around walls in certain ways. You get the idea. Creativity has just gotten weaker.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


@WanderWhere Same here. Sorry for big comments. But I think this all the time with videos I watch/games I play/research and end up with large comments like this.

I think the game has great personality, has cameos/PlayStation characters which is 'fine' rather then more bots or original characters, done before themes and the cosmetics are fair for being in each themed level but not all are mechanically different either I assume, but does it break new gameplay ground nope.

I saw the screenshot of the mouse ears and went hmm helicopter like Rayman with his hair, maybe a sense of hearing, maybe something else because your small, but I haven't played the game but I can already guess it has nothing that mechanically in-depth for it. Balan wasn't great but each suit even for 80 to me went yeah I can sense each has a fair purpose even if not implemented well of the use cases, it still has a use. Like Rayman 3 did with it's suits which is why I bought Balan, I still got my fun out of it besides how bad it is for sure.

I think Astro is overhyped. The creativity is there no doubt and people wanting a break or something to mix in from the cinematic games or just something to play in depseration. But people do seem to have overlooked things for sure.

Many of us with backlogs probably don't feel it that's the thing. We are happy playing PS4, other PS5 or any older gen games, coming up to a compelling PS5/Series/Switch/PC/mobile game and then going back to the other or moving on to the next.

I remember a lot of average games I've played but I was also excited to play them as well usually more than the AAA ones I have no interest in or that got more focus as you do with a collector looking at those left behind, do they still stand out just didn't get sales/marketing or noticed among the competition.

I'm excited to play Astro sure but I also have researched/played older games I find are more mechanically compelling (platformers, shooters and racing besides a few hack n slashes, with better mechanical competition of ideas in older gens, many left behind because no one cares, marketing or not moving forward mindsets these devs have or whatever comes to mind even though I can make comparison to some like Nightingale is similar to MystCraft in it's realm cards for example) with FAR more compelling mechanics we never see again, because we never see them again and no Indies or AAA look to the past that deep, always the surface level, always recycling or whatever.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 (PS5) - Grimdark Shooter Is an Instant Co-Op Classic


@Jedge396 As far as I remember there is a PVE mode (as in 3 character missions at least I always see 2 others besides the main player's perspective, in those matches or so I think it was) and a PVP mode.

Edit: You can after the intro, beat the intro, it gives context from the first game what happened after wards/a prior to the intro moment and says you have online access for co-op now.

They kind of remind me of Halo 4 Spartan Ops or the Uncharted 3 5 story chapters the PS3 version had (PS4 remaster cut this as no MP) or other sorts of modes that have existed before of story mission modes with other players that have story happen in-between parts of the solo player campaign.

I don't know for bots filling in for PVE or not.

I don't know enough how the online MP co-op will go I'd say look around for articles on that how assigning friends/strangers or otherwise works I can't say for sure.

Just did a search for some articles on it and GAMERANT said this:

"Does Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Support Co-Op? Yes, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 does support co-op. You can play the entire campaign and PvE modes with up to two of your friends, though LAN is not supported."

Other info about the PVE mode:

So that's a good sign for people to play 2 modes (campaign/PVE) in online co-op RIP LAN/Splitscreen oh well. At least by what the articles says (check others to be sure).

I hadn't heard anything about the campaign being co-op in videos so had to check, I haven't seen anything in the menus about it (maybe it appears when using party or whatever and however that gets setup to detect I don't know) (as when setting it up to play the intro 'still in progress'), but that doesn't mean it doesn't offer it I just didn't see the setting listed.

I think the classes/skills are part of the PVE mode, I haven't heard enough about PVP (other than matchmaking briefly) just the campaign how it functions and more the PVE mode.

Have fun.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 (PS5) - Grimdark Shooter Is an Instant Co-Op Classic


Other than what I saw in SW Outlaws with weird over used smoke/gas/particles in some places (in swamps sure, in general areas it makes no sense, people can't see it, it wasn't dust kicked up so why is it there, make it a mechanic not some nonsense for the environments). Ruining the environments visually.

It could have squad commands it could have class abilities/perks but doesn't. Still fun though. Some guns with varied mods to them. The flamethrower for a swarm segment. It has good moments though. More 'fun' set pieces then most modern games that's for sure.

I think the game is perfectly fine, it has a few combat moves up on what the first game had which is nice, setpieces look good, some parts remind me of Narnia on PS2 but instead of the battles being 2D models they are now 3D. Of course other games tried to do that back in the day, racing games with crowds, etc. The Tyranids being all grey but with differences in some areas is fair for the CPU to have many in groups. They may match the actual species I don't know I'm not deep into Warhammer as others are with the games, board game, lore etc.

The swarms I think will vary of challenge, mission will be far, enemy AI seems about fair, the environments offer a blend of color while the first was very desert and facility I haven't seen much but the jungle/facility blending I think is better in later chapters.

I do wonder why they didn't have the classes/some perks as a prep for the MP modes it is odd to me but it doesn't devalue the experience at all.

The blood on the armour is really nice. Some shadows when seeing in quality/speed mode is interesting. Seeing a scene with the shadows near the launch gear/feet of the ships or some shade/colour screen or how the lighting works is interesting. Some quality mode stuff makes it blurry.

Series S was a surprise it's blurry (fair technique decision) while the PS3/360 of the first game were just pixelated. PS3 especially. But I was running off the 1.0 version of the disk not an update. 360 with the update I don't know if it changed much visually. So it's interesting there how they want to hide details different ways Relic and Saber. It works but just surprised they went with that. They really want the environments and enemy numbers to be what they are hmm. It's no Dead Rising on Wii or other downscaled it has to be visuals with this game or other games then of overhauling they just won't do it this gen huh. Just a few less enemies nope, visuals sacrificed. Which is fine I don't care but it is interesting.

It's a good game but yeah lot of interesting details, the tone is great, new things like the transports/meteors cycling is understandable but when new ones come FPS takes a hit, or the collapsing structure elements. The game wants to push swarms, have scripted parts and that's fine but yeah they are noticeable of FPS dropping for has or hasn't happened yet spawned in (for the background set pieces details/objects on cycle not just battlefields the player can walk and are to engage with)/predicted or not moments the consoles try to keep up with things.

Re: PlayStation to Mark 30th Anniversary with New Gran Turismo Demo, Merch, Soundtracks


Unit 13 really? Surprised Sony even remember it.

Sony has the IP they are just too lazy to use the IPs for soundtracks/merch/books/a new game. They prioritise what suits them for their strategy nowadays. Ignorance.

They are ok backgrounds but that exciting no. They fit the style they go for though. The artists know what they are making and it executes it well.

The IPs they picked were safe and also for a certain adult audience too hmm I wonder why. Why just God of War, Unit 13 then Socom, their mature IPs, what about HMMMM I don't know any of their older ones? Any of the family friendly IPs whether recent or a gen ago if they don't want to dig too deep. They are so lazy it's astounding. Surprised Twisted Metal is even here as besides the TV show what else have they even done?

Even if it was trickling out I highly doubt it. Even if they had to pick 5 only, the lack of variety is what annoys me most there. If they had only 5 they wanted to stick to, they can offer variety from various IPs they have and I'd be totally ok with this even if not IPs I'm absolute on either. I'm buying up many of their older IPs, no idea what the OSTs are like or care anything I find most OSTs forgettable or boring structurally to listen to.

Oh they would just love people to play GT7 a game so pathetic, so live service, so garbage of a career mode, dealership that's less exciting then Project Gotham Racing 2 to walk around in not a 1 off cutscene and eh menu design, a story so bad even the Tokyo Extreme Racer dialogue to talk to on the side is better and you talk to them not a bunch of profile pictures with dialogue, a background and profile pictures, visual novels with Live 2D look more appealing then these and with dialogue less awkward. The modes are ok but not that great and the feeling in GT Sport to 7 was so eh of minor I don't care. I hate 5 & 6's physics more but hat was due to the comfort tires restrictions Polyphony forced on events not just the really bad physics they have.

I didn't even mind seeing Jeff Gordan in GT5, the model was fine to me compared to the cars/crowd, they tried and I respect that, progression structure of Forza Motorsport 6 and GT5 combined that are so infuriatingly dumb for level systems and parts/invitations, why bother. I won't even try the free demo it's trash. I could to see 'what' it offers. But GT Sport I hated too but even if I bought it 2 years before the 1.69 offline patch I still found it better.

Polyphony try to do new things but the problem is they aren't fun or exciting to me. The modes are ok, the career was confusing, the music rally is forgettable even if saving on licensing money and things done in the past/not repeating which is fine and the cars/tracks cost to much of licenses. But why not something ORIGINAL. Why less garbage attempts to make their old tracks look garbage and realistic then well have the fantasy element to them still, it was more appealing that way. Why Vision GT? Can't car manufacturers make simulations themselves? They have the money to do so. Why so many boring tracks. Why such boring decisions.

They don't want to dig deep enough, renew many other trademarks or anything, dig up enough of OSTs at all. They don't care. Sony can keep pushing their current IPs all I care, I don't care for merch, I don't care for them, the PS5 isn't worth my time.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


Is it good with cameos yes (not a graveyard indeed), is it good with core mechanics IT OFFERS yes, level design eh the themes are generic.

Does it look & feel probably great I bet it does. Does it have unique enough mechanics like older platformers nope. The ears look cool, no mechanic, small size theme/cosmetic, sigh. No Rayman heli mouse ears in that level I bet or wind for puzzles/attacks. Out of the box ideas. Gameplay first EVERYTHING.

People can want presentation, charm, graphics, whatever level design/easy mechanics, no puzzles (unless platforming related I assume), etc. Dualsense use are be fine, level design/movesets look done before.

But feel/out of the box (platformers/racing, arcade feel, floaty not heavy drops/jumps/tight I hate, I don't want realism/hate heavy feeling characters), uses (attacks eh, platforming items to puzzle solve/general moves matter A LOT) & does level design do something crazy cool. Most times to me. No they don't. Some platformers are really safe in their level design/movesets so you bet I'm critical.

I don't deny this game is great, his character with the beams with his legs/his charming character design/personality & visuals are great, but that's not enough for me.

Many push combat/dialogue/charm, I want platforming to be GOOD. Most times it's bland.

Splatoon 2 was good to me early this year, grapple/other details were simple but great QOL over 1 & the guns as grapples, etc. were fair & the level design was great. For modern it was good. No minigame/quest based crap.

I think it will have a lot of cool stuff no doubt, trailer shows lots of cool stuff (not watching reviews showing off levels I don't want spoilers), the grapple, and other stuff from past games, some fair new stuff I've seen in other footage. But is it THAT amazing no actually.

Many platformers have done a lot over the years in abilities/level design/marketing not reaching people, more dialogue/combat/other crap & level design/movesets taking a hit.

Many that the Indies even are inspired by all feel bland, & why because the level design is eh, the movesets are pathetic & to be honest they don't have the talent & their inspiration is just weak.

Here Astrobot has the talent & the polish but are the mechanics/moveset actually as good as the forgotten platformers nope. AA platformers I have no nostalgia & are still better.

Mario/Sonic/Ratchet kept being lazy to add anything that exciting other than keep up with themselves. Odyssey may be what it is but I've seen plenty of capture mechanics before and better done even if Odyssey's is the simplest.

Sonic going open 'zone' was fine. Insomniac just pissing on the floor with Rift Apart over Crack in Time's built up dramatic change of the formula & pathetic rift feature that Crack built up as a start on an HDD. 2021 with staff changes just annoys me with current gaming. RA was as story piece of slop, & boring gameplay wise.

Same with racing, my favourite racing games are from the past because modern ones suck.

Puzzle PS1/PSP not Tetris/Match 3 games, obstacle course ones.

Astrobot does a great job but even if I am fine with the few that gave 10s then the 9s of those going oh it's not game of the year material.

I wouldn't/I wasn't that interested. Gori/Akimbot were that bit more.

Older platformers ideas WERE experimental, STILL ARE FRESH/UNIQUE in the genre, no one wants to copy them, expand on them, make their own mechanics like them. That's my problem.

Re: Players Take the Easy Way Out in Pursuit of Concord's Coveted Platinum PS5 Trophy


Don't care for trophies but in some cases having a platinum for games that die, and especially this one having a short lifespan it is a trophy/achievement in itself.

It's very much a story to tell the grandchildren. "Grandpa/ma, how did you get that trophy?". "Ah well it went something like this kiddo for this game called Concord that only lasted 2 weeks, we had to find these strategies to beat it in time you see". XD

That or the players creating their own story with what's left of the game.

So good on those going for it even if by ridiculous measures.

Like those that stayed on the Nintendo network when it shut down.

Re: Internal Sony Fairgame$ PS5, PC Chatter Is Reportedly Quite Positive


There talent is probably worth something but does that mean the right staff have the right mindset of the audience in mind this time?

This is just Sony's Pay Day 3 isn't it? Or Crime Boss Rockay City was I forget and had to look it up again and that came and went and was ok quality but also laughable.

Audiences may be picky but when game devs make such garbage what are we supposed to be excited for? The game design is one thing of safe or pathetic then exciting and the worlds/characters/movesets lack appeal as well.

Knowing their audience when they really don't, expecting trending audiences when they don't even know what they are like or what games they play, why they like them, what fun they have with them. Just stereotypes they hear about They clearly know them.

If their game design is actually GOOD and not a waste of people's time? I've only heard about them from articles not their prior games so I have no context I'll be real about that.

If they actually think about things and Sony doesn't go eh just give us your live services money you sheep and say stupid professional sounding nonsense again and think were stupid no matter how product they are but don't really care unless the money is coming in.

They can want their multiplayer money, but if the studios don't try hard enough or Sony intervenes and tells them to do such things and ruins the product we know it wasn't the devs. If the devs are that stupid about it that's their own fault for not knowing enough what audineces want or what makes it fun not just reskined clones and make something distinct.

If MMOs keep being just as bland/clone like too same problem MP shooters have to follow a formula then competition we had for racing/shooters/platformers in the 2000s and they were way better and I buy them up because they were so good at competing with ideas.

Re: Minecraft's Weird Live Action Movie Is Going to Be Massive, Isn't It?


Actors, IP relevance, how accurate to the game and it's open possibilities, who knows, who cares I assume people won't because it's Minecraft. They have this to milk the IP. The possibilities are there but who cares anyways. It's IP milking, that's why it exists and is the only reason it exists. Audiences are dumb, execs know it. What else is there.

Last few Minecraft updates sucked anyways. DnD wasn't my type of movie but I saw the appeal in it still. Seeing it again. Eh western animators & realism, the creativity is hit & miss some good some bad, eh acting direction/personality-less characters.

Even if vanilla offers enough material to work with, who cares to see it really? Same with how Ratchet 2016 made half a remade game, cut off the best levels and moments in the game of combat and story telling because WE CAN'T HAVE CONFLICT in a kids story, Insomniac your story telling wasn't movie quality but it was better than Rainmaker's trash writing when you went by whatever adult/kid audience 2000s movies & made your own interesting world. Not a safe but boring one by an animation studio trying to be too heavily inspired by Illumination.

They slapped together whatever they could, had a few gun cameos & whatever other ties for characters that make no difference being there at all, other games with deeper lore barely translate well of Halo, Assassin's Creed & more because the staff in the movie/tv show industry don't care even though a LOT of material is available. So why should I care here.

Minecraft has no story & that's what makes it good, we can make our own, it's a VIDEO GAME. So playing in it is fun. Imaginations go wild.

Same can happen in a movie sure but I also don't care. What I experience in the game & other players as well, will be more fun then this overly produced slop fest of a movie. Budget means nothing (it may look good, it may also be a Lego movie or some other generic story, boring! as if many others aren't copy pasted bland stories, Sonic movie for example it felt like a Paddington or Santa Claus, some boring family drama adults for the 'adults' compared to adult fans/kids that like the games/character, Sonic is there... getting back to his world. Wow what great writing. Maybe 2 & Knuckles are better but even still. Actors, characters, the bare minimum/milking. Audiences are simple emotionally/nostalgically.

Uncharted was just the 4th game mixed with parts of the 1st 3 and no Golden Abyss as well it's fine to skip it really. A good game but still not fussed it was skipped of relevance anyway of references or anything.

Got better things to do/see. I've got better to do with other games or modded Minecraft experiences then care about a movie for one of the biggest IPs to make more money from it. Snore.

An animated movie or a tv show anthology would be better. Not this. Actually anything not milking the IP would be better actually but they can't do that. Dungeons was eh, Legends tried but was just empty and badly approached what it was going for. Overlord/Pikmin/Army Corps of Hell and more do it better and fill in the space. Legends doesn't even know how to do that it's so bland and 'modern'.

Web series will be better then this because they already exist and use the game/it's artstyle and NPCs/enemies in many ways already.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


Concord if it was a wider audience appealing game then as target as it was of audience, more distinct as 8+ years games change, audiences are comfortable by then, regardless of live service model people may not be into, regardles of challenge of Sea of Thieves vs PS5 sales & way they handled content to on a 1 console/1st party (besides PC) GAAS can work it's just HOW.

Nothing wrong narrowing to a certain audience but is that audience large enough those interested? It shows in sales, wishlisting, may have when cheap, never cared, PS+, etc.

Besides beta, besides streamers/their audience/people that follow groups, besides whatever else was said to listen/ignore & buy/play/enjoy those that do. Besides audience ceiling of GAAS/MP people are comfortable with/tried beta & didn't like it.


Do people want better graphics sure, also gameplay/story/level design & more, but they don't have to listen/don't think broad enough of design either (anyone that applies to besides higher ups expectations yes). Cloning vs 5-7th gen competition was better of game design features not copy paste game design/reskins.

If coding/engine staff want it that's on them not audiences that seek graphics. They make those decisions to push RT, & more core elements to games besides animators, artists, designers & more doing their parts.

Whatever execs/pub staff/HR also say.

The core staff & their roles make the product happen of most of the product in the end besides MTX/DLC etc. Whoever oversees it can say whatever, audiences as well. Who makes a product is the one that makes it end up that way in the end.

If these studios want to waste 300+ mill on their games by all means. Cutscenes, well known or any voice actors don't have to be a thing, they don't have those aspects of presentation. They can easily go with in-game moments. They can easily go for different artstyles, different audiences to sell to while still going wide audience enough.

They make these decisions. People can say oh audiences don't know what they want. In some cases that is true, but those vocal enough/those making suggestions know what they want, play games a lot of their life, go back to retro games not always for nostaglia (I don't) & just want games to be better.

Journalists have their place as well.

I've made it clear how I feel about games even ones I'm not going to play that are live service, that are RPGs or other types of games.

I give suggestions. Journos see games more than we do, yet don't see the future coming?

People do take trailers too seriously in some cases yes, I never do I wait it out, get them cheap & buy what actually interests me, or play demos, but when some marketing is CGI trailers, big budget whatever, or safe trending not distinct competition but garbage were going to call it out, only showing so much, only so much articles say is all we can go on as we customers & don't get hands on unless a demo. Marketing/Indies games that are few percent interesting as well.

Concord has quality but lacks appeal/understanding.

My Foamstars suggestions aren't good but make my point of distinction for a game I didn't play. I cared.

I don't hate GAAS/MPs. But I give pointers how games could be better, why audience target with Foamstars/Concord are very different audience sizes, with Destruction Allstars why would a vehicle combat game appeal to a trending audience. Idiots.

Re: Suicide Squad Studio Hit with Layoffs After Poor Sales


Yeah with Batman VR for Meta, if that does better than Assassin's Creed Nexus I do wonder, PSVR1 it was fair but here no clue.

Some smart staff or whichever staff that do or don't care that can't get through to the publisher/execs, QA easy to drop.

It's just sad. Who was going to tell them, who was going to listen to what audiences want then pushing an IP no one wanted pushed as far as it has been.

Audiences aren't always what I agree with as some are a bit particular and I have my own preferences then whatever key aspects in a game, but if it comes to an IP no one really likes, pushing it more and more to go 'oh this will land, eat it up already you sheep' that the parent companies want to be bigger, that the Suicide Squad content, the price of entry and more is not compelling why even bother trying to push it.

When willo they learn?

I'm not into the whole whatever culture of the game thing, I go for game design not the worlds/dialogue/themes, they can be terrible or particular and I will still be turned away but I usually will still ignore it if gameplay is appealing, with tv shows it's bad and I'm not interested at all, but when it comes to down to it, if an IP doesn't land any which way why keep pushing?

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Star Wars Outlaws?


Eh kind of SW fan, not my kind of game but watching someone else play it/talked about it/played to tweak settings that's it.

Puzzles could be better, cards are good but the sound based door puzzles are not good, they could be tweaked for accessibility and clarity. The symbols one is fair.

Enemy AI is hit and miss. Character movement is ok.

Visuals/lighting/particles/gas clouds for atmosphere are very distracting. The ray tracing doesn't help the game, the artstyle is one thing, but the lighting is not handled well.

Her backstory in the intro was a load of WHAT? They have a scene that should be easy to justify her being what she is early on, but I'm like that should justify it but she still seems like she isn't a good enough smuggler. I know a cutscene shouldn't determine everything but even still. It just seemed weird to me. Some scenes are just weird, some level design is awkward.

The online not noticed as an issue when playing to 'impact' the game but in 10 years like The Crew it will be. Good luck people having 10 years to play it then the online DRM makes it unplayable.

Reputation system is better then I expected, a bit annoying, probably not as Infamous Second Son Good/Evil to grind to get it back up annoying but it's fair for traders or sneaking in and out or easy access into their sectioned off locations.

The timer for a reputation side mission was not clear (top right corner, Kay doesn't say anything, they don't put a prompt saying a timer or anything it just starts in the top right corner like any other mission and expects you to have noticed, I had to point it out to the person playing it they just didn't know) on one of those reputation increasing side missions though. With low reputation those types are just a give up immediately type to get from one side to the other and into where they need you to go.

Charms are fair to explore/acquire compared to RPG formula in my opinion even though those into the RPG systems aren't going to like this game. Reputation higher level gear with perks is a nice thing.

Losing credits for awkward AI is not great. Too much stealth focus is a bit of a turn off. The stealth being so basic isn't great. Other stealth games have more options to work with.

Nix is good in uses for many situations. Many perks/upgrades are fairly cool/useful.

Weapons as powerups/treated like a large machine gun of very quick use or drop when climbing is just ridiculous.

The pistol needed to be like Control was, or make it a gun that EXPANDS WITH PARTS TO BE A SNIPER with a scope, SHOTGUN spray or other more CREATIVE uses for it but they don't seem to have that level of imagination at all it seems, like why?

The game has it's moments. 5-7/10.

Game is rushed in areas but that's to be expected due to The Division 2 updates, Avatar then this months later. That's hard on Massive to deal with. So I give them a fair pass in some cases but others seem just odd at times.

Climbing on craggy rock at one point and wouldn't climb up, yeah not as bad as sliding down a rope and going through the platform at the bottom other the speeder not working with ramps but yeah it is still unfortunate.

That's from me watching someone else play it/talking about the game with them and their experience/watching a fair few segments, not myself play it. I have played a bit but to help the person playing it/confirm camera and other settings.