Comments 698

Re: Crunchyroll Anime Finally Comes to PS Plus, Kind Of


So delayed and not a 'only some regions' like PS3 streaming (I get servers and licensing and other factors for sure or just internet connection speeds aren't there). If it's just taking time that's totally understandable they can take their time to roll it out for each region.

It's a fair bonus but even then not that interested. If it's particular shows sure, still need a CR sub/membership I assume? So PS+ or not is it like the Neflix on 360 and Xbox Live Gold again? The 2 subs needed? Or is it the CR free trial or what? Or no?

I'm just not fussed enough even if I have family with access to the services with PS+ Deluxe there is a 'start' for more than Sony content in the future but due to the way it's handled of Vue, the PS4 branding one I don't even know I assume just movies/TV shows in their own bubble? To Core. Not only is it unclear how they will go with success with it. Even if streaming then individual season/film purchases as a difference. Or whatever rental or bonus of the PS+ sub or whatever.

It's just awkward and also don't care for any of the content on there or most western movie/tv show content that much these days. May be the odd I'd watch with others, but I'm not desperate/planning to go out of my way to see it. Games sure 100% times more, tv/movies nah. I don't even buy physical western tv/movies, why would I streaming either.

Honestly I buy my anime physical so eh. Any Crunchyroll anime that have been out recently or prior I've got or don't care/they aren't available but I'm not fussed. RIP Madman dying and now Crunchyroll takes over of those licenses/IPs in my region instead and it took till this year for them to get their subtitles on dubbed audio. Like why? Why the online approach of sub and dub but the dub audio channel/subtitles couldn't for years? Whether the CR/Funi collab or even after that. The last release that had that came out in around August/September 2023 for me. That show I checked the settings and went FINALLY.

Any licensor/DVD and Blu-ray menu team could get that working as a basic expected feature but no it took that long till this year to do that. It's hilarious their releases are just bad I care for the IP then their quality of releases and prefer others releases more. Even then while bonus features aren't much in some releases these days still sucks.

Re: PlayStation Users Set to Lose Hundreds of TV Shows They Paid For


Whether the Nintendo eshop re-downloads going down (however that ends up for PS3/Vita stores, however it is for PSP currently I don't know).

How many consoles or hard drives can we keep around until they all die and go 'ok plug in, detach, store away' to not have it constantly plugged in and wasting it's life away or keep them safe.

While I never use the services I did always wonder. Even the comic/music services on PSP how did those go I don't know? Were they better and people were able to keep their content on there or needed a PS+ or certain PSN profile to be accessible online then offline?

To digital movies/TV shows (Sony having PS Vue, then whatever the PS4 service was called now 'Core' it's not very good signs of staying up. Yet Microsoft or Steam still have their movies/shows services but however the content on those are I don't know probably similar but hear it more on the PlayStation side) you bought and the license holders says no it goes further, no re-downloads, no purchase of value anymore it's just wrong. It's mobile game 'we took your money and ran goodbye'. You have no a 'non-functional app' not oh the servers are off you can play offline, it's gone forever.

We will own nothing and be happy about it. No thank you.

Physical for collectors only to no collectors editions at all is the thing I always wonder. Streaming services taking content off 'whenever it comes back we don't know' probably never, it wasn't popular, they don't want to renew the license, they move the license around from service to service, it's tiring annoying, it makes it clear who owns it and what they do with it but to 'care' about it, whether the access, the merch, yeah it's hard to care about the IP when it's handled a certain way after a while, whatever the case, yeah scary stuff.

I don't care for any of the content on them let alone the popular content they offer doesn't interest me it's the more lower level content I care for. People can buy all the big movies they want. I'm just going and buying my anime physical but the lower tier ones, not the multiple parts popular ones the complete series less people care about it ones not because of that it's just the ones I care for and also end up being that less popular and packaged that way (at least they are available than those even lower down that don't even get a physical/streaming access at all and flopped).

Nor do I find it a safe service to use. Sony putting their own content on there sure but it's like UMD movies/tv shows again, a service for their content then the variety because it has to get started/it doesn't have the broader ones people looking for.

Licensed games or movies/tv shows it's just sad. Physical with the digital slips inside no way do I use those 'this is the only service that has it digital' I am not using that slip. I'm buying it for the physical to use in any console or DVD/Blu-ray player I choose not 1 service I have to use it for. At that point give me the digital files with no service it's tied to oh they won't do that well there we go that's the answer to that then. Even if encrypted/DRM just offer the files.

Re: 12 Extra Atari 2600 Games Are on the Way to Atari 50, Even More in Further Updates


Probably some fair games. I'll take a free update, re-install it, play those games and get back to the ones I didn't finish playing. I enjoy this collection. The updates are a way for people to go back to it of course but still I have yet to anyway. I do the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive 360 Collection too for some games/progress I've made in a few.

I didn't care as much for the PS4/Xbox One Vol 1 & 2 collections (own Vol 1). Some high score games I enjoyed the mechanics/movesets but others didn't do it for me.

I'll continue the Jaguar/Lynx games, I'll continue Adventure and others with some progress/where I left off.

I went through all the games/history stuff to 'test them'. The ones I have stuck with are the Lynx/Jaguar due to them having more content/leaning to the more come back to them approach then some others being simple/high score.

(I enjoy timers or missions with arcade feel but as progression based content usually.

I don't hate high score focused games but prefer preset challenges of arcade career modes, the time trial challenges, races, etc. or setting my own if need be to replay games with my own challenges.

The timers/lives are fine but don't always care to create a bot match/my own quick race all the time only very rarely because I care to check the modes/weapons/maps more than I do creating my own fun unless it's more creating your own career mode templates kind of stuff. Or your own tournaments in WipEout Pulse or something.

Or a level editor. I used to. Not so much anymore but found them to be cool if the constraints allowed for enough that is.

modes then quick races unless I care to)

I was more curious about them then the rest. The 5200/7800 perspectives were more clear then just 'library' videos (same with Lynx/Jaguar) covering the games and only the visuals then the gameplay in Atari 50 being more clear.

I enjoyed Cybermorph, sure the polygon graphics have their charm or confusion but I had fun with it regardless of that, the controls are really good.

People go so fast when laughing at it in videos and bumping into stuff yet you can scale it really well surprisingly, people would rather make jokes then actually play it and that's just sad, whether they altered them or not compared to the original it's likely but still. So 'playing it properly' I enjoyed it, I understood the planets, the goals in them and didn't read the manual other than for controls that's it.

I have yet to get through Scrapyard Dog and others with many levels/learn them and their difficulty, their design.

Says a lot me caring about niche consoles, putting in the experience in emulators or collections like this and getting a real perspective as someone not born when these games were even a thing.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for December 2023 Announced


Not a PS+ sub but fair month. Lego 2K Drive has it's appeal.

Sable I had to look up as I forgot what it was, but had heard the name before, seems fine for people into it I think probably the stand out of the month.

Powerwash I mean sure..... I get why it's successful but eh. Not my thing of appeal whether as a simulator/cosy/do mundane things but it ends up being fun. The content they have added makes sense too I guess via DLC/updates or however their handling it.

Like I said a fair month. None of interest to me either.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation's Finally Poised to Penetrate the Mobile Market in the Right Way


Horizon has a great world/setting/themes but it's just the gameplay. So an MMO isn't a bad idea but the support is going to be the test for that. Call of the Mountain same thing the world is great, the controls/gameplay were a bit eh. Like Robinson the Journey by Crytek people ignore from the PS4 BC list but a bit too fair I think with the climbing/interactivity and the combat was 'fine' of the arenas/mini bosses but not great. It felt fine but also like playing Red Steel 1 well Star Wars PSVR2 port was the reloading I was like why? When Red Steel 2 feels much better I just go yeah better can happen then overdoing some interactivity that pushes the gyro and it doesn't work. I never hated Heavenly Swords' crossbow aiming it worked fine to guide the bolts while others I'm like eh they function well as someone now used to motion but even then eh.

The story makes sense, the characterisation is fair but the gameplay was just so eh for me. Guerilla like the rest know how to make interesting worlds though I never had issues with Killzone's world/setting/inspiration let alone it's gameplay probably not changing much but was still good then Resistance 2 being COD like in gameplay and 3 just shows Insomniac wasted their time and should have stood out more 'gameplay wise' story/themes were still there, the punishing difficulty too.

From their PS Mobile period that died in 2015 alongside first party Vita support and the Vita had it's continued life from there from third party Japanese/Indies I did always wonder how well those did for how early of smartphone mobile was by Sony then they were besides the Xperia Play in 2011 and even their J2ME period with God of War Betrayal, Ratchet Going Mobile and more besides just the PlayStation Allstars Island and more they did that I know barely anything about.

WipEout Rush disappeared ouch (It was a fair spin but also a GT manager game made more sense, were used to B spec, also why a manager game? or more idle games just make a proper game you could literally even port Pure/Pulse/2048 to mobile even and be good like what a waste of time. I enjoyed Gear Club Unlimited 2 and it's just a more console sequel of a mobile game port to Switch without the mobile game details in them.

The DLCs add more and 'kind' of compete with Grid Autosport on Switch but I mean besides Eden games return/knowing what their doing the controller support for Gear Club made me go oh this isn't too bad, still mobile aspects sure but racing games with touch/gyro have been around for ever on mobile anyways so my comparison was clear on how they went about the mobile/console differences of not only a game without the mobile details in there but how the mobile one didn't have much to cut out from Gear Club Unlimited 1 on Switch the port either and how the sequel changed things slightly).....

I mean when they don't market it like many projects that need it that are niche like duh Sony/PlayStation and it's also not what fans wanted. For abandonware it's sad but at the same time most of their audience is on console and well many sci-fi racers exist on mobile I assume (things change so much I haven't kept track) and many on console with a 'revival period' of Redout, Xenon Racer and more besides the Fast series exist on Nintendo platforms, but the WipEout name means more on console even if niche in a way still compared to Kart Racers iconic characters/details as party games or Arcade/Sim racers with real cars and particular modes and details.

Fate GO will easily give them money as it is. But they don't market them at all. IP names are something but still. I forget Sackboy Run exists I kind of knew then I just ignore it.

I don't play mobile games only use my phone as a music player and a tech device to test things and that's about it.

Re: The Game Awards' Big Popularity Contest Is Underway


Wanted Dead, Pikmin 4, Disgaea 7's demo (get the full game eventually same with Bayonetta Origins), Clive n Wrench and retro/2022 games are all I experienced this year. Not the big games (haven't Hi Fi Rush yet or some others probably forgetting) as don't care for them.

Re: Spider-Man 2's Best Side Mission Has Been Nominated for an Award


Interesting not heard of this one as someone that hasn't played it but didn't come across it with those that are playing it. I mean for a small segment of the game sure..... Infamous Second Son's use of the Dualshock 4 for spray paint missions were great to use the gyro for. Also Insomniac can do it for Spiderman 2 (if that's how it works, it may be different and just the Haptics/Triggers not gyro who knows) but not Rift Apart weapon aiming? WTF?

I don't care for emotion/whatever situations as much. Audio wise/more it's cool but I mean themes/'actually' doing something I mean it's hard to agree on the gameplay front it being exciting besides the themes/story aspects of it being the focus. It's always story/themes but when better dialogue or moments I assume exist in the game they will likely overshadow this side missions for others with more exciting characters, funny moments and more not always touching ones getting awards.

I mean inclusion is fine but I can play the Quiet Man (oops can't talk about that game that flopped can I? Did it get a representation award Journos? Or was it too early for that award to be a thing which if it was then understandable but still, hmmmmmmmmmmm) as well too and that's a whole game about being deaf, or Infamous Second Son's spray paint missions or maybe some OG Xbox games with some graffiti or other culture.

I have no issue with representation especially for the deaf/motor unable and more but a side mission getting an award for this brief moment while it's cool, still I mean like come on.

I always thought a book about someone deaf/someone using headphones with music a lot or some sort of dynamic (not defined it much yet it was only an idea I had and never much more) and whatever events from there would be cool whether action or slice of life focused not sure but I wouldn't make it a big deal of 'look inclusion' just I think the dynamic is cool besides the well interesting character perspectives to cover. Not to push messages, emotion or other things people like to do. I like characters with interesting quirks, games with interesting gameplay. That's it. Just like any superhero comic likely has different character's powers let alone location/whatever other differences for their regular life.

I only liked the Radar, ground pound and laser missions in SM2018, besides the lab puzzles, the rest were pretty gameplay and otherwise average at best. Yes I'm a gameplay person and if the gameplay is fun and the themes are fine sure. I don't need gameplay matches story, that doesn't matter to me.

This spray paint thing gives me Infamous Second Son vibes and I loved those side missions (they were fun, actually made me go oh this feels more like Delsin then the story missions did and I only cared to play it for the side missions spray paint, camera hiding and more, Spiderman I got bored with more than Infamous Second Son where I finished it, I haven't Spiderman 2018) but seeing as Journos will go the emotional/themes/other factors not surprised.

Like being Spiderman is more exciting, the 'relatable' human stuff is fine but even still eh. Power fulfillment isn't everything I get that but I mean I already don't care about open worlds as it is because of boring missions 'any character' could do so when a game has stand out stuff I care. Let alone generic characters/college dropout looking character designs (paraphrasing/quoting Scott the Woz).

Aka why the Sunset Overdrive tower defence areas were more exciting, towers, shooting and grinding on rails. Yes the areas don't move or do much but I don't expect that really here even if it would have been cool but they aren't moving landmass.

I'd do them over and over then outposts because the 'towers' are more fun then stealth/whatever take downs and waves the outpost way, it's 'different' it's not playable anywhere else, doing the Spiderman like moveset stuff is exciting then whatever stealth/walking around doing things any other game can/any other character can gameplay wise, similar idea, more exciting.

Also as not all have a Far Cry use an animal or other exciting methods, many outposts aren't the most fun combat puzzles ever.

Re: Reaction: You Really Shouldn't Be Surprised Kids Want PS5, PS4 Game Currencies for Xmas


90% good to see. I may get additional money but that's still cash in a card/envelope. It's part of the birthday/Christmas budget and that's it. No way in-game currency. If people get gift cards for other games that's understandable though I just buy physical so it's going to physical games I can easily keep/play for years singleplayer or offline bots.

I play Minecraft on PC modded, all free fan content. Not the console version with a marketplace. Sure content creators for the game (not talking Youtubers/Streamers) get a cut besides Mojang but I mean on PC Java Edition the EULA says those creators can't get money, on console they can, logic there I know, donations they get but that's it. All Bedrock PC/mobile importable (not on console only mobile/PC versions of it) stuff is on a third party website (if you know where to look correctly and what your doing so it's a bit of a hassle if you don't know how), same with Java Edition, all free on Curseforge and other sources 'if you know how'. I made videos/wikis in a response to sort of help the fan modders and others/give my thanks to the community besides just using so many for free over 10 years (in the last few years the wikis/videos I mean). Why would I use the console versions for not because saving money but because the game is meant to be played with it's base game with free updates after the paid game (aka like No Man's Sky or others no marketplace just base game/Workshop or whatever modding methods) or free content modifications not exploited for money on console because Microsoft made it happen or third party servers on console/PC that do that and aren't related.

I ask for games physical as gifts or other items. I have gotten toys, not so much books/tv shows as I know my tastes and other family members don't so that limits things and making sure I get the right volumes in a series/start a new series but I can buy most of what I need to now. Only more expensive stuff or ones I think can have some meaning do I have others gift me. I don't mind gifting a book, tv show or something else that appeals to them.

While likely. Gift cards sure but for different games on the eshops or subscriptions services with the many games to play I think is fair. For the 1 game/multiplayer subscription ones ok that is bad and more self control/change of mind there.

But if the average parent (there is some valid comments by those above, I may not fit the parent situation myself but I agree with them as anyone can telling a friend or other family members why not to waste their money like that on multiplayer/live service games that can shut down then an Assassin's Creed or something where the purchases for DLC are fair I guess but you still get the base game easily not the others that can die easily, purchases are reduneant and cosmetics have no meaning then looks not a gameplay/practical purpose with quests/other stuff worth keeping)...

...isn't informed and just does it to please them/get the kid doing other things, or kids steal the credit card or whatever other factors then well that's on them than other people into gaming that understand the medium more.

How many people actually explain things or go yeah you don't need to join in on this trend. The average person doesn't care even besides the parents that do prevent too many credit card purchases. But with those that have them play other games for kids, teen, etc. then whatever trending games to be cool then well yeah there is a difference.

For people into multiplayer sure it makes sense but singleplayer well many of us still exist. For people that move on quickly sure, if they want to go back to old multiplayer and servers go down and they understand that then the oh you can play this still offline/bots/modded consoles private servers or something then well they can.

I mean how many of us grew up with sixth/seventh gen and ignored our old consoles for new trends for phones and other things? Many people likely, only some of us actually care about or still have those old consoles/people rebought them.

How many had access to an NES at a grandparent or parents? Some people did.

My point there is oh no we only focus on our generation oh we don't care about physical media. Some of us cared about old ways not because their old but because they still have value. I appreciate many old values then I do some business focused new values. Some new values makes sense others don't.

Not all young generations are this way. The current youngest sure it's what they know but the further up many knowing what before the internet was like, many knowing what certain tv shows, ads and more were. What certain key life experiences were. Who remembers the sports were more a thing then games to be cool period many people.

Tell me why I am buying DVDs/Blu-rays for tv shows as much as games and I may watch streaming services but I more so watch whatever and buy up the physical in a 1-2 years however long it takes to localise them, old shows if they get a reprint or streaming service only shows that do end up with a physical and you go, sweet can't wait to get that.

Why am I because I like games physical, I don't like the digital methods, it's not an 'oh I want to be old fashion' it's because it's more suitable to me then the digital future they want us to have. Getting up to put the disk in doesn't bother me then the awkwardness of digital from my perspective in more ways then just oh it's easy to use or oh we don't own anything, just the payment methods I'm like eh no thanks, or oh it's this storefront discount period then the physical, physical has been way better fro discounts to me then oh digital it's discounted, oh full price, physical never keeps it the full price after years just the 'new' lower full price, digital doesn't do that it's full price at launch/discount and that's it not lower and lower or if rare up and up or second hand common games but nonsense price gouging.

So I have many tv shows I enjoy, bought the key ones I like.

Some of us still like physical media, we research old technology gaming or otherwise if we care. Trend follower people do what they do, the rest of us do our own thing regardless of generation we are.

Also it depends who and what. If someone had old consoels they got access to an NES. I never did I only had PS2 onwards but at the same time I still had PS1 games, I bought GT 1 & 2 as my first older games in a PS2 maybe PS3 gen, I don't count that as my collecting period, as have been collecting since 2017+ more so but still if people from any generation have access to something for kids they will understand it besides just only looking forward/what their generation has.

I appreciate old music, I've heard old music, never hated it going oh this is old, it's not for my generation. I don't go out of my way to listen to it much but at the same time I listen to genres that continue it then cut it off too. I'll enjoy some Nu Disco just as a much as 70-80s disco.

We aren't all oh digital, oh trends. Some generations still appreciate the old, I see the comments with people into old tech. I've learned about a lot of old media formats for music/video from certain places.

Re: US Children Want Subscriptions and Currencies for Christmas, Not Games


Scary stuff. Also online multiplayer or streaming services? Ah Roblox/COD and more. Yeah no. If it was streaming services to access more games then I'd understand until the games are off the service.

I never cared for skins even when I knew cheats were a thing or customisation so to me it's always hiliarous. Roblox of course it's games not just that but for COD/Fortnite/Apex I mean eh who cares what you look like then get bored/find the next thing you find cool. Got better things to do then that of depth of gameplay/story over that.

But 1 game with their peers and cosmetics hoping, new shiny things is just being stupid, oh this is boring a few weeks in when the next trending game, next cosmetic, next this and that changes well what a waste of the subscription then. They clearly don't see they are getting played by companies clearly.

Not played by the next opponent in a shooter/what the game rules are in Roblox games. I had to say it I know it's cheesy. XD

I mean there is the variety but if the games drop off a streaming service too then well what's the point. Still more worth then a single game and well wasting money on cosmetics/a level up bar or prestige or whatever.

You can buy the game and sell it to get your gift money back for 'another gift' not fund the next subscription (online I mean then the streaming as of course the next few you demo/keep playing are still worth it in a way then 1 game and the convenience if it benefits) unless it's more worth to them to trial games.

Even if as most games appeal with visual/themes/story then gameplay I doubt it, if it is controls/game design then sure trial them besides just seeing the content more than a trailer/not spoiling the game with a let's play, but as most people favour other aspects of games unless the story/visuals are that unappealing you'd probably look into it or know from a trailer for visuals (if it's not tricking people that is and is accurate enough, besides whatever CGI the animation studio did for the trailers then showing the actual game) but for themes/story well that's hard to tell.

I wasn't getting Forza Motorsport 8 for the trailers those montages made me have less faith in the title till they revealed details and I went nope not interested. Car montages (even slight showing of the upgrade menu was cheap) mean nothing to me at all it could be the intro movie it could be for the trailer only and it's just cars going by however many on the track they don't always show the spin outs, not always the menus and 'actual' aspects of the game always, no HUD no physics it's just a cutscene, only showcases of details do matter for that genre compared to well other games character moments or story/theme/setting details, what game mechanics to make me go ok that's cool then eh that's not really for me.

Kids need to think a bit deeper then playing with peers/trend following/cosmetics/level up bars. There is few that obviously know to appreciate the games (by parents/guardians that teach that), they have and how to better spend their money but some will just go the online multiplayer route like here then the offline multiplayer without a subscription, or play other games, or not follow Youtubers/Streamers all the time (giving their money to them all the time either) or well playing singleplayer, getting whatever you can out of that to then well keep it or get another game.

I never go for groups but it's clear the responses here.

Re: Rediscovered Patent Suggests PS Portal Was In the Works Since at Least 2015


Makes sense. They waited. Like PSVR for more power to process the image/stream better or more tech to progress or more time for IPs to build up too.

The Portal with the PS5 makes sense to transfer more than 720p. The Wii U 480p to the Gamepad 720-1080p the console depending on the games, Vita 360-540p remote play depending on the setting you chose to match and whatever the games actual output.

Phones with Playlink titles working against things even if their own apps technically and not as much sent to the PS4 for quiz games.

Re: Reaction: PS5's Success Is Not Luck, Because Sony's Spent Years Putting in the Hard Yards


@DiggleDog That always made me wonder but it probably says a lot how much digital libraries weren't maybe as big on PS3/360 as I'd have thought even for them being so long and some people still did or didn't get HD ready or used to digital as much even if a prep period of sorts besides well IP direction and game design to come of the future and were more and more PS4/One gen digital libraries mattered.

Re: Reaction: PS5's Success Is Not Luck, Because Sony's Spent Years Putting in the Hard Yards


@nomither6 I agree a dock/handheld isn't new it isn't (Pocket PCs had them, other devices had/have them to charge, Windows Phone Continuum for Windows Phone 10 existed, projectors exist, a cable with a PSP, GameCube and GBA, Sega Nomad, the Switch is just the Wii U downscaled and single screen and no one cared for dual screen as much and not surprised as it was a fad to many and also the Wii U also didn't push the DS/3DS elements of 2 attached screens let alone wirelessly as much I mean the top screen on Wii U 'always' had proitoarty not the Gamepad so no dual screen videos or gameplay on the Gamepad menus on the TV, it kind of did but barely.

Seeing as PS5 doesn't interest me, let alone Sony's IPs don't interest me right now (they sell well regardless of what I think anyway) and my PS4 is literally a third party only console right now besides the handful I wish to collect for it I bought a bunch of Nintendo consoles for get this, the gimmicks, the dual screens angle for example (and compare to Smartglass on Xbox and Vita remote play on PS4).

I people want power then get a PC, if they want gimmicks/different game design in the games offered first party wise they jump platforms. Which I did for just that, game design and gimmicks of the consoles then a powerful console generation after generation. Power doesn't excite me it's boring. I mean if I play for gameplay, not visuals, not story and the gameplay is LITERALLY THE SAME or the vibe/tone/whatever of the games IS THE SAME RANGE OF EXPECTATIONS FOR A TARGET AUDIENCE you bet I'm going to seek varied gameplay or controllers/console features then being bored out of my mind.

If it wasn't PSVR2 or Dualsense Triggers then well a Switch. Everybody 1-2 Switch does the phone thing Playlink on PS4 did a decade later, who used Playlink anyone? Anyone at all that's hardcore, nope ok? More UNO cards off the TV please or COD split-screen like Wii U or whatever else. PS Portal open to it nope single screen device..... Thanks Sony, missed opportunity but it exists to exist sigh.

I'm not getting an Xbox Series other than if I cared for Quick Resume, as I buy physical well good bye that feature then as it's for digital anyway. Smart Delivery has been great but still like PS5 upgrades barely cared for it.

Not just the big games, the niche ones too Nintendo offers I don't care for Mario/Zelda/Pokemon anyway. The majority do but just saying exceptions exist.

So not a Nintendo fan, still an all platforms person but I mean. I skip the nostalgia nonsense. I'll call them out too, PIkmin 4 annoyed me. I think Mario Sports updates are ridiculous (don't play them but still). Like Sakura Wars PS4 I see why Fire Emblem fans have issues with some of the games and why the older entries are better in some ways for characterisation (less silly anime logic then more suitable ways to present them) or gameplay.

The Joycon separating was it took till the homebrew handheld/the Lenovo PC handheld for someone else to follow it up. The account system isn't but I mean it's better than the Vita account swapping at least and I love the Vita.

HD Rumble..... Xbox Impulse Triggers aren't the same or somewhat are but came out 2013. I have not used HD Rumble at all so can only guess (not the same as Dualsense haptics/triggers I know that they feel completely different and more tension of the springs for many stages not just vibration motors at the trigger more and no resistance/tension stages at all on the Impulse Triggers).

Same IPs I mean yeah but it's not like Splatoon wasn't 2015, Arms 2017, the Wii series, Brain Age and more people can ignore but were new IPs after Pikmin, they had new characters. Do they count different enough right?

For Switch other than Arms struggling to think of a new IP. Other than well 'ESHOP games' anyone remember many 3DS or Switch eshop games as new IPs. Nope. Do they count yes, do people acknowledge them because they aren't big enough, nope they won't.

Just know I was a PS person first then went to all platforms and look at each equally of things they do unless something annoys me about them.

Sony had small games on PSN, they had casual games, many besides hardcore IPs as well. Microsoft doesn't do eshop games like the other two do.

Just having WarioLand/WarioWare I mean it's still Wario, character differences and game design sure but yes still Wario. Rhythm Heaven as just music WarioWare but has it's own design goals/vibe.

I mean no one expected Another Code DS/Wii to be remastered to a collection ever and Cing has been dead for years now.

Famicom Detective Club, Famicom visual novels revived.

It depends but I won't deny yes we do see a lot of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon and the odd ones get their appearances or a new IP sometimes....... maybe 1, not much more because got to push the others for money more of course/most people don't notice or care for the smaller. Can be said for all 3 platforms basically.

I struggle to count the Mario spinoffs (I mean does Wario/Yoshi and more count at this point or actual separate series but Mario world characters still) as new IPs as it's well Mario, Sports, Kart, others, sure different genre/goals but I mean it's still safe IP use still.

I'm not going to say F Zero 99 is a new game it's the SNES game with tweaks, that's clear.

NES Remix is yes repeats of old games with minigame/challenge spins on them, pretty clear there.

'If Nintendo has an idea and it's ACTUALLY DIFFERENT, new characters and more' then I'd say sure, but if it's same characters then well won't deny that they do repeat IPs, or yes the 2D Mario even in Odyssey, it works, same as Zelda Link Between Worlds 2D Link ability, but in Odyssey it's still clear for nostalgia or 2D fans sake like 2D Sonic sections besides just being a mechanic.

Re: Reaction: PS5's Success Is Not Luck, Because Sony's Spent Years Putting in the Hard Yards


@Lorcan In a way yes. Though GPD/others had been making portable PCs for years after Sony/Samsung/OQO and more dropped Pocket PCs and switched to phones after the iPhone came out and to well use Android or their own OSs.

Steam/Valve may be a big name but people forget oh GPD/Aya Neo exist. GPD made DS shaped handhelds for years. Companies look at what others do. Valve may have the Switch but they also noticed GPD/Aya Neo doing their thing as well and went yep that form factor, yep we want to try the Steam PC again, we made the Steam Controller why not. I think is what made them come to those conclusions 'in a way'.

I mean Uncharted/Gears of War got their cover based shooting direction from Killswitch or another third person shooter I forget the name of that released a year earlier a Namco US studio idea, which seeing as Namco did light/rail shooters, the gallery but third person design of cover based shooting makes sense to lead to that right?

Successful popular exist as possible inspiration yes, won't deny the Nintendo Wii/DS marketing for example was due to the Apple direction of the time, it does happen, but I mean they aren't always the progenitor either or the most obvious. Some popular propel the niche idea with better marketing/their own spin on products, more recognisable names pushing the idea to mainstream but they aren't always. It varies though.

Re: Reaction: PS5's Success Is Not Luck, Because Sony's Spent Years Putting in the Hard Yards


All PS4 era was building up the end of the last IPs to then the deeper Uncharted/Last of Us cinematic angle train and it makes sense. The PS+ helped, games in the first 3 years helped. Xbox is building theirs up.

Rift Apart could have been more but no it's scripted. Well forget SSD and dynamic game design. Go to other games for that. Sandboxes or games that actually have less 'player control' and more 'here is yellow rifts around 'some' levels, no gadget for them like the Portal gun. No dynamic rifts shifting in a boss fight just scripted ones. Way to progress the Crack in Time tech Insomniac. I get a safe game for newcomers, Ratchet 2016 players, old fans, (old fans like me expecting tech changes as a minority), PS3 Future saga fans, maybe people wanting to play them but haven't because the formula is stale and waiting for it to change but I mean come on.

PS4 IPs carrying over isn't a bad thing but the game design is pretty eh. I mean PS3/4 marginal but after this many years we still see the most eh design not changing even slightly, just visuals and load times. Eh boring. The VR upgrade and Dualsense controller sure but I mean game design not changing means it feels old gen not just the hardware if you don't even do much with it.

PS4 had them more 2016+ so it makes sense they have a bit of space, more for third parties or DLCs, the odd other game in there like Insomniac can make a few fit those gaps, if Wolverine is 2024 not surprised while the rest catch up. Hopefully Bend don't take 2011-2019 to make their next game though with whatever Vita/PS4 game they stopped making and got their engine ready for Days Gone in that time. Bluepoint maybe? The live service games who knows whatever else in-between the next God of War, Horizon 3 and more.

Anyone remember Order 1886? The Ryse Son of Rome of the PS4 a game trying but was forgotten quickly. Like Robinson the Journey is for PSVR, oh that game on the backwards compatibility list no one heard about made by Crytek. Yep nothing of relevance at all.

Some did an ok job, others were more good at emotional moments, instant characters that are recognisable like Aloy with just 1 game. They have done a lot. I don't personally care for the era were in and don't have a PS5 for a reason, I don't care for one/nothing is interesting about it games wise, few third parties care for it and the hardware/peripherals are fine but just not there for me yet besides Sony's first party/business practices aren't of interest to me either but I'm not their customer currently just a third party PS4 user at this point and the odd second party deal like the 2022 Square games as an exception (a time I actually went oh tactics/hack n slash that interest me thanks Square I'll buy your games).

The niche Japan Studio games were there, Song of the Deep by Insomniac was there (Pentiment for Obsidian Xbox example years later) but after a while they pushed one but the other died because who wants niche games, I get Japan Studios were expensive with Polyphony with GT5 (why so many cars/trims huh) or Last Guardian, the others marketing or just smaller scale they weren't all Siren levels of cost likely let alone LocoRoco small fun. That little bit of extra money.

Anyone remember the Santa Monica PSVR horror game, no didn't think so? Anyone also remember any PSN games? Some I assume deep into the PS3 did.

The marketing won't deny, it's better than Microsoft their Gamepass Xbox Series era marketing goal makes sense but it's so unconvincing, I get targeting teens but even I find it just so eh. It's just not good at all.

Sony and Nintendo have a better idea with their teen/adult/family advertising, the lifestyle, the tone, the 'look we have value but we also have these situations people are in' (Xbox going for look Gamepass, but here is a few characters in these situations for Valentines Day made me cringe so much, let alone others, I get what their going for but value isn't exciting, they need more interesting angles to go for, the Valentines Day one it's so social media, a grunt this, Agent 47's inclusion and situation was fine, the rest were kind of 'there' (also because I don't find Hitman's silliness to be off it makes sense and I haven't even played any of the games, a Halo Grunt I get it they say things and act a certain way so it works somewhat, but the rest, eh forgettable) then actually understanding the casual audience or hardcore audience, unless their hardcore audience it does work for then well that's fine enough I don't know them that well at all) then 'look how cool we are' of the Xbox Series marketing that it gives off.

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


While digital/physical differences of box/art/disk/code/controls pamphlet or map or artbook or whatever can be said.

Black Friday prices are 'ok' not great. I don't expect all to be great but I mean some 30% for some still high isn't much is it. Others are more fair/great deals. No matter how old, which budget the game was, which price it is the original launch price stays unlike physical stores where it drops and the discount happens and back up to the changed price not the launch price years later like on digital.

It's also I just find even besides the many options on PC of cheap, high or whatever offerings others launchers or Steam prices versus Epic, GOG, the major publishers launchers if they offer anything.

I find even physical console games to be cheaper. I can wait a few months $20, $28, $30-50 or so. $30 Grid Legends or Gamepass same time/PS+ later. I got it by then. Others similar of 6 months, $20, $28. Others that are flops lower. Others vary in other ways.

I can get physical retro games for $2-5, limited editions or 'particular' games sure. Bit higher than in the US but I'm used to it.

Whether banned but still made there way in somehow (Manhunt on PS2 for $70 or so, need to look through my photos) or IPs of notable worth are high priced of $60 to $100 (Skyward Sword Wii, Twilight Princess $60 or $70 or so, maybe $80), or GameCube games but if I can get 5th-8th gen games varying of $2-10-20, $25-30, or so in retro stores.

An EB of the so cheap Destiny/Agents of Mayhem/Mass Effect Andromeda and more to others at the common $20-50 or so I do question digital ones and 'single storefront' which eh I hate the multiple but they have 'benefits' sometimes yes.

The 'new' or 'higher pre-owned' or retro game store prices that vary high and low to still be better. Once it's high/original on digital it's whatever discount or full price again.

Why is physical the option with better rates of the new/used high price still cheaper riddle me that.

Re: 'Development Is Progressing' on Ubisoft's Troubled Prince of Persia Remake


Take the time, I can wait. Got Two Thrones PS2, 2008 PS3 and Forgotten Sands Wii to play anyways and they are delightful.

2008 is awkward at times but Forgotten Sands Wii is great and progressed the most with it. Two Thrones played the first few hours still.

I have yet to wait for more Rayman even. Got bits more of Origins to finish. Got to play 2 on some platform, played and own 3 in digital/physical PS2 form. Got 1 on PS Classic/Rayman Redemption to try.

Red Steel is going anywhere either glad I own both now. Red Steel 2 in VR Ubisoft when?

Re: Tearaway's Wonderful Music Coming to Streaming Services as Series Turns 10


@2here2there True. Dedicated PS fans that enjoy the big/niche games, Japan Studio titles big and small. If by Nintendo people appreciate them more/different expectations are set. Ratchet/Sackboy 'maybe' for families besides their big fans but most want the other IPs more.

I enjoyed both sides the mature and the cartoony, the creativity of both were great. I don't 'grow out of' cartoony games I appreciated them regardless because they offered a lot of great fun/gameplay ideas/stories/visuals and more.

Sony doesn't market them well so got to go out and look for what the studio makes ourselves usually, sigh.

But then again many PS3 games were end of it's major releases (also PS3 was popular in Japan so late releases may have been fine) before PS4 so that's why PS4 had few 2013-2015 releases besides remasters.

They were still working with the working with the hardware and depending when the PS4 released maybe???

Won't deny sometimes a new console is a fair time to launch some games but either way sales don't happen much for Japan Studio titles the Japanese/sizeable western audience love them but the majority of casuals/only western game caring PS fans hence you can tell by Vita sales the dedicated and the fans of Indies/Japanese games or particular types of creative games then those that couldn't care less.

(not well Persona 2017 or sports or whatever after that).

Re: Tearaway's Wonderful Music Coming to Streaming Services as Series Turns 10


Cool this is a thing, but uh it's Vita/PS4, it's not a series if it's 1 entry on 2 platforms.

I didn't like it as much as others but it had a lot of creativity no doubt. Just didn't find some aspects of it to be that amazing or engaging.

Didn't hate the finger Vita touchpads those were fun, building with papercraft is fun to do, the camera was fun, just found some tasks or some walking around to be a bit eh or got confused what to do at times.

Re: Existence of Unannounced Gearbox Games Revealed via LinkedIn


Borderlands sure fine with 4+ existing, Tiny Tina fair it was good for a spin off. Godfall 2 would be interesting it had potential I appreciated it.

Brothers in Arms...... hmmmmmmm but then again people have been waiting years since Hell's Highway. Will it ever happen.

Then again no idea how Gearbox are but sure if they consider the IP/whatever their management sure...

I mean do people want WW2/other war stories still? We have what with COD nowadays? Cold War? Modern day/modern eras in a way leading to matching present day?

What are companies/studios willing to go for, cover of themes/setting/story. What trends of game design even? Do we even have tactical shooters anymore? I assume some but you don't hear about them as much. Besides even sniper games still being a thing.

Will it be open world and compete with Tom Clancy games? Probably wouldn't it ehhhhhhh I hope not sizeable regions/small or medium sandboxes or linear but not open world and outposts not interested in that. Socom doesn't exist anymore either.

I enjoyed Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway, the story was great/characters, the gameplay on Normal for me was hard as ever but I got through it, man want an experience.

I'll get to the others eventually on PS2 or Xbox, the PSP entry at some point. I've researched the series enough.

I enjoy the old modern shooters campaigns no doubt, bought up MOH/COD on PS2 but that's the thing is if we see things in the current era happen then just me buying up more legacy IPs that covered old wars of any type in campaigns or a Brothers in Arms multiplayer only either.

Re: Talking Point: Like Japanese Games? Early 2024 Is Going to Destroy You


No interest in any of them even as a fan of Japanese games they aren't my type of games.

Ace Attorney maybe but not even played any of the prior. Have a general idea how they are not against visual novels I just haven't experienced an Ace Attorney game.

The rest are RPGs/otherwise of no theme/setting/character/genre interest to me.

I'd care more for Stellar Blade probably then any listed here. That's more my kind of action game.

Or a tactics game, but not Persona Tactica.

Still playing my 2022 Square games I got 'this year' for PS4 (Diofield making my way through got to Chapter 5, Valkyrie Elysium, Tactics Ogre Reborn, may buy Front Mission 1st remake/Triangle Strategy/forget the other but it's not Octopath, I prefer tactics turn based JRPGs not regular turn based RPGs). Or have yet to buy PIkmin 1&2HD, Disgaea 7, Bayonetta Origins.

Give me a tactics/hack n slash and I'm happy enough as the genres that haven't let me down as much as racing (only few doing it for me)/shooter (retro modern ones only) have. Hack n slash has sometimes with Bayo 3/God of War 2018 but still. Playing Nights of Azure even recently.

Re: Video: Why Sony Will Never Make the PS Vita 2


It's teams more than anything and engines. If it fails it's less the case with PSVR/Playlink/Cameras they know their niches. The PS Portal is no issue, but engagement is the funniest thing.

PS1 or PSP/PSP Minis on the Portal would be nice.

I didn't lose out on the Vita with less western third party teen/adult IPs. I didn't going oh so like Saturn/Dreamcast/Wii U we got few games, years that had less excitement but were still enjoyable then 'woo great years all the way through' people probably seek. Never felt that at all. The Dreamcast may have been around from 1999-2001 in most eyes but it went until 2007. PS3 had Persona 5 in 2017, let alone sports games. Things keep having with certain audiences around the world.

Same with eshops or online or whatever for Wii U/3DS/Vita/PS3/360 going year by year, game by game. People just move on so much but being around for those systems shut downs has been exciting even if sad. It makes it fun to predict when the PS4/Xbox One have their moments of 10+ years ending. By PS6/next Xbox? Or 2 years into them?

By 6 years you do wonder about a successor or not. Pocket PCs kept going with GPD/others likely even if Samsung, Sony and more dropped off them due to the iPhone/Android coming later, Nokia's Symbian OS dropping off (whatever other OSs/phones used by other makers). The GPD/Aya Neo/Steam Deck are just signs of Pocket PCs again just more well known because of Valve then those that don't care for tech and do gaming/bigger brands make something more clear than those that already noticed the companies making the others.

The PS1 2005, PS2 2013, PSP 2014/2015 I think? of game support not just console production support, whatever the case of online game support for PS2/PSP either I don't know.

The Ngage/Xperia Play were something. The Tapwave Zodiac/Gizmondo were Pocket PC or PDAs with gaming as hybrids. I look at these handhelds and go 'wow' because they did cool things even if get ignored. Like Vita had some of those elements besides even some games like DS having the oh it's sideways (or DS having screen flips or dual video, a certain uniqueness of features about them).

Mobile is more available/suitable I guess of quick experiences/everyone has to have one and the notifications/otherwise doesn't bother them because caring one is more important their social device can play games in-between even though a Switch you can't even fit in your pocket and that's ok now? Depends where people are going/what they are doing I guess.

That and like Vita/Stadia with Pixel, 1 device to use it I guess limited things? Or just advertising.

Switch pushed the family aspect then a solo device (account wise to launch games, Vita even besides memory cards it was awkward to even remove an account on the PS Vita TV at all like come on, worked it out but still what a pain, memory card or not, let alone it moving around and oh the memory card didn't load redefault the storage size grr WHY! Sony!) it's more 'social'/lifestyle appealing I guess? With it's ads/multiplayer games and more. Whatever casuals care about with their advertising/use cases of a device.

What IPs would get the focus that's the thing. They would still separate their PS3/4 IPs and focus I think anyway while the PS2 HD ports I think made sense like PS3 to be on Vita that and also it was the last of their support in a way besides the Muppets and other family/Indie support as it is.

But if we had 40FPS games like on Steam Deck, fair battery, fair hardware, fair game support, then sure it could work. But that's the thing, 'support'. Casuals are one thing but hardcore fans. How many hardcore fans cared for Indies/Japanese third parties? How many Unit 13/Tearaway or games with less recognisable names? or IP relevance/approach to the cinematic model we have nowadays of Order 1886, Ratchet 2007+ somewhat to even deeper with the 2016 movie game, Last of Us, Uncharted, to 2016+ IPs many of them that way (besides the devs and well RIP Studio Liverpool, Zipper, Bend survived from Golden Abyss to Days Gone somehow?).

I don't care for 'consoles' as good enough parts PCs had/custom parts to be good for graphics. I want fun gameplay/controller experiences but only certain people care for that then whatever graphics/story telling/epic experiences of gaming they are after. Scripted even if they have to be.

I love my Vita. Bought one in 2017 the 2000 model, had a PS Vita TV prior and didn't think much of it, well most didn't but after getting a Vita I did more. 1000 model in 2022. I discovered I don't like OLED, the light difference I don't like of it/don't care for the pixelation of the 2000 model it doesn't bother me/enjoy more battery life. OLED has changed I know over time but still nah don't care for it at all. But I don't care if I didn't get constant western third party IPs on it. I don't care I didn't get more first party IPs releasing on it. If we got PS4 IPs on it I don't think I'd buy them anyway. I bought a Wii U in 2018/3DS 2020/Switch 2021 you can tell I was pulling away from PS4 and not interested in their first party right? right?

I have bought up Order 1886 (is very Last of Us/Uncharted leaning but Ready At Dawn tried as the Daxter/God of War PSP and more studio but there is a reason Lone Echo was good then them following in another's footsteps instead), Infamous Second Son but even still. 2016+ IPs from Sony nah not for me personally.

Let alone if they would even downscale them or like PSVR make something unique for them of Blood & Truth/Astro or a Horizon Call of the Mountain like experience for the Vita I doubt it even if they did. A Golden Abyss sequel? Another Uncharted like game on Vita I doubt it even PSP got like 1-2 of an IP like 1 Killzone, 1 Resistance, 2 WipEout, 2 God of War, etc. other examples so what's the issues other than third party games of the teen/adult the audience it's intended for didn't get supported but family/Indie/Japanese game fans did more.

The bigger audience/western fans abandoned it, the dedicated kept it/the fans of JRPGs/visual novels/quirky Japanese games kept it. Which seeing as I like quirky Japanese games and the old Sony IPs and wanted something after the PSP/never knew about it that much but well got one way late into it's life you bet I love the Vita and it's limits and it's strengths I don't hate it at all. The PS Vita TV is awkward on account systems (Vita probably as well) but other than that it's fine. I liked the touchpad because I 'understand' it and don't care if it had no triggers. Touching the back to sprint in Borderlands 2 is no different then toggling it. I saw no issue doing that.

Would people buy a handheld with good audio means of 3D audio in the way Sony doesn't without people having such hifi systems probably. Cinematic games on the go then their TVs. Probably yeah. Not my focus but is for some people probably out there of game support.

But western third parties went mobile even some 3DS/Vita releases had too much mobile influence and sucked like some Lego games even besides the mobile to Vita ports of common phone games of the early 2010s many people will know and are probably good ports just as much as PS Minis are fun in their own way by mobile/flash devs on PSP/PS3.

They try with remote play and know how many people use it. The marketing was similar to PSP/Vita so what's different?

People still didn't get it, those that never used it before only us more in the know of it.

They just don't want to bother and that's financially fair to do so. Casuals had what 3 sports games, we had 3 years of WRC games. 1 COD, no GTA and whatever else of 3DS/Wii U had family games. Vita had it's fan service games/Japanese AAA/mostly AA support. 3DS had more support of the Japanese as well and still family games from the west.

First party sure but not much and even then would I care for sequels of major third parties no, would I of first party of those IPs yes but I wouldn't be that disappointed/am not, not getting the PS4 era IPs on Vita like we did PS2/PS3 ones on PSP.

Make a handheld that has no features, no dev input. Want dual screen nah can't. Well you've made Indies have less need for them to care about the Portal it the ones that supported the Vita heavily.

I mean Switch/PC are great Indie spaces for cheap. The Xbox/PS may be in some cases but for 4K gaming or the type of consoles they are I doubt it. Vita/3DS were good non-HD gaming for some companies, cheap to develop for in a way I assume and scale games to and even ignore the gimmicks on them.

A storefront to make is a big effort. Digital/physical games probably digital.

What hardware, what gimmicks. Maybe like Steam Deck, maybe something different. Not dual screen Sony barely did it with Vita/Playlink let alone more in PSVR then Playroom or Playroom VR and well split-screen for PSVR2 isn't happening the 'graphics' have to look good enough even besides the rendering technique or scaling the tracks in GT7 more nope can't do that even though 60FPS/Hifi on GT1 sure Special Stage Route 11 with less building/no opponents years ago.

PS Now worked on Vita though briefly. They had PS Mobile then closed it down, now have WipEout Rush as a thing.

I get why Sony won't but their IPs changing means I won't even buy it anyway if they did make one. Unless third parties are good I don't care about Sony first party besides the small handful of creatively different ones left then the PSP/Vita or PS1-3 variety they used to offer and I'm still picking up when I see the IPs I missed out on.

Re: More Classic PS Plus Premium Games Look to Have Leaked Early


@Bionic-Spencer Racing games licenses aren't happening, that's pretty clear (also car brands wanting to only agree to current products/iconic models likely)/neither music either with WipEout is a challenge.

It's why I wonder about Flatout on PSP, Destruction Derby games on PS1, Ridge Racer got Ridge Racer 2 for PSP the best way to access most content of the series I think.

The rest well up to Capcom/Konami.

Then again the Disney licenses can't be cheap?

I know we will never see Coded Arms/Contagion from PSP on here because Konami don't care. If collections to resell them of the popular IPs I can see why they won't put them on the services (same with Spyro/Crash they have remakes now so PS3/Vita/original copies if want the OG versions) but otherwise if people have them a few times by now/want modern ways to play them/too expensive second hand or modern audiences get to play them for the first time or so yeah I can see why regardless of wants/hits us players want.

I don't mind these other games, they keep things interesting but that's just me. Not all are great of course but then again never expected Thrillville, most people think Tycoon as PC/people don't care for the genre/want story/whatever gameplay so it's better than nothing to offer of that sort. Also it's better than all hits then run out.

I mean even for Xbox so many gems can't access still. Couldn't care less about most of the hit games.

Re: More Classic PS Plus Premium Games Look to Have Leaked Early


Thrillville yes please. Need a good legacy tycoon game. Aren't getting Roller Coaster Tycoon Xbox or Theme Hospital PS1/Theme Park PS1 why not Thrillville.

Would prefer Monsters Inc Scare Island out of licernsed Disney PS1 games. Toy Story ones were fine, Lilo & Stitch were ok but others were better of Hercules, Monsters Inc Scare Island and more. I like the unique ones of the licensed games where they get to use the universe a bit more than completely follow the movies. Same as some specials/bonus episodes of shows.

I just like Behaviour/A2M's attempt there. If no Scaler/Jersey Devil/Wet of their original games at least this Disney PS1/2 game. I like the level design/locations/mechanics a lot.

Re: Sony Says PS Portal Wasn't Designed to Make a Profit


Engagement with BC/let alone remote play, does Sony think at all?

I'm fine with niches for remote play/VR/AR/HMD/MP3 players/cameras/camera enthusiast phones and more Sony offers of niches but still come on, engagement, proprietary remote play connection/encryption for hacking when people will anyway and make it more/teardown to show if it's even worth the power/casting potential or not.

Vita had Japanese/Indies (besides it's storefront/physical/gimmicks/PS Now, niche audience enjoying different sides of it), this thing has no dev support, it exists because that's what it's meant for.

Re: SEGA Isn't Surprised That Companies Want to Acquire It


For Japanese support sure, their IPs. XD They barely do anything with them. I support Valkyria Chronicles, I like Cosmic Smash, Sega GT, few other retro IPs they have. Wow Yakuza/Sonic, wow retro collections for days to keep making....

I mean Konami don't care about Coded Arms/Love Plus/GTI Club/Thrilldrive/Enthusia. I have nothing to gain from Konami they are all niche dead IPs of no worth.

Activision won't put Pitfall (will stick to my PS2 version/focus on Wii version for control differences sake then BC or better visuals), Prototype (bought Prototype 2 for curiosity/test BC of it whenABK games are on Xbox BC 'eventually' or else still using my 360 which is fine too,/compare to Infamous 1 as bought 1 and Second Son/First Light, beat Second Son), Blur (doubt it, then again Grid 2 is on there...), TimeShift and more on Xbox BC/Gamepass, sure it takes time but it's not their priorities.

Eh I want Sega to do stuff but at the time them getting bought won't change much than financial security. Ah Sega don't make me laugh.

Re: Feature: Celebrating 10 Years of PS4 with Our Favourite Games


I put hated/least favourite at least 1%/0.?% hmm I guess not then. Interesting on the ok console votes. I expected mostly love/best console but surprised that few oks/any. I have 100+ PS4 games, most above all my other consoles I prefer, still hated this console/gen most of these games aren't mine until like nowadays of later gen pickups/in-between titles, with few retro games I can fine in some stores can't not see PS4/Xbox One games as the lowest gens the stores sell sometimes.

Not because I like the console. I hate it. Never been so disappointed in the games/so bored or so ok than the great console UI/folders and that's all I like about it.

Knack was my God of War game not GOW2018. Sure old formula but 10x more fun.

PS4 is my least favourite generation ever. I ignored it most of it's 2013-2015, sure Killzone/Order 1886 the first time (rebought physical again now), some CODs campaign co-op on occasion, play no COD these days, but I was still PS3 happy, like Minecraft 1.6.4 to 1.7.10 wasn't interested in upgrading. The consoles/games were eh, the overworld changes were annoying and still annoy me.

Keep in mind I bought the OG God of War games late before or played up to 2 by the time I got to Knack so no GOW OG nostalgia at all, nor MotorStorm till a few months now of this year did I get to MotorStorm/Pacific Rift/Apocalypse/Socom 1.

Indies of PS4/Vita/Wii U were fine.

I bought a Vita/Wii U/3DS/Switch in 2017/2018/2020/2021 because 2016+ those IPs did not interest me.

Sure I bought Gravity Rush 1 Remastered & 2, Knack 2, WipEout Collection, Astrobot Rescue Mission(many of these around launch or bit later/others after this fair later), Dreams, Song of the Deep (Insomniac's better game that wasn't Ratchet 2016) Last Guardian even a few weeks ago to add to the remaining I didn't have from that period of 'those' types of games

(Order 1886 too just to finish off some of the 2013-2015 games same with Infamous Second Son/First Light cheap and surprised myself it's better than Spiderman but still some minor issues but not painful to play like Spiderman was for me personally.

There is character and other aspects, sure they are fine and there is eh gameplay I can't stand, gameplay over everything, I play games not playable movies/boring moments. I enjoyed Second Son a lot more, many of the side missions were fun, story missions eh, story fair, then 3 side missions in Spiderman (lasers/ground pound move/radars)/all the lab puzzles..... what about story missions/story, eh. Sunset Overdrive tower defence, side missions and context/movesets/more over Spiderman, their more them DNA then Spiderman's trending formula, the Resistance 2 problem I have, with Resistance 3 as better/their DNA, so the reverse).

TItanfall 2 may be a favourite of mine of FPS games even among the ones on PS3/360 got around to later but it's not enough.

Sure I discovered Disgaea D2, then 1&4/5 on PS4, 6 on Switch, 2&3 on Vita and my journey of tactics RPGs, I enjoy Conception/other particular RPGs or visual novels, or similarly hack n slashes old/new across consoles but still changes nothing other than wow I like the PS4 folders/UI and that's it, not the hits of PS4 or the consoles/most of the generation's offerings.

But the cinematic IPs, less fun gameplay, trends/tropes I can't stand. PS3+ of those types I can't stand. I prefer the particular or left behind IPs/ideas of PS3 era and PS1/2/PSP/Vita as well, not these audiences/eh themes/eh gameplay direction. I want balance, yet evenwithPikmin4dowegetitnope,retro/AAs/Indies for me or retro only for me. Why even Playlink/Playroom because cough learning that with PS Portal/VR if barely much comes/mixed quality.

Sony lost my interest in their brands once they separated Japan Studios, made Ratchet 2016/Rift Apart the most pathetic, safe, not pushing tech bars I've ever been disappointed with Insomniac stop with the Resistance 2 'trends of design from other games they suck, are less your better DNA and makes your games worse' issues in your current Ratchet games/Spiderman for game design. Give me Sunset Ovedrive/Ratchet Crack in Time design or even some Size Matters armour/Deadlocked mods not trashy skill trees and bland level design.

GT Sport/7 is Kaz and direction changes but still annoying ones then engaging ones.

Sure GT5/Last Guardian cost a lot, others not profitable whether remasters of PSP games or assisting Deracine or other projects.

But nah Sony lost me. Nope to PS5.

The Square 2022 IPs like Valkyrie Elysium I bought on PS4 (is PS exclusive the others aren't so PS4/Switch instead) sure but otherwise nah third party from me for PS4 and that's it.

So few if any compelling PS5 titles. Forspoken, Atlas Fallen, Immortals of Aveum, WRC 2023 for it's car builder features alone being better than Forza Motorsport 8.

Even if similar to Sega GT Dreamcast, still more exciting than GT7 or FM8's position feature which is cool but not enough especially compared to Codemasters/Milestone's other games as THE racing games I have my eyes on of ideas/quality.

Re: Talking Point: As PS5 Turns 3, How Are You Feeling About It?


Don't own one and while I hear things from family/online I still don't care. Few third parties I care about for it exclusively. First party no interest. Ratchet/GT7 disappointed like PS4 so nope, the cinematic IPs don't appeal to me so that limits a lot. Dreams/Astro/Sackboy otherwise...............

GT7 the only thing I like is the VR is deeper than GT Sport otherwise eh.

Rift Apart's rifts are scripted and boring/don't push tech and that makes me mad/sad. Give me dynamic Rifts Insomniac. Give us a gadget to use the yellow ones (or dynamic rifts cycling for a boss fight not garbage like the forced rift for Nefarious City from that one planet and it's just invisible walls/brief anyway it lacks detail from afar anyway your not fooling anyone) not put them around some areas of levels.

It makes Portal and Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands for the Wii look so much better than you Rift Apart in terms of gameplay/ideas also on HDD Crack in Time in 2009. Weak design 2023 Insomniac. Spiderman obviously got more attention which seeing as Spiderman 2018 had better laser level design uses in a side mission than the 2016 remake yeah says a lot.

Stop playing it safe/nostalgic, sure old fans, new from Rift Apart (PS5/PC players), 2016/future saga fans but like at least put effort in then 'were playing it safe for audiences' with gameplay/story (coming from an 'old fan' that wants change not nostalgia) people have waited 10+ years since Nexus, let alone a story since 2007, wrap it up already/start a new again with story/gameplay or improve your tech in gameplay not bland gameplay and use the gyro of the controller for aiming seriously already you have lock strafe, let people gyro aim in platforming/lock strafe modes.

I enjoyed Impulse Triggers on Xbox One for racing/Gears gun reloading so Dualsense triggers or Haptics/HD Rumble is cool (not got a game that uses it yet).

This gen Sony had their exclusives/third party deals happen early unlike PS4 where 2013-2015 Killzone, Knack, remasters, Bloodborne, Order 1886, but 2016+ the noteable came out. Xbox is still getting some of it's out and others in the pipeline while Sony is readying the sequels. Ghost 2, Horizon 3, Spiderman 3, DLCs and other changes and third parties/second party deals I guess, filling in gaps as always.

The thing is Japan Studio downsizing left some spaces for niche titles to fill in gaps to not.... No Last Guardian, Gravity Rush, LocoRoco/Patapon/Parappa remasters, Derasine for PSVR/Astro has been around and more. Which is what the remasters/remakes and live services I assume are for.

Astro sure, eh groups on PS5/Switch/always was on Xbox One and hate them. I use PS4 folders to keep things visible/invisible/categories, so much for hidden items on the regular scale then deeper in folders scale.

Fair updates to it I think of tech additions on the OS side and Dualsense or VR continuation even if hit and miss in some areas.

But otherwise still no interest in one.

WRC 2023 cool, Ride 5 too hard and just Ride 4 again so pass. Forspoken has it's appeal in ways. Otherwise I have gotten everything I care about on PS4. Atlas Fallen is cool in it's own way as I like AA hack n slashes and it's sandbox then deep open world is fine.

Besides old gen/new releases is always cool to me to see how they run/how limited they are and they are usually fine. Ride 1 360, BF Hardline 2 disks on 360, SBK08 on PS2, Black 2006.

Don't care about the enhancements all.

Re: Hardware Review: PS Portal Is the Perfect PS5 Companion (For Some)


@Oddbodjunior Seeing as on phone/Vita remote play you can't I assume the same applies here too but maybe they changed that. Never used PS5 remote play only PS4.

My guess is due to the signal strength (besides the resolution looking worse) maybe not.

But also for legal reasons they don't allow it for 'recording' just without the DVD recorder of a GBA video and more a phone or something else to record (besides remote play not being part of the agreements or the API for remote play wasn't built with video playback in the media players or streaming services in mind, likely on purpose).

So only for games it is.

Same reasons we can think about the PS5 new disk drive and the internet connection for it 'recording' DVD/Blu-ray/4K Blu-Rays besides other things.

Re: Hardware Review: PS Portal Is the Perfect PS5 Companion (For Some)


At least it has a unique animation. Even if like the Xbox One X it makes it take longer I assume then shorter. Responsiveness with speeds and what games played and fair choices to test with.

But no Android!? Shame.

The device may be optional and not the focus like the Wii U Gamepad/other devices, an option like Remote Play always ways or the second screen Vita/Xbox Smartglass had (then Xbox Remote Play).

Get a second screen like the PS1 LCD, 6th gen console ones or Series S screen instead. Even PS4/Xbox One had second screens/travel cases, PS5 has one I think too. It's a get a second screen out of 10.

Just it's disappointing nothing more than casting and image. RIP Deux Ex Vita remote play making it like Wii U or the Vita/phone second screen features in PS4's default app for the PS Camera, 'Playroom'.

Now a generic casting experience sigh, can't do dual screen. It has a place but I wish it did more. Hence my Android disappointment. Give it 'life' not the hard to advertise/barely anything it can do but 'exist' for off TV kids/adults purposes for it and that's it. The Vita/Wii U can do that and more, same with a phone, tablet, PC, PS4 even.

It has a place it's just so boringly simple even if we separate it from handheld possibilities of an eshop/games/other features and only focus on it being a remote play companion like a phone as what it really is competing with it's boring on that front then something else. Form factor/connection/proprietary BS isn't good enough. I'd still rather get any old handhelds or Pocket PC/PDAs over this modern piece of barebones uses without swearing.

Switch will be the Indie space for sure still, cheaper, still experimental while VR (still something but eh still 2006 Wii controls sometimes for certain games and not a fan of overcompensating controls unless it fits the theme/feels right) only or the Dualsense triggers/haptics of PS5. This companion device with more would have been greater but it's so basic it's boring.

As a half measure/for off tv purposes/Sony 'improvement' till phones/apps catch up it works, otherwise eh, coming from someone into niches/somewhat remote play fan but handheld fan more it's eh/10. Get a one of those second screens instead.

Re: PS Plus Premium Poised to Add Another Classic Disney Game


Some movie tie ins are good this one may be but I'd have preferred far more exciting third party games. Sigh.

Tokobot, Cube, Mercury Meltdown, Crush, Practical Intelligence Quotient 1&2, Exit as just some puzzle games.

EA Replay on PSP maybe. Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (oh way they have that already for PS4 oops) Collection.

Theme Hospital/Park, Kula World (well Gravity Trickster on PS4 covers that somewhat nowadays), Devil Dice, Blasto, or other PS1 games would be nice for sure.

Coded Arms/Contagion come on Konami.

So many PSP games (trying to remember more to comment with then those I did above) worth it and many people overlook. Some good ports, good originals, just whatever gets offered of source code andicendes sigh and then wonder why people will emulate or may try the service 'if' available as if not on PS Vita eshop or PS3 well time to get it physical for PS1/2/PSP/PS3 or emulate it.

PSP works as many PS3 or PS2 aren't available to Deluxe (cough do people forget many can't play PS3 streaming no clearly not Premium isn't in every region so I praise Sony offering PSP versions as a smart choice, if the source code is available for the games of course do people realise that you premium user regions, some of us can't without a VPN so having a game we can play in all regions is great to have) users or PS2 isn't being expanded right now due to the emulator needing changes or companies too lazy to offer source code.

The PSP versions are actually good not oh it's a handheld and lesser waaaaaaah sometimes the PSP/PS2Wii version was better than the HD versions who cared about HD resolutions if the content was actually better in the old gen versions in some cases. Even then most of you don't even care if it had Move support anyways or whatever side content probably.

HD/Trophies couldn't care less availability is better than both.

Even then for movie tie ins where is Spiderman 2 2004, Monsters Inc Scare Island even.

Re: Sony Delays Six Live Service PS5 Games, But Company Remains Committed to Model


@get2sammyb While true, Fortnite has crossovers, evolves in big ways. Genshin is for anime fans willing to buy into any gacha games enough, the characters, worlds, and more (doesn't interest me even as an anime fan got other priorities then those types of fans/they aren't immersive or convincing to me not that I want them to be anyway).

Technically WipEout Rush and Fate GO are under Sony so they have mobile ones out there even if WipEout fans ignore the game as who wanted a sci-fi racer manager game. Gran Turismo B spec or a manager game made more sense honestly, more appeal of brand and cars/teams like F1 managers, I think a bit of a miss step.

Thing is if Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, current Spiderman games or God of War were live service like Assassin's Creed for example I don't know what to think for the stories, their content, would it make them less impactful/how things would be handled maybe.

Then just particular multiplayer live services. Singleplayer live services, multiplayer modes/offering like AC Unity (no idea how they handle it just know it's a thing) or Ghost of Tsushima's.

Just like Destruction Allstars who wanted a colourful arena and vehicles game what casuals care for vehicular combat games anyway they are niche who thought it was a good idea? Twisted Metal made sense with the destruction/the vibe, the themes, setting let alone cough line it up with the TV show nope.

What casuals care about vehicles most/any don't so strike 1, the colours and world aren't inviting strike 2, marketing/concept/support and more strike 3.

(did Lucid remember Blur? old Bizarre Creations staff at all now part of Playground or Lucid or elsewhere/retired maybe? Blur has a cult following but it had personality just not wide appeal (it makes some games like NFS Unbound worth comparing street culture appeal) but that's it besides the mario kart marketing and arcade racer appeal dying down.

I love Blur (and The Club, that arcade spin on things, miss them, PGR cars, cities, 100s of layouts smartly designed) but still, then again OnRush is to me MotorStorm but different modes/multi-platform but I guess different personality too yet it flopped? Maybe wrong time? I don't know.

So no idea what online support they lacked in the career mode events seem fine and doesn't take too long/get too boring but oh it's short people may have complained about I don't know).

The gameplay/online experience changing, some charm. I mean even Nintendo's online is so eh because of the lacking content (not saying anything about peer to peer/otherwise here) they think online is fine then 'more create your own fun with enough here' (Splatoon is a different cases) when there is barely anything to make your own fun with of support then other games.

But Mario Sports games or others are different even if eh content drops getting worse/less personality/less charm just eh sport not a good mix of ideas to be compelling/what people buy arcade sports games for, characters, fun modes (what lack the most), interesting maps to use the universe's strengths then bland environments.

Sony will have the same issue if they don't offer enough content/concepts to work and keep people caring (timing content/value of that content is it's own challenge though).

But prove it and with staff that 'get that'.

The BR/live services and more eh then just DLC and sequel approach currently. Money focus aside they need to be smart about it.

I don't care for any of their cinematic IPs so doesn't bother me but I do still think about what they do as a business regardless and encase I do care again besides Astro/Dreams only so far as others have let me down.

I'm not interested but am curious. Same as how they have had their characters in third party games before. How they use them maybe in the live services for events too. Or don't go that direction for characters/skins/themes/events/maps.

Re: Poll: Is God of War Ragnarok Still One of Sony's Best Games, One Year Later?


If you like cinematic Sony titles of PS4+ gen sure. But I don't so no. Are they better than movies awkward direction yes they replicate it well if not better than movies. Doesn't mean I want to play them. Not all are perfect though.

47% says a lot as it is. Well I'll never play it/don't want a PS5 other than for what Forspoken, WRC 2023, only third parties of particular interest.

The he has a son/less murder was fine enough to focus on a different side/arc (and also appeal to older men which is understand Sony did that with kids/teens as well past gens let alone, graphics/audiences, I won't hate something because oh they have children/are older oh no, I can still get behind all that stuff I don't care about relating I care about execution of things I'll watch anything for kids or adults no matter what the themes/jokes presented) the world was fine the enemies had more skin swaps so they sucked. Personalty/gameplay didn't do it for me personally so I didn't play it. It's not my thing.

Give me God of War 3 intro setpiece any day over generic trolls (sure GOW3's moments are scripted and I do nowadays prefer dynamic cough Rift Apart but for the time it made sense, had limits, had a goal in mind) or the statue in the background/running on a chain in GOW2 2007, or other elements, RIP walking and climbing the using the swords to grapple/jump. I just p;refer hack n slash/character action games more than the focus it had that's all. Puzzles and gear are there but cared less for them. Ragnarok may have amped it a bit but not sure I didn't watch or see much when it was played.

It's the weight of the situations not nostalgia I played them late the Greece arc/era of the series.

Ragnarok reminds me of Gears 5 with the talking, combat (differences apply of course), the open space added to linear games.... hmmm sound familiar? And probably other small details and others that don't compare at all because it's well not a shooter/different worlds and so on but still.

They aren't for me I seek different game design. Some for casuals then just party games is fine but 'so many' that's why I gave up on Sony titles they changed favourites for the worst direction of 'new' or 'old', made new IPs with similar direction I have no interest in and left with Astro/Dreams/Sackboy is 3D World at this point because Sumo didn't think further outside the box.

Sony lost me around 2016/2017 so to me I have nothing to say. I played GOW 2018 was bored out of my mind but played the story and that's it. I binged the rest of the games for that. No the past games didn't set the expectations, the BS gameplay changes and casualifying it too much did.

Same reason Pikmin 4's controls annoyed me, they gave me a game with additions I wanted and oh a character creator and bad controls. Not balancing just awkwardness. Thanks devs/publishers. Ruined the game for me besides other casualified garbage. Balance out your casual and fan settings and content/expectations Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft (cough Forza Motorsport since Forza 5-7 and Forza 8 I'll still never play, FM6 was punishment and a bad remix on 5's fair changes that dumbed it down but wasn't too bad, 6 has no identity and makes the PGR2 quote so funny to me the supercar quote) or I'll continue to buy retro.

Even playing the Order 1886 if you take away the story and lack of world building (Ready at Dawn tried let alone had time to do a sequel which people have different expectations nowadays hardware or story/gameplay what a 'SEQUEL IS OR NOT') the strafing and some elements are similar who cares what guns, or AI of enemies I guess to. It's not perfect but still.

I bought any Sony IPs of the past console gens because of the variety, I know most people don't do that but it's funny the more similar they got with PS4 IPs direction the less I bought/played, the more varied of past gens the more I did. It's not nostalgia.

How can I if I'm playing the IPs I missed out on of PlayStation, MotorStorm, Socom, will if I find a copy of Twisted Metal eventually and the quality differences.

It's not oh old and new gen, oh the hardware (didn't own a Vita prior to now) or oh that time period.

Nope it's the direction/the audience target, the appeal, experimentation, 'effort'.

I don't get hung up on things I jumped to strategy RPGs randomly for the sake of it to try something new, if action adventure isn't going well (not that genre defines everything but makes it easier to say, racing has sucked besides Codemaster/Milestone for me personally, not interested in Mario/Banjo inspired platformers I want other forms of ideas so retro or ports of them 'yaaaaay') I don't compare I take elements that work for the genre, those executions then others more awkward/unclear/not fun.

Part is personal part is what works and separating the personal favourites to be neutral. Some hard to do because people are so emotional, I separate that to what I think executed it well not put nostalgia/loyalty/emotion into it.

But that's not most people. I'm a minority but they drew me away making them similar.

Rift Apart/Resistance 2/Spiderman 2018 did the same Insomniac disappointed. 3 times.

Re: Of Course Baldur's Gate 3 Will Be Heavily Censored in Japan


Interesting, I don't even know how far Mass Effect, Witcher or God of War was as it obviously didn't show much or were off screen or however presented. Or how far the CERO Z rating has changed in strict or less over the years maybe stricter?

Compared to Assassin's Creed or Resident Evil games with CERO Z on the violence scale.

I know the differences of upper/lower body these ratings balance out to. Enough anime/Hentai or games on or off screen and implied or actual acts and you get the idea how they rate things just as much as whatever swears are for ratings as well. Whether whitelight, or blood sweat or something.

Senran Kagura has whitelight when clothes are ripped. Gal Gun it's underwear and a character model viewer. Conception Plus it's just particular visuals to imply it or 'particular way of showing it' besides dialogue. If going to be analysing it seriously then 'why doesn't this match the perception people overblow' and don't understand even though the D and Z differences aren't that hard to work out.

I mean most are upperbody of chest, no lower, or tripping/falling or whitelight when in the bath. Lower body and further it wouldn't even be released maybe or toned down. I mean even Eroge don't get sold easily and if have such content what scenes they are CGs/dialogue wise.

Or how far ecchi moments dialogue or visuals CERO Z details (western vs. Japanese ways of presenting such content) I know for violence as most rated Z are violence related so interesting to see it's for different reasons this time.

Many ecchi/fan service games are usually still C or D depending pretty sure. While in other reasons would be T or M or AO or M, MA15 or R.

I know with Hentai and other sorts they have to censor it so it doesn't surprise me what aspects they have to here but I don't know everything in Baulder's Gate 3 either of upper/lower body for character designs, dialogue or on/off screen details so fair context.

Either way interesting to hear about it's getting the Z rating due to such moments and content they are reworking to meet the rating then for a C or D rating instead.

Re: Sony Will Help Fund and Distribute a Live-Action The Legend of Zelda Film


Remember Sony Imagesoft or the Sony sound chip during the SNES period no well not like the companies and whatever department you want to connect it to hasn't before of oh oh PS and Nintendo.................. because sure ok their a company that can do it with their equipment/talent but the scripts, the direction and more that's what's to worry about I think.

Live action hmm not sure depends how they handle it. Zelda games have lore and each game is different just like Final Fantasy has different characters/1, 2, even 3 games with them then move on even if Link is different each games.

So is Ganon in his many interpretations (or getting other villains in different games), Tetra/Zelda/Sheik and such. Depends the angle. They could go BOTW/TOTK or they could go another ones or different eras dealing with a threat in all eras maybe?

Animation would have been better I mean each game has an interesting artstyle so live action for the ads/plays sure but a movie. Hmm. Also the actors and script hmm..... I don't know.

Then again Sony Imagesoft (remember on the SNES games published by them?), Sony Pictures and more are different companies.

PlayStation Productions probably would do a good job but they have their work on other things likely.

Then again the new Core platform exists now so it may appear there compared to PS Vue/their movies service before being their what 3rd attempt now?

Re: EA Sports WRC (PS5) - Don't Swerve This Intense, Well-Rounded Rally Racer


The car builder alone is stronger than Forza Motorsport's position selection option to make me excited (the only reason I cared and FM8 got worse over time, montage marketing telling us nothing, online required, eh career mode eh). EA don't screw things up let Respawn and Codemasters do their thing (no idea what Slightly Mad are up to as Project Cars was cancelled.

Roughness if it's not too bad I don't mind even if it does matter. But yeah some details will be a bit disappointing. VR would have been nice for sure.

If the career/physics (Dirt Rally was fine but did take me getting used to not a bad thing though even if going of Dirt 3 to it I think was a jump or other games and seeing as the last rally games played were Dirt 3, MX vs ATV Unleashed, Gravel years ago, Onrush months ago but not as long ago as when I tried Dirt Rally and WRC 2 on and off or the WRC Extreme demo I have on a PSM demo disk I'd be surprised how it feels as a sim and how much adjusting I'll have to do) Wheels looked from what I've seen even if more a controller user and 'sometimes' use a wheel (outdated now as more so PS3/4 wheel and not much to use current but got many PS3 games I can pick up to use it with).

Ride 4 didn't impress (fair ideas, but hard/impossible even on easy for me to play the AI are too professional not matter the cornering, the settings I gave up after many hours of trying) enough so Ride 5 not interested really (if like Ride 1 & 2, 3 & 4 were changes and 5 is like 4 in a way so nah pass) if it's similar so little racing games I care for of current gen (besides little care already for it of other titles right now and just playing PS4 versions or PS4 old games right now besides retro games for older consoles). NFS open worlds (or any open world racing) aren't for me. GT7/Forza Motorsport haven't interested me.

Grid Legends was great. WRC 2023 has Sega GT Dreamcast's feature but expanded upon I assume yes please wanted that for years now. Besides I assume other noteworthy things.

Milestone and Codemasters been killing it (well with things I like to see of direction at least) in the racing space these past few years or back in the day while the competition haven't impressed as much as those two bike sure not explored as much but mostly car side.

Re: UNO Makes a Surprise Appearance on PS5, and It's Part of PS Plus Extra


Cool I guess but using a second screen is more exciting for UNO so less looking away from the screen.

Single screen is fine but yeah phones mostly likely no Vita support, no curtain, no idea if a ding to signal to players or not to look back when done. You c an tell I've not played it or barely remember how it functions.

Even then maybe I can check the 360 XBLA games/some demos disk I have as while can't transfer it to my Xbox One like some on there I could I can see if it works or it's 360 store download if that's the case pass on that then as a comparison and footage it is online.

I played the PS4 version I think at a friend's house don't own it myself got the physical cards and happy with that/not a casual/party game fan.

But it's nice it's there. Thanks Ubisoft I guess for a PS5 UNO/a deal like this on PS Extra of UNO?

Haven't bought a card/board game video game other than Monopoly Party on PS2,Scrabble PS1 or Family Game Night Volume 3 on 360 so I had wondered how these were (besides research on Game of Life 2 or the board game changes over the years).

Even game show games like Millionaire or Wheel of Fortune since PS1 or Wii.

Re: God of War's Next PS5 Game Could Be Revealed Before the End of the Year


Because the Norso duology is over I wonder what they will do next. Next gen or not I had no interest in the cinematic angle, hated 2018 (beat the story called it there) I doubt it won't do that again but who knows.

I only care about the setting this time as gameplay wise I'll hate it and won't play it regardless I know the audience appeal and I'm not that audience. Dialogue/themes eh.

I prefer the old ones. Mythology aside/setting I just want more interesting gameplay the third person, strafe, this and that didn't do it for me. There is a reason I enjoyed Valkyria Elysium is it's combat and it's elements focus on enemies. I didn't hate it being 'empty' it suited the setting/situation. Norso or otherwise I have enjoyed it so far.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's New Advanced PS5 AI Could Change Racing Games Forever


We will see. I'm interested but is Sophy any good even? Drivavatars from Forza even changing?

As much as don't mind the old AI some are bad. Even the GT5/6 AI they tried to make them more a bit more but they still were behind. Sport I think it was fine but Sport/7 don't have that great AI still. Improvements are needed. Whether reactions to players, other AI opponents, some pit, brake, overtake, defend or what.

I mean we haven't gotten a defend option for B Spec once which always baffled me players can and the AI struggles when were good enough to block them. They don't really do that themselves. Maybe rarely but still it's more getting in the way then intentional blocking strategies the AI go for. Or crowding not F1 or others bad but still awkward.

Never liked more than 6-8 opponents anyways. Too crowded, too awkward to path find the track, go off and such (see on occasion in old games with tyre wear). But the stopping start barely exists either anymore (realism/safety, etc.) which is so boring being behind and running already it's just boring. I play TOCA games with tons on PS2 and stopping starts and it worked it out fairly well I think. Some craziness, some good enough, some aggression even to Grid Legends.

I don't expect an aggression/nemesis system but even still just some responses, they don't have to be stand outs but still just a bit more response to players.

Re: New PS5 Slim Adverts Reveal Bundle with a Free Game


@__jamiie Balan was fun for me, low expectations, got my Rayman 3 suit game and I enjoy flops (or see the flop coming but still want the game regardless) and AAs so that's just me. XD

That aside COD has it's casual fans, some hardcore fans, most that hear about it & don't care and us that did play it but have no interest anymore.

I like many have played other shooters old and new, play other genres and games (not the COD/sports games) or moved on from certain aspects of COD not being as fun/exciting or enjoyable anymore. So we may fit into the don't care camp probably nowadays, or maybe come back later. I don't care anymore got my fix, played other shooters more interesting to me (old ones Bright Memory Infinite and TItanfall 2 the last few cared about of modern shooters, can't forget Wanted Dead).

So why would we care if it's bundled, many could get the bundle for the console and (if physical or a code can trade most likely not and bundled like Astro's Playroom digitally maybe with the console) trade it in. I traded COD in for another game with one of my Xboxes purchases because why not in a chance like that get something else instead of more worthy to us if we get game choices to swap out then go eh didn't really want that or won't get much selling it.

Then again if Not For Resale then well that changes things too. XD Or selling it in the future when collectors want Not For Resale copies of copies because their unique or something like that.

Saw an AC Unity Not For Resale in EB Games/Gamestop few days ago, worth a photo not much more.

Re: Biggest Gran Turismo 7 Update Ever Adds Cars, Tracks, Modes, Challenges


Fair update. The game needed another track. Cars isn't enough reason unless you have places to drive them on or scapes to take photos with them to one's hearts content.

Couch co-op is cool but the problem still is the game will be dead in many years and unplayable so that 'oh hey want to do couch co-op in GT7 again' ah sorry can't the game is dead. Welp hopefully GT8 does....... Or just another racing game of old instead.

At least they still have the feature not disappointed as sometimes you'd think they ignore arcade mode or split-screen as well online is big so why bother but is appreciated being there for sure.

GT7 is getting fair content but eh. The career mode is still an issue, the content is fine, online required is still there and will be worse then GT Sport's more fair offline state that is better when I tested it.

Re: PlayStation Studios: All Sony First-Party Developers and What They're Working On


Fair status. Ah whatever Asobi, Bluepoint, Bend and London (Getaway is missing from that) are doing. Let alone Media Molecule after Dreams. I'm curious. The rest don't care and we kind of have an idea anyway of trilogy/second games and more.

The mobile/live service stuff pass. Firesprite though new VR? Or just another title outside VR?

The PC port studio doing their thing is fine.

No Insomniac VR is something I wonder. All this Marvel when what about their Meta VR skills/talent/equipment why not get them on PSVR2 or some other studio to tie in then just Firesprite or Asobi or the Firewall studio.

Bend 'broke back into AAA status' WTF is that have they not just because oh handhelds oh other IPs weren't? They were under Sony they are AAA budget and quality you people and your BS write ups. Some people seriously need to think further and not so narrow.

Re: Sony Does a Lot Behind the Scenes to Ensure High Quality PS5 Exclusives


GAAS or cinematic games I'm not interested. The quality (even if strong similarities that put me off the games more and more or nostalgia safeness targeting I roll my eyes at) may be there but I'm not their intended audience (which is fine they have enough people interested in them casual, loyalty/hardcore, people buy what appeals to them and enjoy) so unless I see a new Astro game or maybe another Media Molecule game I've got no interest and sticking to third parties for now.

Re: PS5, PS4's Most Played Games Probably Won't Surprise You


Not surprised at all. Minecraft is the only one I do care for and even then singleplayer and modded on P C or singleplayer and trophies/play a bit and move on for Vita (or PSVR for PS4) that's about it got so many games played or expe3rienced before or after Minecraft anyway. I had my flash game fix years ago so any mobile stuff means nothing to me other than emu or music apps. Everything else is singleplayer (bots if I care or testing games with free online multiplayer on WiiU/Vita/3DS), buying many retro or particular taste in current games not mainstream.

I bought GTA5 for the laughs in a retro game store for the singleplayer. Otherwise I'd never buy it I have no interest in the series and Liberty City Stories on PSP was ok but got awkward for me to play even as used to PSP controls.

I may do challenge runs/replays of old games but otherwise it's whatever I add to my backlog for each console and the odd current gen third party release on my PS4/Xbox One. The odd Switch game here and there.

I've played flash games and that's that. I may consider those on the Vita PS store as PSP Minis but that's about it. Otherwise it's games with cool mechanics, level design, fair stories/none at all any gen.