Comments 698

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


@RainbowGazelle I wonder as someone completely different from my generation likely younger than you (without going into age) half the time. I want good gameplay but I haven't seen it gimmicky show pieces or just in general more exciting mechanics because pushing RPGs/open worlds/other trends so hard, story, graphics, fair worlds, whatever dialogue or tone/themes.

So while yes many old people think so and I can agree with them. Some of us younger do feel the same way and aren't trend bought in all the time. Some of us remember or know what gaming was like prior and respect those times not just for nostalgia but the better products offered, but differently of course if we didn't grow up with them. Some people have experienced an NES at my age. I never did. So to me it's totally new.

Sure it varies from IP to IP what each of us enjoy of course so some big IPs, some genres will differ no doubt.

So there is some hope of some of us younger types into games and going yep we watch retro channels, we do what we can in retro communities with respect, we appreciate retro gaming, we may or may not be picky with modern gaming in some areas.

So I feel just as much as older generations of people going yeah I'll stick to last gen or retro consoles/games too I haven't picked up before and having a blast with hidden gems or the classics of old as much as I do researching old tech, consoles, handhelds, PCs, PDAs, old video and audio formats, whatever the case.

Companies want graphics and formulas like buy the next phone and to many of us yeah we are good with what we have/need or wait till the jump is worth it if it's optional like consoles are for our entertainment options and with for casuals or mainstream or particular gamers really excited/loyal I guess and to me it's just not exciting. Indies do the job but even some are too whatever the big games of a gen did as a base/formula and not go further which for some genres makes me disappointed in Indies as I do AAA.

I miss Japan Studios, London and more as well. To me Knack 2 as eh as it is I still enjoyed. Gravity Rush 1 & 2 as well (still yet to finish 2). Blood and Truth, buying up Playlink games for the novelty as much as I am Kinect for 360.

We gamers old or young with a particular mindset (open to old and not just current trends and we see the way the companies operate) then whatever the next trend is have seen the trends from online passes to platformers, racing, shooters, open worlds, battle royales, etc., if we already were into those games which for me was the case with many western third parties of PS3/360 era. If I already didn't like their IPs or game design direction, then pushing the ones I didn't like to PS4/Xbox One and PS5/Series consoles more didn't make me go you know what I should give in. Because why would I. XD

Some IPs changes don't help either, first or third parties depends on the stance with each person we all one those reasons of liking or not liking the direction of some that vary between us.

Indies nostalgia inspired or unique ones are still more satisfying or old gen AAA/AA have been more appealing. I've had more fun with left behind IPs by AAA even on PS3/360, mechanics of 5-7th gen or just games I've never heard of that are niche and researched besides those I've picked up. Researching 1st to 4th gen as out of reach at the moment.

Gameplay first for me. Being a collector and researching games, history and more has been more fun then giving into these companies.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


Nah not sure it's necessary I went with.

I'm not interested in the regular PS5 let alone a Pro personally. The 8K on the box hmm, the 8K TV push I mean if there isn't any 8K TV/Movies, games can push this but by how much that's the thing. Also 8K game sizes no thanks way too big and too already but 8K TVs need to sell. 4K TVs need to sell. Not that I'm interested in one, too big for me and most systems I own at least at 1080p and under. Others I know sure they are current gen. Me I can pass.

For me I more and more become an old consoles/games fan or a console gimmick enthusiast not a console power enthusiast when it comes to tech. Old history, and gimmicks not what the companies want which is their games and graphics and story telling/genre trends/hardware to sell.

For PSVR2 and Portal it's a fine benefit. PSVR2 especially like PS4 Pro/PS5 has with the adaptor for PSVR1. But otherwise unless optimisation and actually exciting gameplay mechanics in games I'm not interested.

Also while a Pro for the other 4K wise made sense I do think 8K push hmm. That and also the CPU. The GPU sure but CPU has to stay and the RAM/GPU increases it could have eh. The PS4/Xbox One being laptops or so of the time to now current gen more I always assumed 2000 RTX series cards (AMD equivalent and custom hardware they both have these consoles).

Besides the Xbox One X, I've played some current gen games on it and yeah smart delivery ones especially to just Forza Motorsport 7 it runs badly. The hard drive aside why would I want better graphics. I'm running it at 1080p not 4K so the fact it's even worse no thanks graphics push for load times if the Pro is just as bad hard drive being SSD here of course.

I just don't know. I mean if Rift Apart had dynamic moments with it's rifts. If we had more I don't know Infamous/Spec Ops The Line dynamic moments. Not scripted overly 'perfect' games then sure but if I want that well survival games are offering them the genre that some AAA have kind of leaned into like I thought Fallout 4/76 would or got cancelled RIP Blizzard.

To me the graphics are fine, I don't care about them regardless of artstyle for the resolution increase, the textures ray tracing or not with lighting to me aren't that impressive, animations are just whatever of cutscenes to just ok or stiff in some games, character movesets are boring let alone level design, why would I want to play current gen games when I haven't seen anything impressive, the gameplay is what isn't making me upgrade. I haven't seen anything GOOD gimmicky with the hardware or just compelling new gameplay ideas yet.

Other than Ride 5 which I don't know if like Ride 4 with it's Pro feel like some MotoGP games so pass on that, but it's Forza Motorsport 1 & 2 region system I love about Ride 4 even though I can't play it. Or WRC 2023 the Sega GT style car builder I guess. The racing genre to just other games in other genres to me are so boring and unexciting of game mechanics. I don't even like those racing games I mentioned just because of them being old to new it's just comparisons that's all.

The fact they offer me exciting like older generations mechanics and happen to be on current gen is the case. Even if they aren't pushing the hardware in the gimmicky way they are in the still some mechanics appeal way and well being racing games that you'd hope do somewhat use the hardware as racing games can do. Also split screen Ride 5 on Series X cough Forza Motorsport 8. Sure it's based off Ride 4 but still proves the point it's still there and dev priorities a AA dev like Milestone can offer besides their left behind mechanics of PS2/OG Xbox era sadly.

Load times sure are good but I mean I've experienced FEAR 2 on PS3, 1.0 disk no updates the PS3 is offline, hard drive install required and 50% load after deaths and loads up the rest quickly. Just because PS4 people pushed the consoles doesn't mean I haven't gone wow, going back WAS worth it sometimes then the only current moving forward going was it always this bad, no it only was 8th gen actually. I've experienced 360/PS3 hard drive or not installs as 360 was optional and older consoles with good load times with less optimization by devs like these days. Quick Resume is digital on Xbox no thanks. I haven't come across much compelling me to upgrade. The fact that PS3/360 hard drive or not installs is still relevant because it as new then, because 360 is option, says a lot about dev/publisher nonsense in 8th gen+ mandatory installs and still running like garbage. SSDs or not. Cheap hard drives in PS4/Xbox One by default unless you swap it out as well if it has good read speeds.

The open world/RPG trends don't interest me really. 2024 has been that I only got 1 Switch game so far that's from this year, last year I got a few like Wanted Dead on PS4 it was 2023, otherwise Clive n Wrench, a few others, still was playing 2022 or retro games, still bought more retro games than current gen 2020-2024 still. The fact I've broadened my genres reach of visual novels, hack n slashes, tactics, arcade racers and more over the years to others because the titles appealed to me old and new on gameplay. Remakes or not either not whatever the worlds, character dialogue, 720p resolution and more I just don't care.

I've heard enough about the current gen big games from people playing them. I still don't care. I was open to 2022 Square titles, I haven't cared for much else on PS platforms really, not first party that's for sure but that's been since 2017, I was into Knack 2 and Gravity Rush, Dreams after that, Blood and Truth, but nowadays sorry but eh to GT7/Ratchet and the rest besides Astro's Playroom is cinematic games with gameplay I don't find interesting.

Even Xbox it was 2 smart delivery third parties, Project Cars 3 which is worse then Shift 2 Unleashed from 10 years ago (but I played them close to each other so it wasn't 10 years for me, even Shift 1 is better of the 3) and an Indie platformer Demon Turf and Demon Turf being Xbox smart delivery physical only not physical on PS/Switch is besides it's fair gameplay why I own it, because it's physical and physical Indies are nice to have. I'm not missing out. Sure Hi Fi Rush is on other platforms now which is great but not physical so pass even though I have tons of hack n slashes of past consoles or Valkyrie Elysium (aka 2022 Square PS4/PS5 only) to finish still.

The peripherals are disappointments as someone that was interested in them. PSVR2 has had many games that are probably good I haven't heard about besides all the Meta games and the is it too hard to justify a PSVR2 port/release at all stuff as well. But since I haven't heard of or played but the beginning ones gave me 2006 Red Steel 1 vibes (as someone that owns both in recent years). That's bad. Not good motion I expected. Devs that aren't good with motion controls making even Wii/PS3 move titles look good in controls then overcompensation of VR motion aka back stepping in a way when it can be better with balanced dev time and are just not trying hard enough or lazy and backtrack their controls cough No Man's Sky on PS5 PSVR2 then PS4 PSVR1 having better controls.

Third parties on either console seem ok to some exclusives third parties on PS5 but I can wait and I have people nearby that have played them. I know what they are like. Still good in my eyes but I can wait.

The PS5 POST sound being turned off I've got on Xbox One as it is so not missing out on that even if a nice feature. The UI/OS to me is not appealing it's not Xbox One/Series cross OS layout bad of navigation as the worst console OS I've ever seen or used when they had customisation before and now even more garbage ads, pages of garbage network sucking for things I can't change now THANKS, and pretend don't exist and put a game in/use an app and move on Microsoft. Or barely use the console besides some back compat and some CD/blu-rays from time to time. Their variety is fine just not exciting.

But from the eh groups then folders of PS4/Wii U/Vita/3DS I'm sorry but to me Switch/Xbox One & Series along with PS5 have the most annoying OS/UIs ever. They suck. I don't want recent games and a library tab if I already ready don't use the library on my PS4. Why would I want to use it even more now because the removed folders. Come on Sony.

Re: The Sims Is Being Turned into a Movie


To me games like Sims or survival games/other life sims. Sims Story focused games like the GBA/PSP/DS ones or the Urbz Sims in the City or even the Sims 3 Medievil/Sims Stories for Sims 2 or whatever.

If it's choose your own adventure then sure. But it won't be. Is Sims silly yes, can they replicate that maybe. Do we need a movie to advertise the Sims. No. I don't need a go read the manga anime adaptation type advertising experience of a movie for the sims.

If it was telling of the Goth family or Strangetown sure or a unique town. Many some Sims in jokes but Sims 4 is so eh these days of business model to even old Sims aspects anymore. Let alone stretching assets and concepts so thin in packs. You can tell I stopped at Sims 3 right. Mostly played Sims 1 and 2.

A movie eh. They work as games stories linear or the open ended ones. A movie can work it's just why do we need one other than it's a popular IP, this will be great. Not oh the games are superior so why bother. As if the Sims audience isn't mostly casuals besides the odd gamers yes that enjoy it. I enjoy Sims, 10+ years ago before they ruined it these days. EA makes enough money from Sims as it is anyway.

I get that enough with anime, I don't need to see a Sims movie be a go play the games advertisement. I see enough go read the manga anime as it is.

They can try and appeal to people but how much more do they need to then console/mobile audiences of Sims that are. More people sure but I mean Sims is so well known.

To me movies seem yes like ads but also just more fans and trying to get newcomers but for the sake of more nonsense then benefit.

Like Sonic movies I get it it's a kids property but even still they are just Santa Claus movies, the eh drama and eh kids movie fun parts you actually want to see with the character than a more interesting Mario movie in their world type experience which is why the Sonic movies didn't appeal to me. I don't want to watch Sonic Santa Claus movies (none of the Xmas theming of course in that example just the drama/kid enjoys the magic of it all and many of us probably do too then the whatever drama we don't care about in the movies because when was the drama actually GOOD or WORTH LISTENING TO over the magical stuff that's more exciting).

Those stories games with a goal have a place as much as the dynamic gameplay the main entries offer.

But making a movie to me just kind of kills it because it can be like the stories games but that's the thing, simplifying them or more broad. Being linear, trying to nail or advertise Sims to people. Who wants that out of a Sims movie.

A movie can try but the games just lend themselves to being dynamic, crazy at any moment of what your sims do based on the player's choices, the sim's skills, traits, or the game just being weird about it whenever it feels like it.

Re: PS Portal Is Proving Everyone's Predictions Wrong


It fits people's niches of off tv play I guess. Whether it's 10 years later marketing of a feature people finally realise exists and the Vita app to phones to now a companion handheld. The right games to play it with. The tech/screen size being good enough, whatever the case.

For night/TV and play, with or without kids to bother I totally get it. Besides me just thinking remote play has some merit but I barely use it. I prefer dual screens or other use cases off the TV. Doesn't mean I don't think off tv doesn't suit some parents for sure. Or not having to move their console into the bedroom just keep it in the living room/game room or wherever and Portal use in bed. Or cough PS Vita TV remote play years later, same idea, years later. Granted things change for people in life it's just funny how long it takes for some things to align or tech to be understood or companies to try it again that's all. I don't always hear about things the first time either sure. Or maybe people are busy and timing just doesn't happen it makes sense it's just yeah timing or situation suiting.

I just expected better of dual screen split screen, HUD on it or just Android support. Actually something not that basic. But can be basic or can be more not only basic. The Logitech G Cloud is perfect for cloud and still Android apps even though I was skeptical of it too.

I am totally fine with no new dedicated handheld/new eshop. I'm totally fine with that it makes perfect sense fiancially then PSVR2, PS5 and a PS Handheld to support. I don't need another Sony handheld and not just because I don't care about the PS5/their current first party that's it's own thing. I can understand why they wouldn't make another one and I'm fine with the Switch and my old Sony handhelds/Nintendo handhelds for backlog old titles.

Vita they gave up and left it to third parties, western ones gave up. Japanese and western Indies kept it alive. Nintendo kept 3DS alive as well Wii U wasn't doing well but they still kept it alive. Vita production may have lasted till the normal length of 10 years (which many ignore even if yes Japan but still) even if first party they dropped off or model attempts to keep trying with it. Phones were a period western third parties jumped on, made mistakes, learnt how to thrive it in over time as you would with a new market unless researching it hard enough then dive in with console games then change course. Nintendo thought eh well 3DS did well enough, some tweaks, the Tegra like they planned with 3DS but left for Switch and well they did some Shield game ports of Wii games for China so it was a fair test bed and they put all into 1 focus then split team.

We aren't getting Evercade style same hardware handheld or console any time soon. It just isn't happening even if would be cool. Vita/Vita TV to just deal with the account system let alone save files is a pain in the butt without hacking or PS+ cloud saves because thanks Sony.

But I mean you can get a screen for a Series S, a PS5 screen? A case to take your console in like PS4/Xbox One offered which is overkill but still a thing or just well streaming instead. PS1 LCD. Not just the Wii U Gamepad the Portal offers off the tv with the console they enjoy more than complaining the Wii U had games that didn't interest them and claiming the system sucks when it's the same idea of remote play/off tv play 10+ years later on a console they like now but without the local side of Wii U Gamepad as Xbox/Steam/PS have always been wifi/data focused then local distance or the dual screens the Portal can't offer, but 'could', but doesn't.

When it suits people for a system they enjoy (PS/Xbox then caring what Wii U ever did because it was about those games not the direction it was going till they love their PS/Xbox consoles so much they get screens and Portals 10+ years later or those cases like I mentioned prior if they did buy those) they sort of get it more or just accept it besides just the functionality I think but is Portal suitable for off tv play sure it is.

Just it's primitive.

Enjoy it those that want separate of a phone/other screen (I see the appeal but like anybody will buy a separate MP3 player, camera or others? only niches into those still do not everyone and Portal is the case, a niche that is suiting some appeal of a use case) and buttons.

I totally get that side of separate devices but at the same time it could offer more and the not everyone does proves my point. People don't have to be 100% all separate, but it also makes the point of well you do still have your smartphone for so much all in one anyway and the odd separate (unless have dumb phones in that case makes sense for those wanting that option and live better without the notifications, without ads, other apps and annoyances then just calls and getting by with a GPS/maps/working it out themselves among other things which is fair of a way to live and I respect those with dumb phones).

Re: Rise of the Ronin (PS5) - A Safe, Outdated Open World Game


I've never seen a skill tree mixed with a stats graph with Dex, Str and more before. That's some old school stat graphs with skill trees. What other game has done that before. None. You have just skill trees or you go and do it/stat points to put it manually not do it and gain it. So that's cool and DIFFERENT, outdated don't think so. I hate skill trees but it's still a spin on things so I can't knock it for that.

Tears of the Kingdom has caves and sky islands. Sky islands with nothing on them, just sky debris. Wow it is modern open world design.

A story where each time they have the same thing to tell you over and over not built upon what is told or sync and detect what was said between the 4. What a genius idea.

You can praise atmosphere/personality all you want.

But gameplay or quality of life matters.

Elden Ring/TOTK are nothing new. Old school or oh Zelda formulaic of items and puzzles and it suits that game now t all. Hypocrisy comes to mind of trends to do and don't.

It's Team Ninja A NOT OPEN WORLD DEVELOPER. So to me my expectations were low, combat sure, animations too but graphics, story, presentation in other areas expectations low. I don't compare them to other games of open world type as much because it isn't what they are normally known for. Yes they are setting themselves up to be compared and for fair reasons to do so making a game of that type and if worth someone's money yes.

So it's outdated in it's atmosphere. Seriously. The visuals sure I get that but I mean it's grounded even if fictional, it's probably a depressing time period so it makes sense with mundane colours.

hen again what Souls or even past Team Ninja game has been colourful either? Like come on. I do think some blur and 'presentation' in cutscenes or other moments is a bit much but Sony wants that motion blur and other cinematic nonsense presentation (so turn those settings off for sure) even in third party releases so what else is there to expect.

But seeking story from them is ridiculous. They have tried sure (and yes I do think the east/west aspect is cool and yes if done well) but expecting as such is like expecting Platinum to write a serious story and saying it's too serious we want Platinum to not do that and be themselves. Like make up your minds. It's not their strength. If they did have someone else come on board to blend it better sure. Could they. Did they. No clearly not.

I can say that about Insomniac with Spiderman/Resistance 2 the gameplay decisions were stupid but with Resistance 3 they learned and used their game design strengths there, Spiderman well who cares it's successful right? Which was backtracking what Sunset Overdrive did not because of the rail grinding, I mean the tower defence and other details that differ from towers to open the map visually, the outposts which I think they compare to, sure it had icons for things.

Gravity Rush and Infamous are yes old design as well but spray painting and finding cameras or doing races/combat challenge was more fun than some RPG style quests. Playing Tiny Tina I was like some of these are fine dialogue stories of silliness (the new gen audience it's intended for of dialogue aside as well as some of it is ignore worthy), but gameplay wise pretty eh. You don't get that always. So I get if say the Witcher it does because the stories are probably interesting or so but the gameplay who knows.

Can someone tell me what outdated open worlds are? Sunset Overdrive tower defences were a good spin on outposts, then Insomniac flipped that around with Spiderman to outposts, the radars/towers (BOTW, Ubisoft, certain others to pinpoint and reveal the map then just a Map o Matic Ratchet style give you an item that can do that later in the game or behind an arena challenge or something/in the vendor at a certain point),

to some ring minigames or other missions, backpacks and more. Is that outdated for a spin regardless of it's icons/2015 design yes I know. Do spins on a formula count as outdated. What have the last few years open worlds been like I have mostly played older ones due to movesets and missions type preferences I've researched before buying them.

Like I get minigames, or I get icons/multiple types of missions but what depth are people seeking in the missions? Do they care about photo taking and more hobby or interactive type ones, do they dialogue/some story telling to listen to NPCs, do they other types of minigame level stuff that's unique to each missions, and what multiple unique missions or more fun missions even if many repetitive types?

Is gear score that outdated? Is the loot system? Is the lack of one a good modern take because it's a trend people don't like?

Or is it the world and the NPC's AI or the atmosphere? Or the buildings/open spaces with the landscapes themselves?

Do they have to be 'realistic' worlds or do they have to be just more appealing in a fictional way?

I do think this game has it's odd points to it in terms of gear or the wanted system. The world seems fine enough. The bosses focus at chapters is a bit odd very Ninja Gaiden maybe Souls kind of expectation for a set piece/climax per chapter ending then an open world design focus.

Things Team Ninja haven't done before, Stranger's of Paradise and Nioh had their gear and other things changes then Ninja Gaiden, and why they are at end of chapters that other games wouldn't do.

They made Soulslikes with Nioh and fighting games with Dead or Alive/hack n slashes with Ninja Gaiden or Musou for some Warriors games not all, never open worlds so to me I think the expectations need to be set low first of all. But like that will happen.

Until I see animations, enemies able to learn/unlearn a player's attacks aka intelligent AI of a certain type, or worlds that evolve aka because everything has to be fixed or changed at certain points for perfection which the other requires a lot of work to make changes happen seasonal or just major key events.

I don't get what is 'outdated' or expected. I don't play games by cult followings because oh the narrative of this trend is superior than another or oh it's old school and great. I see merit in some directions then others no doubt but still.

I play games for unique mechanics or because the dynamics make sense. Not a trend of old ideas people care about Ubisoft's formula, GTA's formula versus old school western RPG with stats whatever atmosphere/exploration.

NES style I used a guide/the Nintendo phone line level nonsense people want of hard difficulty in games to spend a year in their open worlds or be more REALISTIC with their I didn't use the Atlas/GPS because I walk around like a only landmarks/what NPCs say mindset like what. I get games being perfect and safe/easy but still.

Like defend the area moments, turret segments, escort quests or certain others I get how annoying they are.

Atmosphere sure, missions types/being the same but how or where you do them, sure but otherwise someone come up with a variety of types for a large scale map. They are big, they try to come up with some but get recycled or have minor changes because they don't know what else to do or don't want to spend more time building up many I think.

It's not the days of minigames like Spyro where every one is unique (that wouldn't happen these days in open worlds too much time involved, even then not all were great even if you could tell the difference between a cannon minigame, a race, a flight challenge, a collect all these items or animals to a pen), because well the games would take longer and they more so have repeats or key types and present them around the world, but people expect that level of uniqueness of dialogue, gameplay, things they do to make all missions unique or fewer of a certain type? Do they or no I have no idea?

Or just too many things to do and however much is or isn't underwhelming of depth in the missions length, how much is filler, repetitive or just not dialogue/gameplay engaging enough even if just a photo, or a spray paint or a collect/attack/find location/trade items.

Or a more you pass an item to one person, another person (say you have to do that) or sell it expectation like Dragon's Dogma because it's not oh it's a key item it can be messed with and we have bad endings like a visual novel of just 3 choices but dynamically you can do do that that way and not have the game go nope you can't do that level of freedom?

When it comes to each mission? Yes, no, I don't know?

I mean Sunset Overdrive is outdated but heck that tower defence then outposts made me go that spin on things was fun.

Having Dragon's Dogma be more what encounters and other things is fine but I mean.

When did we get many dynamic elements in games? PS3/360? Infamous, Spec Ops The Line, probably other games? Survival games all the time have them because they aren't perfectly scripted games. XD

I've never understood what is a MODERN open world from the few I've played because the movesets appeal to me.

Heck even Biomutant I got disappointed because of it's lack of animal movesets, gas immunity was cool like No Man's Sky but the lack of traits/animal classes to swim, dig, fly, etc. when you get vehicles is fine but what about if I don't choose swimming, I use the Jet Ski, I do choose swimming, I don't have to. Talk about depth to navigation/level design with the character right?

Some games just don't push certain features.

To me yes missions need more but to me what types can they do, what varietion, what repeats, or all unique to fit in a LARGE world. I don't mind some types because they well fit a character or were just fun, others are RPG like tropey others are more open world typical.

I don't think the Ubisoft formula is bad it's just how they present it is why I never want to play them besides the unappealing movesets.

I don't find average combat in a souls game when I've played more flexible hack n slashes with fair content in their hubs bothered me at all.

Re: Both God of War PS5, PS4 Games Battle for Top Billing in Sony's Twitter Competition


Even if I care for neither (played better of other Sony IPs or older console games with far better ideas and execution then them as like with most things in modern gaming even for linear games or hub ones played better mechanics, better stories and better artstyles) to me 2018 has less nonsense.

Multi-game in a series polls are dumb. It's series or the one offs.

Ragnarok fixes things but also adds a lot of unnecessary too or drags on just as much. It took it in fair directions (also takes from Gears 5 the breaks from the linear). I beat 2018 and hated it so I didn't play Ragnarok but from hearing what people say of it or seeing what I have from their playthroughs yeah I can tell some of it's additions weren't worth it. I would have hated it even more than 2018 if I did play it.

I wouldn't even vote. Not because I don't use Twitter but besides Returnal eh options listed.

I love how they put the most pitiful options on it too. What a joke. Some that will obviously win let alone barely enough exciting options to compete. It's always a popularity contest.

Even with polls of great characters or great gameplay. Most people haven't even played them so why bother. They are worthless. Anyone that knows already knows the answers before they even start. Withholding some series would make it better balanced but how many would even vote if they haven't even played them. Exactly better results.

Re: Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Isn't Exactly Off to the Best Start


I think if Push Square want to review it do so the offline and if they think is holds up. But I appreciate the waiting for the better time to do so.

I understand it's a package of course. I understand yes they may get flak for it as to me yes the AI isn't great, some things aren't modern but seeing as how much I find many old games with left behind ideas hold up besides their controls most modern games may have better controls but the most boring ideas I've ever not wanted to buy them for and who cares graphics/worlds for their modernness but lacking depth many old games HAVE or are STILL FRESH. XD

If the offline is fine by all means. The game select menu seems fine (something other studios won't do sometimes or just port them and offer them digital then on a Switch cart or be lazy in terms of just 1 game select menu but not 2, because they are lazy) and they boot into the games (as far as heard I own BF1 on PS2/bought a Xbox copy not to long ago and have BF2 on PS2/PSP so I don't care to buy these digital or limited run physical and paid online pass I have experienced the offline content enough as it is and the more completeness of the maps are cool but not deal breakers for me).

The online seems a bit hilarious to me. People think Aspyr has that kind of money. They are like Mass Media or Sanzaru they are port studios they don't have money to many servers. Disney sure I agree with people on that side of things but a port studio does not. They may be like Saber, Rebellion or more to a degree maybe but even still.

3 servers yes is very little but I don't expect a lot from them. I agree they should know better of nostalgia/retrospectives of these games the past few years I've been watching. It's not hard to see people compare the old/modern BF games but also people on PC playing the OG ones modded. Who missed that part at either of the companies how much these games are big now as they were then due to retrospectives and PC modding. Some companies underestimate things.

Even if the negative reviews seem a bit much. I agree the games have their AI and other limits for sure but are still fun offline it's not online everything people will overhype and rate badly.

People have the nostaglia, yes they are good games it's why I bought the OG Xbox version due to wanting to try the BC on Xbox One and the Jabba's Palace DLC. I could get BF2 on Xbox but I'm not that desperate.

The new additions make sense for this collection to be definitive but if the offline works and split screen as well which you'd expect them to if it's a game select menu with two old titles ported to modern systems well enough at least then I'd say go for it. Even if the originals are good as they are the ports you'd want to hope are good as well additional content included as well and however much it can uplift the titles.

Re: God of War Legend Stig Asmussen Opens New Studio, Plans AAA Single-Player Action Game


I'm up for a new action game been buying a bunch of old ones I got Conan PS3 and Rise of the Argonauts besides earlier then that Brutal Legend and Dante's Inferno. God of War hasn't been going a direction I care for after buying up the series. I beat 4/2018's story I have no interest in it or Ragnarok I didn't get gameplay I cared for with it. The Jedi games were ok not that appealing to me. Fair design. World and story were ok. Puzzles were fun enough. Cosmetics are not exciting for back tracking, combat wasn't for me. The download nonsense. The platforming confused me in Survivor so many times as someone used to platforming I got confused what was a climbable or slideable surface.

So it depends. I'm still on Valkyrie Elysium happily alongside the old gen games I bought. Hi Fi isn't physical so not playing that but No Straight Roads was good and finished it.

I'm ready. Forspoken was fair but didn't get it's appeal. I thought the magic and world was fair, I didn't care about the character or anything about that I was too gameplay focused to care what everyone else said. I get it's issues but eh flop or not I bought Balan and Aveum or their gameplay too. Well Aveum for its themes also as don't care about military immersion Indies or AAA at all. Bright Memory Infinite not played but want to.

I'm ready for a new action game. Even Bayonetta Origins even if very Tale of Two Brothers stick to move both characters but singleplayer and fair differences then the main series has been more fun then Bayonetta 3 was due to its fixes and besides it's differences and prequel aspects. I enjoy more different or enjoy kids games as much as mature ones.

I can wait for a new action game but I hope it's good. If it's very cinematic and particular I'm not interested if it's got compelling gameplay, is fine being mature or fictionally appealing of a world, or more balanced (more teen) I don't mind either way.

God of War 3 was a surprise to me. Granted seen a similar hitting someone in the face move in a game I forget that wanted to be God of War 3 but I'm fine with some interesting details of a more balanced world and gameplay or more mature. Either is fine with me.

I bought the Darksiders series up, 3 sucked, Genesis put me up a bit more I don't like isometric RPGs but it was still Darksiders and a fair prequel. 1&2 are excellent.

Biomutant had me disappointed becythe animals are boring and a class system or traits idea would make it better. Otherwise it's passable just going from Platformers or even Splatoon moveset you do go oh this is pretty generic and beiyan animal skin wise doesn't change much or animations.

Gas immunity was cool at least like No Man's Sky but different.

Re: Exclusivity Is the Achilles' Heel of Huge Blockbusters, Says Former PlayStation Exec


There is exclusivity and there is audience and ideas/impactful appeal the IP has. It's clear why casual games work. They appeal to people's hobbies, fetishes or whatever and make it more clear. I don't buy or play many of the biggest games IPs. If I didn't PS3/360, why would I PS4/Xbox One and PS5/Series. They seem to pick oh people will just buy into them. No I didn't then I won't now.

What about a painting figurines, or sculpting game? Where is a AAA version of that, oh an Indie may have done it. Something as simple as that can appeal to someone not just blockbusters based on movies. Remember also when games were games. I can still enjoy a puzzle game as just that or others being gamey, why not any other genres without them being movie inspired but still games but trying to blend the lines as much of cinematic/realistic while still having gamey elements that I'm fine with cutting the tedium out but still makes a point doesn't it?

Anybody that gets games have their own culture/visual language gets games. People that don't why would they care or understand red is explosives/white and yellow paint is a guide of where to go. They can't tell. That or thinking they can get passed something even though it's a 90 degree turn to avoid the fire, but think they can get around it but they can't because it's scripted. Last of Us 1 intro level I mean there.

Infamous 1 made me go oh I did a good or bad thing based on doing or not doing something. Second Son it was oh you have to go there and have good/bad points. It's not only gamey but made me go seriously? The no QTE but almost like that just reaction time to respond was a surprise. It may be the rest of the game isn't like that at all. But that intro scene presenting that to me was awesome. Some changes to games are a surprise these days of immersion or gameplay elements.

From animations to particle effects, sometimes you go oh this next gen will be great, we settle in and then they stop doing it, it's early gen stuff not later because it's too much effort or they changed direction.

It's like the first few episodes of an animated show, they can look good then they mellow as the first few episodes impressed but they can't keep it up forever can they with later episodes? Same with games sequels or game's later scenes.

Same with other people not into gaming. It's either other trends or their hobbies or other things they can make games out of. Maybe a crossword puzzle game is all they need. Do you need a PS5 for that nope. You can still buy them. Or play it for free on your phone. Gardening games? Rock Climbing? A maze? A mystery? A family drama story? A toybox?

Unpacking is a key example, it tells however much through just what it offers. No big CGI cutscenes or any action setpieces in it. XD Some developers just don't get casuals. If we get racing for dream cars (or those wanting a good progression structure which many times they don't for those fine with cars but want good uses for a game with them like any other characters in a game of another genre) and strategy or city builders (or themed around a university, hospital or anything else), why is it unclear about simulators or other things being appealing to casuals that AAA seem to not get.

Maybe we want a gardening empire, maybe something more saucey as an empire? Maybe just any simulation, or gamey take on a hobby? Maybe FMVs of some mystery/drama?

They can be AAA but it doesn't have to be a blockbuster to be high quality graphics, story telling or gameplay/artstyle.

If there is a AAA gardening game people will jump to it, no wonder many mobile or Indies can reach them besides just gamer type Indie games. Same with any strategy or city builder. Same with any creative building games. You get your odd 'I play what other people do' but if its their hobbies of gardening, rock climbing, fishing, board games or whatever you can make a game around it like an adventure through a children's book, or something the size of ants, a drama, a mystery. No wonder some simulators work. Some I think have a place others don't.

Not everything has to be a movie. Not everything has to be a fantasy/sci-fi journey like a book/movie. Sometimes they are puzzle games, or just things casuals like. Imagine that game industry. How stupid can they be. XD

If they want money by all means. If people drop off, why waste 5 years on a game, live service or not. If the characters/themes/worlds/artstyle/story/gameplay don't appeal who wants to play it. If the direction isn't interesting, who needs player retention, they have made it clear, they have moved on.

I'm not playing or buying them. Let alone accessing them free or not. Cosmetics or not. Progression and gameplay/level design matter sometimes.

My expectations may be high on possibilities (same with dual screen consoles again but I'm not expecting them to happen again) but not in the ways they think. Do I care about more adaptive enemy learning and unlearning attacks, puzzle, level design or giving health, animations, AI. Sure I do care for that being possible but I can get by without them though. I'm not caring about graphics. Animations need to be at least sub par then staring and lacking.

My expectations are low because of the current trends, I seek out games not following trends, they are high for Indies when they play inspirational nostalgia, when they play were trying something new I have low expectations because they are so good. My expectations for old games is low and still compelled by old ideas left behind then trends of today. I can go eh most shooters and their 1 stand out mechanic I can go oh these platformers/racing games may have been a genre but they stood out better, nowadays their only picking from hit games, so why would I want to play them their ideas are pretty weak.

It can happen. Indie puzzlers awesome, Indie platformers, pretty unappealing now for me. Some try harder then the other.

AAA want to be like movies or be this formulaic experiences, this trend, that trend. I'm not buying them, other people are. I'm buying the ones that stand out to me. I don't care. I'll play a gameplay focused game any day. Casuals or some gamers may. I personally don't care. Many of us don't care.

If people want a certain feel of a game/platform they will. We pick 1 or all 3 for different reasons.

Trends, or starting their own (if studios are willing to)/new ones or standing out in different ways.

Nintendo to me it's not the oh they have Mario/Zelda/Pokemon. I'm not playing them I am Fire Emblem (Tactics), Pikmin (strategy), Rhythm Heaven (rhythm party minigames, basically rhythm Warioware), Another Code (puzzle) and more. Their niche IPs that get early millions or not even. Even Pikmin 4 annoyed me due to some changes. I felt the series worked fine before the changes they made that made it more generic actually. Some were fair, others went too far I think and too like other games.

There is a reason I can go oh upgrades, versus oh collectibles to do the same thing (but seen as 'old design maybe') and simplifying design with skill trees many do these days. Menus covering up changes to the world to save time.

I care about variety and I care about gameplay/genres. Same with music, I care about the structure and sounds, or genres and a spin on them. So even if I were to pick 'graphics' being anime like with Fire Emblem or in other cases story sure some may have it, not all, I have tons of others to go for. I go for gameplay and yet all Sony PS3 and prior IPs I had a reason to pick them up. Nowadays I have no reason to pick them up as the trends/cinematic feel they go for and gameplay doesn't appeal to me.

I am likely to pick LocoRoco, EchoChrome/EchoShift, Gravity Rush, Knack (old God of War formula also), Song of the Deep, Patapon and more not because of their artstyles even if they differ, it's their gameplay. Not just the major IPs we had from that era I never got to play like God of War, MotorStorm, Infamous. I'm getting around to them now even besides the niche IPs of Japan Studio or Insomniac's Metroidvania from 2016 on PS4/Xbox One that most people looked at Ratchet 2016 towards instead or other 2016 games.

To me Sony and Microsoft both don't have first party directions I care for right now (they made changes, that's fine to stay alive they have to make changes for audience/appeal, they don't appeal to me so I'm not interested or they shut studios I was interested in down, if a studio's game doesn't appeal to me I go to others, if all their studios don't have games that appeal to me or they shut the studios down I have less reasons to stay with Sony's studios don't I hmm funny how that works the creative ones get shut down that I care about I have less games to make me want their platform) so I went to Nintendo for first party/genre variety I was seeking and other third parties there and currently my PS4 and Xbox One are good third party games, blu-ray players or backwards compatibility machines. Fine by me.

It's why with PS4/Xbox One. To me the PS3/360 left behind IPs I preferred, not the ones getting further sequels I had no interest in. So why would I buy them I'm not convinced because we have those IPs and less options now am I?

Otherwise it's PS1-3/PSP/Vita or OG/360 of retro titles I have interest in. As well as old Nintendo systems I never picked up and many third parties there I have interest in besides the first party.

Not nostalgia, I mean left behind 1, 2 offs or trilogies no body cares about that I have interest in their gameplay ideas for or understanding old trends and non-trend setters that are fresh and compelling games.

Or Indies not nostalgic-ally uninteresting me either and Indies that are interesting me being different too in their own way.

It suits me. Everyone else has their reasons for owning a PS5/Xbox Series console. I have mine.

It could be many things. I seek gameplay, everyone else seeks graphics, story, artstyle, themes, worlds, music, characters as well and much more.

Re: Mini Review: New Star GP (PS4) - Refreshingly Modern Retro F1 Racing


Not into these, too many of them. Gravity Trickster was PS4 only too. PS5 is backwards compatible who cares just get it either way. Besides does the resolution matter that much for some artstyles, in some cases yes but not every devs was able to start on PS5. Not everyone can afford or utilise a PS5 dev kit to the fullest either. If Sony gives them out sure but otherwise players have no idea the actuality of devs, neither do Journalists wanting online multiplayer.

Are they a big enough Indie, maybe but in the case they aren't who has that much money for servers? What kind of idiots are you people. If they wanted to put even a reasonable about of time and money let alone a few servers for multiplayer. People would give up on these games for one due to small counts to play with or because of players to offer enough servers to account for.

Not every shooter needed a multiplayer either. Some people just see features to add to a box or want something without thinking what it takes to make it happen let alone just taking turns multiplayer could still be a thing even. Online multiplayer is costly. Not every game needs it. Otherwise play other games or play games properly with what they offer then complaining about everything and the kitchen sink with what games "NEED". It's pathetic.

I judge by game mechanics sure but at least I'm reasonable enough to know the difficulties of what goes into a game and the worlds/dialogue and more take a lot of time and have a lot of talented people even if I have no interest in a game. I still appreciate it even if I prefer other things, I still give suggestions where I think games lack because I care or think the games lack and focus on their trends than actually good additions they leave open cough Biomutant animal movesets are bland and Foamstars can't use foam in interesting ways so it's bland.

Push Square no online multiplayer I'm sorry but do you think Indies have servers just lying around their house/studio or multiplayer design expertise? That's AAA maintaining levels stuff.

If Share play works then sure I guess. I don't know many other methods to go about such things.

Split screen or local maybe sure but online that's a whole beast of things many devs can't offer.

Re: Warner Bros' Reaction to Suicide Squad Flop Will Make You Question Your Sanity


It has to go the way they want, more money like other investors. XD They don't learn just want.

Audiences have spoken, they knew they didn't care, why fight it executives. But they keep doing it and don't understand audiences. We aren't idiots. We make it clear what we want.

If people were already unsure about Gotham Knights why is doubling down on safe games a good idea. They should have noticed, didn't care and they double down on killing themselves going we can try again differently. I mean sure but does that always work.

Trends die, people move on. Move on not drill it in for another 10 years, waste time, and go oh you devs/publishers. Yeah audiences are playing different games, know the landscape and business model.

They don't have the right themes, right universe, right mechanics to make it work. The right angle to go about it to appeal to people.

They can keep trying though.

Re: Reaction: What Is Happening to the Video Games Industry and Why Are There So Many Layoffs?


Look at cozy games, hobby like ones, dumbed down simple games gameplay and controller or touch focused differences of inputs, casual appealing ones. Look at mobile, PC.

Switch is no exciting device anymore it's gimmicks do the job from standard consoles for sure. To me it's just I have experienced PSP cabled, I get Nomad, I get Pocket PCs/PDAs. The Lenovo Legion has split controllers. Switch is a good platform but to me it's nothing special and the breakdown of handheld and dock are clear too. It's a fair option but those that use it strictly make it clear.

I can cast my phone's not cast button in app type apps so not just oh Youtube cast button I mean the whole phone experience to the TV it's laggy but still.

Third party Android apps (more so with the lag) or even Phone Link/Continuum by Microsoft not used much.

Like most people understand them but the possibilities are there still for us that know and use them that way.

It took till now for the PS Portal to catch on after all. Sony and Remote Play for years, average marketing and understanding by people in such a way at the right time.

Oversaturation of safe games yeah that will do it. Nostalgia trips pass but they sell.

Other mediums only offer so much for expanding on video game characters and worlds.

Mobile simplification and PC power I guess matter to some. I think inbetween like consoles and tablets/laptops have a place then just phones and PCs gaming or general tasks.

I see it. You can look at any Youtubers or you can any games that appeal to casuals. Console hit a fair line of affordable or not but graphics aren't enough anymore with 4K. It's ideas, it's themes, it's details.

I mean many genres I keep giving up on or IPs because their either dead are safe, bad marketing or formulaic, bad or disappointing progression/career mode structures and modes/event types. They lack in areas and simplify them. We ussed to get more now they suck and have the bare minimum.

Movie experiences or eh typical fantasy, sci fi, whatever boring open worlds with generic quests. I'm a very mechanics person so any gameplay or even with music any instrumentation or sampling structure appeals to me. Not dialogue and doing a boring question. Actions are more exciting then the writing sometimes and lyrics unless they have a spin on them of how they are written and themes.

Console and games have gotten formulaic even I am sick of 3D platformers my favourite genre, by Indies not the retro ones I have no nostalgia for why? Because the mechanics. The popular game narrow minded nostalgia. I'm not interested. They may save games in sales I'm not interested I want more exciting ideas.

Fan game level blandness.

People can be nostalgic and have certain ideas but I'm not into many games these days.

AAs hit and miss. Certain Indies.

Indie puzzle games are doing great. Many like platformer, racing disappoint me the most.

AAA want cinematic I don't care and their ideas for gameplay are boring, done to death design, boring themes, quests, gameplay and character movesets. Foamstars and Biomutant I had more ideas for then their cotes being so eh. Very safe games these days. How can someone make a game about foam and make it the most boring thing I've ever seen.

Many support the different AAA but they don't sell well, only niche cult followings and most audiences marketing to casuals or not. Don't help.

Games suck.

Digital future databases messing up too isn't helping.

Re: Sony's London Studio, Media Molecule Were Reportedly 'Highest on the List' for Closure


@Juanalf Well they have Insomniac for PC VR capable let alone they made Song of the Deep in 2016 for PS4/Xbox One. That was with a Spyro scale team. It was Gamestop published. I think it may have flopped I don't remember.

But if Pentiment or Bayonetta Origin or Hi Fi Rush fit the Indie AAA scale (like other hack n slash rhythm games haven't existed or hack n slashes have to be what an Indie genre now? unless it's DMC or Bayonetta scale of budget).

I think Sony just wants big games. I agree they need smaller ones but while they could be overlooked they need to try harder, market them better.

Dreams was like Project Spark (Xbox One game cancelled too soon) or Mario Maker, how could it fail not marketing it enough. It being too different, too broad.

Dreams and GT Sport/7 are their live service experiments after all beside the other ones that they planned/cancelled.

Last Guardian, GT5 and Dreams maybe cost a lot but put more into giving them deadlines/scaling the projects differently, instead. If they could push for Move support or PS Store support that took Insomniac till All 4 One to have a co-op game like third parties. Till Quest for Booty to be a PS Store thing the studio did. For other studios to have their Move, multiplayer modes and other things the publisher requests let alone whatever of the cinematic games they offer these days as their focus.

Why can they not market or manage the studios a bit better if they know a creative game like Dreams is a risk?

I'm glad they exist but at the same time they can't say we don't want Duke Nukem levels of not coming out and it flopping/wasting too much money but not managing their studios to go, hmm make a smaller game, scale the game differently to not be over 5 years as some cut off. For the type of game Dreams is it makes sense but what did they expect.

I do blame mainstream audiences and whatever competition comes out or broadness Dreams has that is too much for people, but if like with Gravity Rush did they put effort into marketing it well, probably not. So that PC port better sell if it is a rumour that's true or else well why bother. Just put a game out from PS4 gen because it's easy. Put out any other IP. Many deserve the support but if they want only their big mainstream appealing games to sell then do that or suit the audience they want to understand on PC.

PC players may want graphics but some still just want Indie like experiences just like console.

I mean how many first party VR did they offer that people skipped. Here They Lie being one of them, who ever heard of it besides Astro.

Re: Sony's London Studio, Media Molecule Were Reportedly 'Highest on the List' for Closure


If Media Molecule went that'd be it. Sackboy isn't enough. Asobi isn't enough for me to care about PlayStation either. Both only somewhat are. If both were gone I'd never pick up a PS5 at all even though I haven't. Their creativity at those studios is what makes me hold on besides just reading news about any of the 3 platforms in general.

Fans can love Indie style games but how many of us actually do, not a lot compared to mainstream audiences.

Big budget movies and big budget game expectations. Sigh. Give me Indies (not nostalgic game design inspired Indies though) please.

300+ million budget games, those can stay but the underwhelming studios games that cost less to make those are fine letting go. I get why but like come on they are a risk of games to make at a smaller budget of return in sales but they also cost less. Some companies want big, pay big and expect big or EVERYTHING TO SELL.

Zombi U rough sales, Rayman Legends held back logic even though a different audience. XD Got to make those financial reports look good right?

Skull and Bones took to long to be made too.

Better make sure the rumour of the Gravity Rush 2 remaster to PC sells well, is marketed well right? Sigh

Japan Studio, Media Molecule balanced out games on the platform. With them gone they offer too much of what I already have no interest in. So without a Knack, Gravity Rush or others of those types of experiences, mature, teen or kid relevant IPs Sony offers me nothing of appeal.

Bluepoint or London may have but if they didn't offer much either then why should I care.

PSVR2/PS Portal have not made me care more even though I would like to but they are just such disappointments of hardware.

I've moved away from the brand, PS4 even I've been buying up third party Indies or Japanese AAs, the odd western AA if they aren't formulaic garbage and have compelling gameplay and until third parties are cheap will I actually care about a PS5.

Prove to me gimmicky or not some actually good gameplay on these new consoles because I don't see it. Load times/ray tracing and formulaic game design is not compelling to me. Give me gimmick hard drive use. Rift Apart doesn't count it didn't even try a dynamic rift boss, it had Blizar and bleh rifts (the yellow ones are stationary, not even a gadget to control them, why?). I can play Crack in Time on a PS3 HDD, a 2009 game. Portal, Prey 2006.

I can go without WRC 2023, Ride 5 if it's not Ride 4 again like Ride 1 & 2 were similar is why I'm skeptical. Otherwise everything else I got on PS4 of Valkyrie Elysium, Diofield (they gave up after Chapter 4 of gameplay ideas, I platinumed it but what a piece of half done work and weak gameplay, eh story, Valkyrie Chronicles 4 is more compelling of changing up gameplay elements per level), Tactics Ogre (it's ok for a remake).

It's why I buy or research retro games, not the popular ones, the ones left behind by people. I have no nostalgia for them and that's what makes them great new experiences, fresh gameplay in old games.

So unless it's refreshing gameplay in new games, which only some Indies depending on the genre offer I'm not interested in many Indies like Puzzles games have been or certain other genres, not with nostalgic/inspired platformers/racing games so done to death of game design.

2016+ Sony they pushed me away. Bought up other consoles retro or a bit older and third party PS4 games instead.

My Xbox One is a blu-ray/CD player and back compat or odd Xbox One game, or certain Smart Delivery compatible games at this point.

Switch is more my go to in some cases due to the first party variety. But PS4 third parties are fair.

Not a single first party Xbox game appeals to me. Forza Motorsport 8 would have been but that's got it's own problems let alone it's marketing sucked which made me even more mad and I don't take marketing seriously but I want questions answered and they did, with a direction I don't want to play.

The PS5 console UI just offers eh navigation over PS4 or Xbox 360 and Xbox One level groups/library access I hate same with Switch, so PS4 folders any day. Even then I wouldn't buy a PS5 just for oh like Xbox One/Series consoles I can have the POST noise be turned off. I'm not buying a PS5 for that.

Re: Rumour: Gravity Rush 2 Remaster Dropping onto PS5, PC, Reveal Coming in May


@Gravity_Bear To me like with Rift Apart then 2016 or Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy than a 1-4 collection they don't care and if it's the latest product of a series they will put it up there.

They can't be bothered with older games, older source code/engines, story, gameplay relevance. They don't care for story or all entries in a series being available on PC.

I agree they should consider the first game being brought over but they are too lazy to do that. Latest is all they care about.

Re: Rumour: Gravity Rush 2 Remaster Dropping onto PS5, PC, Reveal Coming in May


A remaster. I'm unsure about this. Do I enjoy Gravity Rush yes, but do I think this is just a joke of company logic as usual also yes. As much as I like the series to me I think if they already barely got sales from people prior, servers down and more why bother. They could have put it on PC earlier kept the servers up. But nope. They could have done many things to better market this game.

The series deserved to be experienced but I mean why Loco Roco and other PSP to PS4 remasters, did those sell well? Don't think so other than fans, not many new people bought it.

Granted on PC then only PS platforms I get that it is a new audience but a large one highly doubt it. I mean any Japan Studios games would be fair on PC, many Indies and their games easily can blend in and be appealing but would they sell well to Sony's interest in profits I doubt it. That's why with so many teams they got shut down.

Splitterhead by Bokeh aka Team Siren/Gravity are still working on that horror game. Claphands did their golf game then the Everybody's Golf/Tennis series. Ico and other teams staff went their ways as well. Their contracts were up, they said no and only those at Asobi are left or whatever of the Japanese localisation team.

Sony doesn't actually care about the series, they just know as long as it's the latest entry in a series to port, or prep it for a TV show/movie they are good. Push whatever PS4 relevant IP over, less work, less messing with source code/engines. They don't care about Ratchet 2016, Uncharted 1-3, Gravity Rush 1, maybe a God of War 1 remake who knows.

If it's the latest version they will do it they don't care about offering 'EVERYTHING' or 'ENOUGH' on PC they just want the latest entry on there. Why laziness. Is it a lot of work to make all games possible on the platform of course but at the same time who bothered when it came to remasters on PS4 of PS3 games, many people. Who cares graphically or oh the source code/tools used with the engines to work them out on PC. People just want to please these games. They don't care always about the graphics if story/gameplay they want to experience not oh we have to because company logic about offering them.

I'm not buying it I'm happy with my PS4 copy I still have yet to finish the game (had to restart it due to the sucking in objects ability that was buggy, it was like my circle button was held down but constantly the whole time, they didn't get time to patch that. Maybe I was doing it then saved and it bugged out on save reloads) but beat enough of Gravity Rush 1 Remastered (not seen Vita copies of the original that's why have the Remaster) to almost Platinum it.

Do I want the series to get more support absolutely. But with the remasters of the PSP Loco Roco, Patapon and more did it make any difference in sales? Do people outside the obvious audience size actually care Sony? Tell me that please I'd really like to know. Because I highly doubt it got out there enough or noticed by casuals that much.

I love niche games and games with good ideas. I'm all about game mechanics I don't care if it sells well or is popular, it's about the game's content, not popular games with barely anything gameplay exciting in them people over hype nostalgia for by many Indies these days with the most pathetic Platformer/Racing games I've ever seen banking on nostaglia and making fangame style original games as Banjo/Sonic/Mario 64 clones with ability refinements, BORING. Give me something new, new worlds/characters doesn't cut it if the gameplay is the SAME THING OVER AND OVER.

If 5/6th gen developers made their games stand out why are Indie devs and customers so nostalgically lazy for comfort. It's disgusting and why innovation goes no where is people want garbage, emotional appeal and repetition sold to them.

I'll never get better AI, enemies learning/forgetting other enemies or the player's moves, better animations. We get garbage repeats to get our money. Just get stuffed game industry actually make something of yourself then graphics, lighting, formulaic design and favourites resold to us for cheap money and emotional connection nonsense to manipulate customers. It's disgusting.

We can have fans of Japan Studios different teams all day talk about how great Gravity Rush and more are but if they barely marketed them well, most audiences don't care other than the audiences that bought them in the first place. Why bother. Is it going to sell I doubt it. It will be digital only too I bet even more reason I won't buy it.

I have no reason to buy a PS5 as it is, let alone why I'd buy a remaster.

What PS4 IPs I guess get a pass even if they are niche and popular while anything older or anything actually NEW and not just the same formulaic open world, cinematic linear stuff Sony has been doing since Uncharted/Last of Us got popular besides the other PS3 games that tried to follow them and PS4+ it's been since 2014 Infamous Second Son or Order 1886 in 2015 or 2016+ all the Ratchet 2016, Horizon, God of War level eh I just gave up on.

Forget it I guess of old IPs or anything actually new because who would bother with those un-relevant IPs right Sony?

Re: Indie Hit Balatro Removed from Console Stores in PEGI Age Rating Dispute


I mean gambling themes makes sense to inform for there, there was an AO rated gambling game that did and I think it's one of the only ones that got that rating from memory. It was proper gambling too so it made sense why it was put up there.

Good luck to them working it out to put it back on sale though. Whether this change has made people more aware of the game also.

For more out there themes it makes sense but gambling is what it is even if yes sports and others had done so too in certain forms.

No real money trading in this game though. If it was more scaled differently for a card game then maybe the rating would be different. When is Mario 64 DS/others with the Luigi card game going to get a rating change. XD I know it's not the same but still.

We see casino levels in games or casinos in TV shows that are PG, same with Night Clubs. But the places don't match the ratings it's just a location not the themes, the characters or player is or isn't gambling right?

Re: Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown Will Require an Internet Connection on PS5


Because reasons? If GT Sport/7 and any others already have awkwardness of exploits/cheating and grinding preventions players find what difference does it make. Oh they offer people grindy games, patch what they don't notice till players have videos up about how to get past things well why not just not make it grindy then.

Sure for save sharing/editing or more I get why it's here but still. They want money from us, to grind it out. Maybe not make the game grindy and people would save editing/share less hmm, genius idea there. Sigh.

I mean to me I was surprised by how much half of the game of accessible events are so I just ended the game there to prove to myself hey, I could beat the game, or just prove right here I don't have to finish it because half the events don't even have to be done. That's a lot of player flexibility there to make a game THAT easy to get by in NFS Shift.

In WRC 3 it looked easy then was a bit challenging. I still beat it though.

Forza Motorsport 8/Series consoles, doing online singleplayer turned me away as it is besides it's terrible marketing and eh progression system.

GT Sport's offline was good enough of content access with a save to now reworked offline singleplayer for the better, how many studios are going to do that. Barely I think.

I grinded for cars to get those to have at least 1 I can access in all GT League/career mode events for offline that's it, because the dealership had to be patched to make it usable in the current 1.69 singleplayer. How would I have any idea they would make the game accessible offline. I wouldn't.

1.68 and prior it wasn't accessible offline. XD Like talk about stupidity not just about server side saving to prevent cheating of cars and event progress much.

Server based DRM doesn't make it any better and servers cost a lot. These companies are hilarious. It may help in some cases for progression, save file editing/sharing, hacking and more but does it really work for the cost then better DRM practices they could put in place and updates not just oh updates and a server to annoy players? They has to be other solutions right? Or get better people to come up with better DRM not Denovo outsourcing DRM or better DRM practices people can come up with but oh it takes too long and shareholders want their money. Hmm I see the issues here they have to go through get the product out but put half hearted DRM methods in, a server will do and updates.

For online multiplayer sure but I mean singleplayer gamers suffering too just for the intended experience. Let alone people that fall off the game then are committed to it or even caring to buy the game at all.

Sure a percentage may, saves being sent around/edited and people that want cheats (god mode in some games because those players are bored, when that's what arcade mode is for, pick a car and go and have fun with the preset dream cars/fast cars then progression based) has been a thing in the past sure, but how many do not a lot of people?

I care about fun progression that I want to play through as a trusted player and within the intended experience (unless it's cheats the devs left in the game like years ago of course but I don't use cheats as they mostly aren't the kind of thing that changes the game to me in a way I care).

I don't care about 'the perfect game', to me these perfect game mentalities make me not want to buy the game because the cutscenes, the slog of gameplay and more is so boring. I play legit every time.

I can replay old games with far more flexible game design, less linear experiences (racing games that aren't open world I mean but have menu/reward progression that's not linear, I'm fine with other linear games if the gameplay and balance of new and old mixed in is fun) of past GT games due to their progression design. I can't with newer ones because they are so gated (GT5 and Forza Motorsport 6 levels of BS but worse to tuning shop garbage) behind perfection, roulettes (worse than Forza Motorsport 6), and linear boredom/other nonsense.

Games get bigger in scale and also keep sucking due to annoying decisions in the progression/modes. Being linear sure makes sense and more control over it then an open world (more that goes wrong due to little details in the corner somewhere). But this is an open world racing game no a menu/drive around circuits one so hmm.

I have no interest in dream cars, I do about game design in racing games and if the game design sucks your not getting a sale from me and that happens to be most modern racing games, only few I've picked up new (Grid Legends) or pre-owned (most due to times I come across them unfortunately, most of 6th/7th gen as most 8th gen racing games suck with the worst progression I've ever played or seen and gone nope no thank you).

I wasn't going to buy this game anyways as not into open world racing games but still eh.

Re: Sony Studio Firesprite Accused of Alleged Toxic Culture in Exposé


Ex Psygnosis to Liverpool studio staff to Firesprite. They made Playroom a key application for PS4 with the PS Camera so that's not just nothing (Most people would because oh it's no a big game so who cares, I thought it was a great app) and other games up to Call of the Mountain.

The UK studios and Sony, it's just sad. I wish them the best.

Seems a bit of a mess. Financial I'd say sure it sucks but I can understand why, but for these reasons hmm, skills for sure and getting the project done. If toxic due to just awkwardness between people then sure it happens between some staff. But sigh. Them being around PlayStation still after the Liverpool Studio shut down just raises questions, let alone being still close to them after all this time. Was the shut down a good thing to save money, change situations of their type of business status or was it to move people over or was it to get rid of people even those talented that deserve better even if personalities can clash?

Re: EA, Square Enix Stumble into Leap Year Snafus


Very unfortunate for both games. Had my eye on WRC 2023, good to know.

Why do we need online checks/online games. It's hilarious. Sure it's one day and we have online updates that can be worked out but like seriously.

Accounting for leap years is a very rare thing but odd they never thought about it.

Even a message of the day or other things people would surely let alone a clock app/calendar.

Leaderboards, server connection timestamps, other things.

Well for offline wouldn't matter right only online services the date?

Or whatever it uses dates for that it messed up as, for trophy or online lobby checks sure but otherwise not sure.

But start up that's unfortunate.

Leap years strike and Y2K date like issues strike again.

Well at least we aren't in the alter 20xx I forget the year it is that the next Y2K bug will happen in the future. It's what 2036 or something or 2060 something? I can't remember.

Re: Crash Bandicoot, Spyro Dev Toys for Bob Becomes Independent Studio, May Partner with Microsoft


With them being Indie now they can keep working on others IPs or go to any other publisher, make a new IP or do anything else. Good on them and being an Indie. If it works out well that is. Who knows.

Were they making a Spyro 4 probably not. Whatever the extent of Crash Rumble is too nowadays as well. Being away from Activision to work with Microsoft or any other publisher they want is fair. To get the chance to be more flexible then support studio all the time for COD or layoffs they can be flexible if things go a certain way. That's fair on those staff then layoffs they didn't need.

I can't recall a studio doing this though, being Indie but also still working with another parent company under certain terms. It makes sense though to be flexible and work with whatever publisher you want. New IP (hope so) or just same IPs but flexibility to work how they want I guess makes sense.

As sure with the Tony Hawk PS2 era they had Disney Skate Adventure and others, they made yes Skylanders or licensed games during ten besides their PC era Star Control with Accolade or Pandemonium published by Crystal Dynamics. Unholy War with Eidos, Majokko Daisakusen: Little Witching Mischiefs with Bandai then 102 Dalmations and other licensed games or COD from then on huh.

I find it funny people always go oh sweet make this game for me. Like Toys for Bob have the talent to make another 3D platformer or make games like that with certain nostaglic IPs I guess.

To me I don't care I want a new IP from them. Give them their flexibility not whatever games/characters people want to say back I couldn't care less.

There is plenty of Indie games like Banjo, like many others. I am not buying them but if people want to that's on them. I don't want to buy them because I'm sick to death of them the gameplay is so boring compared to other 5-7th gen platformers with ideas no one touches and we get the same generic worlds/gameplay refined movesets, boring.

I don't think Toys for Bob making a platformer for another studio's IP or another platformer that ends up pretty bland, nostalgic and tropey is a good idea. They have more talent and ideas they can come up with. They could make anything they want or just have flexibility from studios if that's all they really were after.

That and Microsoft money of budgets.

Tell me when a not oh we improved Mario 64 moveset Indie game comes out in the platforming space because to me I'm bored of them and will enjoy the left behind 5th/6th gen platformers, racing games and more then half the nostalgic games we get by Indies each year I will not buy.

Gameplay and level design over characters and eh worlds, eh NPCs, eh gameplay structure done to death I'm so bored of.

There is a reason I switched to other genres for modern gaming or backwards for some genres. Inspiration, what has been done before to know then top level repeated content by Indies.

Re: Expeditions: A MudRunner Game (PS5) - An Absorbing Vehicular Puzzler


Fair review. Never played these but they seem fine for vehicule puzzle games, the journey, the physics. Not my thing but still cool.

I had to laugh at the UI con, like seriously what UI isn't very boxy and plain these days. No matter the style or colours, most if not 90% of them are bland. You get the odd stylish but even ones 10+ years ago did the boxes better or weren't boxy and pathetically streaming service boring, phone bland or just more creative then what they are today. So as a con that's the most stupidest con I've ever read.

It should be a 8.5 or 9 then with that stupid mark of UI stupidity.

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


"sometimes, great ideas don’t become great games" for sure. It's why I find most old great ideas stay that way, we get formuliac games nowadays or ideas ruined and continued forever. Thanks devs in some genres. Sigh.

That aside it's unfortunate but some probably didn't have the ground to last. Some were still early so not too much lost hopefully. Would have been interesting to hear what they are but gaming industry secrets of course. Besides the London one of course was talked about, Twisted Metal rumour or certain prototyping/concepts sounded cool. Whatever others were or not just logos.

Re: 900 PlayStation Employees Laid Off, London Studio Closed


Singstar, Buzz I think? EyeToy, PS Move, PSVR, Playlink I think. The Getaway series and Blood and Truth somewhat bringing that back after the dead PS3 project of Getaway.

To a fantasy co-op game because Sony isn't touching PSVR2 for some reason and maybe Asobi will. Yeah..... quite sad.

Liverpool gone 10+ years ago and now London. Sad days. Glad I have bought up 4 Playlink games, questioning Buzz at all.

But I mean like GT5/Last Guardian money they need to stop wasting it the ways they are now even if the differences were there back then with those two games. GT games alone the manufacturers VIsion GT are just a waste of time and money and licensing costs of the cars, making them.

Let alone A list actors and whatever else in games, too much time on perfection when half the time I couldn't care less. I either don't play them, put the game on mute/listen to music, don't care about the OSTs anymore or the actors and graphics I'm like eh they are fine, nothing I haven't already seen or that interested in. The animation can be outstanding but oh the water, the shine, the skin, the environments I just don't care. The level designs are so bland why would I care what they look like visually of texture work if the layout for them is so eh and unexciting to play around in.

Unfortunate. Then again a bunch of live services and whatever 'oh this leadership yeah we have changed course' does happen, like they would have been expensive and maybe flops who knows with too many going on then just 1-2 not more than that, or however much third party/micro transaction money they get maybe besides the Fate GO money, WipEout Rush died (and other mobile games we don't hear about), Destruction Allstars was a really not well thought out game that Lucid needed to think about more but didn't. Did they forget Blur flopped when they were Bizarre Creations then the Lucid/Playground split of devs to those studios or wherever else. The vehicle market is very different these days.

Them having live services is fine but 'so many' does seem a bit much let alone some of the ideas I'm like uh did they need that or 'we got a logo' so how can we care about something we know nothing about when we probably can guess they weren't much anyway.

In terms of the other studios well that's unfortunate too.

What more profit do they need? Were the third parties not enough besides all the prep they have in the coming months. Were those staff worth losing, maybe some it's possible but at the same time do they need 300+ maybe, maybe not. Some games just don't have the staff skilled enough, how far teams are spread, other times it's deadlines are too tricky to reach, the games are too big of scale/too awkward of management at times, multiple other factors.

Could they like not push for 300+ million or whatever budgets?

I mean I only care about Asobi/Media Molecule at this point honestly which don't cost 100s of millions so to me I'm not missing out on anything these days. But most people are so it is what it is.

Re: PS Portal Proving More Popular Than Sony Expected


@DNortonX To me it seems like a shiny way to convince people that had no idea remote play exists because PlayStation wasn't good at marketing it. I still thing the Portal/headphone marketing was bad.

To me Portal is like Apple and Vision Pro, we had Samsung Gear VR or Google Cardboard (we also had Google Glasses on the AR side). Phones can have a thing around them to isolate and 180/360 video later your already there, gaming sure but I mean I don't know if Vision Pro is like HoloLens which even then put your calendar and more around your house, even if it's a business device. Speaking of business devices Steam Deck yeah Pocket PCs of the 2000s, same idea, Sony/Samsung, other niche companies like OQO. GPD kept making them and even DS clam shell shapes even before the newer Aya Neo one or many of GPD/Aya Neo and Steam Deck/other OEMs Switch tablet shape.

It's brands people are happy with or timing and tech advancing or remarketing it.

I mean smartphones weren't touchscreen in the past. But have been around years before the iPhone with many smart apps. Microsoft had Tablets since Windows 3.1, XP even. Apple comes along, presents it more appealing and well they win with marketing it differently. Customers can be particular on appeal or timing.

Dualsense grips they could have just sold them that way for Tablets like the Backbone for phones but nope. They put a bit more effort in but still not much. It's half a Vita/Wii U just the remote play half not the storefront/offline half. And a WIi U I can take outside with a power bank.

Like I get the point of people wanting things separate of a handheld, phone, camera and such but that's not everyone. Phones do so much that sure they can be a hassle to separate remote play and notifications and all that but hard to say. Those that get consoles don't always do it because oh notifications on their PC it's just the prices or the mentality of using a console I guess. I get the appeal of consoles. But how many are using Mouse and Keyboard for those games supported probably not many.

Portal offers the same space as the Xbox streaming box would have before it was a Samsung TV app and well the third party Xbox Series S screen. Aka PS1 LCD of these days. When it comes to people, if it's a brand/device they are happy with they will support it. If it isn't it ends up as the Wii U marketing wise and people not caring. If it's PS5/Series S of course they will support a screen/off TV device right? People's mentality.

10+ year old idea, 2019+ of Android and 2023 iPhones to polish and remarketed (which takes time, we see it with 3D TVs/movies, or 3D gaming from NES/Master System to PS3/360 or 80s Jaws 3D to that same 2010 era) an idea for people to notice that 'didn't notice' prior about it being a thing or trying again. Or using their PS4, PSTV or phone/PC in another room.

It's to convince people to buy a thing to orbit the PS5 like PSVR2. It's for idiots.

It has it's purpose but it also exists to do nothing to fill a space.

Add dual screen support/Android support and I'd praise it more.

Indies won't touch it because it offers nothing for them due to them being happy on Vita and Switch with all the things they got to do, this thing is intended to be a device that 'exists' no one is intended to use it creatively for HUD/UI or anything cool, it just exists, let alone it being a single screen reworking of an app at this point.

Re: PS Portal Proving More Popular Than Sony Expected


10+ years, still bad marketing. It orbiting the PS5. Maybe they just did better with it even though it's optional, did SmartGlass, Wii U or Vita communicate marketing well prior I don't think so. The price is fair I guess. Could have just been Dualsense grips for Tablets instead though. Would have been cheaper.

'specific way' there is a reason I do that with the Joycons/pro Controller not a PS Portal. Going from Dualsense to Dualsense grips is hardly different. PSVR/Move controllers are more so a leap then the same controller layout is but whatever it is still 'different' off the TV I guess to word it.

It's an option but I mean is it 'a specific way' hardly 1 additional that's a repeat of the PSP/Vita/Smartphone app again isn't a specific way. It's just presented in a different shiny form factor this time. XD

What off the TV to watch sports/have their TV off. It's something of a bonus yes but I mean unless an internet connection/modem/wifi then yeah nah I'm keeping my Wii U and a power bank (small portable screen for cheaper too if had to for dual screen games), or a Vita/Switch around personally at least.

People are fine with a off the TV device as much as they are a screen attached to a Series S. Once it's with a device they are willing to support with they will. XD Which is why the PS1 LCD, Wii U Gamepad and 6th gen third party screens for consoles or screen on a controller (HipGear not the GBA/GameCube or Dreamcast VMU side of things) made maybe some strides but did they, anyone remember them? Probably.

If people care that much for the brand and to play their big/Indies from their beds or the other room and the connection is fine enough for them makes sense I guess.

It's a fair device, no dual screens (split screen or UI elements on it like Wii U but nope, it's no different to me casting my phone to the TV but less effort and less lag then that does with the apps I have used), no android (the reason I won't buy one are those two factors, I can accept no new storefront/no new handheld from Sony I get why, but man it's a piece of basic tech with no support and Wifi 5, come on, Indies would love to mess around with this thing but nope it's a single screen casting piece of basic use cases, boring), 10+ years to communicate the same PSP/Vita idea and try again and again for people to care. The Dualsense then handheld or phone aspects and feeling I guess also helps.

Gamers know (I guess), casuals maybe they understand it.

I still find it 'suitable but still eh'. It can be a for kids or adults wanting to while watching sports/TV shows, not fussed having their TV on and streaming it to the device) but I refuse to look it in the eyes knowing a family member owns it and as someone into remote play the despises the thing and what it stands for. It can be a sign to another handheld but it's clear it won't be. That and I have no interest in the Sony IP direction anyway.

People are fine with a off the TV device as much as they are a screen attached to a Series S. Once it's with a device they are willing to support with they will. XD (repeated on purpose) They are Hypocrites but still proves a point. If it is something they don't care about they won't support it no matter if it's been a 10+ years ago idea or better marketing people are just picky that way.

Re: Layoffs Hit Until Dawn, Dark Pictures Dev Supermassive Games, 90 People Affected


Unfortunate. They are working on Little Nightmares 3 and probably another Dark Pictures game right? Taiser aren't working on it but Bandai wants another one I guess.

Starting new studios seems to be a bit and miss.

It offers more for the staff if they can get it off the ground but if they repeat what they were doing, expect another big publisher to find them it also shows their stupidity.

Or audiences expectations are also the problem.

Aveum was a great example. (Judas maybe, Caliato did too, Yooka, Bloodstained and ma y others have gone to some success in some areas audiences are willing to not be difficult I mean do) Indies are making military multiplayer games, AAA are. Bright Memory Infinite is a SciFi hack n slash shooter by 1 person even if short it's great at what it does. Anomalies exist but not for AAA Indie vets wanting big production budgets.

Regardless of how it turned out of 720p, of theming which audiences are too brain dead for. For those wanting new can support them all day but most audiences want formulaic games, any foot step into something different even if a theme not just oh a Fantasy looter shooter.

We can have a small audience be into new things but unless the younger people care or old want to step out of their comfort the industry is done for.

I can be a gaming history fan and open to new ideas, old ideas with a spin all day, doesn't change anything. I give suggestions on why I think a game sucks with Foamstars and Biomutant. Or just hate them and leave it at that.

Audiences are dumb. In racing it has to be a sim because oh cars have to be and audiences are idiots on how good arcade ones were but cars have to have real physics and real graphics, real sounds and stupid tyre focus. Who cares.

I don't care how much their wheel rig is. Give me quality games not audience dream car/realism trash and business model milking.

Companies set expectations and audiences eat up garbage and creativity but it depends on the size of them.

Indie platformers, nostalgia garbage. I don't want more Banjo, Sonic Adventure , Spyro, Crash and Mario 64 clones. Give me something else.

There is a reason going 5-7th gen has made me go oh these are great ideas, too bad no one cares because audiences and Indie devs want to fangame level trash, from their hit nostalgic games their narrow minds focus on. Or anything different just refinements. Boring.

Hardline and others made me go oh we have that many third person shooters with eh themes, a key mechanic and their all cover based.

You can have a cops and robbers, you can have any setting but we had so much garbage during then.

The industry is messing itself up but casual audiences and many gamers are to blame for what IPs, what themes, what expectations then the small percentage of us open to many types of games saying we want others to be out there and not mimic real life and be the same thing for 10-20+ years and being boring wastes of time productions or audiences get bored and no one but few start a trend.

Then it gets oversaturated very quickly these days. Or too long of production and thinking it will 1 up the other when it's been 5 years and trends move fast.

Only people into old trends will pick them up sometimes.

I could go on about Biomutant and Foamstars, Indie platformers trash ideas then 5-7th gen being better, same with racing or other games pathetic ideas/safeness all day but I won't.

I wish the staff the best, very unfortunate times for devs to get cut off because of financial reasons and higher ups won't take a cut themselves or offer better management.

Re: Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush Treated to Physical PS5 Versions by Limited Run Games


Xbox and Limited Run. Sigh. To me it's kind of cool but limited versions. Nope I'm not buying sorry Microsoft but you lost me.

If that's for the US then understandable, if EU/AU and more get copies for retail which they have been pulling away from doing more and more over the years publishers then eh great. Used to be able to count on EU releases of physical but as there with some digital physical or certain others over time of laziness I've had less enthusiasm towards that being a thing anymore than it was years ago.

I would have bought the games physical if at a Gamestop/EB Games or somewhere suitable but limited copies through limited run then limited of a wave or two at retail.

No thanks. If No Straight Roads, Shovel Knight, Demon Turf (Xbox physical ONLY I MIGHT ADD and smart delivery) or other Indies of a certain scale publisher are willing to be bought up by people physical, I say go fk yourself if you really think Hi Fi Rush won't sell at retail.

As if a rhythm hack n slash won't sell. Like seriously how lacking confidence are you. What it shadow dropped and now further platforms and your that stubborn to release it even if are releasing it physical. Do better marketing then than being lazy because you really don't care to market it well enough then.

It's hardly an obscure niche game at all. Let alone a niche genre.

I'd buy it digital on PS or Switch at that point then limited physical copies or just not buy it at all and watch a let's play and save my money. Get stuffed.

Besides all that it's good they are getting physical and both games deserve more support on platforms that will actually care about them more.

It's not like I wouldn't buy a hack n slash I did Valkyrie Elysium (exclusive to PS4/5), Bayonetta 3 (Switch), DMC5, hated God of War 2018 still have it on the shelf, didn't buy Raganrok, hated Ryse Son of Rome but still keep it, like I said bought up No Straight Roads, didn't buy Bayonetta/Vanquish combo as I already own them on other platforms (Bayonetta 1 & 2 on Wii U, Vanquish on 360).

I bought up all of the Darksiders series/quadrology even if 3 sucks, an eh souls metroidvania then the better of the hack n slash, RPG, isometric RPG of 1, 2 and Genesis. I wasn't into Genesis due to the camera angle and most games in that side of the genre but it's one of the few I actually like and keeps the Darksiders story/level design elements in it.

I'd buy up many platformers with hack n slash elements like Ty 1 (2 & 3 do that more but still) or Legend of Spyro.

I can't even get a Strangers of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin copy physical anymore I just don't see them available in my area.

Just because souls and others are more cult hit of trendy doesn't mean many of us hack n slash/character action whatever to call the genre fans may be small or things have changed doesn't mean we won't support the games.

We still exist and still buy them up. Even if to me most of them buy up the big, I myself buy up any that interest me which most of them do.

Re: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Familia Myth Battle Chronicle (PS5) - Breasts, Battles, and Banners


I dropped off the show around S2, but I know it's way further than that now and the spin-off was fine I guess. The OVA I was like oh it has fan service, I didn't remember it in S1 much, it was there but minor. The OVA was eh but the rest of the show maybe is fine?

No idea if it's gotten worse or better with story at all. I'm fine with fan service though but the game's world/structure of gameplay I can already predict.

The world is fine, characters fine but nothing amazing.

Also 'Aiming' is a confusing dev name. The capital letter only kind of helped when reading the review. Then again they could have keep the series name DanMachi then the mouthful/scaring people always too if they wanted. But eh that's on them.

To me the action combat is probably fine, visual novel cutscenes, small combat segments sounds about right but probably disappointing then dialogue more so.

But as played enough visual novel first, 10% tactics or action combat of say Utwarerumono or Senran Kagura it's nothing new. SAO games balanced things I guess. Was still obvious the audiences for these games.

Sure I enjoy Gal Gun for it's rail shooter gameplay and silliness to not take seriously of fan service but there is gameplay first and there is theming to take seriously or not besides the name, and playing them in your own time of course.

DanMachi is very tame fan service but minor there.

It's probably fine gacha mechanics or just annoying, depends.

Not for me as got tons of others to play and live services go down quick so eh. Not into grinding, not really fussed about the IP these days.

I bought the Date A Live visual novels for a reason, got a package of 3 as that's just how the western release is (waiting on Ren Utopia to come out eventually), I didn't engage in the gacha on mobile and don't care I missed out on it. I don't support gacha series.

Re: Sony May Have Made the Right Call Not Copying Xbox Game Pass with PS Plus


Games offered, PS3 streaming with premium is deluxe and not available on some/many countries for fair reasons of servers but still.

Timing or games on and off the service.

Marketing it well in general every so often. Or ceiling of hardcore gamers or types of games maybe.

Their strategy being different is fair and the difference of titles and what types Xbox doesn't get besides the yes no day 1 but even still.

Retro titles take time to make emulation possible, source code as well and the licensing, totally understandable. Lot of factors there.

But Extra doesn't have that issue other than licenses and what current games are offered or last gen PS4 titles on and off.

Pricing and justifying of using it. Waiting, giving up, getting them cheap digital or physical later.ghrn a need for the service.

It depends.

It's been how many years since a first party on Extra but fair third parties jumping on I'd say to make it fair of a service.

Many factors.

I could use it but other than people that haven't most of us have played whatever we wanted of the past, don't have access but will get it second hand/new eventually.

Would rather get them cheaper and whatever interests then use the service and played those I care for already with no need for it.

Newcomers to PS platforms by all means though.

Re: Rumour: Astro Bot Will Return for Another PS5 Rescue Mission This Year


I hope so PSVR2 need some. London are busy with a non VR project so Astro games are welcomed.

Still sad no Insomniac VR game but they are so busy. Just sucks as their VR games are pretty cool on Occulus.

Any other VR expertise would be nice to see.

Even if third party Indies (hit and miss) or others (sigh climbing or over engineering motion controls) have done fair with it just nothing big but fair games because western third parties want all games to be a success even with Meta's userbase.

Ubisoft Zombi U didn't sell, complain and rework/delay Rayman, they are different audiences but who cares all games must sell.

We aren't getting Red Steel 2 VR or something else.

AC Nexus VR. 10+ years later complaining for sales there.

Others doing experiments on PSVR1 and moving on.

Let alone if Skull and Bones does after being delayed a lot and expensive. Yet Last Guardian and GT5 took their time too. Duke Forever.

Re: Sony Predicts Slide in PS5 Sales with No Major Existing IPs Planned Before March 2025


I mean they don't always need major IPs DLC/new games they take time but if they can fill it in with something else sure. Customer can't wait yet want bigger. Their expectations are too high. But studios also set expectations in trailers, in their reputation in many things (new or old staff and training or scale of the projects they have made).

I'd take a smaller game/a returning IP. Live services were supposed to fill in the gap I guess? Or always were in-between big titles even though not all of us are interested in them only certain audiences.

Third parties fill gaps but only so much.

PC releases will too.

If they can balance them out then sure but for the first 3 years it's been pretty fair I'd say.

Projects getting cancelled does change things and it does happen nothing can be perfect, management changes, a lot of things happen they can't always fill in our entertainment time and many of us find other things to do gaming or outside gaming.

If people are picky about what titles they play that's on them as well. I have 100s of old retro consoles or PS4/Xbox One/Switch games to play. Many researched, many got for cheap, many new titles. I am picky but also broad in certain appeal too. I don't limit myself to one genre or one IP I love/themes.

PS4 had 2013-2015 of PS3 IP leftovers, remasters before the major changes of 2015-2020 IP direction. Order 1886 being the first I can think of of the Last of Us/Cinematic direction. Infamous First Light had some of it in it's ending and it annoyed me finishing it a few weeks ago. It felt like a different game.

Xbox One had a fair few releases just not ones people noticed or cared about impact wise but still there. Xbox Series has still released many just not the major ones people care about of impact but still do care enough, just the major ones are taking their time, a little too long though.

Their major ones will go eventually just taking yes 'way too long' and the 'flexibility but we have the money' has it's limits.

It says a lot that Insomniac/Obsidian just are unique cases of managing their time and studios well. Not all can do that and it takes longer to make the games but some studios like them are exceptions and can get games out in less than 5 years or do take 5 years but have others fill in the space.

Sony has their studios still fit periods and if it takes longer to make games sure but sprinkle in a small title or something.

Xbox just offers flexibility but they take way too long. Cut the cutscenes, or actors and make an effort to focus on the size of the world, story, what you playthrough, how you play with the character's moveset and more. Focus, make the scale to a certain degree and make sure the staff are trained well or 'can do it'.

I know I suck at programming but you can't have staff that take too long to code something when it should be basic stuff not taking weeks to do it.

Tim Cain's videos make that clear between old Fallout and later games he has worked on, whether his methods and veterans staff to yell but still come to a conclusion on the direction of the game or asking why it takes some lower level staff too long to do basic things in games (maybe hard probably programming, art or whatever but for games is probably fairly low level stuff especially as it was some certain attacks of enemy AI I think).

I think that lack of training can be a problem and why games can take too many years. Sure each staff member is totally different in skills/roles let alone the scale of the project, the animations, the code, achieving some scenes, rewrites, whatever the case.

This isn't Vita where they wanted to avoid it due to cost to scale the games down or make new ones and stop the studios working on projects for it and leave it up to Japanese third parties/Indies (almost Sega Saturn levels sometimes of games not releasing to the west when they could but thankful for Asian English releases at least) because western third parties gave up for family only titles like Wii U or gave up entirely.

But just taking time to make games for PS5, get used to the hardware or make sequels or new titles. What scale they want to go to this time.

Customer can't wait yet want bigger. Their expectations are too high.

Re: PlayStation Chairman: There's Room for Improvement When It Comes to Business


I think there is room for improvement. Whether double down, third party/PC releases more or just reduce quality. If they think Last Guardian/GT5 cost a lot why have games be too blockbuster and cost probably even more.

Killzone would be cool to see back and an FPS space to fill but seeing as Immortals was fantasy, had technical limits but also a looter shooter and some basic but ok magic system for guns. I mean BF Hardline was a while ago, other trends are big. Indies are military immersive experiences. I don't know if it can thrive these days it's why I'm going backwards. Or look to Bright Memory Infinite as an oh it's a fair blend of fast paced, melee/shooter in a faster paced way then a Devil's Third/Wanted Dead, or a FPS DMC or what Vanquish if it had a sequel could be of action game shooter logic, or whatever.

Areas people haven't really bothered to push. Or a more instead of motion more realistic animations with analogue sticks which Record/Unrecord or whatever the Steam trailer was made me thing of. Than formuliac animations all the time.

We could have less 'perfect' games and more dynamic ones. Whether 'elements' I wish Rift Apart had for a cycling locations boss fight or more like survival games or how some games used to be dynamic. Why do we have difficulty settings and less 'more health, less enemies, enemies learn or unlearn' level of enemy AI. Why is 'that' not a thing. That'd be a lot of work but I mean it's pushing ideas.

I mean the GTA reacting to rain with NPCs. I was like, Roller Coaster Tycoon has visitors with umbrellas (if they bought them not all do get an umbrella from the umbrella stalls) use them in rain and it's pixel art. That's 2000s responsive AI right there, dynamic enough for people? Can they improve on it nowadays of course they can but is it a new idea no on a certain level.

So if marketing like that goes around I just can't not laugh the more games of old I see and go oh that's been done, that hasn't returned. It's why I focus on Ride 4 improving Forza Motorsport 1 & 2's region system. Turn 10 haven't attempted that since 2007 with Forza 2. Yet Milestone improves it well.

Yet also their rewind system creation in a Alfa Romeo one make advertising game (you'd think shovelware but isn't even though most are and a handful are of good quality) also was great with RPG elements for cars driving, why should they if it's got it's purpose but is that great (and good music) on top of creating it.

They dumbed it down in later games they have made and followed what Grid 2008/Forza Motorsport 3 did of dumbing it down (don't see that with Gears and Uncharted popularising it, others following suit of cover based shooters yet Killswitch by Namco US started it in 2003 on PS2). Created the rewind system (made a Car RPG in a different way then Square's Racing Lagoon), and followed suit then improved upon it but improve on Forza's region system in their bike game. It's just hilariously sad to me. Whether they even intended or improving it I don't know but the fact they look to Forza Motorsport so much Ride 2 and Forza Motorsport 6 the introduction cutscenes alone makes it clear they take inspiration says a lot of why I think so. Besides still doing their own thing, Ride to Gravel. Sure Ride 4 is hard and I can't play it but their creative ideas still shine through at least.

This is why I find Indie platformers being so nostalgia focus and 'refining' so sad. 5th gen/6th gen/7th gen had great major third parties or Indie platformers yet we get nostalgia clones. No thanks. You look broader better is out there of certain ideas even if not done well could by someone else. Not repeating the same design and making it so repetitive among all products I don't want to buy any of them because they all blend somewhat together. It's just boring and saturated nostalgia. That the left behind ones are more fresh and exciting and I've never played or heard of them before not never heard of them Indies but bland games then the original Indies in other genres I'd rather play that are unique and taking better cues or experimenting 'how they should'.

Nostalgia helps financially but also is boring and saturated over time or lacking. I'd rather good gameplay not repetitive gameplay and themes/characters I'm just not interested. Comfort to a point or new experiences.

I mean is MotoGP games better nowadays sure maybe but too hard and other than 16 (different name but saying 16 as is 16 technically) the rally/dirt bike content was easier and more fun and the management of 9/10 or WRC 2 has been more fun to me than a pros only experience.

Have a Song of the Deep, Pentiment or others from time to time. That's where Japan Studios fit in well. They didn't always sell well but how many people went yeah something different, yeah a game in-between waiting for others or are some people's favourite games. Big or small, Siren/Gravity Rush/Puppeteer or EchoShift/EchoChrome, LocoRoco, Patapon, etc.

GT games car, sponsor, track and more licenses alone cost a lot even with them making all the cars from scratch then the Forza keeping the assets around and maybe updating them which GT3-6 did with PS2 models.

In terms of creativity to following trends (nothing wrong with roguelike with the DLCs or Insomniac making Song of the Deep a metroidvania in 2016 for Gamestop's publishing besides Ratchet 2016), or just the writing/themes some areas need improvements.

I think some have just gone weird directions over the years. Too much certain audiences when some they need to focus on. Weird writing decisions. Weird company culture maybe.

I think the censorship is fair but also a bit too far in others. Even Microsoft doing so has made me go yeah these are particular games, but we have shovelware on the platform and some audiences will just go elsewhere.

How can you have Leisure Suit Larry games on here (granted I don't know how toned it is), Postal games like what? but no Gal Gun Returns? Or others. Some sure do push a line too far I totally get it no matter the ratings or not suitable for console audiences. But like where is the stand for what fan services games west or east get a pass. It's just weird.

Seeing Insomniac pull a Resistance 2 and backtrack better with 3 of 'their DNA'. To me it's just weird how far some companies loose themselves but then again with Ratchet going cinematic since 2007. I get the changes because of the themes in the old games but that far to what animation studios do?

2016 was a Illumination movie by Rainmaker not a Disney movie. Even then Rift Apart feels like it wants multiverses for nostaglia and to talk to us old fans while trying to balance newcomers and while that's very hard to do there is that and then just making the gameplay safe and also just making a very eh story.

Outer Worlds and Journey to the Savage Planet can do commercialism/capitalism? They don't have to do it just proving a point on how some studios seem to be able to still cut the other aspects of Insomniac in their 20s with some jokes that don't fly today and the whole theming. They don't have to go back just make the series have more of a direction then 2007+ story that just needs to end already. Or being whimsy all the time and balance it. I get the staff grew up but I mean come on.

How many Ratchet, God of War, Uncharted emotional story telling pushes do we need. Have a balance for audiences whether were in our 20s to 50s+ how much do we need to be told/feel something the way 'they want us to'.

Balance it out for audience come on. I'm not say Millennial writing (I play Borderlands for the gameplay, but I'll play any platformer/racing game for it's gameplay, or Nintendo games for the gameplay, Darksiders or whatever mix of edge that's a bit far) by any means I mean just writing and gameplay that balances things without trying to aim for them that much. I know a lot has changed and trends make that difficult but I mean they can do Kid and Adult themes and audience fairly well. But some of us maybe be adults but still enjoy a bit more flexibility with the titles not trying to be a movie all the time.

Foamstars to me tries to have the hip appeal but the gameplay is lacking ideas. Diofield I felt the same Square pushes story but the gameplay disappoints or drags on and on and they stop balancing gameplay ideas by Chapter 4 (the team members you can't use was great, 5-7 were boring as ever for gameplay and story after the betrayal and drags on). Yet Disgaa or Valkyria Chronicles 4 I was always having a level design or no team members I couldn't use balance of goals.

Same with Sunset Overdrive a fair spin of tower defence or rail grinding (making me question why Scaler did rail grinding of speed/up and down states better in 2004 yet it took Insomniac till 2015 with SO to do it, sigh). When story/themes happen more than gameplay or trends it says a lot.

Also the movie push. Layton said about Vib Ribbon yet Jim downsized Japan Studios umbrella.

Having mobile games or live services is fair while standing out with their own offerings. But who thought Sony needed live services. Microsoft has done it and while it works not everyone needs a Sea of Thieves exclusive live service game. Third parties benefit from that more than first party I think. Possible sure but worth it long term, gameplay, crossovers, marketing, I don't think so.

While it made sense from a financial stand point it also limits Sony having more push of certain directions 'too heavily' rather than a better balance of creativity. If they had 60 40 I'd be fine with it. Enough broad appealing titles while still a bit of flexibility. Unless that's what the studios want besides what Sony wants. Which publishers do guide things and the studios do what they can to match it from themes to use Move, PS Store, PSVR, touchpad or whatever over the years to put them in when they can. Aka Insomniac took till Fuse/All For One to focus on co-op, Quest for Booty for a PS Store title/support. Resistance 2 for PSP support. That sort of stuff they do from time to time or delay it till a title they can. Tough stuff sometimes for sure.

To me already I'm not interested in their movie feel direction of many titles. 90% of their titles do this and it drew me away from the PS4 around 2016/2017 to buy a Vita, Wii U, 3DS and Switch, part systems i missed out on and the latest Nintendo system to get the variety of gameplay genres I was missing, not just try their IPs out for the first time then Wii/DS briefly, when they started it with Uncharted/Last of Us 'too much' more than they did Jet Li, 24 The Game or others in the past.

So to me only Asobi/Media Molecule interest me (will take a while to come out). That's 2 out of however any studios. London aren't making a PSVR2 game, Bluepoint is doing whatever, Bend who knows. It takes time but I think we need better balance of things.

Third parties are working well to fill in gaps but even still.

Yet I'll go back to their old games because of the variety of tones, themes, gameplay and genre. I never played many of them only a handful of first party IPs due to age (no way playing God of War at a young age right but did GT or Ratchet, LBP or other IPs)/availability of copies so I have no nostalgia for the Twisted Metal, MotorStorm, Socom I have the headset but not the game so bought up a few entries, I'll get to Puppeteer eventually, but have enjoyed those I missed out on and filled in gaps by collecting them or seeing what gameplay ideas games had.

Not trends for the sake of trends or movie quality to suit 'only' a casual audience/some gamers or loyal fans sure. A broad audience yes. They can have trends to follow (have to to stay afloat unless pushing their own trends which they are even if cinematic + AC + Last of Us + roguelike + others) but a bit of experimentation would be nice from time to time.

Sony hasn't been trying to appeal to gamers all the time which makes sense of course to do so with their big hit games 'certain ones' or the party games of Eye Toy, Singstar, Move for some games, Playlink with Smartphones, PSVR with Playroom VR more so.

But at the same time their past IPs really gave me more respect and interest in the platform, to have more pushes of each gen not only their audience growing up but also just the variety of elements in the games, settings, themes, gameplay, pushing the hardrware well and more.

Sure we got less titles over time from Japan Studios (makes sense due to GT5 or Last Guardian costing a lot and delaying or too many Japan Studios under that umbrella and whatever we didn't see from them that got cancelled) but to only Asobi and localisation? Was a bit far I think.

Dropping Liverpool, Zipper, Guerilla Cambridge (Vita/PSVR yet did or didn't die but another second Guerilla studio happened?) and keeping Bend for Days Gone then whatever Vita project they had. It made sense and staff were either put into other studios or let off or whatever the case then too many studio buildings or however many people needed or whatever the case.

Bokeh/Claphands and more sure are probably going to do well but at the same time I think their efforts will be missed for sure even if going third party offers them more options.

Re: Immortals of Aveum Cost $125 Million, Branded a 'Truly Awful Idea'


I mean veterans need to realise that 'oh were used to big budgets'. Yeah and start smaller? EA may have the money but think about it, if your return as a studio and staff even if under a big publisher and your games flops your stuffed.

Then again I blame customers. I'm buying up singleplayer 5th/6th/7th gen shooters. Because the AAA or Indies are making immersive military games, whatever characters traits people laugh at. I feel for the devs. I wanted Immortals of Aveum, Forspoken to do well.

I seek gameplay, most people don't care. It's characters/themes.

They wanted to try something new-ish at least but gameplay doesn't save it I know I seek gameplay not the rest I've seen the flops I still buy.

I mean sure BF Hardline or others exist theme wise and yeah a fantasy shooter has been done with Hexen or Legendary (mythology with modern day) but I mean that, the 720p is fine, not great but it didn't bother me. That and the magic as weapons was a fine idea but limited.

Themes and basic gameplay trends with a slight spin only go so far.

There is a reason I went oh Bright Memory Infinite is different. It combines hack n slash with shooters. Devil's Third/Wanted Dead and others do that but as fast paced as it does nope BMI is very good at what it does. If Platinum made it and expanded on Vanquish I'd say yes please.

It took Insomniac years to go from Ratchet to Sunset Overdrive with above and below rail grinding and better speed. Scaler did that (and had leaf obstacles and fast paced rail grinding in 2004, a B grade platformer one off by Behaviour (aka Dead by Daylight studio as they are known as nowadays besides Jersey Devil their older original game) under their A2M name (Scaler, Wet and licensed games).

Some devs just don't think about game design or appeal to audiences in the right way. Sure I'm using older games but it makes a point and surprises me at least.

I cared for BMI more than COD/BF/Halo in 2021. An Indie.

Also a looter shooter because trends. Like when do I go yep need that. Like Inflection Games are making a survival game which is cool from ex-Bioware devs or others, that's like Mystcraft from Minecraft, a mod about pages and books to create worlds only it's about cards doing that with assets in Nightingale. It could bomb but I hope not because it's awesome. But gameplay doesn't matter to people at all.

Everything else does to most if not all customers besides the few of us into gameplay first design or enough of a theme/setting to make the gameplay/level design shine.

So could No Man's Sky and they dropped support but they didn't. We had Star Wars Battlefront 3/Elite Squadron to go for seamless planet/space among (no load screen which Elite Squardon has one) other things and it's been done. Starfield has weak space travel.

Other space games exist.

Judas I wonder about like with Callisto Protocol in terms of veterans making an IP to compete with the other ones.

I mean Yooka Laylee is great but I mean. Veterans and trends or veterans and Indies making fangames/heavily nostaglia inspired.

To me I'm sick of formulaic/nostalgia/inspired games and by Clive n Wrench (even if a fair and rough game in areas by that dev but for a 1 person team it's still a good title) I was just not having fun with it.

I am sick to death of Mario 64/Banjo/Spyro/Crash/Sonic clones at this point. Same with Outrun or Virtua Racing. Let alone eh realism in sims when 5th/6th GT was popular but so many clones/competitors had great ideas, left behind...... Great.

Milestone created the rewind system for racing games, they themselves years later still use the dumbed down one Grid 2008 and Forza Motorsport 3 popularised. Their old staff at the time of a one make racer in 2006 and their RPG elements to it or Evolution GT did it. Like come on trending game design gets too into devs heads.

Killswitch by Namco US, Gears/Uncharted popularised cover based shooters, other then key mechanics many 3rd person shooters are pretty bland. I am buying them up/researching them so it's pretty clear what levels the trend went for some games, others not in the Halo, COD, Crysis first person ones to TimeShift or other games.

Can we not get a better unique platformer? There is a reason I'm going back to 5th gen platformers no one talks about because they are way better in game design, characters and worlds, not repeating/refining a Mario 64 movesets, worlds with Banjo style tasks.

Characters/worlds may be loved but the game design is getting boring for how comfortable it is in the Indies space.

We can have tons of roguelikes/metroidvanias but eh, it's getting saturated and only so many refinements or world changes/characters can change that.

I'm sick of it, popular is one thing but devs actually 'tried' to stand out back in the day with platformers, racing (the two genres researched the most so far not as much others) and the genres have gotten more repetitive and bland/safe.

We get those and we don't have Chameleon Twist's tongue move that no grapple hook game replicates, we have Biomutant making the animal characters so boring of a moveset.

Gas immunity sure but Space Station Silicon Valley, has different goals and many animals with different movesets and their robot animals and a neutral/aggressive focus to them, not proper food chain system but you could make one.

Why no digging, swimming, flight, just animal traits for navigation of the world? How pathetic can Biomutant be in moveset. Sure the game itself is fine of what it offers but it's still just look at our apocalyptic world and animals being anthropomorphic.

Outposts. Sorry but Tower Defence in Sunset Overdrive was way more fun.

Games suck these days at what the past does better in originality.

Customers suck because they want comfort/games flop too much if it's not anything else appealing when I care about the gameplay only that's it they can make anything and I do not care and devs also do because their stuck new IP or continued ones because of their limits and if people are 'into it enough'.

The industry is stuck Indies or not in what 'people want' nostalgia or new ideas. Most so comfort of formulas and nostalgia. Or appealing worlds/characters.

It's disgusting.

Re: Games Should 'Earn the Right to Monetise', Says Helldivers 2 Director


Prefer in-game currency. Or progression. No tedium unless endgame and balanced.

For servers sure I get that with multiplayer, for cosmetics I mean their cosmetics I don't care. But we used to have cheats or just access to them with progression/in-game currency.

Companies could just have donation options or buy merch? If they offer them that is.

I don't care for any micro/macro transactions. Micro are still more preferred then whatever high prices, bundled items just make them cheap individual ones for cosmetics at least.

The free pass and later purchaseable pass is a fair idea I think from what I've heard at least.

If the game is cheaper at launch even more reason for me to question do you really need the micro-transactions then you set the price after all you could set it higher and wait for the game to go cheaper over time. It being cheaper at launch is fair though as many people probably weren't too sure about 2 if newcomers to the series so the price helps.

It's not like I don't question what customers think of the worth of something we all have our cut off for affordable or desperate to buy for IPs.

Is the game good yes. I am playing through 1 and it was a fair experience not my type of game but I'm intrigued. Compared to everything else on PlayStation not interesting me Helldivers 2 does stand out at least. I think 2 is probably a fair game. Fair multiplayer or solo fun for people.

But for cosmetics that are optional 'sure' I'll be lax about it still doesn't need to be the case.

I mean for games with smaller budgets, not as high quality of assets (or stylised instead), no high budget cutscenes/high budget actors and this and that I'd say sure but if they do push high quality focus that I didn't care for and want more money out of me why not just put games at a higher price then. Sure less will buy it but it makes the point more.

To me brands may be a thing but I just don't care. I do care who makes the products sure but I also don't need big people of devs, actors more so or people as brands/licensed products to make me care about a game I just buy a game if it's interesting in gameplay. Hearing about it, videos, box art physical screenshots being clear as many still aren't or the descriptions are brief and vague and make me go so what is this thing about?

Games don't need to be movies. If many games are just not cutscene heavy (aka mobile games or particular artstyles too console/mobile and it's whatever they look like, play like, whatever this and that it proves a point even if customers are very particular yes) and making their money why should we care and have big budget games pushing them when they can just do in-game scenes not FMVs still. Or whatever mo-cap or other things to push the budgets up.

If I see a bunch of Bejewelled/Candy Crush clones clearly shows a point, or many Wordle, or Flappy Bird or others. It proves a point. Sure console deserve more quality and to showcase the hardware but I mean phones offer more than Infinity Blade did back in the day but still Angry Birds, Cut The Rope and more were the hits too.

Sony offers party games with Playlink, Eye Toy or others over years besides just their cinematic games. Nothing wrong with wide appeal though just to a point.

I don't need 200+ people teams working on a game to care. I bought Song of the Deep, sure it's Insomniac but to see what Spyro sized team game they had made of a metroidvania and as Gamestop published I was intrguied. Pentiment does that too.

Expectations are set of big budget, so CGI in many things, why not curb the expectations or balance out projects more.

Sure animation wise scenes flow well but at the same time we have formulaic animations anyways in gameplay for characters, not just camera positioning that can make a difference how we view scenes.

We don't need high budget actors. It helps but usually to sell a game. Any actor could be there and I wouldn't know or don't care. I couldn't care less who acts in a TV show/game but most people do, people are brands or help something thrive these days. I don't care for the graphics/artstyle that much, let alone the themes, they help but to me if it does suit the level design, tone and gameplay by all means.

Games are so many things these days, simple puzzle games, complex puzzle games, action games, FMV games, quizzes, cinematic, live service and more but I'm still going to be particular and buy games with gameplay/level design/modes first, artstyle/themes second if matters to story or just the way the world is presented for the gameplay and music is whatever and pretty forgettable to me these days anyway, when I remember menu ambience in modern titles [nothing else just menus.

So I do respect Helldivers 2. Playing 1 gave me more context than it being a crossplay title I always heard about.

It says a lot (at least from my perspective, everyone's is different of course), sure racing menu OSTs are good (used to be) but most times modern other genres have the most high budget arrangements and I just don't care and forget it later anyways] or older OSTs there, if low budget they get the job done, high budget meh their good anyway so I don't care.

Re: Xbox Has Allegedly Insisted It Won't Stop Making Consoles, As PS5 Port Rumours Mount


If they want to sell consoles and make games/offer them on other platforms. How it that not impossible? Sega did PC ports during the Saturn if people know that then their console only mindset.

But thing is Gamepass or TV apps are probably fine. Palworld, Brotato and more are on Gamepass. If recent particular titles get people using it or the odd other major third parties then Xbox access is one thing but TV apps/phones/PC is another. The Xbox is just a device for access to it. People can buy it or not it's just there.

To me the reason to own an Xbox is as a CD player app (Sony doesn't allow that on PS4/5), a blu-ray player (sure you can do that with a PS4/5 but people go for streaming services of course which you can get an Apple TV box or using a Smart TV for anyway) and back compat being the more suitable reason. Or physical games for cheap that were for Xbox One and the prices digital on the Xbox Store aren't enough. If you want current games and don't care how you play them then by all means Gamepass. Not all back compat games are on Gamepass many are only available digital/physical on the console.

Same way a Blu-ray player or a streaming service is an option to watch a movie it's access still digital or physical to still access whatever.

We will see with the event and what they say. I'm fine either way I'll use either of the 3 consoles. Thing is I barely use my Xbox One. Other than Demon Turf physical only on Xbox (wasn't interested in a digital purchase for it on Switch/PS consoles) or Project Cars 3 everything else hasn't been Smart Delivery it's been OG/360 back compat, CD/blu-ray watching TV shows or Xbox One games that's it.

No gamepass. They can push trends/certain RPGs all they want, but Sony got me to buy Valkyrie Elysium on PS4, I bought many Square Enix 2022 titles on PS4, they weren't exclusive other than Elysium. I'm not usually one to buy Square titles. I just saw appealing games, genres I was into and that's it. I got them cheap in 2023. I was fine with waiting for them then immediate access to them.

I don't usually care for Square titles but they had some tactics RPGs and hack n slashes (not cinematic focus of Ryse, GOW or Hellblade) and I bought up and enjoyed them or was disappointed Diofield Chronicles went story then gameplay fun after Chapter 4 and they gave up trying and padded the game.

If Microsoft wanted to they could have more than just the Halo TV show (which I am watching) and books they could their other IPs more if they wanted to not just porting the games. Whether they do or not who knows. They can expand on IPs in multiple ways.

Crackdown or State of Decay could be TV shows/books if they wanted to. PGR street racing, Forza Horizon with it's festivals, Forza Motorsport if they wanted to, Blinx or Voodoo Vince even. Viva Pinata had a tv show.

Sony has PC ports. They all have mobile games or getting there trying again with mobile games since the Halo Spartan Assault/Strike era of Xbox One/360. Compared to Sony's cellphone Ratchet Going Mobile/God of War Betrayal to PS Allstars Island/PS mobile alongside PS Vita to WipEout Rush happening then dying/Fate GO and Sackboy Run.

For the sake of the cloud/deals with ABK even. If they port Bethesda titles or ABK titles then sure. Their own IPs outside those that are current sure I guess if they have the time/interest to do it they have the money to do it.

Re: Foamstars (PS5) - PS Plus' Sudsy Shooter Is Good, Clean Fun


If you want a game with cosmetics, fair cartoony characters, standard modes that aren't unique or use the foam mechnanics well then by all means if you want better find better.

I'm all for a family friendly shooter and competition I just think the movesets/lacking modes and potential of foam isn't used enough, I want it to put have a fight but it's a very weak contender, there were Wiiware water pistol or even Paintball games on what PS2 or PSP or something, many have existed before. But it's because of the personality and 'gameplay mechanics' that makes Splatoon better.

If Splatoon has the level design, new obstacles and moveset of easy to use of a Mario game it is a shooter platformer technically. But it's fun why would i play something that's basic but not fun to swap to each situation accordingly.

Let alone any other mature shooters of the past. I play a lot of PS3/360 shooters as I'm collecting them for their key mechanics, not the oh this story, oh this level design, oh this cover based shooter system. Why would I the key mechanic is a selling point for marketing and the only memorable part of the games. They can be set anywhere but the mechanics were still more memorable than anything else in any of the games.

Legendary even the mythologic creatures and the pretty ok healing/not that great use of powers for your hand are more memorable then the game itself.

Movesets matter in multiplayer let alone singleplayer games I'm playing in the shooter genre to make a point.

Having foam is fine but it building up doesn't make sense. You can't see people as easily. Foam building up is a cool idea but for a contest mode, not a deathmatch mode. Splatoon having ink flat is fair but at the same time it's also your trying to ink them to death, you have to use a surfboard aka no different to PS Allstars using built up special moves and it can take a bit of time. It's a fair idea but a bit tedious to pull off successfully and time it.

We can play as human characters they don't have to be superheroes/super human but if it's a game with adventuring or fantasy why would they be so boring to play, quests be boring to listen to of NPCs tasks and filler and a moveset so boring I can't be bothered. When I could play more exciting human characters that are acrobatic or daredevils maybe not just superhuman, animals that actually are fun to play as combat, platforming, puzzle solving, etc.

You can't tell me that Splatoon doesn't have a satisfying character moveset it just does. How is foam building up, general walking and a surfboard move better than using ink in EVERY single situation for reloading, shooting, stealth and traversal not better design and it's all interconnected too.

To me it's like PS1/N64 platformers level of good. There is a reason I play open worlds with platforming or good character moveset or based on side missions not being boring. So why else did I like Sunset Overdrive (tower defence then outposts yes please, and above and below rail grinding, I'd wanted Ratchet games to have above and below rail grinding since Scaler from 2004, let alone the speed increased to be more challenging yet it takes Sunset Overdrive, aka 2015 to offer it by Insomniac like come on), Spiderman I didn't get into enjoying that much other than laser/radar side missions, lab puzzles and task master challenges that's it. Infamous the moveset was fair and the spray paint/cameras and First Light chases (not Second Son chasing the conduits) were fair fun.

If the moveset is boring, the level design is boring, modes are boring. How am I supposed to care to play it for long? It can be the same the whole game but change up platforms or enemies or weapons. That's what a good shooter does Splatoon, Halo or others. Or have more mechanics, or a key mechanic used many ways. Aka playing PS3/360 shooters left behind and their key mechanics it makes a lot of sense not just for marketing.

So why is it 5th gen platformers make Biomutant's player character play boring, why because your an animal, yet you play like a human, a typical boring modern game moveset that's not fun to play. The game's content and world is fine but the moveset is not. No animal abilities. Gas immunity sure is cool but no digging, no swimming, no flight, no cool moves just peeing on checkpoints, sprinting on all 4 legs and animal language talking that is cool with the narrator.

But Space Station Silicon Valley had many animals and varied movesets, Chameleon Twist a still unique to this day tongue move for enemies and platforming.

Tell me why playing a generic cartoon human offers 'good movesets' with foam building up and a surfboard? What kind of weak excuse is that of game design.

If Mario has a better moveset than most human characters even besides power ups just jumping moves why should I care about other characters 'gameplay wise'. Story wise and personality of course there is a difference but gameplay their boring as ever. I don't like Mario games but I do praise the moveset being interesting even if I barely find a need for the many jumps.

I'm not a Nintendo fan, I'm a gameplay fan and the gameplay design is weak.

Unique character abilities, I'm sorry foam that builds up is fine but the surfboard, the attacking with foam as if it's ink, paintballs or water. The game isn't unique, any mechanic can be called unique to a little degree but it's not a good mix of mechanics their primitive of means to do things but not repeated fun they get the job done that is it.

Lacking content yes, why not more maps/modes is beyond me their lazy to offer enough at launch yet again another game doing that.

The music is pretty average to not engaging at all. I've heard better.

The character designs make sense and to appeal to the target audiencei s fine but are too safe looking and I find them forgettable.

The animations are fair they do look and act lively enough but just not great looking characters they look generic.

Also the bubble puns are not funny Toylogic/localisers. Keep trying.

The player hub/PS Home socialising or maybe things to fill in the space could be cool to expand on but if it's just a place to be (downtime or just when logging off) and buy cosmetics then well who actually cares just play the modes or give up on the game. Or whatever goals you can have with the modes/player level/ranked or whatever the game offers.

Not saying it isn't different from Splatoon it is, but just less fun, less exciting of ideas in it.

But Splatoon just makes it's moveset more interesting to travel, hide and reload, why wouldn't I prefer a more interesting character to 'play' as regardless of looks even besides the world it offers in style/music/squid language.

I wish Foamstars had more interesting of a moveset and modes.

Foam maze (reverse and clearing it away), a surfboard race, a foam building contest, traps, chemical mixing, anything exciting. My ideas aren't good but they are more than then what is given.

Not just deathmatch (using the surfboard is fine but kind of dumb and annoying to pull off) and the duck/platform mode which is just Splatoon but not territory focused or other games with some platform/object goal to move to your side of the map.

Wow how bland and unexciting.

Re: Ubisoft CEO Defends Skull and Bones Premium $70 Pricetag, Insists It's 'AAAA' Quality


Ubisoft: Zombi U flopped we need more money from Rayman Legends. All our games must sell.

Ubisoft: Skull and Bones is 4X A. Aka we wastes too much money, we didn't listen to what GT5/Last Guardian/Duke Nukem Forever or other games with such budgets, levels of perfection, changes that had to be made and time it took.

Yeah no Skull and Bones they wastes too much money, it's not even the game AC4 was and they tried to expand on it, they want it to be a good game but it's so flat in game design besides it's visuals, physics and more. Do they know how fun boat combat is not always, or quests, or other things.

Let alone how niche it is (I am ok with niches, or just something a bit different even if another pirate game and details, trends to follow and some gameplay is limited compared to others to make some goals 'fun' or two games+ in one due to character, vehicle and other controls I get that) as people play human characters (or deva got bored of vehicles on games other than for transport so a more vehicle focused game is good to see but most people don't care I assume so.......) or want player control us racing fans enjoy cars but some of us enjoy not just our dream cars but good game modes/events not being bored with nothing interesting to do with them.

So sometimes more cars means nothing if the modes lack or suck aka I don't care if your physics, tire wear and way it moves on the road is accurate or you sell me individual assets in some racing Sims. I'm not interested I want a complete enough product and to have fun. Appreciate the game design.

I'll play a cartoony game any day and less realism and voice acting and whatever if I have fun. No matter how mature and cartoony or family friendly and cartoony/let alone realistic.

I'll play an animal for the moveset before I care about some human character and whatever boring dialogue and other details, quests, they have because gameplay over anything. Level design and setting sure but gameplay not whatever looks good, sounds good, dialogue said I don't care about.

I think Ubisoft forgot what fun looks like. Too much boat accuracy by their devs holding back a bit too far at times when sometimes they were probably good enough quality details in the game for some decisions made then then actual fun factor pushed out the window.

Let alone yes avoiding other game releases too yes.

I'll stick to other games.

Re: Poll: Which Xbox Franchises Would You Buy on PS5?


Like with Konami/Capcom it's the IPs they don't touch I care about.

So with Microsoft it's Blinx 1 & 2, Voodoo Vince (yes it got a remaster), Project Gotham Racing 1-4 I bought up the whole series but I mean they are good. I mean to me Their OG Xbox games are what I care for the most, I'm not into Forza Motorsport 5-7/8 (Series entry) so to me all I need is Forza Motorsport 1 on OG Xbox and I'm good.

ReCore/Sunset Overdrive/Rare Replay and Forza Motorsport 5-7 are the reasons besides using a CD player or Soundcloud app I keep my Xbox One around, other than that it's a blu-ray player, a back compat, third parties if I find a copy not on PS4/Switch machine. That's how much I really don't care for Xbox One/Series consoles and do OG Xbox and 360 so much more I'd rather care about those IPs. Like sure I have Quantum Breaks, Crackdown 3, Ryse Son of Rome but many of them I don't care for Ryse was just playing Rome Hellblade/God of War of nowadays in terms of camera/controls, the themes aren't bad but the gameplay/cameras turns me off.

To me if I own the IP on Xbox it's fine I'd probably rebuy it just to own a newer copy on the other platform for access to it not just because it's ported, or just seek out any second hand copies still (if they are possible then a more new copy being easier) but at the same time IP relevance and how they have ruined it does make me want to go eh I can't see myself wanting to say 'yeah it should be on other platforms' when it's a bad entry and I don't want it to be supported if it's just still going to be a bad entry/porting it won't change anything about it.

The well known IPs are fine but I want their dead ones more. Fair 1-5 points scale but many you know it's tough when they can't have 'every' IP but at the same time I mean PGR isn't on there like come on. Blinx is at least. I know yes PGR isn't relevant and they likely haven't renewed the IP but I mean come on they dropped Blinx and it still ended up on back compat so did they renew it just for BC use only?

Heck even Activision has tons, TimeShift, Prototype.

They have Pitfall (yes the 2600, SNES/Jaguar/PS1/6th gen one, 2012 mobile game) an Uncharted/Tomb Raider/Indy IP and they do nothing with it like come on talk about laziness, the last console game was a Metroid Prime competitor (2004 came out same year as Prime 2), a 3D Metroidvania and it was really good, it's dated in terms of visuals and some dialogue is very chessey but it's still so much fun (not the idol games those are tedious for 100% but the rest is great. Also a time when the right stick was still not always used for camera, almost like saying oh yeah Knack has you use the right stick to dodge, which as Knack is very old God of War style in many ways makes sense).

Hi Fi Rush just in general but only if it's physical. I'll pull a Demon Turf physical on Xbox if it gets a physical there (was only physical on Xbox digital on Switch/PS4/5).

Re: PS5, PS4 First-Party Devs Won't Get Complacent Even if Competition Degrades


I mean if they hone in sure. Most if not all their first party don't interest me anyway due to direction changes in existing IPs or the new ones don't appeal to me of gameplay. So the competition doesn't effect me really.

They can keep trying and have games or services to have more impact and money outcomes but I mean sure, whatever. They are yes competing with tv, movies, music, many outdoor activities. Always have, always will. Sega had Saturn/PC releases, it's not unheard of if you know about it and do research.

So Xbox games and competition changes can come to PS still and I still don't care because most of Microsoft's IPs don't interest me either due to their various changes too or IPs that are new and I have no interest in them.

So I'm buying up their all variety IPs I never got to experience instead on PS1-3, OG Xbox/360, or focused on Vita 2017/Wii U 2018/3DS 2020/Switch 2021+.

Re: Rumour: Call of Duty Games Will Feature Open World Campaigns Starting This Year


Seriously? The games already cut more and more thin why 'scale' if they fill it with garbage or it's empty. Open worlds have a purpose but unless the things to 'do in them' are fun which for me most of them are not and the character movesets are boring so I am very open world or side mission picky why would I buy it.

Being cinematic is it's strength, open worlds can do that but don't work as well.

There is a reason I pick up PS3/360 shooters for their 1 key mechanic and that's it. Inversion, Fracture, Binary Domain, Spec Ops the line as examples. All fair games but cover based and some fair ideas, stories and settings about them.

Especially if many of them are cover based shooters besides your odd ones in the Crysis/Halo following of power suits like TimeShift or the arcade shooting gallery logic/modern character feel angle of The Club, the Max Payne style Wet, Stranglehold or Vanquish (mechanic not just the Strangehold/Wet approach of trying to be that type of crime thriller/noire or so story telling).

I mean there is a reason I dropped off the COD campaigns is they got worse and I also stopped caring because they didn't offer anything that exciting.

WW2 was fine setting wise (same with BF Hardline I bought it for the setting as it's 'not military', I have more fun playing BF2 Modern Combat for it's swap jump around the map feature XD mechanics matter to me, it's why Immortals of Aveum appealed to me is the magic idea and setting, it's not the best but it's something, Bright Memory Infinite the mechanics, Wanted Dead like Devils Third the sword/shooter combo approach) but the sci-fi ones I actually enjoyed the mobility aka why I like Titanfall 2 so much and it's interesting levels and mechanics.

The settings and visuals don't appeal to me. I can play the old CODs and still get fun out of them on PS2, sure oh another old period war game but the feel of the games are so different in MOH and COD of old I don't mind. They feel different to play so I don't mind and I'm curiosity how the series used to be is also the main reason.

I don't really pick up Indie/third party military shooters but there is so many and I don't see mechanics to care about just the immersion of the setting they go for. Which I have no interest in that angle of the games.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


PS3/360 vs PS4/Xbox One digital did matter yes.

People forget Sega had Saturn, PC, Pokemon on the Piko, Sonic on the Tiger Gamecom/Coleco Chameleon (a 20 game plug and plug kind of thing). Microsoft had Gameboy Color games of their PC titles before Rare went GBA/DS alongside Xbox. It's nothing new. Companies can multiplat and still have a console it's called money not console wars logic being the 'only' way to do things.

Even if they put Age of Empires on PlayStation instead of just PC/Xbox would people care when other strategy games exist on Switch/PS? Minecraft games are on everything.

Do people care about State of Decay enough, especially if State of Decay 2 came to PS4/PS5 instead of waiting for 3 to come out? Everwild? Perfect Zero? Crackdown 3? Rare Replay? ReCore, Sunset Overdrive? Quantum Break when Control is on PS4/5?

The more you look at the IPs and especially more than Halo Gear and Forza you go hmm this is this genre, this is this setting, this has that much appeal. How many people care let alone how many people actually pay attention besides their own platform focus? I own some of these Xbox One games I don't care to play them really. I'm interested to play Crackdown 3 eventually as I got it cheap, but State of Decay 2 not really even if it's a zombie game not like Last of Us or Days Gone it's a fair direction of it's own thing.

I went depends on the game as I have an Xbox One, I have access to current gen PS5/Series X, I don't use them I won't buy my own I don't care to. The enhancements aren't a bother of load times or space to me. The third parties are all I care about on both platforms. Got a Switch there. Xbox/Switch have been good encase I can't get Demon Turf (physical only on Xbox)/Wreckfest (got on Switch) or other games on a platform in bargain bins. I'll pick up games for console access rather than care about exclusives that much.

Sega was making many multiplat decisions before they even left the console production side to be full third party. It's not unheard of/shaking up the industry unless you don't know it already happened, Sega would going to support Atari with the Jaguar at some point but didn't.

Some people need to know their history more before they make claims it's like with the Switch it's a good device but hardly the first docked console, cabled console, docked tech product ever when Pocket PCs, Sega's Nomad and the PSP or Neo Geo X exist.

It's just most people don't realise or focus on those aspects of history because they are too console or game focused in that space a lot can be learnt from 'looking and researching'.

Seeing as many of Xbox's IP don't interest me (I don't treat it as oh it's the shooter/sports/racing machine or only dark IPs to play on Xbox I just don't care for their live services, certain game direction and many IPs genre or gameplay wise don't appeal to me even as someone open to playing a lot of genres/gameplay focused games but mostly retro instead because of the direction changes and mechanics I do or don't find appealing) same with many on PS platforms over the years and mostly the legacy consoles IPs appeal to me more for either PS/Xbox I don't really care.

My PS4/Xbox One are basically third party machines at this point. Seriously.

Sega has PC releases alongside Saturn, many companies could go oh we put stuff on PC, or mobile and still have consoles. Without being third party it's not hard to do that if they want 'options' but without cutting consoles entirely if they want.

Windows/Office can be on anything because it's software, it's well known, they get licenses. Windows has been on so many devices at this point from Pocket PCs, OEM PCs, to phones to media servers to many things, Linux of course as well.

Like if Forza Motorsport was on PS, I wouldn't care because the game design would still be terrible as it has been since 5 on Xbox One 2013 launch I still haven't enjoyed the series and I haven't bought 8/Series entry because it's online required and I don't like the content handling of it it's not a compelling game to me.

Like sure Hi Fi Rush and others would be nice but I mean....

I got Demon Turf on Xbox because it was the only physical copy offering platform not because oh it's on another console. Would I buy an Xbox to play it if I didn't already own one maybe. I don't get the obvious games that people buy a console for.

I get particular ones sure but third party or first party exclusive or not. I got a Switch for yes the Nintendo games after getting a Vita/Wii U and I want to experience the Vita type games on Switch, Wreckfest I only ever found Switch copies not PS4/Xbox One. I just get what I can and with all platforms I can. I don't use them all that much compared to retro consoles but I mean if I have uses for them I will when I feel like it. Getting games cheap 6 months later even aka they go to Gamepass/PS+ but I get them physical and around $20-30 the time they go to those services unless it's a launch like Foamstars or something else as exceptions (which I have no interest in and I don't sub to services, not a single one).

Re: Stellar Blade's Japanese Dub Won't Be Available Worldwide, But Korean Will Be


UK dub nice. Never had issues with Korean or Japanese but I haven't heard Korean really only Chinese or Japanese dubs in anime or Chinese animated shows (one in particular I was watching).

So I don't know enough about voice acting quality for them, but still open to the audio for it.

Only read Korean comics/Manhwa and noticed the differences there too not Korean audio but I know it when I hear it at least.