Comments 698

Re: PSVR2 Is 'Important' to Sony, But 'PS5 Is the Core'


PSVR2 works for Indies (especially as Portal is remote play and no development effort needed so....). But they need more than 1-2 first party working on VR too. London is working on non-VR so no successor to Blood and Truth then?

Or some Getaway project maybe maybe not? Astro/Asobi are doing VR I assume like Astrobot Rescue Mission as Astro's Playroom was 2020. Horizon Call of the Mountain came out....

What about Insomniac why not after Spiderman 2, with one on Wolverine the other work on a PSVR2 title or mode? Why have a studio that made Meta/Occulus games yet have them do nothing with PSVR now under Sony's ownership? At least Polyphony supports Sixaxis/PSVR1 & 2 I may not like their design of their games right now but I support their hardware use at least.

At least we have some hardware doing other things besides the Dualsense/whatever software benefits of PS5.

At least we have Cosmic Smash on PSVR2 then stuck on Dreamcast/arcade or other exciting stuff coming hopefully like we saw cool odd games on PSVR1.

It may be niche like MP3 players but it has a place. Far from dead it's just getting started. AAA might go to Meta because their cheap developers who want an existing userbase then to take a risk because that's annoying, build up one already on other platforms and you'll get better sales! But otherwise it's fair I'd say.

Re: Rumour: The Next Far Cry Game Is an Extraction-Based Multiplayer Shooter with Permadeath


Surprised they didn't Assassin's Creed, also they didn't remember Rainbow Six Extraction?

Either way why Far Cry it's way of doing things was going many directions but this this is purely IP/brand name only it's a joke. Assassin's Creed is the one that should have it it's got less to lose with so many projects, why this.

Not surprised Far Cry fans will be going nope there goes this series for the sake of trend following. Why build up an audience only to do this. Even if a 'spin off' I highly doubt this was worth it.

A standalone from 6 or 7 would have been better like Primal, Blood Dragon and New Dawn but nope what a waste of time to trend chase then actually offer good expansions to the open world formula. Far Cry has always been about open worlds and had a good spin on it over the years.

Why chase a multiplayer trend do it as a game mode in Siege or something. Or a new IP oh wait brand power sigh of course they can't. Why not do it in RIders Republic or the Crew Motorfest oh right different audience or execution there. Still prefer elimination modes in racing games to battle royale.

Or King of the Hill or something else then cutting an elimination mode to be hunger games like and battle royale being overrated of a rebranding of elimination modes or something Minecraft Hunger Games already existed as on multiplayer servers years before the term or PUBG or other possibilities and what audience jumps on to a trend setter that's large enough.

Even if other Ubisoft games have their similarities besides the core ideas each game. Watch Dogs Legion NPC/playable characters idea was cool, the goo or whatever in Extraction (just not in a game of it's type no one wanted that was more sci-fi then realistic people want from those games let alone another IP or that room by room format that while for old Rainbow Six sure but current eras I assume people aren't as into as much anymore?)

Even if I have no interest in neither I played Infamous Second Son and went ah so that's how some open worlds have gone about things over the years in comparison and why I only like the side missions is the main story gameplay is so basic and talking when side missions offer more or whatever does or doesn't tie into things. Sunset Ovedrive's perks for weapons or tower defence or grinding on rails moveset and platforming missions, other side missions and story moments still somewhat using the moveset in good ways and it was fun.

Spiderman went all outposts, towers and more and I had no interest other than 3 side missions (ground pound move one wow you use one skill tree ability in a mission wow not all need to be like that but the fact there was only one did make it odd and it was fun using it besides it's context, I then forgot how to use it the rest of the game XD, lasers above & below and the radar one), taskmaster and the puzzles.

Some games need to make good use of their maps (some probably do I haven't played or looked over every one out there), their gameplay tying in, their story mission gameplay and so on (I find story missions so boring to fight, talk, get there it's so boring). In Infamous it was like oh go here do that, while I'm having more fun with the camera spotting, graffiti and more not the story missions being so bland and basic, not fun at all.

Some do but to me most movesets are so boring in both I don't care so I go the more platforming focused ones or otherwise to make location navigation fun not running and combat all the time in 'everything'.

Re: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth's Mature Age Rating Description Is Hilarious


Ok that is a good description. In the face of things he wasn't in a dream sequence like Ness in Earthboard wearing pajamas. But fair descriptions surprised not AO rated. I assume may be R rated for me.

Like Dead Rising 1 there is just something about seriousness and silliness to blend together if done well. I respect it for that and get ecchi anime so it makes sense to me. It's over the top but not meant to be taken seriously.

Not that I have interest in playing it but I will give them respect for keeping consistent/going for different angles. Conker had it's parodies and violence handled in such a way and Last of Us has it's angles of violence, themes, setting and such.

I was happy Journey to the Savage Planet and Outer Worlds kept consumerism/commercialism parody alive after so long since Ratchet offered it. Glad to see some silly writing is still around among some developers either side of the game industry.

Re: Is It Surprising that PlayStation Fans Don't Really Care About the PS5 Slim?


Price nah, other heatsink different versions, disk drive or not. Design, sure smaller but face plate costs too. No interesting design like to fit inline with Spiderman 2 or something else.

Other than being 3 years newer who cares. Family have 2 PS5s. I'm happy on PS4/Xbox One X and retro consoles I'm good with backlogs for either/enhancements aren't something I need in terms of what I play/space to put them, or care about.

There is no PS Portal/PSVR2 bundle included or PS+ free for a week or something (or a PS+ pamphlet reminder in general is there?) like Xbox did for their 2 days or week or whatever and slip those into games/console boxes.

Collectors sure to get one of each model and newcomers that don't own a PS5 yet but otherwise what is there to get excited about they made it smaller after the shell of the last one and tweaks, it's a smaller shell and those tweaks WOW. Yeah I don't disagree with others at all not being excited.

Also besides a Pro discussion why bother if the price for a slim is the same or higher? Who is going to get excited about that and no game bundled either like console bundles can make a difference.

Re: Ubisoft Exec Says Physical Sales Slowing, But They're Not Going Away


Makes sense with digital for convenience, not getting up all the time (even though licenses/disk could be worked around but console makers won't change it, even when 360 had installing disk data they still made you put the disk in for a fair reason but that's why they won't) among others besides just being cheaper.

How Indie physical fair is what I want to know not just physical for collectors sake of bigger games. What physical figures and more exist and more codes on paper/receipt/digital receipt.

If the content is good then people will pick it up, if for archiving regardless depends who is willing to. Enthusiast products/solutions exist and those people will always be there.

But eh policies encase someone dies and working around account use/ownership will be annoying.

Will digital deluxe offer digital art books more (Horizon Complete Edition did this, I only know as I got it with the Play At Home, already had the regular version physical), digital soundtrack app (you know they will do that they won't let us have the files that easily same with protection on disks) or other interview/behind the scene videos app options.

Or just you know menus to access concept art, OST, interviews in the games then outside on the console menus later (or via update to the games but updates for specific users gets complicated so outside in the console menu makes more sense and because their late releases).

That and well physical, archived, digital (hard drive, cloud not so unless working around to save the games). Online required, no problem rework the code and you can have it work differently to not call for it. What the legal possibilities of that no idea. But for server tied saves singleplayer games you bet it will happen or people don't care enough who knows.

What 1.0 or later prints (GT Sport 1.0, GT Sport PSVR update on disk, etc. or was it only branding? there is no complete edition with all updates and only some modes work offline I've tested to be sure for myself what does when PSN went down due to my firmware update required, was perfect time to test then working around my wifi settings on my console when Sony does it for PSN anyways XD).

(if the discounts are right for me physical is still better due to timing of sales/how after digital discounts their full price, physical they aren't still full price years later like physical is to wait around for the next discount.

Second hand market or lower prices in first hand market (if a game flops like Balan/Agents of Mayhem for example). Even guessing if Loop8 will do the same even if Marvelous I think is a AA publisher.

I got Balan for $20 as I knew it would flop. I could have waited for it to be $2 like Agents of Mayhem now. Or $10 NEW but I wanted to offer $20 NEW at least. I knew it would flop even though I enjoyed the game regardless of it's state. I had different expectations for the game as a Rayman 3 suits successor, not oh this developer, this publisher, this and that state of the game. I've played worse, seen worse. I look at obscure good/bad games all the time.

But I'll never get over reading this comment on physical movies/tv show from this short:

saying Quote:
"Not even kidding. At dinner tonight, my cousin was talking about how she didn't have internet because she just moved into a new place and she wasn't able to watch anything on the streaming platforms that she uses without internet. My mom says "somebody should invent something to where you can watch stuff offline". I said "They did. DVD, VHS, Blu-ray, all that stuff." And my cousin said "nobody uses that stuff anymore", and I said "I do". Not so much VHS because I don't have a VCR but definitely discs."

Got to love when even when a solution exists people will ignore it because it's seen a certain way of old, not new and shiny, marketed a certain way (even when they have methods easily to get a DVD/Blu-ray player let alone a console but no a new device to buy up to convince them......) then the practical "IT LITERALLY EXISTS" sigh the world even when offline solutions exist, an 'offline streaming service' or downloads (or just using data to download them if no wifi) or something will probably make them go 'ah finally a solution'. Sigh.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - A Familiar But Fantastic Superhero Sequel


A fair score. People will love it regardless and that's totally fine.

It's what I'd expect, story is probably good with Miles, Peter living on his own changes and the Symbiote. The fast travel uses the console hardware well I'm impressed as Rift Apart I wasn't it didn't push enough (faster loading is not exciting behind forced scripted rifts then dynamic rifts or control over the yellow ones not 'placed here and try to use them' yeah Portal wasn't fun because I had limited Portals the whole game you get the portal gun it gets more fun then the tutorial portals).

The visuals will be good (I still think they look less detailed, they change the faces to look different but in doing so they have less facial details of lines/freckles and more yet other characters look better or those even untouched probably like Miles look better than Peter and MJ, the environments and RT do look right but the lighting changes when swinging looked off, not in a bad way I'm just not used to seeing games do this that's all it works fine if that is what it's doing XD).

Hearing suits are cosmetic and require resources is a waste of people's time. They need to make it RPG style stats or the perks like the first game did but some suits don't. Maybe a photo/inspiration for making the suits but less of a cost involved. I didn't like Jedi Survivor being Metroidvania like going cosmetics made me care so little then a Metroidvania with functional abilities or saber perks or something for the effort.

Setpieces look good from other reviews footage. I wonder how the Sandman boss fight is, not expecting Shadow of the Colossus or God of War 3 but still.

The gameplay is probably fine, new abilities, some same suits from the old games is understandable and fine. I know dramatic changes will throw people off. But sometimes I prefer it I don't like safeness in my video games. Some can go bad no doubt but I mean story/visuals can't be everything. Because if what your doing to see the story is boring then well I won't want to see the story play out.

Stealth I always wonder, what layout, what distractions, what weapons/no weapons (what objectives to do for more tokens gained), what you can do in stealth, what enemy tracking light/sound/alarms, etc. Thief's systems were one thing and current games are another. Throwing a cigarette to distract the robot enemies in Vanquish is one thing, Max Payne/other slow motion combat approaches, camera and more are another.

Spiderman is a game that doesn't need to, it depends what they wanted to go for too though. I understand the audience for the game though. I don't fit that audience really but it doesn't make it a bad game.

The missions all bored me in Spiderman PS4, didn't play the Miles Morales game so can't comment there. But other than the radar/laser side missions (aka 2 side missions), the taskmaster challenges and the lab puzzles I had no interest in the rest. Oh and the ground pound one because 1 skill was used in one yay so 3 side missions.

Not everything needed to be like that but I find some with restrictions (I'm too used to racing games that do this sorry, but also it made me use things I wouldn't and why challenge runs are so fun, then open but I don't know what to do/could limit things but not sure what to make my own fun, better than car classes only for racing games or so linear it's boring because no depth behind the strictness being so basic) makes you use them more, some do need to be flexible though.

I just find some dialogue focused ones to be boring, some fights to be the same as others so the platforming ones/moveset ones stood out. The laser one made Ratchet 2016 stealth segments look bland they used the same laser assets but improved their use cases.

The outposts will be maybe improved (enemy types, AI, attack patterns, waves, objects to use in fights, the outpost layouts/location set pieces), stealth hopefully like Miles did. Just minor touches or maybe the same who knows.

But eh the stories are probably fine but the gameplay eh. I get who the audience is, I get dramatic changes I get this and that but I get bored with the most not much going on combat the AI/enemy types were getting very noticeable and boring.

While sure Spiderman is what it is for combat, sure ideas for enemies, objects, uses of abilities/ability ideas, scenarios to use them and more have limits the designers can possibly come up with, I didn't enjoy the side missions/leveling up so I didn't care about the abilities.

I used some but got comfortable (while Ratchet games they do the 'use the later weapons due to damage output/level ups and I don't mind it, I did a no skill tree/base armour run and it was fun, hard but not as hard as open worlds expecting you to always use them it's not as scaled as those, or odd skills/point cost in other games Diofield Chronicles you can make them cost 10 points doesn't mean the value is good for most of them for 5% this and otherwise better balanced that for me to grind levels for other skills no thank you)

and also did the missions to 'do them' not because I wanted to get tokens/get abilities/get anywhere I had no interest in them, so if I replayed the game I'd get what I want and not use the rest only the few I did, I found the AI/attack patterns boring then fun.

The writing will be good I have no doubt but if we get formulaic missions then snore. I get story and what Spiderman does in his world is more important but if I'm doing whatever crimes, whatever outposts, whatever formuliac this and that I get bored.

I enjoyed Sunset Ovedrive more because besides it's world/writing being completely different I played it for the gameplay (I hated the dialogue when I first played it, picked it back up and didn't mind it).

I'd rather tower defence or varied moveset or dialogue side missions/challenges then the eh crimes, eh tokens, eh this and that. Using the weapons in a Ratchet way was familiar but different enough (not saying out of comfort of game design I'm familiar with either).

I won't judge Spiderman to TOTK I just won't, sky islands with nothing on them, caves with resources sure but aren't that much more exciting, quests/bosses and dialogue that doesn't really work well because well you hear about the war 4 times depending who you free first and hear repeated 3 more times.

But when I think gameplay/interactivity in Zelda games or GTA I do wonder sometimes what reviewers or people that praise those games want, how limited or flexible players and do with cheats, with NPCs, with anything to sandbox make their own fun then just 'do missions' or only use player abilities in limited ways.

It is something where I don't want every platformer to be Mario 64 movesets if the games don't have level design to use it or even make it fun or just 'it's familiar/nostaglic and so on so lets make like 20 of those types. Like it's boring.

I want more interesting ideas.

I don't also want Banjo style sandbox platformer RPG quest games I want obstacle courses and the odd minigames not RPG quests. There is a reason I came to like Spyro 1 more than 2 & 3 and 3 went further but it became more tedious then fun. And I grew up on Spyro 1-3 but I can see what I don't care for in them as much now and willing to say so.

I'd prefer a Space Station Silicon Valley (aka what I will always bring us as to why Biomutant's player characters are boring and barely offer swimming/flight/anything interesting just vehicles/a glider later, why not offer more towards the player exploring then restricted to quests, the gas immunity sure great idea but if limited regions by vehicles why not by animal attributes then just gas immunity and looks) or Chameleon Twist's tongue moves still never replicated compared to grapple hook games or Glover's ball forms for puzzles approach, varied gameplay ideas then just Mario/Banjo formats.

I mean seeing Kao Round 2 be like Rayman 2 was weird but even still. Other games with varied ideas I'd like to see, that or them ported more even if only the popular ones do so while yay to Gex/Glover ports (hopefully they fix that PC port and whatever goes on for console future) I do question popularity (animals, marketing, whatever game got picked up by box art) and the better ideas less sold/talked about get left behind for blandness and popularity.

I see this with racing being more bland, I don't as much with hack n slashes their doing fine. Open worlds aren't my thing but I still think about elements in them hence the gameplay elements tangent.

Spiderman 2 will be as good of improvements, familiarity (not a bad thing and probably what people want than dramatic changes, but at the same time) and a Spiderman game with a lot of passion put in and that's what people want and that's totally fine.

It's still just not my thing.

Re: Lollipop Chainsaw's PS5 Revisit Now a Remaster Rather Than Remake


The remake content changes to undertaking to remake it, to just visual enhancements.

I mean fan base or dev work should have been clear regardless of who is doing it and such and undertaking.

I was interested it in regardless as from old reviews I'm like yep it's a hack n slash, it's got a crazy story and fun dialogue/situations/themes, I'm in. I like fun games not always serious this and that.

But I don't deny if music/other elements to change sure.

If remastering to change dialogue/change visual stuff to censor (blood, other details) due to rating changes or platform holders PS/Xbox say so, whatever the case.

That and the artstyle/whatever else could have been better/worse who knows I have forgotten what they were presenting before. Then again a remaster is less effort for them to work on budget wise hopefully then just engine changes, reworking many things and more.

I would hope for a PS4 version but I doubt it. Sad No More Heroes is PS5, while sure new console this and that and should move on would prefer a last gen version but as it ran well on Switch clearly unlikely, let alone what the PS5 version runs as. Or what their goal was and if current gen needed to be then sure.

It's just I never saw the Switch version physical only PS5. The reverse of other games where I see the Switch versions but not the Xbox/PS versions. I have all platforms but still it's just weird whether new, old, cheap/discounted or higher prices (full or less base price) what availability I see of some games.

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Will Bin Physical Media, But Not Video Games


Was curious about that. Digital Physical (cases, or the gift card like ones/wallet top up looking ones with the games presented and receipts to redeem not the paper itself because security reasons and stealing but that versus ink being unreadable in the future on a receipt so redeem while can and re-download the game from there I guess) exists out there.

If it's DVD/Blu-ray sales then sure I guess even is disappointing there too. But whether digital physical, steelbooks or whatever collector's editions (then digital deluxe existing and digital artbooks, no idea about digital song lists being a thing compared to soundtrack CDs still) and whatever cosmetics/quests are digital in the game anyways.

CDs/DVDs/Blu-ray players exist but will they for long who knows. 3rd parties make hardware and physical media that's niche return when looking into many physical media formats I'd never even heard of and going wow that's small/big, wow that's cool what they were going for of length, engineering, too ahead of it's time and so on.

Doesn't affect me but is still interesting to hear about around the world which are getting changes to their retail stores as it is scary stuff to hear about the future/what audiences are making things lean a certain way. Also due to the Disney physical movies going away sadness. I don't buy them anyway but still. Streaming services future.

PS4/5 cases are fine, PS3 ones are similar but colour or thickness aside it is odd seeing the PS4/5 cases and blu-ray in thinner or thick but not as much as game cases designs it's weird so slim they get. Which for 2 disk tv show case it's weird with the thinner ones and paper inserts/bonus versus the more space ones and the disk holder you flip to go between disks.

Re: Activision Boss Hints a Guitar Hero Revival Could Be on the Cards


Who needs Pitfall, Blur, TimeShift and more.

More instruments, maybe better angle this time?

AI maybe for the scoring? Or AI voices or something? I don't get what it needs to be used for here. Other than use tech and barely have a good use for it then areas it's more suitable for.

Who knows if they are relevant games anymore (nostalgia, good advertising and so on factors to consider), they get the songs, and more of a better execution.

Just Dance requires no instruments just controllers/phone/Kinect/PS Camera (when they did not anymore for PS5/Series versions or old PS4/Xbox One versions now they stop supporting them apparently), sure you can play without the instruments but I mean most people do for Rock Band/DJ Hero/Guitar Hero, etc.

Re: PSN Suffered an Enormous Outage Over Night


As someone that didn't play my PS4 the day before I think, but did download and play Gravity Trickster's demo (PS4 only) yesterday after trying out Last Guardian physical I didn't notice a thing.

Not surprised it happens though. That or PS5's PSN then PS4's even though should be the same but whatever difference in functionality or console side or whatever.

Also UK outage huh fair enough.

Re: Where to Pre-Order PlayStation Portal


Price is something. I wonder what the reviews will say, is it fair for parents playing at night, people playing off the tv, using a phone/tablet in comparison.

Using it outside/inside (open space, many walls in building) and comparing the WiFi benefits/proprietary link option.

Is Xbox Remote Play better? Vita remote play better? Steam Link better?

Should they have just sold the dualsense grips separately so people can put them onto a tablet? Is the remote play good or will phones outpace it in a few years?

Re: Chequered Flag for Gran Turismo Sport as Online Services Shut Down in January 2024


@Tharsman I agree but all they need to do is remove the server save code. Sport/brand central always were online. Driving missions can be accessed if progressed/unlocked enough.

Career/VR were an update (but career won't progress but you can access any events if have the player level for them) and arcade/circuit experience are all accessible anyway even if no progress.

Also so much for limited editions/game of the year editions with none of the content on disks at the end of it's 6 year life, yay!!!!!!!

No idea what is 1.0 only (will have to see what disk copy of updates I have on me probably the PSVR update maybe) accessible I assume arcade was but no idea if circuit experience/driving missions were made available that way or not I'd have to check.

So that's something. Just the saving side or player level/event progress unlocked need to be patched.

GT7 is where even less is available of just arcade/music rally pretty sure and people have made videos on this/articles likely already.

I don't know how Forza Motorsport 8 will be of 'offline' or if at all so that will be fun to see how they treat players too. At least we have GT1-6, the in-between titles and Forza 1-7 for offline?

But Sport is pretty reasonable. We just need someone to make a hack/patch to remove the server requirement code and we can't play it 'offline' as it should be.

Archiving 100GB games is tough as it is I bet for preservation too.

Re: Chequered Flag for Gran Turismo Sport as Online Services Shut Down in January 2024


I better get a move on. While Sport mode and the dealership (brand cantral) will be inaccessible (I tested what offline was like when the console firmware update happens it prevents online services so I tested what GT Sport is like offline and it's not too bad).

Arcade (available from start, won't save the progress but can access), career (update to get, no further progress will be saved and unlocks for each tier needed of player level I think it was besides just what garage cars have on you), driving missions (available from start need to unlock missions with at least bronze on all events to access ast row of events), circuit experience (accessible from the start, won't save the progress) are all accessible with a far enough progression of levels or event unlocks.

GT Sport handled the online requirement well for what it is. Just sucks as it's 100GB and like Spyro Reignited got to have a PS4 to actually keep all that data on the console (forever) besides anyone you archives PS4 games and has all updates for game preservation.

It's not Driveclub limited of a fair amount of content but most DLC/other stuff all gone I think it was. It's a fair game but bare bones.

Sport is better than GT7 with less invites gating garbage design in it/roulette that's badly designed/bad career mode of cafe and more so it's the better game than Forza Motorsport 6 (at least you can play it offline all showcase side missions and main tour career mode or arcade offline I think I'd have to cut my Xbox internet connection and see but FM8 will be as bad or worse than GT7 for online content access I bet but they won't tell us how bad it is their sneaky at least Polyphony tells people what is accessible offline and we can attest to what's true or not ourselves) or GT7 having bad ideas in them and more grind, more bad game design and are just a joke. Don't care of it has more content, is new and shiny it's still bad.

Sure you can't save (until someone alters the game to allow no server connection save requirement code which can't be hard to change, it's not cloud based the saves are still on your console besides being on their servers it's just some annoying server binding code that's there to annoy players and take control for their own save file editing/DRM/cheating reasons) but you can access every singleplayer mode with enough progress (arcade, career, driving missions, circuit experience, license tests) offline but no progress will hbe saved.

You need to get enough cars too to use them then only the arcade mode cars. The problem is the last events are super long and not worth doing for the length they are.

So I respect Sport more than GT7 even if I don't like Sport it still has issues online requirement and design wise.

Problem is you need the updates to get the career and also you need to progress well enough to have access to all content as some has to be unlocked in license tests/driving missions. The circuit experience is fine and career I think you may need levels to unlock all. So it's. About awkward of get to level 20 or something and unlock career but the rest just complete the events as best you can. It's dumb. But better than GT7.

GT7 has less content for offline with music rally/arcade so it's worse and Forza Motorsport I assume will be the same.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan May Have Been Disliked, But Leaves Big Boots to Fill


The console was likely to succeed due to the marketing, the interest in the product already, the games offered in the first 3 years was much better and were sequels to PS4 games that were hits so not surprised. Most were PS3 with few of the notable in 2013-2015 on PS4 so most are more 2016+ releases that people remember/care about on PS4 and sequels to those games on PS5 was not surprising.

We don't see as much PS Experience or other signs, very businesslike but less communication to fans. Some can do it some can't and it's fair enough I guess. Whatever signs of caring, whatever transparency they can give is nice sometimes.

2016+ was the change up for PlayStation management too and games were underway from PS3 being ended to focus on PS4 for a few years (and IPs moved on so Killzone to Horizon, Infamous to Ghost of Tsushima, Gravity Rush on Vita to 2 on PS4, probably other examples but not many to list I think Uncharted 4/Last of Us 2 were there, Insomniac always had Sunset Ovedrive/Fuse then Spiderman and Ratchet is always there, Bend with Golden Abyss to Days Gone and if a Vita project was cancelled/Days Gone was always planned so they had a PS4 title but more time to focus on it no idea).

Vita had it's Japan third parties and western Indies support and cult following audience hanging in there till the Vita production of consoles and carts ended in 2019 or so, story postponement is still ongoing then ended.

Xbox will get their 2016+ PS4 games that had impact on the platform moment 'eventually' but we will wait and see...... it may take a while.

The movies/tv shows (Ratchet movie 2016, PS Productions later and Last of Us/Twisted Metal happened, Horizon and more soon),

the price change may likely stay I assume,

GAAS plans continuing or not,

mostly big games (less small/PSN titles),

PS Portal and more could all change.

What we see/what plans were already in place is hard to know with the rest of Jim Ryan leading up to the 2024 retirement and whatever in place of the new person of that role keeping it consistent (having to anyway) or whatever we see change/reduced/revoked (not sure what word to say there).

Re: Xbox Boss Praises 'Fierce Leader' Jim Ryan Following News of PlayStation CEO's Retirement


@gaston They were late indeed, I agree with many of your points (hearted comment), while they are focusing on their cinematic games trend they were late to other ideas unlike PS3 where Insomniac took a while to make a co-op game (made 2) but weren't to make a PSN title (Quest for Booty) which as that was a focus is to have PSN support or Move or PSP/PS3 connectivity in some way or co-op games, then later online passes they were late to GAAS.

Then again how much has changed or will continue to with the movies/tv shows probably a fair amount. Many companies branch out to other mediums/industries and it benefits new audiences/awareness, more the existing audience can enjoy like a theme park or other merch or whatever too. It was likely in place regardless as the Ratchet movie was 2016 so any changes then to now of PS Productions were happening prior to 2020.

(Destruction Allstars I take as part Lucid part Sony, Lucid had Bizarre Creations staff, some not others at Playground and elsewhere, if many worked on Blur why did they not learn from that, it has a cult following but what made them think oh a vehicular combat game to advertise to casuals, when their mario kart advertising and neon real cars kart racer has a cult following but didn't sell well I think, the sequel looked awesome but cancelled but still) for other GAAS we will see how they turn out at least. Not interested but at the same time they may have better ideas/execution who knows.

Foam stars from Square leaves me less confidence if it's ideas are weak when I already know they can give foam more interesting use cases for modes/ammo then trailers show (I didn't watch the gameplay previews so that's on me).

While Japan Studios umbrella downsizing so we no have Claphands do golf elsewhere, Bokeh exists now the ones that did Siren/Gravity Rush, others went their ways or to Asobi (as well as the management/localisation side for Japan of course). They were supporting others in many cases like From Software with the PSVR title (and as usual others in Japan just like XDev does pretty sure in a similar way). Because their an umbrella of studios it does get confusing. I won't deny they did have way too many studios there so scaling it to one probably made more sense from a financial perspective. Some made a new studio, went to Asobi, went to other studios/continued what they were likely planning (assuming Claphands had and Everybody's Golf for PS5 planned who knows but released their current golf game for Switch) and didn't renew their contracts.

While I like their games they don't sell well (sadness) and lets not forgot they did waste a lot of money with Gran Turismo 5 (Polyphony while not under the umbrella kind of counts I guess for this point) (GT5 Prologue did come out but as usual the license can't be cheap) and The Last Guardian taking too long to make. While they don't have the EU/US studios game design costs of the mo cap and other stuff (besides Siren as it had actors and their faces on the characters which looks weird but was what it was for the time, I guess most others are very small scale or in-engine cutscenes anyway pretty sure so they can't have cost that much to make and as smaller scale games like the ones on PSP like EchoChrome/Shift, LocoRoco, maybe some PSN games for PSP/PS3 or the odd more higher budget PS3 ones of Puppeteer, Gravity Rush would even if different then Siren by Team Siren, whatever other examples).

Which if Team Ico or others were working on something then they likely were cancelled. Whatever the case I can understand why they were cancelled and many times it seemed they were just a support for some studios or making hardware specific stuff anyway like Astro/Playroom the tech teams like London do then it made sense I guess to scale down to Asobi as the tech demo studio and the localisation and other stuff then 5+ studios under an umbrella making whatever and not turning much a profit (besides what many people don't care about niche games even if yes a big group of studios you'd think make more but when you see a Song of the Deep go under the radar besides the Gamestop publishing or better chances now like with Obsidian's Pentiment times have changed and some studios have platforms and certain marketing to make AAA smaller projects have a place and others not or leaders just not caring which we all know about with the Laydon to Ryan period).

PS5 price I agree, Switch game prices increased mid gen, other third parties did, Xbox did. 3DS had a price cut, I forgot what others have besides slim models like the PS3 I think had the It Does Everything marketing campaign period of price change.

The PS3 was $1000 or whatever higher than the $599 in the US in my country, games were the same $100 (I guess $99 then the $110 or $120 they are standard or deluxe I forget what they are now) while I only see the odd $50 game these days from AAs I think Ratchet 2016 was a $50 game so that's something of not happening often if I remember correctly.

They were now I think back then I only remember the PS4 era prices at least not PS3 prices (my Ratchet Crack in Time price sticker is still there so that's some evidence but not enough to be definitive of course XD) (as far as been told/price stickers I see still on old games we own I'd have to check the wayback machine for websites/catalogues and find out more but still) so sometimes things have or haven't changed for sure and others are following through on price changes and many people just seem to forget or certain areas have price changes.

It's why I was skeptical how much is 'Jim' and how much as shareholders/past plans he just had to continue with that were already in place, not much happens in 2-3 years and he had a minor impact on certain things. He may be a businessman and may be good in some ways and the Gran Turismo 1 graphics quote does get thrown around but at the same time he was probably great in past roles in the company we don't know about but in his current role we only see so much.

Re: Microsoft Documents Show How PlayStation Now Saved Fallout 76


From the install base, to the service and timing, I mean many games can be getting some attention more on GP/PS+ Essential so I can kind of see why. Besides just the period it was maybe what was out when it was added to PS+ anyway? Was it a pretty barren month for AAA then I don't know for sure that can be a factor sometimes.

But I mean regardless of the state of the game, I didn't mind what it tried to do (same reason I didn't mind the No Man's Sky take on multiplayer then they changed it but I get why and why audiences want different things). Fallout 76 was not perfect, it's issues were there and it's differences were sometimes. I mean I didn't think lacking NPCs was that bad, could it be lazy yes but it is an apocalyse so is it that bad to have messages/robots left around no, but is it that bad an apocalyse I guess not and some survivors need to be there as well as yeah it is pretty lazy in some cases too... XD

(the MMO/survival like nature of it in areas and what people expect from a Fallout game also was a factor when they should have had better trailers (same issue I have with Forza Motorsport 8 I didn't want montages I don't care about them give me answers and when they did I didn't think much more highly of it and it hasn't even released yet, them hiding it made it worse besides the decisions they have in place. For racing games if I don't know the career mode I won't play it, physics/career mode structure/menus/tracks matter to me so tell me what I'm getting), a more clear sign to 'this is a Fallout MMO/live service', 'a Fallout for a different audience' then hiding it from people besides it's awkward state it was in).

Re: Jim Ryan Retires as PlayStation Boss in March 2024


@ShogunRok I agree, face of the company we see or not for this period and what plans have happened prior or during his time there (things keep going regardless of when a leader is in place after all besides what changes are made with them in the position, what projects from employees, what prior plans were underway, what changes were made in his position after, what executives want).

He has been around a while, he deserves his retirement. His period in this role was brief but his work in the company in other roles were probably really good for what we do/don't know.

I don't care for this period but that doesn't mean much anyway.

Re: Jim Ryan Retires as PlayStation Boss in March 2024


The thing is how much was it him or the executives. Did Jim know what he was doing in some cases yes, I assume Hulst does too in their role. He has been there a long time and that's understandable for him to do what he plans on next. It was a brief era and things happened/plans continue. Face we see/plans we see, whoever gets directed at or not it was a fine period for what it was.

Do I think the future with the Portal/PS+ rebrand/downsizing Japan Studio and more were going to happen regardless of who was in charge and because plans were set in motion from past leaders/past things happen regardless of what we think yes. Some plans were already ongoing, employee had many things in place of projects.

The ransom timing is 'something' but his retirement was very much planned earlier of course and no correlation. It happens they do plan things ahead of time anyone that has retirement, leaves a company for another, starts up a new one, whatever the case.

(same happened with the Vita they moved staff from Liverpool and Zipper to other studios or let off I assume which happens, and with PSVR we see niche support there and it makes sense they want to make hardware and third parties support it but can't support it themselves as much first party wise).

Who was in charge around 2016+? Sure I know later had more changes and yes the direction they have gone now is what it is for the company to go for other mediums, more audience inviting and so on and it works great for them/what audiences care about those.

But honestly both times I just cared less for the PS4/5 and the downsizing of Japan Studios (while in some cases necessary) was the last straw for me. I only use my PS4 for third parties and that's it.

Re: Indie Firm Devolver Digital Rejected PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Deals Over 'Undervalued' Games


When they go cheap it makes sense for subscriptions. For immediate day one I think is too risky for them. Big titles can justify it, but smaller ones do suffer.

There is a reason survival/cosy games do what they can offer with their audiences casual or gamer or in-between but other AA or Indies it's us gamers that are into very particular titles mostly keep certain games alive/relevant on launch or discounted or whatever the case to show some interest in them.

The audience awareness helps but if people jump in, jump out of a game then play the whole thing or enough, doesn't really work well for the company. Besides the deals they have to make for the period they set/have to work with in GP and PS+ Extra.

I haven't played many Devolver Digital games or at all but I respect the Indies and what they do as a publisher and I can see why they want them to have as much impact as possible (even though they do) in sales and when so many Indies release they do need more a chance out there whenever time of the year and at whatever prices and later for a audience increase of awareness to subscriptions if need be.

Re: Bayonetta Director Hideki Kamiya to Leave PlatinumGames


For his efforts with the Clover/Platinum transition (creative games you have a cult following buy and has succeeded so far), to now the trendy Platinum (with whatever directors/staff execution) and the last impression he had on Tango I do wonder what he does next.

If a Netease situation like the other then hmmmmm. What will come of that who knows. For funding sure. For other aspects it makes us wonder what will happen, what the deals were, why we gain from these creatives going to such companies, for the pay, or for the creativity if they have freedom to do so.

I like Kamiya's old and new focus in an article I read a few months/year back. Hope he makes some great stuff with a new studio (clearly not retiring just pulling away from Platinum).

For Platinum I do wonder but while I don't always go company/staff focused I do think their games have dipped in quality. Depends what they make but I do my research on games to see if they are for me.

Many have done some interesting from Yooka Laylee from old Rare devs, Bloodstained/Azure Gunvolt and such of old/nostalgia.

But new takes on them while Gal Gun (also Inti Creates), Nightingale (prior Bioware staff), whatever Judas ends up being (from past Inflection or the notable name there I forget right now) and other games I haven't listed show some other interesting directions for companies and veterans making new Independent studios to do some cool stuff.

The Suda51 and I forget the other person mentioned new 2D hack n slash will be cool.

I'm fine with interesting new ideas or old school from time to time from acclaimed creators.

Bayonetta 2 was a great sequel (but like Rayman 3 to Rayman 2 you do wonder how things would go with such people in charge besides the differences).

I need to finish Wonderful101 Remastered at some point.

Babylon's Fall had ideas but Square or Platinum did make it kind of eh and well I don't play live services/don't buy PS+ so wasn't interested (I play a bit of it as a friend bought it, it was fine).

Sol Cresta was cool, Bayonetta 3 was 'fine' but I didn't like the trending content and the Astral Chain multiple character thing I hated in DMC5 doing it prior and I hated in Bayo 3. Hence I liked Valkyria Elysium more for going a different direction same with Wanted Dead for my hack n slashes the past generation.

Re: Sony Has Allegedly Suffered a Huge Hack by Ransomware Group


This is why we can't have nice things and why not everything should be online either. Sigh ransomware attacks why now.

But Java files, log files (could be anything really), powerpoint presentations hmm, the rest not sure but java files has me wondering about their websites, store services let alone whatever programming they have for their products or something.

I do question 'what they actually have though' whether calling bluff or what internal documents (powerpoints and logs) versus whatever files of logs/java files they do have. Screenshots of logs makes me think 'why that why not just the files themselves' if they 'really have them', it does sound fishy.

If it's just internal then sure, if it's more than that I do wonder. With ransom it could be anything. If they are just targeting them for internal documents like Microsoft or Capcom sure and leaving customers/employees alone but not sure as selling data of people's details/whatever money people have I assume goes for a fair bit on the dark web. But for internal documents as the gaming industry is very secretive wouldn't be surprised either what they are after.

I don't use any credit/debit cards so completely fine and safe there gladly. Still annoying we have to experience these awkward times.

They need better solutions to protect their systems (I assume not calling a bluff either when it comes to things like this).

Encryption/hacking is a very important factor for sure. Not looking forward to the cloud future as it can have just as much issues for servers as it is internal computer systems, an employee clicking a bad email like Youtubers have with some sponsors or whatever the email directs to/labels themselves as, as having online consoles and some solutions can easily be passed through if not prepared enough.

If it's like the 2011 event hmmmmm (talk about another time to ruin the holiday season again), if it's just documents internally sure it's annoying for Sony (PlayStation and their MP3, Camera, Phones, TV and other services/product divisions), if it's employee/customer details from any side (PlayStation likely being a big target for sure) then eh not excited about that at all very scary stuff.

Re: Preview: Bandai Namco Is a Publisher Quietly on the Up


I mean sure. I don't care for anything they make currently but they are doing 'fine'. Klonoa 1 & 2 is great at times. Pacman Re-Pac not got yet but do World 3 on PSP.

No Ridge Racer/R Racing Evolution anymore (only experienced Type 4 via PS Classic and prior to that Ridge Racers 2/Ridge Racer PSP 2 physical).

I have currently dipped into 2 Ace Combat games, 6 on 360 via backwards compatibility recently and Assault Horizon on 360 both were interesting to play and see differences between.

No Splatterhouse.

Does Sand Land seem cool like Blue Dragon was yes. Do I really care though not really.

The anime licensed games are fine but those IPs I don't care about so not missing out on Spy Family or Jujutsu Kaisen. The rest of the Namco IPs are 'fine'.

Re: Tomb Raider Developer Crystal Dynamics Hit with Layoffs as Embracer Crumbling Continues


Sad but not surprised. So Tomb Raider is going well I hope, supporting The Initiative still? Whatever happens of the Legacy of Kain project after that survey.

Gex is being done by the Carbon Engine I think with Limited Run or something else.

I want Pitfall to continue but if we have no Uncharted for a while that's fine and Indy will come out eventually/is in project at Machine games. So fair support of explore action adventure games it seems currently.

Re: Xbox Poised to Borrow from PS5's DualSense Controller


@Max_the_German In terms of those yes Rumble/Vibration they did do 'first'.

But if 2013 Impulse Triggers were first and are I think HD Rumble/kind of then by that no. By Haptics/HD Rumble (basically the same thing) and 2017/2020 difference of a console release then yes.

Nintendo does do things first but do they always no.

Nothing wrong with saying what your saying though.

Re: PlayStation's 2024 Release Schedule Is Already a Joke


Grandblue Fantasy Relink (I like the combat system but it's an RPG I have no interest in), Little Nightmares 3, Star Wars Outlaws, Blue Protocol, Helldivers 2, FF7 Rebirth, Plucky Squire.

Broken Sword, Tomb Raider remasters, Suikoden collection, Unicorn, Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess are pretty cool.

(had to look Kunitsu-Gami up and saw strategy game which made me think Tactics or Pikmin style then more 4X or Strategy in general, may be interested in but no idea I know nothing about it really. Artstyle seems fine, I care for gameplay not art unless UI elements annoy me or the art is distracting in the level design but it seems fine. I mean don't care where Disagea 7 is set it's fine, I'm playing for the gameplay and writing anyways).

Maybe Lollipop Chainsaw I care for as a hack n slash/beat em up newcomer to more interested with the few series played and beaten I might as well dip into some Grasshopper IPs and been wanting to. I hope they don't change too much though. I mean I bought Wanted Dead as a Devil's Third successor and happy enough with it.

Otherwise not much here. Interesting stuff but anything "I'd" play no. The ones I find cool are what other people I know will play, games I think are cool and see the appeal but otherwise not for me.

Re: Xbox Poised to Borrow from PS5's DualSense Controller


@Cyrus29 I agree. Impulse Triggers (many people forget/don't know they even added them to the Xbox One controller, kind of like Playlink on PS4 (people talk about PSVR instead) I never hear people talk about those games good, bad, inbetween as much as I do EyeToy/Move on PS2/3) were nice on Forza Motorsport/Gears titles or some third parties but I can see gyro being good in others (not into it for Gran Turismo 5, 6, Sport and 7, 3D was nice in GT5 & 6 though).

But other games for sure can benefit from motion controls the way Nintendo, Sony or third parties that 'did' use them (more so niche titles I find on PS4 as the middle years were light on them from what I've uncovered, Gal Gun, Nier Automata, Wonderful101), there besides Gravity Rush 1 & 2 didn't really use the touchpad/gyro all that much).

Re: Xbox Poised to Borrow from PS5's DualSense Controller


@HwuaiLiang The problem I find is they buy them up but do we see innovation, no. Do we see better management no. They can buy talent/IPs but if the hardware/teams aren't making compelling games or their audience doesn't care why try.

Amazon/Google/Apple are competition to Microsoft but at the same time Amazon is doing some things, Google gave up. Apple is in their own way.

I don't think they actually care for the small money they earn but I could say so more than Sony where we see less smaller scale titles. But a fair amount of Indies.

But we still see VR for Indies (customers into different experiences) to make games as the big ones go to Occulus sadly due to userbase then wanting to build up a userbase (besides the hardware differences).

PSVR2 had minimal marketing and that's fair then over the top and wasting more money. They set expectations right I think there even if some stuff isn't compelling there but it's a niche product anyway so I don't think it's doing terrible even if PSVR1 had better support.

Sony studios I respect for their 3-5 years to get a game out and at least 1-3 games first party and third parties fill in the gap. They manage them well.

Microsoft says they will let devs do what they want but the projects are so disconnected from their shooter, racing and sports audience the console most has a reputation of.

They try other titles but if they understood their OG/360 days of what didn't work there is a reason why (while I don't care much for Sony first party anymore) with some titles why they sell, also why they put them into TV/movies and other options, same with Nintendo, Microsoft has but when is a Gears TV show and others? Sony know their audience/what their new audience is. Microsoft wants to broaden it but they haven't done the best job of that or struggle to do that.

They say 'Japan and family friendly games' but they do a bad job of that. Sure they can't OG/360 games support do that anymore but just third parties on the platform while is something some can't justify it regardless of the niche western audience support that buys them on Nintendo/Sony platforms.

Microsoft doesn't really care, throw it at the wall doesn't work anymore of 20 years ago. There is a reason I'll buy OG/360 games of the past but not Xbox One+ games because they aren't compelling.

Re: Xbox Poised to Borrow from PS5's DualSense Controller


@Max_the_German They had Impulse Triggers which were kind of like that or exactly. So many people ignored the Xbox One they didn't even know the controller had this the whole generation.

So yes Xbox did do something to the controller other than 'its wireless like 360, batteries again and the design is different' under people's nose of gimmicky features people just barely noticed/focused on Kinect and the business model to notice.

The battery pack than batteries option was always there too then the 'well got to unscrew this to replace the battery so I don't have a controller that now only last an hour then needs a cable charge' like my Dualshock 4 right now.

Was great for shooters/racing games (not surprising as the console is known for those games).

I always keep it on love the feature to help with reloading/firing shots or braking.

I always wonder what games used the touchpad/gyro on a Dualshock 4. Early games like Killzone, Infamous, then late like Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima but the middle was what Gal Gun (gyro aim, touchpad boss battles), Nier Automata (2 halves of menus touchpad), Wonderful 101 Remastered (gyro in areas inside buildings and touchpad for the toggle of Wii U second screen view of inventory and other info), Gravity Rush 1 & 2 (gyro to aim character in the air), very particular titles of niche third parties (well Nier Automata/Wonderful101 aren't but still) and Gravity Rush being first party Japan studios like an Astro is.

London of course did their support to PSVR and I think did Playlink (smartphone supported games, aka what Everybody 1-2 Switch does now but back in 2014 with a bunch of games not 1 game, people remember EyeToy/Move but forget Playlink I find so I always bring it up) or that might have been Japan Studio I don't know but Singstar is there and I think Japan Studio was more so the PlayStation Camera Playroom minigames/Playroom VR minigames besides PlayStation VR Worlds.

Re: Apple Insinuates iPhone 15 Pro Will Be a Better Games Console Than PS5, PS4


I'd rather a Pippin or any interesting uses of the hardware else, let alone better games. Sure App Store/Apple Arcade but no thanks.

Also dual screen iPhones doubt it. Annoying notifications regardless of changes over time.

Also controller/controller grips or built in/separating like Switch/Lenovo Legion hmm the latter thanks. No on touch screen inputs.

There is a reason I like them 'sometimes' used in 3D/Vita games for specific things, not the only inputs besides an additional controller on phones/tablets.

Apple needs to listen to Google and why they gave up on Stadia. Tech companies don't get gaming, Apple has Apple Arcade/the App Store but that's it. It's what gamers want not oh yeah we get gacha/MTX money, wow.

We aren't all playing casual games on our consoles, we may our phones (I don't) but if we want to take gaming seriously we don't our phones.

It's more a time waster/social device then a PC/Console/Handheld were care to put more time into/not push the battery as much.

Re: One of the Worst Games of All Time Is Coming to PS5, PS4, And You Won't Believe the Merch


The thing is the 'oh look at this' for memes for streamers to play it is just dumb. LRG are wasting their time. We going to see Meme Run or others get attention too with a re-release sigh. Like out of all choose your own adventure choice based/questionaire games and whatever scenario/'interesting' situation there is of writing and images why this one? For their first video game it was fair, compared to everything else on the market it wasn't very good.

If it has 'dungeons' and other stuff sure..... I mean for them making a video game at all for the time won't deny is very cool, it's very rough but it works I guess like putting any website or home movie together I get that. It can be funny, but depends on the humour I guess.

The actors look good now too even if it was 90s to 2023 now.

I like bad games getting revived when they just had issues in their original development of bugs, left out levels/cut content, or games that just were gems and got ignored by other games releases, marketing was stronger or whatever ideas only appealed to certain people than more generic and understood ideas as trends change as well.

What could they possibly fix here that is worth fixing or re-packaging. Would it be less a slideshow I hope so. Is the art changed maybe? I don't quite get the point of it. Interviews sure...... But what will they actually enhance without remaking the whole thing it's still going to be bad unless it's remade.

Wasn't the music stock? Or royalty free or something? Maybe it's a fair soundtrack I don't know it could be.

Night Trap was a good remaster of the UI and the flow of things to be modern and changing things that were limits. I mean the previews/footage below is much better than buttons on the Sega CD where you had to click around/memorise what's what no previews at all.

Sure it's a fair B movie but still that's it's charm. Plumber's Don't Wear Ties had what quality on it of a home movie/school project and them making their first video game and it being less exciting then other FMV games of the era? While nothing against school projects or their video game attempt, there is many good ones or hobbists out there, but PDWT was lacking.

FMV games have their charm but this one wasn't really any good. I'd rather the encyclopedias on the CD-i instead or any other 3DO games with more interesting ideas to port over heck many Saturn games, Dreamcast, Wonderswan, Lynx, Neo Geo I guess is being covered in archives. Anything.

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is ok but it's like re-releasing the HyperScan, no one liked it no one wants it to return. As someone into failed consoles I see nothing of value in the HyperScan from it's games to it's cards/IR and it's business model.

Some are worth laughing at good but it never was to me. It was made as a fun project I can see that but it just looked like an attempt. I don't remember laughing at it but it's not for me so that's fair. It's a slideshow/questionaire. I can get more out of TLC the FMV game then this and you can explore the house for clues.

Sure the actors did a fair job but the script is bad, it's not consistent and it's sloppily made. Memes, streamers and journos (some good some bad) shouldn't dictate the industry for money to take from here and there besides other major projects it's disgusting when 'good' gems could get made, revived and learned from for ideas and development and so on with licenses worth reviving not trash worth staying dead.

Can enjoy visual novels with better writing.

Like sure some have their moments but some are really bad and free or a cheap price means nothing. People cover it, buy such trash and get their money/time of a meme game.

This was never good when it came out. It's a slideshow and makes other FMV games look like masterpieces in comparison let alone visual novels having character stills and animation with more than this more school project attempt to make a questionaire and stills for a crazy story.

So many gems but 'feed the memes and streamers audience' yeah thanks LRG what a waste of time and money for garbage.

Re: Baby Steps Is the Exact Median Between Uncharted and QWOP on PS5


Like OctoDad or Death Stranding. Makes sense. A fair idea. Like the Steam tactical shooter with the fluent animations I'm excited to see Indies push ideas then formuliac animations we see in AAA.

There is a reason Destruction Allstars failed (what casuals care about vehicles in an arena, casuals or streamer audiences don't care about some destruction derby, a cage match or whatever, only long time fans of vehicular combat games/vehicle arena based games care or even know what that is, let alone say how wrestling makes compelling entertainment for certain audiences, but with a ruined skin all over a genre/theming no one they are marketing it to cares about.

From Lucid you'd think they know better if some old Bizarre Creation staff are there still, did they learn nothing from Blur, it might have a cult following but for certain reasons, not casuals eating it up which they didn't besides the decline of certain directions or IP value of arcade racers lifestyle/aesthetic and such people care about so much in Need For Speed then other games in the gener doing their thing.

Probably why OnRush failed, I like it but as a MotorStorm with different mode types you can 'easily think of it as' yeah..... and the personality was odd for it so that too besides whatever other issues it failed for of multiplayer, short career mode, MTX or what not I don't know).

I don't want to buy many of them if at all (depends what they offer, how awkward it could be to play) but I appreciate the ideas.

I don't care for realism but for a cool direction of mechanics/level design and game design or humour in the dialogue by all means keep it up Indie devs big and small.

I'm not interested in it for the Twitch side of it, just the mechanics. Most online meme worthy games make me go. Why should I care. There is a reason I don't care for this or F Zero 99 (I care for F Zero though) the formats make sense. I have no interest in them. If F Zero has to be revived by a battle royale for a new audience to take interest in the IP so be it.

Better than the fate of WipEout Rush.

But the way the world works there is a reason I go retro for my ideas or the modern games willing to do cool things that most people don't care about so I'll support them instead.

Re: Foamstars Cleans Up with an Open Beta on PS5 Later This Month


As someone with no interest in this (I don't play multiplayer).

I hope it has more interesting uses for the foam/level design. Or else who cares it's just Splatoon/Fornite and more bland and unoriginal then mechanics or modes. Yes I may not play it but doesn't mean I can't speculate how bland it's design could be and still hope it has interesting ideas.

Then I'd appreciate it more but still not play it just think about the great game design it can have and think more highly over it using them in a multiplayer format.

As many multiplayer ones I do go oh well that would have been nice in a singleplayer/AI or tactical team based co-op game or oh that's bland.

Foam that's solid or able to walk through, interesting level design traps/player abilities or something with the 'ammo' in interesting ways for modes like come on. What is there to get excited about 'foam'.

Splatoon is great in both modes for it's use cases. It's game mechanics are simple but effective. If can play singleplayer and go yeah for a shooter platformer it's fun, regardless of the multiplayer prep levels the obstacle courses are well designed. The stealth or getting ink for ammo is nice. The traveling in ink is cool.

The artstyle/more street look isn't my thing but it works I'm fine with it by all means to stand out and it fits the world/inking environmetns. So when Splatoon 3 I saw a desert I was like oh the apocalyse side ok cool open world? Obstacle courses still? But the singleplayer was kind of similar I think? Made me confused. I haven't played 2 & 3 yet only 1.

It's when you can see 'potential' and no one uses it that I get annoyed with the games industry copying and doing nothing with it's core as bland as the 'look' at it is and then you go 'oh it is as bland as it looks in the marketing and in the game so why should I care to play this over another what makes it stand out, it doesn't cool see you later'.

If it doesn't have anything of a spin with it's ideas just a foam skin. What a waste.

I didn't buy up old 6-7th gen shooters for nothing. It's to see their varied ideas. If your games are bland why bother. Artstyle only does so much. You need gameplay ot make multiplayer fun not 'oh it's online and oh make your own fun' well you can when you actually offer more to keep it inviting don't you smart developers, like seriously!

It has to have something to it to stand out not being a reskin of others and put the least amount of effort in. Online and artstyle with no make your own fun 'broadness' is the problem with many games. Their broad scope of plans with impact. Just oh look at us our content ideas are weak.

But as a gameplay focused person that's just me.

Only the big can offer big IP crossovers like Fortnite. So you got to do other things to stand out.

Re: The Sims 5 Confirmed Free-to-Play, The Sims 4 to Receive Continued Support in Tandem


The new additions were fine but free to play. I mean I skipped Sims 4, why should I care about Sims 5 then.

Also will Sims 5 play like Sims 2 console did. There is a reason mostly played Sims 1-3 on PC and only a few Sims 2 console versions is what I found at the time and the best ways to play. A cursor on console is good 'as an option' not the 'only way' to play. Sims 2 had 'player moves' and 'cursor'. Be flexible.

It's why PC versions to console I think need to have different controls. The content sure that was a bit far back in the day even if was exciting to see how different. I get the parity these days because it benefits devs more besides that too much to have separate products or players ask for parity. But when we games too similar you expect console controls to different from PC at least in some form. Other PC centric series do it well, why not Sims when Sims 2 they had great console controls 'and the cursor' it's called options which I find many devs aren't willing to do and it's why I find 'newcomer' then 'flexible for BOTH AUDIENCES' end up happening and I enjoy games less and less and buy the Indies/niche games with reasonable budgets more is they annoy me less in 'controls/quality of life/game design structure of level design, use of core mechanics, career modes/menus and content'.

So many AAA seem to annoy me a lot on. It's so much 'newcomer only' while fans either enjo0y it still or hate many changes. I am fine sometimes with dramatic changes but 'if they benefit' when they don't I find them so distracting/basically sell worthy/not worth a purchase. I can be a newcomer but once I am past that point I notice what I think works better for me, for others and not ruining the good parts and sometimes they ruin the good parts and it's annoying. Stop dumbing your games down. If you have to 'offer options' not 'we only do this for 1 audience so suck it up' thanks now you know why I went retro or only with specific games instead AAA.

When people become veterans they want the training wheels off when the game is too much training wheels and you can't change them in the settings the games become more glaringly annoying then fun. Training wheels make sense to structure a game for certain audiences, kids, adults new to gaming. But if I can play past entries, see what I do or don't like/get used to and think it's going a good direction for changes I'm for it. When they dumb it down as an 'improvement' that's not it. Make it a spinoff/reboot not a 'sequel' when it's not it's a downgrade in some areas.

Retro games have had their issues too (besides all the more interesting ideas I see in older games, not nostaglia I can't get nostalgia for games I never played, it's not oh the console/this era it's just what ideas got left behind I care about that still feel fresh/never got their chance because oh this one was marketed better, to me that means what appealed and why were some revolutionary good, or so bland but sold well due to other factors. Cough can be said for many things but I mean who wants a fancy console/phone oh that's why only enthusiasts care about the more out there things and the rest are bland and boring).

I can see why they were refined/changed/removed nonsense design or difficulty while others no and are too newcomer 'only'. I can be a 'newcomer to a series' and still get what is going on. Why they dumb them down even further' is what bothers me and we 'newcomers/newcomers willing to enjoy what veterans do but they 'call it a a sequel' I will never understand' you annoy a fanbase without much flexibility it matter. If fans are ok with it sure, but sometimes I'm like this sucks regardless.

From Ratchet Rift Apart (safe/nostaglia missed potential, yes I liked the dramatic changes in past entries and am a long time fan so when I am sick of the core when a long time fan usually doesn't say that you know I have an odd perspective then the 'nostaglia' or 'safe/core elements' you'd usually expect from a long time fan),

Forza Motorsport (dumbing down too much, less flexibility, so boring the way they mix things around game to game to get worse and worse then better in some areas, even if some areas were better steps back others were, and new additions weren't exciting)

and Pikmin 4 recently (good additions I love the series added but the newcomer approach of 'quality of life/controls' is why I hate when AAA does things. Especially if I can't change the controls and have to deal with the new changes for that audience I don't like and the old/new good I do like in some games I can't enjoy as much.

Ruined motion controls when they were better before/strict snapping to any objects is annoying and not helpful,

the same issues the past games had of aiming with a controller that's why the wiimote motion aiming was so good now it sucks and is 'snap then move it around' that's so useless the motion controls might as well not even be implimented we aren't playing a boss battle, a turret segment or something with a need for 'small window to use them in' that the conrtols feel like they play like and doesn't suit the situation,

the past did better on a wiimote probably 3 Deluxe controls even and no way to change anything of quality of life/controls annoys me a lot and I've only played the beginning of it,

they messed up the guide of 'have more units of a colour to get more of them' you messed up a core mechanic that doesn't do that and gives me reds only and are red flower unit increase objects. Do you even checked your games throughly because I do. The new additions are good but the quality of life/controls suck/more newcomer features I can take or leave/padding and the 'fit in with everyone else' mentality annoys me. You had a good thing going just a few tweaks and we get too far in one audience direction 'WHY!").

Re: PS5, PS4 Remote Play Now Enabled for More Android Devices


Well that's cool. Phones/tablets made sense but Chromecast (RIP Stadia) and Sony TVs, not surprised by the Sony TVs side but still. Is it competition with Samsung Xbox app no but Sony has their cloud service project/plans still in t he works so not surprised. It's a start though of TVs or many device getting remote play/cloud over time though.

No longer handhelds but anything with a screen. Play Doom/Crysis on things, remote play to things. Can you remote play on a calculator probably not.

Re: Stealth PS4 Firmware Update 11.00 Is Adding New Features


@sanderson72 As someone that doesn't like the 'groups' on Xbox One and Switch/PS5 do their form of it I can agree with you they aren't the same as the folders on PS4/Wii U.

The 'groups' are just a whole other menu and while on Windows or a PC or Phone OS may work I think the filters/categories and such 'while fine' it isn't the same on console for use cases as a PS4/Wii U folder.

Groups should be an improvement and kind of are for some features but I don't deny I do prefer PS4 folders.

Re: Stealth PS4 Firmware Update 11.00 Is Adding New Features


What I thought was a 'general performance stability' update was a fair update for passwords/social features. Nothing I'll use but it's nice to see them then not.

I have an issue with my PS4 base model currently where it shuts off on the PS4 menu, but in games it's perfectly fine. I don't know if an overheating issue, power draw from the controller too much, it's not a hard drive related issue it's other parts of the console.

But for some reason that's been happening so I have to keep it in a game to keep it from shutting off.

(got a PS4 Pro but it's in the other room for other purposes).

Wasn't sure if firmware could solve it but doubt it's more my hardware.

I may get a PS4 Slim at some point like did a PS3 Super Slim for more hard drive/Move games/another model to have around as had the Slim around since 2012 so a decade or half a decade later console purchases make sense

Groups no Switch/Xbox One (that started it) or PS5, give me PS4 folders back.

And the console POST noise turn off feature Xbox One did it half a decade ago apply it to PS4 Sony please, PS3 sure it's old, had it's time of updates/support but PS4 please put it in a firmware update.

Re: Spyro Reignited Trilogy Glides Past 10 Million Sales as Series Turns 25


Party like it's 2024.

With no Pitfall, we need a Spyro, a platformer Activision. I just hope not a Spyro multiplayer game like Crash did (Rumble is fine but it's Rayman Arena/others, it works but yeah don't want to see two characters/IPs do similar I think they need to be different games with different goals).

Please make it a Spyro 'new' 4 or a something different that isn't multiplayer make them different series with different purposes.

Will see what happens but glad it did reach 10 million.

Re: Sony's E3 2010 Press Conference, the One with Kevin Butler, Revived in 1080p


@nessisonett All For One and Full Frontal/QForce had to exist. Sony pushed Insomniac to have co-op games as third parties had them.

So while Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty (digital only unless physical in EU) and Crack in Time (don't forget Nexus may be short but is canon to the Future saga as the 4th entry so do play it then Rift Apart as the 5th in the storyline).

As per usual you had to have PSN or co-op or some move/sixaxis support. Watch the Golden Bolt's retrospectives he dives deeper in the dev side.

While some like GT having sixaxis and 3D was nice, Killzone 3/Resistance 3 work well with 3D and Move to aim and shoot (also simulview in Killzone is awesome of a rare feature for split screen I mean same screen co-op).

While others yeah can be hit and miss. I haven't played them all yet I just got the MotorStorm trilogy and beat 2 of the 3 campaigns in Apocalyse so far. Not even gotten to any Twisted Metal yet than the PS Classic having the first one. Never touched Warhawk ever but did Starhawk.

Honestly I have like no interest in the PS4 library from 2016+ other than what Gravity Rush 2, Knack 2 and Dreams. So PS1-3/PSP/Vita are more my type of games.

Concrete Genie I haven't played yet. The 'heavy hitters' were too lacking in game design appeal I was looking for and I went to Nintendo/the Vita for Wii U, 3DS and Switch all from 2017 to now and not been disappointed in doing so.

The Sony variety is what I seek, the Nintendo variety is good. Sure Mario Sports/Party updates are eh, (I don't play them anyway).

Cinematic games do nothing for me. Even Ratchet Future going cinematic it gets the job done, it's clear they try to be Disney but come off fairly well of a Dreamworks (which is a good thing in some ways) then in some moments like the Groovitron dances in Full Frontal Assault or some dialogue/movie moments feel very Illumination in 2016 on PS4, it is very Sony Animation/Illumination from Rainmaker and it's just so bad.

Re: EA Sports WRC Takes Rallying 'Next-Gen' on PS5 This November


@Flurpsel When I heard about it I immediately thought. Are we getting a Sega GT style system maybe? I know it won't it will be cosmetics/liveries not custom parts/custom manufacturer or team type that Sega GT did in a primitive form (no idea how Apex on Xbox may do things if it had one I think).

It am skeptical about the feature though as I don't know what it 'actually' is yet.

Either way if couldn't tell I want a Sega GT or improved system of a car builder but no one will do it I doubt it. There is a reason why with Forza Motorsport 8 I went 'oh cool a grid payout feature' and that's it. Besides 'wow a bunch of montage footage no wonder I'm not interested they won't show me anything actually exciting and blink in and out the tuning in the trailer then the extended gameplay I had to see what they'd done' XD Though the more they did tell me the more I got less interested. Cough online required aside.

Cool ideas I seek (have many old racing games having a blast uncovering what had been done before, left behind, if they were gems or not), if the games themselves don't do much (besides well playing well) in the content areas of their career modes or eh driving models (if realistic it's fine if I can't play them that's on me to get good indeed though I am willing to).

I haven't kept up with the current WRC/F1/MotoGP games so I'm out of the loop how many of them may be in execution and only looked at brief reviews of some entries.

Re: Mini Review: Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten (PS5) - Scrappy RPG Is Not Without Its Charms


Had wondered about the game. It's not for me. But it's probably fine and a step for the series to go. Even if the Tamsoft hack n slashes/beat em up versions of the Uta games work for what they are (at least from the demo of the one that has the Mask of Deception characters in it I tried out and it was a fun demo and can get behind Tamsoft games).

There is a reason I preferred Tactics games (open worlds or more typical RPGs just don't do it for me anymore I find menus and battles more interesting and quicker then 'worlds' with generic NPCs, too much traveling, mechanics I find boring, grinding or not and the other aspects just un-engaging compared to linear action adventure games for some reason. Then again the upgrading yourself part always felt tedious, skill trees aside even others just don't do it for me. Sure tactics games are RPGs but I just find them less tedious and the board game approach of the battles to be fun, especially with a good enough amount of things to do in them to make them feel difference) in the menu/grid/visual novel form.

(even if the visual novel parts of Utawarerumono games are really long and did put me off as I haven't played some visual novels in a while, they were good just long, the moments to grind weren't fun either the lack of jumping in-between story moments you can't and have to wait for battles to do it is annoying and you always do the last battle to grind as more suitable to do so then past battles for XP regardless of enemy groups sizes varying at least for Mask of Deception can't say for the other games yet).

Never hated the battle system though, always thought it's timing it was a fair idea.

I think the competition is going to be tough. While a fair step for the series, I do think it could be a fair game, just not my thing though.

Re: Patapon Successor Ratatan Earns Over 10 Times Its Goal in Booming Kickstarter Campaign


Glad it's doing well.

Niche games always get overlooked, they have an audience, whether big enough who knows. But some will try, many will ignore.

We barely get spiritual successors to niche games and more nostalgic Indies (I prefer the unique Indies actually doing new things, or if they are inspired actually change up things more with some mechanics) for popular games (take people that only played what they did when they were kids, barely expand out to new games and only those in a familiar space or those series only and replay them over and over till the sequel/find other things to do).

I have wanted a new perspective game and Viewfinder does that. It isn't EchoChrome 1 or 2/EchoShift and that's fine.

It does it's thing and I'm fine with that. I don't need it to be like Portal I need it to go with it's ideas and strengths not oh mainstream journalist reviewer wanted Portal well good for you play Portal and let this Indie make a more interesting game.

I'm glad when niche ones get to do their thing, keep their uniqueness, continue to put a spin on things as the mainstream are as bland and ever and no story/theme/setting (and appeal to casuals that's fine, us seeking other things can find them in other places that appeal to us and support them) is going to convince over unique gameplay ideas.

Re: Saints Row May Be Free on PS Plus Soon, But Its Developer Is No More


It did make me wonder the game was fine enough but I mean like Duke Nukem does the craziness and theming hold up? I and many others may be open to those moments but yeah....

Honestly I think appealing to Gen Z let alone
to not be too inappropriate for parents is just bad. Most of them unlike past gens actually care for other games that aren't hits. Saints Row may be a big name but relevant hmm. Let alone theming changes to go different in the era we are in I get the wacky 2000s are over and many forms of parody go over people's heads or are still too raunchy and those I to them enjoy them still (not surprised we saw less movies with gross out humour and jokes even though some have come back around for those into them) then what happens in 3&4 and struggling to change things up.

I'm not into them but don't mind Duke Nukem. Some Saints Row 4 stuff made me go what are they coming up with. Like the fan service toy thing but otherwise it makes sense in the game and it is fictions them going nuts on ideas. XD Compared to nowadays where toned down things have happened since.

Like sure Millennials did care for GTA but you had sales still for other games as kids/teens. With most eSports and other hits now do Gen Z care for other games when free to play exist instead? I swear how much are us platformer fans buying up the third party Indie ones while kids get more recognisable ones. Besides well kids getting licensed games for current tv shows of course. But us platformer fans support what we can of such ideas and themes and characters while we can for these Indies I guess. Even though many existed XBLA and otherwise the big ones still had more presence then than now where if you want a 3D platformer it's not hard to find any besides that 2D platformers were the focus then. Besides what Spare Parts or others???. What an interesting but forgotten EA platformer.

Sure GTA and Assassin's Creed sell but it's still a fair amount of adults buying up the open worlds or even remember Saint's Row even regardless of the remasters filling things in across modern platforms. Besides that well they do hold up I assume game design especially not just the theming you can or can't stand still depending. Or know it was a different time and accept it.

I think Volition was wasting their time. Fans want one thing, the landscape of games content didn't make much sense for open world game design in Saints Row (then again asa Sunset Overdrive fan not into outposts and other formulaic content and was the grinding rails, tower defence and more aspects with regular and platforming missions there is a reason it's my favourite open world and others are not but I like it's DNA not other formulaic DNA in other games, so you bet more bland open world outposts and more doesn't interest me in 99% of open worlds so I never play the genre enough so if Saints Row had vehicle missions and other things sure but they had their issues I know XD) even besides the theming and target audience being a clear sign for sure.

They should have changed tact. I don't think enough fans would have bought it even if it was the same old themes and missions but maybe (besides Duke Nukem had to be a modern shooter and was a mess so it's not worth comparing to but some Boomer Shooters have had that sort of particular angle from Indies and being in on their characters on social media which is pretty interesting and I assume had some success so it's likely possible the same way Conker or Leisure Suit Larry and more still exist but they are cult followings after all) but I also think what they made was pretty average for sure and also old game design people didn't like.

As someone playing old games a lot besides modern I can see what is bad and go yeah no one likes these missions or levels or mechanics I can see why. XD

Some old game design makes sense others don't I don't cancel everything old.

Heck so many old games have fresh ideas modern games NEED or feel more fresh and more fun them trend following blandness.

But here we are with games today copying and not much changes that are exciting besides a certain amount of titles Indies or AA making more mechanics seeking games to me at least.

Unless already into the trends game design or thems or whatever.

I'm not so I look strictly on what I think stands out of mechanics in genres as I play for gameplay regardless of themes but that's just me. If people prefer the trends that's them.

Like Destruction All-stars who thinks a battle Royale/arena with vehicles appeals to Gen Z let alone anyone only us people into arcade racers still care about vehicles not the average person. Lucid should know as part of those people I assume at least we're part of Bizarre Creations, same with some went to Playground. If they have the Geometry Wars 3 release they clearly knew oh Blur didn't work out (even though a cult following) why would a vehicle game now with an arena. Most know arcade racers don't even get played by the racing community really unless they are big enough anyway I barely hear about them as it is either.

I liked Agents of Mayhem regardless of buying for $2 later. I am not into their games usually though. Nor open worlds or cared for Saints Row and that side of open worlds. Red Faction getting whatever life now is interesting to think about though.