Comments 698

Re: Rumour: Even Gears of War Is Reportedly in Talks to Come to PlayStation


Ok... so when is the PS3 version Epic did tests of for Gears 3? XD

Who knows at this point what is true and what is made up.

That aside I mean cool I guess? To have their IPs for more Microsoft money I guess..... We getting Microsoft like the Sega Saturn/PC days Sega went for to make money as Saturn wasn't doing well or prepping for third party transition?

Microsoft doesn't have to they can still have a console it's not like companies can't bend the rules to have a product serve a purpose and still publish wherever as long as the other companies are ok with it right or have a third party publisher publish for them in other regions it used to be in the past but for any version of the game?

Re: Another Three PS Plus Essential Games Are Yours to Download Now


There is variety and curiosity and with PS+ that's something..... I don't use the subscription but some people are getting something out of it or they aren't.

'Poll says this but we see quality' I'm sorry can't not laugh so hard. I may be particular on games and by that I mean niche games not AAA, but I mean Steelrising is fine but not Spider's best, Foamstars is a disappointment in concepts it's so bland and forgettable, while Rollerdrome is a fair game I think of it's type. Again not something I know enough about and if multiplayer I'm not going to have much to say.

So sorry Push Square staff but I don't think the games are that good this month while Indies I'd say yeah that's good (more so if I know them) and people would go eh no good AAA (sure ignore them) or that genre/themes/other appeal or some valid points to be made with better games.

I am open minded but that's the thing as modern gaming has such boring done to death mechanics/modes and in terms of visuals or artstyles vary of being pretty good to generic. I don't give modern games praise when I can research old games 'I've never heard of even' and have more fun with their fresh ideas. Tell me why I shouldn't be more particular about modern gaming sucking so hard.

Foamstars isn't a Splatoon clone but the thing is Splatoon is so much better in character moveset alone, platforming/obstacle courses and whatever translates in the multiplayer of 2 & 3 I don't know about can only go off 1 and the campaigns of 1 & 2, I can't help but prefer it and I'm not a Nintendo fan. I'm a multiplat user that has gone third party with PS/Xbox over the years to buy up Nintendo/PS consoles I never owned that's how little I care for my PS4/Xbox One let alone current gen. Until the next Asobi or Media Molecule games come out that is.

While Foamstars I do because I thought it had a good amount of 'potential' but it's wastes it's time being boring because I've played better and I know better game mechanics/mode ideas that's how boring the game is to me that I can make my own and have more fun.

We all have our preferences but as a gameplay focused I'm always in the minority anyways as my tastes for gameplay are very particular so I'll not always see eye to eye with people and that's fine more power to their preferences of gameplay or themes/story/graphics/dialogue/etc.

But even if they aren't for me they offer something for different people. Foamstars to me is wasted potential as even with a live stream I still am not impressed by the lacking modes, still weak mechanics of foam and the hub for socialising while a bit PS Home like is still just who cares worthy. The game is boring and bland.

Steelrising is fine for a Soulslike. Not my thing but I think it's an interesting spin on a Soulslike even if I think Spiders have made better games.

Rollerdrome I know the least about but it's fine I guess for what it does.

I have a backlog full of things to play PS4/Xbox One/Switch or older gen consoles. I'm good. I never see value in PS+/Gamepass and I get the games when they are $20-30 and they end up on go on PS+/Gamepass anyway. So do I really care to pay $20-30 nope. At least I can get them physical, play them whenever if I hate them or not. Not deal with a subscription I'll never use and only use for the games which as Deluxe/Premium isn't that appealing of titles yet, Extra I have all the games I want out of it anyway and Essential is 3 games and online I'll never use no thanks.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for February 2024?


-Comparisons to be made to other games
-More exciting bigger games people probably care about.

-To me the game lacks originality. Eh modes done before so boring I came up with my own. Foam isn't used well yet Splatoon has a better character Moveset and mechanics with ink and how your squid character acts they aren't some typical human character (unless Mario who power ups aside still jumps flexible not heavy and clunky)..

But nope make foam the most lacking potential thing when it has so much potential for modes and interactivity.

Square may be publishing but even their own games push story so hard (Diofield sucked so hard after Chapter 4 and I expected better) I find them boring and this developer seems to not really have many exciting ideas (gameplay seems to go the safe route and be really boring) and the game will push cosmetics and die in a year due to having boring combat or foam use, eh map design and lacking fun modes and whatever visuals of generic character designs.

Long version:

To most people I think it's the like Palworld (even though it's a survival game not just oh pokemon looking creatures but like people pay that much attention to gameplay sometimes when visuals are more clear)/Splatoon comparison, it's what people think it looks like then what it is. Hence why I look at it from a gameplay perspective.

That or its because it's a multiplayer game or not a big exciting game they really wanted to see this month whatever that may be.

Neither interest me either but Steel Rising is fair of a souls like and Rollerdrome has a place.

I don't like to compare to Nintendo but I'd have to overexplain some 90s left behind platformers, racing or otherwise research I've done and can't help but compare and that gets awkward or longer than it needs to be here. So I'll compare to more recognisable IPs to make it easier and some platformers sprinkled in.

That or I guess Titanfall 2's levels (time hopping gadget or just the building weapon testing house level) for a modern playing mech/pilot with wall running and good movement. Fun levels and fun mechanics to a shooter. Not all PS3/360 Gears of War cover shooting and the odd stand out mechanics or odd games like The Club as arcade level logic but modern feeling character.

To me I am disappointed because I think it's just not exciting gameplay wise. Am I I to multiplayer no but doesn't mean I don't think a game could have potential I have no potential praise to give Foamstars.

The modes aren't that original (deathmatch and a platform holding mode, probably more I just haven't seen them in footage so that's all I have to go off of for now still pretty generic). The characters look fine not my thing but get the job done.

Now recognisable modes isn't a bad thing but if that's ALL they are offering then that's where I find it disappointing they have FOAM how uncreative can you be to not use it creatively in modes. What are these deva stupid.

It's like with using dwarfs and elves they can be presented however they want but if you have unique fantasy creatures in your world it's more exciting.

I thought a foam maze, a foam height/building contest, a surfboard race (not just the arena entering animation), oil/chemicals to mix with the foam for some changes to modes, traps and things to use the foam/make characters get around the maps (say in a Halo or Spy vs. Spy way or something) and more are more exciting.

Good use of the foam mechanic not just making the foam really uninteresting of an element when it's foam you have so many possibilities there but nope, more use then the surfboards entering the arena and the game is just pretty safe looking.

I came up with those modes when I saw the trailers. That's how boring looking it is to me. Granted my mode ideas are not the most exciting I know but I mean it's thinking with the core element of it and none of it is interesting in the product they gave us.

Splatoon the ink is so useful in many ways and a fun element throughout the singleplayer and multiplayer.

To me the foam is more like water or paintballs even then water and foam or ink could be used creatively. It's a liquid or spread/mussy solid how hard is that to come up with game mechanics for.

Platforms, bombs, sponges, anything.

Smash Bros has the targets and the sand/boxing bag mode not just fighting modes and the trophies.

Many games can have more exciting ideas on any platform, many platformers have minigames that are probably not what some signed up for but I mean while many kid friendly shooters like paintball or water gun fights have usually been shovelware and its' nice to see a foam/ink and other types do this I think Foamstars lacks interesting modes and moveset ideas and needs more time.

I found Diofield Chronicle to be boring after Chapter 4. We go from restricted party members to just the same bland gameplay and story I stopped caring about. For Chapter 5-7. Square didn't put the effort in. Disgaea/Valkyria Chronicles I'm still having fun with the many obstacles not just oh fights, enemies, using powerful attacks, change up gear and well bonuses that aren't that exciting. I can be throwing characters, have tons of geo panels to deal with of any RPG status buffs/debuffs or other factors, or deal with parachute bombs or other obstacles not just the same grind but a new one. There is a reason I prefer those tactics games then some of Square's.

Now this may be Square published Foamstars but I do think the developer is releasing it too early and it lacks fun ideas or moveset interesting elements.

There is a reason you can look at a game and go is this a new tutorial or a new trap/obstacle, a new platform type in a platformer. It can be a tutorial but it's just 'safe area, more challenging, more spins on it' each level and it's fun. A platform can be a mechanic, a moveset addition. Anything simple but enough to mix it up. Gameplay is important yet we have more push for graphics, dialogue and visuals/themes and while that's fine some gameplay has gotten so boring we seek it elsewhere or in others that still push gameplay mentality AAA, AA or Indies.

Splatoon to compare has more a interesting character moveset of ink to travel, shoot, stealthly hide in and reload. Besides just being a Squid. I could compare many 90s platformers that aren't Mario/Sonic/Spyro and go yep Glover animates well as a glove and has interesting movesets. Space Station Silicon Valley has many animals, Chameleon Twist an interesting tongue move to attack (still not replicated to this day I might add) or navigate levels. BIomutant I immediately went why gas immunity which is cool like No Man's Sky but we have animals that don't have digging, swimming or flight abilities and not aim of like the gas immunity a percentage of an animal trait. Vehicles to do the rest when navigating the open world and some areas and quests more accessible. Why do animals act still like humans in games yet other than the language and sprinting aren't that exciting to play as and can feel like a skin rather than a unique character to play.

Yes it's partly oh I like old design but when the gameplay is more exciting to just play as a character besides an inviting world that says something not just how a character is written but how they play.

Mario is fun to jump and run and use power ups, if he was a basic human he would be pretty boring right? He may be human but I mean he is flexible to move around in those fantasy worlds. I'm not a mario fan but I can at least appreciate some aspects. I don't like Indies going so hard on refining that moveset of Mario, making worlds like Banjo or Spyro 2&3 so I look to old games that are still more original and still untouched (or Indies that are unique just not in those genres) then Indies that clearly don't care and are too popularity/nostalgia obsessed (easy money) or fangame levels of making games it's just sad.

That's just the basic moveset let alone besides the territory focus of multiplayer in Splatoon that makes it better than Foamstars even if I don't take into account oh foam/ink sure but I do more than oh foam/ink logic and visuals and the platform holding mode among salmon run which I still don't know what that is.

Splatoon's weapons, the world looks colourful but cool and I guess sort of hip hop or a certain way even besides the singleplayer and multiplayer (even if the singleplayer is always under a grate and really stupid to do that but whatever the multiplayer is the attraction of the series and I never knew it had singleplayer till I found out and went oh ok as multiplayer only games are a big thing of course).

I don't care for the way the world looks in Splatoon I care more for the gameplay but from the world, the Squid language in the songs and dialogue and more it feels more lived in.

Granted I thought Splatoon 3's singleplayer would be open world as the cosmetics and the desert in the trailer but nope that wasn't the case so I kind of don't feel mislead but wasn't sure what the point of it was then the city fans are used to.

To me I think it's an unoriginal game with done to death modes, hence I came up with my own, they aren't 'great' but still uses the foam concept well than 'foam and cartoony hip characters' which is really boring looking and lacks depth and appeal to me. Multiplayer needs gameplay ideas, not just oh look visuals and cosmetics and oh we moved on in a few months I wonder why?

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for February 2024?


Spiders had to make a soulslike and it's a fine idea what robots/setting aspects they went for and the studio is French. But not their best game, Greedfall or others are much better. But Steelrising is still a good game in there. But oh it's not AAA or well known IP name here so people will complain sigh.

People do understand that Gamepass/PS+ are games from a few months/years ago right and games at probably a few physical/digital cheap prices? Not immediate safety of recent games? They offer variety not just the best of the best or the biggest of the biggest.

Foamstars makes me appreciate Splatoon more (no comparison even though I think the moveset and use of ink is great in Splatoon which Foamstars is just lacking that fun use of foam or your a squid in Splatoon, but it takes me back to 90s platformer level animals with fun movesets not more average characters Biomutant animals or human level boring and not Mario or Jak or the PS1 Jester game or others level of flexible fun, Nintendo and Indies or some old games make for easy comparisons that's all) because it has better modes, better moveset and 'use of ink' than Foamstars pathetic use of foam. Nothing wrong with a multiplayer game or a foam shooter but I think it's just lacking content and cool ideas. I wish it was better then I'd give it more mode praise going this is awesome but it just isn't it's not creative enough.

Rollerdrome is a fine game. I barely know much about it but it's still a fair game for what it offers.

Yeah if people expect big games then not surprised they need to narrow their expectations. Not every company will give their games away, AAs and Indies exist for a reason and can be your 'fill in a gap games' or games to be really excited for, not every game gets recycled or is big. Not every game will come to these services and anyone wanting that clearly doesn't care about business just whatever excuses they can have for games to get access to. When a video online will show them besides how the button layout/feeling of characters are to play yes but still. Or get it on another platform or 'wait until it's cheap anyway'.

If people are complaining use Extra or Premium/Deluxe or buy the games for cheap. There is a reason I got some games for $30 the same time they were on Gamepass or PS+. Aka I did with Grid Legends. Got the platinum and got the game right at the time it was announced for Gamepass/EA Play.

I was still happy with it, I have it physical, no need to subscribe at all to replay it. It wasn't a perfect game but still I enjoyed it more than many other modern racers.

If they have are more open mind these are fine games but even then I don't have high things to say about either as never played or not interested in them but it's only because I haven't much idea what Rollerdrome is, I think Spiders have made better games (many fair soulslikes by AAs though out there still) and Foamstars I think is just unoriiginal and lacking ideas yet I made up my own it's that boring or I went yeah I'll buy Splatoon 2 and 3 (only had the 1st game prior) instead and enjoy their better mechanics and ideas and enjoying the 2nd game's singleplayer a lot so far.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Last Ever PS4 Patch Enables Offline Saves


As someone who was there out of curiosity when it happened the livery editor being available in 1.68 offline was funny but 1.69 with a 172MB patch it's not.

Livery sharing/Sport Mode sportsmanship videos trophies (2 trophies) aren't accessible so don't go for the platinum if you didn't get them already. The Sportsmanship videos I never knew about as I never used Sport mode, no time trial which doesn't require PS+ or knowing anything about those dropdown menu options, but just by the trophies found out (and recorded them with the PS4 recorder encase I care to watch them) and as I didn't use the livery editor till this January then yeah I got that trophy but because I started liking and adding to library and sharing my 2 car liveries due to working it out myself in the menus and getting the trophy. I never used those features prior as had no need to and wasn't sure what was PS+ required or not. They aren't but both un-completeable now due to being removed with this 1.69 patch.

If the VR tour wasn't I'd have gone hmm false advertising on the banner on the box but as it was an offline mode like the rest of arcade not surprised. The fact the whole game's singleplayer is playable is great. The unlocking I wasn't sure as later license tests or later driving missions require a level cap so you couldn't access them in offline mode in the past prior to this patch. Weird right. PSN down due to firmware or offline mode made GT Sport progression wise stupid but this patch fixes those issues after 7 years. GT Sport really was a fair test but also a joke when it came to the serverside stuff. Now people getting the game cheap (instead of just playing and no saving so no progression at all to be made, no brand central cars) can actually play the game offline properly. XD Stupid I should even have to say that 7 years later due to bad programming and serverside restrictions from a AAA company.

So I praise them for fixing it and making it fully playable 7 years later and other games with online requirements should do the same of this offline playability but I also want to tell them their programming sucks.

From bad AI scaling in career events still to serverside nonsense that shouldn't have been in place for 7 years because they didn't notice while I did tests so easy to spot in QA testing for offline states the idiot programmers.

I hate I had to delete as much as the whole game off my base PS4 hard drive aka about 100GB just because it had to do a 172MB patch. WTF Sony/Polyphony make better patching and hard drive detection systems. What a joke.

So I just did the update to my external hard drive that had plenty of free space instead and the copying took a bit to apply 172MB to 100.6 or .7 once updated on an external due to compression but on a base PS4 hard drive it's 106GB (1.68 I have images showing base hard drive and external I didn't bother to transfer the 107GB again and waste 20+ minutes transferring it, on PS5 sure but on PS4 no way already too much time to see a 106GB to whatever number change XD not that desperate) probably 107GB, so quite the difference there.

Online saves were accessible in offline mode (PSN not accessible due to a firmware update or a PS4 in offline mode). I know because I checked months even a year for this not just when 1.68 and 1.69 happened. So whatever your last online save was would be fine well whatever locally you had at least and it would check with the server still and compare on that end I think.

Also trophies for the livery editor and the sport mode 2 sportsmanship videos are now un-achieveable too I don't think Polyphony thought about that so the game can't be platinumed if you didn't do those.

I didn't even know how to do the livery sharing one till like the day of it. I just liked a bunch of posts and shared 2 of my car livery designs. I only did those for the achievements and that's it and I can't access achievements anymore the whole profile menu is dead.

I did the 2 sportsmanship video at random when browsing trophies and watched them/recorded them with the PS4 recording feature. I didn't use Sport mode the entire time not even time trial that wasn't PS+ required. So I'd have never known otherwise.

There is no real benefit to having a 1.68 file anyway. 1.69 is better due to manual saving and playing the game properly now for the campaign, 1.68 offline with the livery editor unpatched is the only real reason the rest online wasn't accessible anyway I know because like I said it's like the firmware PSN services are down situation. I do think they should have left the livery editor. Just cut the discover and uploading/sharing part but nope unless you used it prior/downloaded any to add to your library you can't change the colour or designs of the car at all just stock colours from the brand central versions of the games.

Manual saving is great but why this server nonsense and encryption for save file editing and cheating when they have to patch the game regardless it just shows their stupidity. If they already patch exploits then the servers are useless or Polyphony suck at making games on that side of things. XD So the servers are worthless. The PSP/PS3 save file deletion methods were better at this and they went unnoticed or undertalked about till I added them to the wiki (not that people have read them probably but I like to add details like this as they are important details about the games on a tech side no one else has added to the wikis or tested).

I already have issues with the AI being unfair in many campaign events they just run away easily in the F1 style events let alone any endurance ones I can tune the car all day it doesn't matter but other events no problem. It's backwards.

I grinded credits because I didn't know if brand central would be up. It's a good thing it was in this patch but I thought this way because for progression sure it makes sense right you can't without a dealership.

But with the firmware update of my PS4, and the PSN server side you can't access it. Yes so when the server requirement was there if you had PSN access blocked or PS Store and so on because the firmware update blocks it as Sony intends and always has you couldn't access brand central as it like Sport and Lobby modes were blocked access. Tell me how weird that is.

That's why I grinded credits for whatever cars I needed to 'access' the events in the campaign is I didn't know if they'd patch brand central or not.

I don't feel stupid for doing it if I had no idea what they would patch and I got a lot out of the game for that month but still.

The thing I ask is oh the servers are down and thankfully offline in a well handled way then Battleorn's death of a singleplayer experience or other online required games but we needed servers up, PS3/PSP memory card or hard drive/profile restrictions for save file editing or cheating for single player?

Like yes people find exploits or cheats but like come on just patch them not server side nonsense that clearly shows it doesn't work.

Yes in the PS2 days people upload their save files to places (and they didn't encrypt it that much then) but PS3/PSP you have a different console, maybe different user (only tried local accounts no PSN at all yet) memory card (PSP) or hard drive (not tested but I assume so) and your back to restarting the whole game and can't load the save. Like WTF.

I do this research and go 'seriously Sony and Polyphony' but GT Sport is offline in a good way thankfully due to this patch in a way I am glad they handled it then making it a arcade only product and the other events you'd be able to play about half the side content or the campaign maybe but with no saving so it'd be like having a console on all the time without a memory card or just restrictive without any cars but the arcade modes and whatever is assigned in licenses/driving missions/experience modes not the garage car events for some of those driving missions, so why is GT7 even more restrictive? It's just laughable.

The fact the game I tested in firmware PSN offline mode way before this I was like 'oh the brand central is offline that sucks for progression' yet with this 1.69 patch the brand central is accessible because without it you can't play the campaign, there is no gift cars, no achievements, and many unlocks of things you'd have to

Re: New Burnout Game Possibly Teased in Developer Tweet


I doubt it and also if it's open world do we need 2 from EA when NFS is around.

Like Paradise is a fair game and the remaster helped for sure with interest besides the NFS remasters but having a more streets and varied events of the past is more interesting than another open world I'm not interested in those games at all in the racing space I'll go rally special stages or circuits or city streets before an open world racing game again.

Give me hillclimbs and touge they are just lacking in presence in racing games these days. Drag and drifting sure, cone events and what not but like come on.

Just offer the stunt and other events not in the older games (unless Revenge had them I only own Paradise, 1 and 3 Takedown). Some new modes maybe. I enjoyed OnRush as while MotorStorm like every mode was new and different showing other possibilities for those types of games.

Crash mode can come back. A bunch of cool stuff. Also fictional cars stay please. Like Wreckfest I had a blast driving fake vehicles, a sofa, bus, and more, doing derby events and more. I don't need real cars, I don't need an open world just fun events.

Flatout had human obstacle courses but still had fictional cars as the focus. Just expand on things.

There is a reason I care about PGR city layouts and modes and not Forza Horizon.

Re: Soapbox: This Is Why Physical Games Are Still Important to Me


A great article. A lot of cool places shown too and good points made. I'll add on a few.

I mean having less just for it to be more behind 1 physical screen of a phone or a console or a TV or an implant into our brains isn't fun.

The control future will be boring and people going I want to go back, well us physical wanters will say we told you so because we actually think before we do like with anything that has ended.

What games can I play from old that were left behind and never coming to modern platforms. How much would they be 'modernised' and loose their fresh ideas too. Hmm very likely there right.

How much of Another Code Recollection could I say that 'the motion was validated in the beginning' and the rest may be recontextualised puzzles. I don't know yet being took early in of late Chapter 2 and 1 motion control puzzle that wasn't well designed as much as the Wii original probably or other Wii/VR games. But we can't have DS/Wii budget looking games we need generic walking and talking then menus or cool loading screen transitions or pre-rendered backgrounds sometimes limits offered a lot.

It didn't take much for racing game rewind systems to be dumbed down when the original has more depth today. Milestone made a great system, Grid 2008/Forza Motorsport 3 dumbed it down and it's been that way since. Talk about hilarious no one puts point systems for it to scale it when skill trees and RPG points. Like logic there.

Can't wait to see Spare Parts on modern platforms EA the studio that doesn't exist anymore that made it. Sure Tomb Raider isometric games on modern platforms but are digital codes physical. I am glad I own Balan physical.

Or any Red Steel games on Ubisoft's service oh they only offer PS4/Xbox One games ah I see. Or in some cases just 360 games due to back compat..... So for anything else nah no thanks to their services and whatever they say of their old PS4/Xbox One games.

How many on mobile can you get besides the PSP Minis/PS3/360/Wii U/PS4/Xbox One/Switch version? Some not all.

I know the Wii U/3DS had the mobile definitive ports of some PSP Minis. Now that's behind versions on Vita to access.

Unless people are sideloading Android APKs or using Bluestacks/other emulators good luck. Or jailbreaking an iPhone or having an old iPhone that can't update and can access old apps somehow.

I'm not getting any Wii, Switch or otherwise from Ubisoft on their service am I they stay on Nintendo platforms not PS/Xbox/PC unless emulation and getting the control schemes working.

Even then sometimes yes your internet is faster than the disk drive reading but for 1.0 PS4 games I bet the PS5 does it just as quick even if not on my Base PS4 it may take as long as an update and I know when checking some few MBs to some GB (not just the 50GB+ ones I mean the 20GB AA games that are a few 10s or 100s of MBs/or 1-2 GBs). For Japanese games especially many AA ones are tiny of updates to none at all with their remasters or ports. It's awesome.

Some tutorials can suck in modern games that I'd rather the online manual if they even offer it and I can find it either. I like just having a controls or ads in the box let alone the artwork on the inside.

Enjoying our second hand market whatever quality, our collector's and day one editions and whatever else while the digital games we have will be more selected strictly on if we can use it in the future and not be removed or physical so even if an online game goes down we can rebuild it from our updates downloaded or the 1.0 on the disk.

Revival projects exist out there for Warhawk and PS Home whats to say Battleborn or Babylon's Fall don't. Oh right popular games that's right I forgot.

So that's why we don't have a Gizmondo emulator yet. Besides that yes it takes time, few that have the device to begin with but still. Priorities for the most part on that.

At least I can make multiple copies if need be. I'm happy I own a handful of 1.0 versions on disk or cartridge of Vita, Switch, PS4, Wii U and Xbox One games. Some AA, some AAA.

I had to play the 1.0 PS3 version of Dark Void as the 1.1 version crashes, so 1.0 off the disk it is then. Some forced installs on PS3 is annoying but I mean 360 it was optional for most games, only 2 disk games late gen needed an install that was forced data disks.

I'm wondering how the GT Sport services will go at 4pm my time today on 31st of January. It's going to be fun to be there and compare to the system firmware of the PS4 telling me ah you want the dealership no can do. The end of server lifecycle announcement doesn't mention it which as the campaign and especially some side content and others need cars the player has access to (not just ones assigned to the events like usual) do play some.

So who knows. Online multiplayer sure but singleplayer as it's online singleplayer required it's interested to see how the offline experience IS versus what my PS4 firmware stopped my PSN/online access on the console (as it's supposed to designed on purpose by Sony to do that when updates appear).

Hard to tell till 4pm when the servers are offline and when 2 hours or so later I boot the game up again and see and compare the footage and my firmware offline research experience.

Funny how I do research like that and can put it on the Gran Turismo wikis but no one else does this stuff it's just under people's noses what Sony does with encryption of GT PSP and save file deletion, let alone GT5 & 6 on PS3 moving a save file, nope can't be accessed oops. Yet most people don't notice. I'm not even hex editing either it's just easy to access player stuff no one tests when they put a memory card in another PSP if they bought a new one or same thing with PS3s, same accounts local or PSN.

I mean we aren't all going to go and get a IBM 1500 for encrypting things (Steins;gate reference and IRL by CERN them having their secrets encrypted) which I mean makes sense.

If like with Cobalt a programming language very few know can keep things safe and usable very few, you have great security or things to be lost easily too if the devices die or no programmers that understand it can access it.

Re: Madcap Action Game Wanted: Dead Gets an Update Almost One Year After Release


Seeing as Devils Third never got one thought the same would be the same here. Same with many 1.0 versions of games. Seeing as a I like hack n slashes, I like PS2 era design (especially as PS3+ so many AAA formuliac refinements to games are just boring yeah there is a reason I prefer experimental PS1/2 land thanks from many games never heard of and hits, mostly those never heard of because they have mechanics worth experiencing and are fresh still/yet untouched but still great, don't care for marketing just researching myself).

The game is fine, janky yes but I like it. The chainsaw was awkward to use at times so glad a focus on that. The other changes seem fair. I might restart on easy I think just encase even though I usually play on Normal. Ninja Gaiden 2 I just suck at the 2nd level boss but Wanted Dead isn't that hard.

I'll welcome an update and these fixes seem fair I don't remember much crashing but it wouldn't surprise me either.

Seeing as 2023 was kind of disappointing among games I wanted and mostly cared for retro games more yeah Wanted Dead at least delivered in a way for me. Compared to some let down AAA and some Indies were hit and miss.

No not joking. I have gotten stuck on the 2nd boss but either way while the skills and more aren't what I care for of gameplay focus, a hack n slash shooter is good enough for me. I haven't played Bright Memory Infinite either which does some cool stuff.

Soleil updated Valkyrie Elysium quite a bit and did work on Wanted Dead (their logo is on the box) but whether they supported it much no idea.

So Madcap putting some fixes is nice to see.

Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Remake Is Now In Active Development


So we got Prince of Persia metroidvania that's pretty cool but not my thing, Rayman DLC and we have AC4 remake. If it's visual upgrading then no thanks.

That Skull and Bones money huh. So what happened to Beyond Good and Evil 2 then? Where is the BG&E1 remake then? An AC tv show/movie even (besides the one between Syndicate and Origins).

Where is my Rayman 3D remakes? Where is a better new IP I actually would like to see then the same formulas over and over and no remakes what so ever. Where is my Red Steel 2 in VR it can compete with Borderlands 2 VR. Or port Red Steel 2 to Switch even.

Having an old and praised game pushed to current platforms that is still PS4/Xbox One accessible already anyways, (no Ezio collection results this time of those games) or it's lining up with other products (Cough Skull and Bones) I just don't care, no thank you.

I don't even care for the AC series but like eh.

Even though Skull and Bones will come out. AC4 is dirt cheap these days likely. If average people are that lazy or that sold by this we have a problem and we always will have a problem with oh nostalgia, oh brand name of this and that. Like come on.

Even I'm not excited for my childhood games not just because the modern entries suck but I've played so many other games old, new, researched left behind with far more exciting things in them. I know most people don't do that but that's just me I get bored, I see cool ideas and find them better than the popular ones appealing to a mass audience, making bland games and the cooler ones that are more gamer focused and more exciting ideas are more satisfying of depth.

But we need a Pirates AC game out there to line up with Skull and Bones, maybe some DLC or update crossover, and we need to support AC as much as possible and have subscriptions boosted.

So much saturation much? Make an AC karting game why don't you Ubisoft Mario Kart needs another competitor.

Or something else to do with the series. If Nintendo can put Mario in anything of genres why not AC games huh?

Like Mirage was one thing of the old formula to improve upon just like COD WW2 was of the WW2 setting or eh remakes of COD that are worse than the originals but it's the old name so it's fine people remember those right? Everyone loved MW3 remake didn't they and how disappointing it was of making a project?

But if they want me to not support them Ubisoft your doing a great job.

I'll be in my fake dev studio with my fake understanding of game development working out Red Steel 2 in VR because you won't make it happen let alone anything else exciting.

There is a reason I'll buy up their old games more or none at all once I've seeked out any I still want, but a remake of their popular IP and remaking with other games strategies of IPs people love and oh the brand name and oh the memories and oh the others.

I'm sick of these PS3/360 IPs I already don't care about supporting them, keep getting supported by casuals and fans and so much remaking to death. So much nostaglia, so much modernising that doesn't need to be done like at all.

Like no thanks I'll play your old games that won't get remakes, may deserve them but I don't care at all if they do I'll put up with old games and their quirks and old game design not modernised and removing what made them fresh, or old or fun to be begin with so you get none of the money.

I have more fun with these games then removing the fresh and fun they had before, ok thanks Ubisoft for this enlightenment. Even though already been doing that. XD

Re: Poll: Are You Playing The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered?


No interest to me. Got my walking and puzzle experience of Another Code on Switch.

I have GT Sport till the servers go down (fair amount of progress left and cars to get encase brand central goes down, I don't trust it, with my PS4 firmware update one time I tested and brand central wasn't accessible and i want as much of the game to be accessible offline so I am preparing for what I already learned from that time and my progress is going good so far for all of campaign and arcade to be offline progress accessible for the future and attempted or Golded/Pro arcade completed almost there or having at least 1 car to enter the events at all)...

& tons of third parties from 2023/2022 and older years on PS4 (the odd first party of First Light, beat Order 1886 last year), tons of retro on other consoles to play I don't have time for it even if I did get it.

For those into the roguelike mode and enhancements/cosmetics go for it.

I didn't like the first game, own both games due to other people. I can't get into them.

Re: RPG Dev Piranha Bytes Struggling to Find a Publisher for Next Game


Crowdfunding it is I guess and self publishing. Taking to Twitter is something but not many investors will notice that much there compared to a GDC or just having talks with business meetings if they even can. I wish them the best but man it's a tough industry these days.

Go smaller with some vets to form new studios or crowdfund I think is the right way to go. Too many people, too big of project scales. It's too much. Fans that love the studio's games will come to aid if no big investors care to support them.

As much as I don't like Spiders made a soulslike after Greedfall I won't deny they got to survive and in this era of gaming uniqueness means nothing. Many AAA make the formula hopping. We see it with Metroidvanias of Song of the Deep 2016/Prince of Persia Lost Crown 2024, God of War/Last of Us 2 roguelike modes. Nothing wrong with that but I mean come on. Do I blame the average consumer or gamers for this or AAA publishers/investors for stagnation or Indies that follow nostalgia too much in platformer or racing spaces as well. Sigh. Yet I can research tons of the past all more unique then we just followed Mario 64, Banjo and Outrun. Like come on lazy and nostalgia. Popular and easy spaces, put a spin on it. Consumers will eat it up, devs eat it up. It's just disgusting.

Not everything has to be broader but seeing as we had broader and barely anyone took to those mechanics (only some odd occasions like the racing examples of Ride 4 and WRC 2023 in their own ways) most are repeats of popular games and even then too heavily. Average people don't care for gameplay so when we get eh gameplay and I go seriously Resistance 2 is like COD in mechanics and they back track it in 3 for the better (the studio's actual strengths and probably weapon leveling patent maybe? Otherwise why not push your strengths of creativity, Sunset Overdrive give me tower defence any day over generic outposts, oh Spiderman has outpost never mind) I do question the stupidity of gameplay changes most people don't even notice, care about or why would we want that? That and blaming critics for bland directions of gameplay.

You had rarity like Super Paper Mario and Crush (PSP/3DS) had a similar 2D/3D mechanic or Ratchet 2 & 3 or Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 had large or small planetoids with interesting gravity. So sometimes games had similar ideas around the same time but they weren't inspired by each other so heavily like PS3/360 shooters you want cover based shooting like Gears/Uncharted well besides 1 unique mechanic many of them are that. GREAT! Sigh. Killswitch started it to the others popularised it. Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano started rewinds in racing games (and still original because of what it did) and Forza Motorsport 3 & Grid 2008 popularised it but dumbed it down and it's been that same dumbed down rewind system for years. Why not points to scale the rewind or other aspects of the car when a 2006 advertising game for one car maker (would be considered shovelware) by Milestone (made many innovative racing games back then) did it and their current studio status they also follow suit with the dumbed down rewind system than their older staff started with the more fleshed out one with a points system to the car and rewind system. Go figure there developers. XD

From 3D Indie platformers being too fan game like in quality of 'inspired by and what design were familiar with and consumers eat up nostalgia and familiarity in popular games'/nostalgic and less original then the 5th gen are too Mario/Banjo/Spyro inspired by Indies yet the competitors weren't clones and had far more original ideas then even these Indies still do it says a lot with AAA or even some Indie genres how much lacking originality there is.

Like there is atmosphere and visuals, and then their is game design and being boring of that game design appearing everywhere. I'll go back to 5th gen 3D platformers then Indie ones they are just so boring and repetitive already and the revival of them has only been a thing for a few years now.

Racing is kind of making a come back but I mean while I like the Forza Motorsport 1 & 2 region system but improved in Ride 4 and Sega GT Car builder in WRC 2023 (in it's own way I assume or improvements) while I could say eh, they are still far more original compared to the live services, separating content of some racing sims on PC and the service nature and eh progression and direction of GT and Forza Motorsport entry by entry disappointing me more and more. FM8 has a position selector like that's cool but it's pretty weak still.

Or crowd funding where your audience is investing and can scale the interest in the project they have in mind (if they also can downscale it to get buy too, maybe remaster the games they haven't too to help them out and put it up digitally as disk and other production costs are probably very high).

With so few AAs left I don't really want to see Piranha Bytes go unless they get bought up to be secure but hopefully for the better and not control and going whelp there they go and making tropey games then what more projects they'd like to make and be more satisfied with.

Or if they want Independence/Indie status still that's fine but survival is tough.

Finding publishers is very hard I assume as formulas many expect, budgets are high, signing deals and just support for so many people that make up the team the companies get too big

I think it's also best for them to just scale down and to form Indie studios with veterans like many others have even if in some cases for different reasons.

I don't play their games but I don't deny they had really cool qualities, charm, fair world building/stories, the mechanics were fair.

But with how how janky and bad their engine must be or their releases and need of fixing.

I like to give European continent region studios a break and I do know some great ones that do pull above the janky stereotypes many can be known for and an umbrella put on them

That and their many budgets being hard to work with or the staff just not always pulling it off well (In some cases they 'overcompete' or overcomplicate their games and their ambitions are too high for AA studios) but sometimes you can't deny some studios just don't do well to fix their games up.

Re: Killzone Fans Feast on Unlockable Helghast T-Shirt in The Last of Us 2 Remastered


A T-shirt. Um sorry but LBP games had skins and other things for years. God of War had references. Ratchet Rift Apart having other characters was cool I guess. Everybody's Body as well.

Siren, Fantavision and WipEout Fusion is cool but I mean what am I supposed to do with this information, a nod is a nod, a cosmetic is a cosmetic.

The roguelike mode in TLOU 2 and Raganrok are fair bonuses for sure. Not interested but fair for those into those games, but at least Ragnarok it was DLC (free is just a bonus).

In the time it took MotorStorm to not be around I played OnRush, not the same modes (that's a good thing, it stands out that way with more ideas then just repeating what modes already existed in other games, showing more potential to expand on just oh we have off road vehicles well how else can we use them) and while multiplat and probably didn't do well I still had fun with it. Gravel as well with a licensed cars, fake game show, fun. Nothing that amazing still good. But Sony will push movie like experiences, RPG gameplay and tropes/genres I'm not interested in and I can find more compelling variety on past systems or Nintendo platforms for gameplay first focus then story/graphics focus and gameplay sometimes does change but not enough in exciting ways, which isn't bad but just Gran Turismo isn't fun of 1 racing series even if the rally courses in Sport are good (same ones in 7 besides some new but aren't compelling courses/stages).

That's not exactly exciting. They can do it but it's not news worthy but does get visits and well comments which I am doing so I'm self aware but whatever. XD

Do I like the Killzone IP sure I beat Mercenary and found it did a lot for the series with the credits and unlocking things, the games had atmosphere but never did much with gameplay to be that different sometimes.

The grenade cooking great, heavy feel fair and distinct then many Gears of War cover based shooters from third parties and only 1 unique mechanic that set them apart and makes them memorable or forgettable to people. It's how I feel about Indie platformers nowadays. So much Mario 64 and Banjo inspiration. No wonder Glover, Chameleon Twist, Space Station SIlicon Valley and more appeal then whatever Indie 3D platformers are doing.

Nothing against platformer movesets getting creative but I mean if they are all just human/animal but not unique about it why should I care. I can be a chameleon but if it's not interesting to be one just look and jump around like Mario it's not that worth it then a tongue move, camouflage and other fictional or gamified use cases is it (cough Biomutant and other than gas immunity who cares about being an animal other than theming when platformers had more interesting uses for animals).

It's like Foamstars, it can be deathmatch and foam, a duck mode with a platform that isn't territory based but I mean, where is my foam maze, foam building contest or other unique modes and then foam party logic and generic human characters. Splatoon at least went, we have squids, ink, reloading and travel/stealth in ink. I don't praise Nintendo usually but I do appreciate interesting gameplay ideas from any developer.

Gameplay first logic from a tofu/paintball prototype. You can't not say Square and the developer didn't try hard enough, just going well deathmatch is well known lets put foam and not expand on the uniqueness foam can be used for gameplay because that requires effort and the game may die in 1 year so lets put the least amount of effort in and sell cosmetics.

Foamstars was so fun to come up with better ideas then itself on immediate showcase of the game.

Same with Resistance and it's alt history setting like Wolfenstein and crazy guns/chimera.

Re: Foamstars Releases 6th February as a PS Plus Essential Game


Free to play it should have been. Not my type of game but man I had hopes it had good ideas and it doesn't. Even if I don't play multiplayer shooters I seek out cool ideas in any games but it's bland besides it's pretty fair kid friendly concept it's the movesets and modes and mechanics I think that suck. Here are my suggestions for mode types.

Glover has ball forms. That's an N64 game. Biomutant a current game with animal morphing character creator for gas immmunitt while cool where is the animal traits and moveset morphing? For exploration.

Space Station Silicon Valley has animals with different abilities. An N64 game with different animal AI and attacks depending. They went on to make GTA.

Why do modern games suck at mechanics and good ideas and that's just singleplayer examples.

Here are my not that amazing but interesting foam focused game mode ideas.

The height of the foam is something, but a mode with shooting to open paths. Hidden maze of sorts.

Or just foam can build up towers and change the vertical height of things.

Maybe a building a foam castle for creativity even like you have with some minigames in a water in the clown's mouse kind of carnival games way or other mini game collections/party games have things to compete with height of a tower in a time limit. That's like 3 variations of things of mechanical use. Nope.

Do we have buttons and traps, foam weight due to some power up or liquid or item at all nope. Any chemical reaction level of cool things to vary mechanics. Nope. Give me some elephants toothpaste ideas even developers come on.

Do we have oil to like water act in a way with the foam. Nope. Again chemical reactions.

That's many ideas right there. It took me no time at all to think those up yet these developers are so bland and unimaginative then a foam party concept and barely anything cooler o expand on it.

Get creative you have foam of all things. USE IT. What does foam do, what fictional thing can they use foam or things that act like it for. Or a smoke machine even. Vents to blow away the foam in some levels, fan minions on each team.

These Devs suck at imagination and mechanical uses for foam come on. Sure they can do that in the future it's multiplayer its going to get updates but none of my ideas will appear in it (not because I think they are good either just suggestions out of thin area and not play tested) their too ambitious and not done in other games to take from so why would the developers think outside the box of what foam does.

I'm not saying my ideas are good I'm saying it's not hard to come up with silly ideas to make a game mode out of in multiplayer, gameplay makes your game stand out and fun not visuals and whatever done to death modes easily understood, boring and no one wants to play anymore, cosmetics and such don't last, gameplay aka the goal of a game is to play it to interact, to have physics, compelling visuals and level design, AI and more to the 'game world' not just repeating the same modes other games do and audiences that want familiarity. I don't dream up multiplayer game ideas I do singleplayer.

So tell me why I should care about a duck platform mode aka enough of your teams colour moving the platform to the team. Aka a mode in Splatoon 1 onwards but not territory based like Splatoon is.

Why not have a bath tub rocking back and forth or be a duck and neighbouring ships in 1 map. Being the size of an ant. Something creative and play into the child like imagination more but with more depth of a twist than I did of a pretty easy setup.

I love characters that are small and exploring a house or something as the size of an ant.

And blandness of game modes and barely anything useful of the foam for varied modes when I just said a bunch of ideas not in the game that are good use cases for them.

The game is bland and lacking but has a fair start of creativity but I mean. A water or liquid based game could come out with better ideas and make foam stars look balanced easily with more exciting mechanics and maps easily. Heck Splatoon still looks more exciting.

I enjoyed Splatoon 1, I understand the maps and modes in it. The reloading and traversal is fun. Squids and ink is a cool angle, the language is there, the world looks cool and hip. Foam stars has humanoids and basic foam mechanics so derivative it's a joke. No cool use of moveset at all. How disappointing.

Gameplay matters in multiplayer, map design especially for shooters. If the movesets suck and the maps and modes are generic why bother.

What a waste of a skin and repeated mode ideas. I get yes yes territory or Deathmatch that's fine but nothing that exciting when it took me no time at all to come up with basic ideas for modes and thinking oh it's foam.

I love Glover and it's ball forms idea. That's how simple it is for me to think about foam and similar ideas a N64 platformer has, an era where yeah you have a Glover character and this moveset different from Mario in Mario 64. No time at all.

Diofield had issue because it's too bland of risk taking of level design and bonuses or mission setups, a dragged out story and gameplay being boring after chapter 4. Square doesn't learn.

Disgaea and Valkyria Chronicles. Push obstacles or throwing characters or something in the levels besides charming characters, story and such, level design and tasks make sense.

Why is it Square (or the dev as they are the publisher after all) focuses on story, combat and bland level design and whatever trend to jump on but boring mechanics for this game.

It's disappointing. I expect better and I was never going to play it (I still thought it was cool till they showed how pathetic it is) but thought oh an interesting direction to take multiplayer, oh never mind.

It's just sad.

Nintendo goes yep we have squids, we have ink reloading, traversal. Square and it's developer goes nah let's be bland. Surfing is a cool animation but still boring humanoids and foam. A surfboard mode would be nice. Races, traps, foam height increasing mechanics. Like come on. Talk about bland and unimaginative much. Think outside the box more developers.

Re: PS5 Had Sony's Best Year in Japan for Almost 20 Years


It's moments like this that it makes sense but is sad. In a way good on the Japan Studios (the many studios under that umbrella) staff that have their own space and studios to make games on any platform they want.

They can have Japanese publishers sure but exclusive or not, audience/theme/visual appeal or not makes a difference. IP, variety. Which publishers, which IPs.

Subscriptions exist so whether the Japanese or other Asian regions are buying into them that's something for sure. Or just 'being on the go' which who wants to a take a Portal outside. The connection for one and just putting a smaller handheld in your bag. How many used Vita remote play I don't know but a sizeable audience I assume. Versus just playing games digital/physical on the go no connection to worry about or always having to be connected to something when they'd rather do that for social apps, work or other things instead not just gaming.

Bokeh and Claphands I know of not all of them and what other studios many staff went to, retired or formed other studios we just don't hear about compared to more talked about staff leads.

But also Asobi and Polyphony isn't enough and Astro is so infrequent that studio barely offers enough frequency of their amazing creative games to outshine the rest showing the bigger picture of the company.

Media Molecule does bring magic but Dreams took a long time and is over so who knows what they have in store. Who knows with Bend or Bluepoint even.

This is why I don't want a PS5. There is nothing here for me. Only third parties if that.

Nothing wrong with a western focus in sales, but in audiences to bring it if wanting to reach out yeah they are just clueless for Asian regions support other than third parties and that's it. Square and some big gacha games aren't enough to intrigue people.

Localisation of the games isn't much if it's so few sales from them but are available at least.

Western devs/publishers can make trending games, and this and that deeper, dark, whatever themes but if the gameplay is boring, the charm isn't there on the same level of appeal.

The worlds look fine I guess and otherwise I'm still going to Indies, AA and mostly AA Japanese games then western ones if the western ones follow the AAA western devs too much which many have and I've moved on.

To me trends are fine but I mean if cult following gamers or review companies push trends then well what about the average person they are where the sale come from not whoever on Twitter that these companies seem to forget are a minority of sales and are just vocal audiences not sales or average person feedback, whatever money companies want and trophies/other percentage metrics of players playing the games to certain points, not selling the game as digital or just physical/keeping the console like Wiis sitting there in TV stands for years/packed away.

I can take Switch being underpowered, still while not my favourite hardware gimmicks is still there then a typical console and fair controller use cases and fair VR with western publishers ignoring it for the Quest because bigger userbase, Facebook data and other nonsense, it's smartphones all over again and ditching the 3DS/Vita again. Sure it's no freedom of handheld PCs for storefronts, whatever you want to use them for of old, new PC gaming let alone 'cough console research' but the price, availability especially of these handheld PCs in certain regions not as widespread as consoles and physical games. Yeah I'm going Switch. But PC and Japanese games are still a fair space to go.

Re: Yes, You Can Play PS5 Games Inside Sony's Electric Car


I assume not physical we don't want PSP or other moving around in the car to damage the disks or digital because makes more sense, also installing a ultra blu-ray player in a car would be awkward too versus a digital interface, the OS, parts and well profiles and other things to focus on.

It a case of can it be done rather than should it be done. Electric cars and want you can do with them. Is it cool yes, practical no. Safety as well but also just a novelty feature. I mean some people like driving but even those that don't. Just use a phone or tablet/cough Dualsense grips. Also if the OS is awkward then well got to love that and the car subscriptions of the future. The future of cars is getting too money hungry and unexciting.

DRM Trains even what a future we live in.

Wait sorry a streaming/remote play experience. On the open road. Ha what a waste. Then again that expensive waste money trying to get it to work on the open road, or try to tag to the nearest public wifi I guess if stores, caravan parks or hotels won't notice how much data is being used.

This is like Vita 3G, a fair feature it was but no one wanted to pay more for it even besides the limited carrier choice as well. So wifi if you can on the open road or 4G-5G on the road costs. Ha no thanks. Or just money for brains too I guess.

Better to have it part of the console not an awkward connection tagging to the car unless it's stopped I guess as too much moving and connection lost I'd assume.

So anyone with a physical library and this car.... Good luck I guess,

Re: Believe It or Not, PS4 Sales Rocketed in the UK Last Year


@sanderson72 Thanks. With hits on PS4 you'd assume but I don't think sequels always end up that way, sometimes they do but sometimes they don't. It could be just compelling games, it could be price/the state of countries/the world, the marketing. Anything is possible. I mean 50+ to the amount of Xboxes is still something. I'd say 50mill in 3-4 years is pretty good. Third parties move on when they can but like PS3/360 while it had I think 2 years it did still have large userbases.

PS4 being x86 also helps besides whatever they want to downscale. I think the 4K, the 30-120FPS and more is fine but do most people have 4K TVs yes they do just like HD. It's why I understand Nintendo going that way with the Wii even beside them saving money as well and not understanding HD and also limiting themselves by not. Which is why having AV on PS3/360 as an option was still something. At least it's not that level this time as still HDMI and but just HDR and other details to get used to. What reworking of engines. But still yes games with similar gameplay of PS3/PS4/360/Xbox One. Many major third parties have refined their games but that's the thing risks. Or business models that suit them sadly.

Userbase wise PSVR2? Nope Quest. Why I wonder? Mobile and 3DS/Vita same thing hmm it's like third parties don't want to build up a userbase at all the lazy publishers. Or 'did tech demos, see if it was for them or audiences' and moved on. Even though a VR mode can't be that bad. But their still lazy to do it even in an update to their games. Oh well.

That aside is the hardware compelling to some people yes I'd say so 50mill+ say so and it is a worthy upgrade of load times, deaths, game overs, launching and more, frame rates and visuals if want those aspects no doubt. I don't care about last gen load times. Am I into tech yes. Do I care that much for visuals and more no. I do about gimmicks/peripherals or old consoles ideas, old games mechanics then I do graphics. I've used enough old consoles with fast speeds/optimisation to just waiting on PS4. Doesn't bother me really.

To me it isn't. Dualsense/PSVR2 is cool but the support is getting there. Even if some games back tracked and made worse controls. I've played Wii games with better controls and less over-realism compensating controls that's in my opinion at least bad VR game design of motion controls. Button/motion balance not over complication. Red Steel 1 is horrible, Red Steel 2 fixes a lot if all issues and better understands how to use a Wiimote. Move has its moments as well. Other Wii games too.

The games third party or first party (the few third parties I care for) I can wait for. First party personally don't interest me anymore with some IPs directions and the lack of some niche ones I liked getting pushed to the side, Japan Studios while an umbrella with many and being support more and more, Last Guardian/Gran Turismo money used, yeah not surprised they separated but other than Astro/Dreams I don't have much reason to care for first party personally, they just aren't my type of games anymore.

But that's a me thing, for everyone else that's fine more power to them. I just don't fine the gameplay/stories compelling. I've got PS3/Vita and under IPs to experience first and third parties. Playlink to enjoy if the apps work still off dead Android sources I have them downloaded.

A PS4 Pro has the changes for sure, a new hard drive and your also good to go. Not PS5 levels but still good enough.

The gameplay these days are formulaic which has put me off the PS5 besides the price and that as I am mostly playing third parties on any platform anyway I'm less likely to care right now.

I get with Rift Apart what they were going for with the story/gameplay but it just didn't do it for me.

I wanted a Crack in Time gameplay sequel. Which isn't what we got. We got a new Ratchet, old Ratchet design which isn't a bad thing. But a story that's while talking to fans I just didn't enjoy listening to. I watched the Useless Podcasts let's play and I just didn't care what I saw or half of what they were saying even though I basically tuned in for them more than the game itself really as the game was just so uninteresting to me.

I have the game, I have access to PS5 consoles from family. I got to Blizar (I should have played Blizar as it's the best part of the game hardware showcase wise and in general I think) but I didn't. I only wanted it for 1 game really. I've seen third parties on current gen only and their fine but just not compelling enough.

Crack in Time on a HDD in 2009 was an improvement over ideas in Spyro 2 with the locations of different resolution (high in the sky and further below, swimming n the air glitch you can find both versions of homeworlds, I assume it applies to all levels in the game) but probably more for the teleporting between locations in aftermath, in battle/in the past to plant the seed, and the changes. That's my assumption. Rift Apart wants flashy scripted moments, yellow rifts in areas of the level when Portal has a portal gun with player controllable portals and fair rules to use them, Prey 2006 I think has it's own way of doing things as well. Player control is more fun then stationary ones that barely get used in levels let alone forced rift load screens.

Blizar was a good way of showcasing back and forth really well. But no dynamic rifts boss fight between a cycle of them or randomly mixing the cycle. It not only shows off the chaos of the situation and I know it'd be expensive but they already waste money on the cutscenes and other aspects as it is. I can take oh less than 18 levels even if 2016 cut my favourites from Ratchet 1 and was half a game remade.

It looks good but the gameplay design lacked to me of what I seeked out of it at least. It's a solid game just not the direction I wanted.

I get they had 2016 newcomers, old fans, future saga fans and newcomers entirely to make the game meet expectations for and as an old fan that liked Crack in Time's gameplay and is fine with the future saga yeah I wanted more.

I get the PS4 cheap hard drive (player can upgrade it, devs have to still work with it though) so they 'wouldn't. But I agree we see enough design to be 'convincing' as it is of worlds and possibilities that a hard drive would be possible. Again like I said a Crack in Time in 2009 on an HDD. As if we forgot and the marketing team want us to. XD Nope not happening.

It's not 100% Tools but it is that sort of old Ratchet format. Its a new console game to showcase things. We had Metropolis Kerwan have scripted buildings if you remember. We have that in the first location besides the Nefarious City boss fight. The skill tree may have changed slightly over time from Tools, Nexus, 2016, Rift Apart but it's the same mechanic I'm sick to death of now and want Insomniac to bury already.

By Tools I'd say the old Ratchet format than the Crack in Time dramatic changes to the gameplay. Story wise sure it's completely different yes. I didn't find Tools of Destruction that bad but it depends what it was like for you at least by the exclamation mark. That and I only detailed bits and pieces about Rift Apart as someone that played up to Blizar (should have played through that level it is really good).

But take out the planet select ship segments, the moons, the side quests, the rift elements that appear a few times in Crack in Time what is Rift Apart mostly based on Tools of Destruction than Nexus or others.

Tools is based on elements of 2 & 3 but it's own new ideas.

Rift Apart has new ideas don't get me wrong but I mean in terms of the Future saga, the last few games to pull from besides it's own new direction it's most closest to Tools of Destruction in game design besides the story/other details it has of it's own of course not discounting the new direction it also goes for.

I may come around to it later I have some games in other series even with their disappointing directions too.

I'm not old game only appreciator (I do change my mind wildly based on what I research of old and new games and hardware I did find Forspoken/Aveum cool even if people go eh nothing to see here I did at least XD and it wasn't the dialogue/cinematic angles of Forspoken it was the gameplay the spells and movement looked cool to me, Aveum it was more the theming a magic shooter, I got the same feeling with Battlefield Hardline going well we haven't had a SWAT game in years as well Sierra is dead and SWAT is in no continuation mode any time soon for themes to take shooters in) but I do find some games lacking while others have just more compelling ideas and gameplay to me. Indie or AAA. I mean Indie platformers aren't doing it for me when many PS1/N64 they take inspiration for is Mario/Banjo, not the other platformers I find more compelling they don't take inspiration from sadly.

Racing well WRC 2023/Ride 4&5 (besides old racing games) have good ideas old games had (car builder Sega GT on Dreamcast had in 1999, refined region system of old Forza Motorsport games 1 & 2, something Turn 10 should take notes from as Ride has been Forza bikes in some ways, even Ride 2 had FM6 like cutscenes, even if Milestone has made great ideas in the past they don't as much nowadays but keep trying) from researching, but GT7/FM haven't really been jiving with me really.

Hack n slashes have been ok to good.

It varies for me.

Re: Here's Why Sony Is Making Big Moves in the Mobile Games Sector


They have tried mobile many times. They have Fate GO still going, WipEout Rush is dead not surprised. Sackboy Run I assume still is. They want to have something of profits/revenue in each platform besides orbiting the PS5 with remote play, VR and PC. Mobile is the way to do it. If they can try again. IF they can live service there then console. Sigh. Just come up with better business models, better games 'on mobile' then trash. IF they ported WipEout 2048, Pure, Pulse to mobile I'd be less disappointed. Or a new game on mobile with better effort put in.

Their first parties waste too much money on movie level stuff but sometimes eh execution they don't need to make it like a Pixar film or this and that tv show. Some cutscenes can be in gameplay/in-engine then pre-rendered or whatever extents these days but still separated. I want gameplay and I already moved on to their niche IPs, oh they ignore those, well third parties it is or not even using their consoles in the future. Barely giving me a PS5 reason to care and happy on PS4 with third parties then the current gen third parties that aren't that compelling or I can wait.

I gave Gear Club a go to compare to Gear Club Unlimited 2 on Switch, I enjoyed 2 on Switch actually and am glad Eden games are back. Rush was a piece of garbage, people who want managers even probably want better than Rush offered mobile or PC/console. GT4-6 B Spec is probably better than Rush was. Any effort could have been made with the details of the game. Sure it was WipEout but people want to 'play it' or have good mix of events from the series not just the ships/new ones and more. Fans wanted better not something that gives it a pretty bad look and it being dead makes sense why because no fans wanted to put up with a disappointment of care to the series of it's game design, business model and just sad use of resources. Sci-fi racers are revived on console and they go and make it for mobile and the laziest way possible. Tell us why we should care and not buy Fast Racing, Redout or others instead then give Sony our money for it.

It's an audience to go for but with smarter (or greedier) games I assume then the Vita era of PS Mobile that died in 2015 or the PS Allstars sponsored by Coke Zero back then and the cellphone era of the Ratchet Going Mobile/God of War Betrayal days.

Re: Believe It or Not, PS4 Sales Rocketed in the UK Last Year


I mean if games are still coming out, multiplayer servers are still online, experiencing systems they didn't but are now late gen I don't see any issue. I got a Wii U after Switch, I got a Vita in 2017, 3DS 2020, Switch 2021. I'm good to explore libraries I didn't no new new new/fomo fomo fomo. I'm into AA/Indies don't see 'dead' systems I see plenty of games I don't care for the AAA third parties as much and if the first parties don't interest me well that's fine they are for other audiences and not me.

With many third parties on old gen why not. People seem to forget some consoles have large userbases because games come out for them still they don't care about the latest (to a degree of course), best graphics and so on.

Same reason people don't care about back compat either. If they care for party games or whatever is accessible they will. I mean if they will buy up remasters because that one game or many spoke to them by all means they will. Or oh the hit tv show, will they buy the old one nope the shiny new one in those cases.

Why should people upgrade. If Just Dance was on Wii for so long, let alone sports games or other games from PSP ported to PS2 why would you get a PS3? If they have a DVD player/PS2 why a PS3/blu-ray player. Is new nice yes but at the same time not so for everyone.

PS4, Switch and Series S have close costs. Still getting third party games even if not first party they can the ones that are available. I don't see a problem. Do they need the latest thing nope. For sports, Just Dance, for any major or AA/Indie third parties nope. Is their system seller the big games maybe not. Whatever niche/casual games may be. To me I don't buy the system sellers most care for.

My game tastes are way different of AA/Indies I'd buy a system for. Even then I'd buy a PS5 why because of the hardware, no Gamepass, I don't buy digital so no Quick Resume use. I would for the Dualsense/PSVR2. I would because of third parties I can't access. But am I desperate nope. Not even close. Do I have family with access to the consoles yes. Do I care nope happy on PS4 seeing how they run and getting them cheap, exploring all my retro consoles as well. I'm not missing out. XD

I am happy on a PS4, I bought Playlink titles and will use the apps from dead Android sources that's how much I'm interested in novelties and peripherals, I only care for third parties on both my Xbox One and PS4, my Xbox One is literally a blu-ray player and back compat system besides odd Xbox One games I want to collect/if I don't see a PS4 copy. I'm good. XD

I use my Switch on occasion. It's gimmicks and games are fine. Wasn't as exciting as the Wii U was for me but still a fine console hardware wise. A PS3/360 handheld by all means I don't care about graphics I do gameplay. I research failed consoles, successful and failed old games, I just don't care.

I enjoyed Balan Wonderworld, do I seem like I care about flops no I still play them regardless to see how the product turned out and set my expectations. I got my Rayman 3 suit game experience and that was that. No dev, no chao garden, no Nights/Sonic, no none of those expectations.

I still have my retro consoles hooked up too. Collecting games. I don't need a PS5 because oh it's new, oh it has this and this. So what. Got other things I want to experience instead no new new new, fomo, fomo, fomo. Couldn't care less. I know my taste in games modern wise and I'm selective, retro I'm also selective and researching.

They may move to Switch/other platforms sure but they may not. Get 1 console and it sits there because a fad or just for 1 game and that's it. 1 game is all companies need.

I mean the SNES videos of the time may still apply why upgrade? Do people think it's a scam to upgrade, do people see games on the current gen at all, are they happy collecting.

To me PS5 has no games I want personally. It has games I'm not the type that says that I love my Wii U/Vita and it's niche games, it's first party IPs, I have tons to explore on those systems I don't care about the major third parties I care about the Indies and AAs they are my system sellers for me but not for others and that's totally fine.

PSVR2/Dualsense are cool but enough third parties nope. First party don't interest me the niche games they used to have aren't there.

My definition of console sellers aren't most peoples.

I myself don't even care about current gen. I'm only buying third parties, I'm waiting for games to either push gameplay which they won't, use the hard drive besides load times but for a gimmick, Rift Apart was scripted heavily and didn't do it so nope. It's a standard Ratchet game, I've played many of them, the story/gameplay wasn't enough for me even as a fan of the series. I don't care about cinematic, story driven games I care about gameplay. Got plenty of games on retro consoles to research and play with more varied mechanics left behind and more exciting to look forward to.

Re: Tomb Raider Trilogy Remaster Has 'Plenty More to Share' as Fans Question Lack of Gameplay


They look fine. I'm intrigued. I am more the Gex trilogy returning to modern platforms. I was going to get them on Vita as the eshop is still up but have held off for PS4/Switch if they do releases whenever time they do.

I haven't seen copies of these Tomb Raider games on older platforms other than Angel of Darkness so far (or the PS3 collection of the modern ones before the reboot trilogy of 2013+ entries) (I would buy them up if I did find the PS1 games in retro stores though).

Camera/controls and resolution is fine but other bonuses from past Core Design devs or Edios/Crystal Dynamics or whoever at points would be nice if possible. Any cut content put into a menu to showcase maybe or detail about it? I doubt it but would be nice then just 'oh we sold 3 old games with new or upscaled visuals/control tweaks and making them current controller API compatible or whatever the case'. That we can 'assume' then knowing what they actually did with them or rebuilding parts or whatever the case of source code/assets they had access to.

If bonuses like concept/behind the scenes and more would be nice but I doubt it. I miss that Lair and Heavenly Sword offered those and you got them in the Ratchet games on PS2. I know it takes time but it's why I find even Blu-rays/DVDs nowadays kind of disappointing for bonuses. Which for remasters would be nice 'if they have the footage' that is. Or the games already came with them that's fine.

If merch of a Lara figure, t-shirts or something, not my thing but would be nice for some people I guess. Or a digital artbook of concept art/digital soundtrack.

Re: PlayStation's Head of Third Party Deals and Acquisitions Gives Insight into How It All Works


I'll give them this for assistance whether Xdev or other studios or just support for the platform in dev, in marketing in funding, in whatever of exclusivity they have done a great job for third parties for a while now so never questioned them. That and third parties filling in the year while first party are busy works, they have done a good job of that to get people to want and use their PS4/5.

I don't look at all of them but I mean I am interested in Stellar Blade still and what it comes to be eventually. They have done well no denying that.

First party don't interest me. I have been buying up retro games for my older PS consoles or other platforms or third parties on PS4, more so AA or Indies current gen or older years.

The closest first party (London I guess in this case) or second/third is Playlink titles like That's You/Hidden Agenda (those 2 so far) and getting the apps off dead Android sources. Because I'm that interested and bored why not buy up these novelty party/quiz and whatever games (like the Buzz or Singstar titles which I do somewhat have my eye on Buzz games/controllers but not that interested) nowadays and a side of PS4 no one really talks about as much as Move or EyeToy or PSVR. I liked the Playroom/Playroom VR apps showcase minigames after all and other console/peripheral gimmicks.

I bought up certain exclusive, certain no Square Enix 2022 games in 2023. Valkyrie Elysium PS4, Diofield (multiplat) PS4, Tactics Ogre (2nd remake of 2nd game in series) on PS4 (multiplat). I only get SE games on occasion but they had genres/gameplay I was interested in for once so that was good to experience. Platinumed Diofield, was a struggle, was boring at times but I enjoyed enough of it. It needs more mix ups of levels and the 2 character restriction levels. Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea or Wargroove challenged me more and kept me engaged in level design, mechanics and obstacles/tasks to do.

Square Enix tactics games seem to do that push story and the gameplay just kind of is there (even if frequent amounts of regions and gameplay input) but is so repetitive after they teach you and expect the challenge/party layouts and spawning of enemies to be good enough, it isn't if the level design, bonuses and more kind of suck and repeat.

I can't be bothered to play them if they all end up like that. It's what's held me off of Triangle Strategy and Front Mission 1st Remake besides the prices. If Triangle Strategy is like Utawarerumono series with lots of visual novel moments and little tactics that's fine but still some grinding/tons of story only convinces so much.

Forspoken I cared for the gameplay regardless of the Sony cinematic influence on it (I replayed Order 1886 out of curiosity after all and a few trophies) and the memes of the voice acting and other things but I will get to it in the future.

I bought Balan Wonderworld I didn't care I got my Rayman 3 suit experience and I had fun with it regardless of the state it. I wanted it, I had low expectations, no dev and this and that expectations at all like everyone else.

For me it was fine on PS4 compared to Switch or PS5. I do need to go back but I did experience at least every world in that game and put a fair amount into the Chao garden like minigame in the hub world.

The Indies while I haven't experienced exclusive ones really and I may get Kena physical at some point I won't deny the scouting of such studios for support in whichever way they have has been really interesting in showcases and in getting them released what aspects behind the scenes we don't see but what we players do see. Not all titles are for me but that's totally fine.

Re: Analysts Anticipate a Tougher Year for Live Service As Sony Aims to Infiltrate Sector


Trends go too quick, but first party ones I think aren't ideal sure they get more of the money but is a cut that big of a deal when it's multiplatform and your the platform most people acknowledge is the one most are going to? Like come on. Let alone GT7 keeps getting updates. Sea of Thieves does it's job.

Owning it yourself doesn't make it better other than oh we get more of the money, wow great observation right. If literally has the look, gameplay, world, themes, atmosphere and more that is convincing enough. Why would customers care if it's exclusively on PS platforms and has lacking appeal of the world/gameplay/selling point of updates/roadmap, whatever characters, whatever cool aspects of it. They seem to forget that part a lot. The Devs know, the business heads seem to not realise that.

Just because Isekai still exists 10 years later doesn't mean all the good ideas have or haven't gone and it won't last forever and the stupid ones are convincing but is it like old Isekai not in the slightest none back then were as stupid of spinning up ideas as they are now of desperation.

Gameplay wise something has to give, licenses have to give, updates/world changes have to give.

Whether a battle royale, varied multiplayer modes type/whatever particular direction it has to stand out of multiplayer ideas or a game that's singleplayer but has a focus of such service levels.

The ones that push the hardest (aka many quick and smart crossovers, compelling varied content to change it up) while a challenge. Shows which ones know how to go about it and games taking way too long to even get started just are too late already.

The ones that have succeeded still will, or they will fade out as audiences get bored/look for something else or go back to whatever else gaming or not they were doing.

Could Sony pull a MAG again? Probably not. A Twisted Metal (vehicular combat return like other sci-fi racers have where Sony pushed WipEout to mobile because reasons after Omega Collection to branch out but also kill it off quick because where is most of their audience/competition hmm not mobile that's for sure even if some exist there on mobile it was too crowded with other games let alone the console revival of the sci-fi racer games).

Let alone Nintendo went you know how to bring back F Zero (even though Mario Kart has taken many aspects that set F Zero apart and outsells it because of character appeal/name even though F Zero is the more gamer heavy, ohhhhh I see why even besides the sci-fi/differences it has compared to more weapon/kart racer sci-fi racers too or mode differences) by making it a low cost effort of the SNES original and updating it. Is there nostalgia yes, is there a new audience yes, is it easy to expand on yes. Will Sony do such a thing at a small scale? I doubt it even though it would be effective to do so and easy to kill off just as quickly if it flops.

Sony needs to remember small games exist too and small projects are cheaper, sometimes well appreciated by audiences and low budget. They have audiences it's just they want 'big' and well big takes too long/is too risky. No WipEout fans really cared when they knew or knew about WipEout Rush. I mean better idle games exist and better manager games exist console or mobile likely or can have it in Gran Turismo games of old even with B Spec.

But they can sit in that mindset all they want while I buy up their legacy popular and niche IPs from PS1-3/PSP/Vita then first and third parties on those consoles.

Re: Former Call of Duty Dev Says Decisions Made by Bobby Kotick 'Made Our Games Worse'


Milking MW in name only clearly not a good idea.

The more studios working on Warzone/main entries, a waste of their time when they could be doing more. More games. More flexibility. Better working output when balanced better.

Less employees and better management of before in the older games, better quality too. What else wasn't surprising.

Hope they do well now. But seeing as Microsoft also pushed Forza Motorsport to be more boring with Motorsport 5 to 8/reboot in safe design and many tokens/online required and more. Halo being a mess too. Sea of Theives and others are probably doing fine but I'm not playing them.

The other IPs whether Indie or AA devs have had some good games come out but that doesn't change much hope.

Am I buying Activision games no. Only their retro titles. I want to see some IPs return from both Microsoft/Activision happen but do I have much hope no.

Bethesda still pushed Arkane to do Redfall a game structure they weren't used to. Did WB with Monolith for Hogwarts Legacy (both studios with no open world experience at all of prior products) after saving them when Disney killed them? Who knows they still follow formulas after all.

Some studios can do well but just following trends doesn't cut it. COD and Candy Crush work as their 1 game people focus on for those platforms. Microsoft can have more mobile games maybe? But at the same time wanted Warzone, they wanted COD advertising they don't care about the other IPs why would they. Voodoo Vince remastered is fine, Blinx 1 but no Blinx 2, others. Project Gotham Racing series would be worse if they did actual make it return let alone compete/have a lesser name than Forza Horizon and it's current direction. Fable/Perfect Dark may be fine we will see.

But they need more going on. I only care about the old Activision IPs for Xbox BC at the moment, if not that (I doubt they get added to the BC program at all even though Bethesda titles still did after the purchase) getting the PS2 versions instead physical then the OG Xbox/360 versions physical to put the disk in is good enough for me.

Spyro 4 maybe but even then I'm not that excited for it. Character weight, replacing Spyro 3 Sparx levels rewards that didn't happen (as quality of life in the other games), fair modern changes, eh modern changes aside. I hope it's varied but I don't want Spyro 3 like bloat. I hope not.

Let alone Indie platformers are too Mario 64/Banjo design. I already have no interest in them why because other N64/PS1/Saturn and more platformers were more exciting, varied ideas, mechanics and more fun level design. Clive n Wrench is a fine game but I'm more bored then I am having fun with it. Demon Turf is fine but even still. Give me more exciting platformers Indies. Because I keep looking for original Indies then I do nostalgic Indies.

Re: Pour One Out for Gran Turismo Sport, Now Delisted from PS Store


Will a cup of Apple and Blackcurrant/water. Never was a fan of this business practice but GT7 and Forza Motorsport offline are worse. But yeah it's Jan 30 or 31st they go offline. Or you can stop your internet and see how it will be a month early. I did last year and it was clear how much is accessible offline. A fair amount. No saving. But still playable half the game. Half as in the licenses/driving missions have more events not accessible only the first half of them are offline. That's all your missing out on. It's not arcade mode only and no saving from those. Cough Cough GT7.

I am playing whatever I can of GT Sport before the servers go and I keep it as a reminder or replay 1-6 more because no issues and don't care I missed out on the 5 & 6 online events at all when the rest of the career mode/other modes are there and I have other old racing games to research and play instead or other modern racing games without an internet connection and save file editing/server withholding nonsense in them.

So a raspberry to GT7/Forza Motorsport.

I knew about the servers going offline announcement a while ago and moved it over from my external hard drive to the console for last month and this month to put effort into it before the brand central goes. (I had to make remove and beat Diofield, beat No Straight Roads and others last month).

Sport mode/online I don't care for, but brand central going is annoying for progression.

Even trying GT Sport without internet aka the firmware update, aka PSN goes down if you don't update so thanks Sony for me to be able to test that last year/months ago and it was interesting seeing what progression you have and how much is available offline and how far no saving goes. It's good but not great.

Let alone licenses/driving missions if someone can't get far enough into the game to unlock the rest due to lacking a server save. There's where GT Sport is unbalanced. It's still more than GT7 arcade mode/music rally only but still it is an issue with the game if you don't get far enough in to access the other half of those modes content especially as some of them are really hard blocking you from achieving that. Especially the many laps ones that feels like a mini endurance event it's just bad.

I know what modes are still active (it's better than GT7 that's for sure offline) but at the same time the grind to get to access all modes is bad.

I am far enough along but I looked over what cars I need to access all career mode events offline (already done the licenses, experience and driving challenges so it's the remaining career mode events) and at least 1 of the 20 mill cred historic cars and the Merc Benz F1 at 2 mill are left.

I don't care to grind for the 20 mill ones just the other.

The lap counts are a bit ridiculous, the AI cheat no matter if base stats, the tuning 1-3, or 1-5 level scaling, whatever tweaks, I just can't win later game events or even the high level arcade mode AI because they cheat. The games always had this problem but even if I don't like the handling mode, I know right someone not liking a realistic/simcade physics model no way. Yeah I don't like it and I can't compete with silly AI. Are they more expressive like GT5+ of noticing you on the track yes but sometimes as bad as GT3 and stubborn and speed up a lot out of nowhere just not from the pits I mean literally even short lap events they cheat.

Re: Poll: Was 2023 One of the Best Ever Years for New Game Releases?


For me no. Wanted Dead, Clive n Wrench, Disgaea 7 (demo so far will get the full game later), Pikmin 4 (was disappointed in it), Pikmin 1 & 2 is fine, no motion but they are still more fun. Bayonetta Origins (is pretty good so far, its different but also fixed the issues I had with Bayonetta 3 besides being different it has similarities more refined and better executed I think).

Playing 2022 Square Enix games (Diofield, Valkyrie Elysium, Tactics Ogre 2 remake) and older games on PS4 or older consoles I didn't get around to last year was fine.

I think prior years AAA, AA and Indie/closer teams prior years were better of impact, game design, story telling and more.

But for 2023 only games I didn't care for the big ones yet again, they just don't appeal to me personally but the ones I was were fine but not great.

I enjoyed the retro games on older consoles more or any I researched, then any of the 2023 PS4 games I played this year (not interested in current gen so third parties only for me on PS4/Xbox One and only bought OG/360 for Xbox One besides older years Xbox One games in 2023 nothing current).

Re: PlayStation Reveals Most Played Games of 2023 by Region, Is Basically a Waste of Time


Not surprised, brand names, comfortable/consistency for many people. What else is new. Casuals will play whatever annual game, whatever trending game that's been around for years with continuous updates.

Like with certain long running tv shows, music artists, anime, whatever (anime casuals same thing whatever in a certain realm they never branch out past hit shounen or Gibhli (I mean same can be said for western animation movie studios too unless another pops up out of nowhere that's good) and us deeper gamers/anime fans go whelp we will go further and have nothing to talk about with these surface level people).

People get comfortable. Spend money on tons of stuff but upgrading consoles, or moving on from other games, or just socialising because games are to waste time not a deeper hobby like for many of us with shelves/digital libraries full of games. Their hobbies and interests are limited than us that go all out on many corners of entertainment media it's why getting 1 to stick is so hard for businesses sometimes I guess. So us hardcore are the ones helping them out, noticing Indies the most.

Unless something is put in someone's face of something new and them being open to it you get round ups like this with any medium.

Not a bad thing but some games lasting in such a way or the next purchase do make some years I assume for them blend together (unless the updates were memorable) or just kind of samey. Or they just go outside so much and socialise and have fun with the few things they have repeated until the next one in said annual/next update/next song/next tv show season.

Even as a gamer (that isn't only current things coming out/releasing) I do have to go oh yeah that came out in 2020-2023 as I just forget.

Not because I'm on PS4 still and do research of what is on current gen only for one but also just what came out as I am so focused on anything retro or certain old games part of the PS4/Xbox One/Wii U gen to think about current stuff unless it's articles.

As someone that like many other gamers/collectors buys retro games, or plays those a few years old on a platform or whatever current year games.

Yeah while this year wasn't good in my experience for big games I didn't play or care about and those big I did (that disappointed)/AAs and Indies that were average of 2023 yeah (besides the older games as well)....... I got by this year with many retro purchases this year having more fun because 2023 kinda sucked for game releases I looked at, but didn't for many other people.

Even my year wrap up was what Disgaea 5, Conception Plus (a PSP game remastered), Ride 3, Infamous Second Son & Diofield if just talking PS4 games I played the most (even if probably 1/5 what I bought this year maybe and 1/3 what I bought for PS4 in 2023 probably) it counts, no Vita, no PS5 (because I don't play on PS5s I have access to/care for one).

All a few years old even besides my Switch, Xbox One and of course PS2/360/PS3/OG Xbox/Wii/PSP and DS games of this year.

I played Eragon on PS2, for New Years morning, what a very unique year to start out.

I enjoy licensed game searching, shovelware and most importantly, niche games with great fresh left behind mechanics of 5th-7th gen and digging history wise into 1st to 4th gen.

But yeah JRPGs, racing, the odd Infamous/Order 1886 to beat them, not trophy wise I mean, so older first party as not interested in current first party, some AAs of Wanted Dead, Indies of Clive n Wrench, Outbound Ghost, Gravity Tricker's demo was fun of some Kula World on PS1 but modern.

2021/2022 Square Enix releases besides whatever Switch experiences of Pikmin 1&2 and Bayonetta Origins for Christmas and enjoying, Pikmin 4 I hated, Wreckfest was good, 360/OG Xbox on Xbox One and that's it. Besides retro on other platforms. What a year.

Re: God of War Trilogy PS5 Remaster Rumours Surface from Suspect Source


Doubt it and I got most of the series and binged it on PS3 (1&2/both PSP in 3D besides one of the PSP ones for PSP) or GOW3 on PS4.

I'm good but for others that don't go back to old consoles (besides streaming for some regions) maybe it's worth it but if the camera/controls aren't will people care. Or the story being as father son focused.

Also the new ones being reboots but Sony wanting their mature IPs to get it, and they have done Last of Us 1&2 enough. No Ratchet future trilogy story focus to lead up to rift apart at all?

No other IPs?

Re: Pornhub Reveals 2023's Most Popular Video Game Characters


Always interesting data, whether search terms on console's web browsers or in general. People find different sources of characters and different aspects appealing. It is always interesting, creepy and more. I mean any alien, fantasy, whatever characters, whatever character designs, whatever dialogue, whatever game appearances even in crossovers I guess.

I mean this is news. It has no graphical imagery. The topic is fair to cover. It's not like the UK PS Magazines that were pushing the line more with graphic imagery, dumb contests, phone numbers to questionable things and more. That's what inappropriate to children content in a magazine shouldn't have done in the 2000s but did. This isn't that bad it's clean but gets the news across even if not a child friendly subject we can't just hide some information from people.

Then again I can see no connection to ecchi games Sony/Microsoft at all just clean games that people think on a certain level about and what they search/what characters/what they use their consoles for. Hmm interesting.

Re: God of War Creator Says Kratos Has Lost His Way


I don't know enough about him nor do I care.

Kratos had a family prior, now has a second family with Atreus. I think people think oh Kratos was only a killing machine but was he? Did his brother in the PSP game change much, did the main story entries family characters in cutscenes.

I think it varies. I don't mind stories in a sitcom with guys working stuff out I'm fine with it. I don't mind a father son dynamic in a game or a tv show. Does it depend on the scenes yes, but do I care that much now not really. I'm not one for relate-ability or emotional story telling so to me the story was fine, I just didn't like the gameplay/level design/missions.

I just found the Horizon world more interesting, but I had no interest in the open world/missions in it. Cauldrons I thought would be the better part of the game and I didn't like them either.

The characters are fine though. I don't mind them being focused on of certain details, scenarios. I don't mind whatever sitcoms cover of family matters/character presentation (I say as re-watching Family Ties, not talking modern sitcoms with this), or games. But it's not a priority for me in games.

He may have changes because of Atreus and others after the events of the other games because the prior family was prior to the events or during battles of the previous games.

I don't find the character that much worse or better between entries just the gameplay and story telling wasn't for me.

I prefer the niche Sony IPs same with Konami, same with Capcom, same with many others.

The major IPs aren't for me and the continuous Sony IPs just aren't my thing they changed them for a different audience and while that's fine I just don't like the direction they went in gameplay and story. Ratchet, God of War, Gran Turismo.

Re: Insomniac Hackers Allegedly Leak Terabytes of Internal Information


Marvel series not surprised. But Ratchet costing too much even for how scripted it was, the PIXAR like expectations they set themselves is just insanely dumb.

I think cutscene time, many staff, expectations are too high. Better time and thought needs to be put in. Ratchet games never get DLC either which always surprised me. Only updates with skins/pre-order bonuses and other stuff.

Then again Sony, Namco encryption and other studios to protect their work/their secrets. No wonder they go with other DRM solutions at some studios they can't be bothered to make their own hacking measures as good as the past in games even if this is a breach of the company's servers and more not a game DRM solution I know it's different.

Did Song of the Deep (besides being Gamestop/EB published in 2016 same year as Ratchet 2016, Sunset Overdrive was 2015, Spiderman is saving them while their projects just aren't suited to profits from casuals only hardcore Insomniac fans or the odd outsiders that find them curious games) sell well only Insomniac fans like Tourist Trophy (GT4 with bikes) with Polyphony fans know they exist (regardless of being a 2006 game).

The Ratchet series survives off fans so playing it safe kind of sucks these days I find as I want the series to evolve but it doesn't not anymore it doesn't. It's too much a risk I get that but still.

At least they have fan support right? Well some of us, and the odd new players.

To me Ratchet was a PS5 system seller, most other mature titles aren't engaging of game design so why would I pick them up I already don't care for major third parties from the west, I'll pick up AAs from the west or mostly Indies/Japanese AAs as well. Or even more of my money going to $5 PS3/360 games or other retro games of particular prices low enough for me to care/keep supporting my old consoles and game design I actually want to play.

I don't care for anything else on PS5, GT7 was PS4 and isn't for me design wise. God of War lost me. Stellar Blade is still being worked on. I can wait for WRC2023. I played Ride 4 and didn't like it (it's ideas great, playability too pro scale for me to be playable) and if 5 is the same like Ride 1 & 2 were of a transition between consoles no thanks. I got my Square Enix 2022 titles on PS4 and even then wasn't desperate for them.

Rift Apart was 2021, Tools of Destruction was 2007, both new gen, both similar safe games, both different eras. One was in a release Ratchet and Resistance every year or two. Now it's more spread out but still within 2-3 years to keep them going as they can't use up more money and their teams just manage well like Obsidian do with like 3 projects or so going between their 2 studios.

Re: Sony Wants PS5 Games to Automatically Adjust the Difficulty While You Play


I'm all for dynamic difficulty or more depth in difficulty tuning. Or give me a slider. Ark or Minecraft did with resources why not percentage or +5 health or +6 damage sliders, AI range of suicial, acrobative, or others with movesets and types of enemies and leaders and grunts varying in the options or is that too complex for casuals so they won't add it. Or too much for Devs to expand upon.

Hence why I mentioned survival games I know offer them.

Then again Minecraft had a modded offer that in 1.8-1.13 I think for world gen, ore range and more. It was complex and simple as you wanted. Now 1.13+ buffet is the most eh template thing ever and sucks thanks Mojang you hired a modded and now their idea is gone and dumbed down.

Then again pistons are less launching people and more pushing blocks too.

I like having Dev like tools (but ranges they allow us to go for so it's not completely their level but still maintaining the settings we want while still following their respected rules and not cheating or are but still fairly.

I mean I play games for challenge with less health, upgrades and restrictions I put on my self with old games but don't modern as they are too deep in skill trees and difficulty to be worth it.

AI/heath/damage are so eh. Not much further sometimes but varies. I mean even Forza and GT AI for racing can be pretty eh. Some defending, fake outs, spin ours some may but not by much, I mean I can't even defend as a computer in b spec why Polyphony it's pretty simple to do and a basic feature of I can party/defend why not with cars as a computer player.

A lot of work for some genres don't happen.

Currently. Ubisoft was pushing it and they have well in some games but others I mean where is the movesets, where is the enemy types, where is the level design tweaks, puzzles, I mean Biomutant made me go so you can go gas immunity but not animal movesets traits like Space Station Silicon Valley an N64 game did food chain logic and animal ability for many animals. Why is Biomutant just an animal version of what humans do I get they are anthropomorphic but still it's pretty weak gameplay. Design and exploration and for quests to be more restrictive or accessibility by movesets to each region.

But that's probably my Gran Turismo challenge brain talking. I know the event restrictions well so even more restrictions I put in myself but well for animals their movesets are fun not sprinting on 4 legs but still heavy character weight like humans. I hate modern game design blandness lacking yet an N64 game made animals more interesting, same with Chameleon Twist a great tongue move that no grapple game has done since no chameleon game has done since of Scaler or Yooka Laylee even, if it wasn't clear modern games movesets suck and are repetitive and boring.

AI to respond more dynamically. Bosses maybe as more health then general enemies you get through. But even still. Maybe a blueprint for enemy types and they and their group over the radio to a higher rank or AI brains pass their battles to others of a nest or network.

Any insect or robotic enemies a game can go about that. I love brainstorming these things it's so fun. Will never happen though.

A Binary Domain or Vanquish sequel or unique new robot enemies in the game.

Whatever setting, time travel or just a SciFi city/future land environments.

I do play normal not hard but even those that play hard you o own it's stats, not puzzle difficulty (more eh puzzles unless dedicated puzzle games or auto skip buttons), level design difficulty and skips and changes, actually updating games to be more flexible not stats that are so easy to tweak values of then animations and movsets. Why because it's a lot of work and Devs won't do it (understandable why of course but would still be cool besides yes the amount of effort I know it will account for) but could. Been waitng years, still won't happen.

I think up a lot of game design and hardware changes, still won't happen no matter where I post or what I think and Devs don't read or care.

Too costly, not worth the effort and pushing games forward why bother.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


@Grumblevolcano Agreed and for multiplayer hits yes they have servers for their games but do small scale royales. Tetris 99, Mario 35 Pacman, F Zero 99 and more. Quick projects, some third party ones.

They scale them accordingly, not overly massive projects that studios think needs to happen. Sometimes small ones are fine. Besides Tetris, Mario, Pacman being big names and F Zero 99 may lead to more who knows, probably not but it's game design that was expanded or cut down to suit the format (Mario 35 being a few parts/few levels strung together).

If even speedrunners/challenge youtubers can work this stuff out using existing games it can't be hard for studios to work around their assets/new assets for smaller games, different modes to existing ones if they want to.

Just like getting better times in a racing game, finding challenge in what restrictions people want to add (seen many racing game challenge videos, limiting themselves on what they can do due to the games having particular restrictions in events, so could be country limited cars, could be what brands, no upgrades, only prize cars/no buying, whatever unique systems the game has, switching to the next always, 100s of possibilities with old games depending on their design to allow for that while some new racing games are too restricted, too linear, too impossible to make a challenge around then restricted but balanced/open enough, means how much further can we go but it's still playable/dissecting the game technically too) because they know the games inside and out already what they can do to add/remove rules on top of things.

Upgrades (can apply to any skill tree game but it is too harsh as games usually base themselves around it, probably earlier games where you can ignore them more or any games with stats not being too high to impact the game, so probably any games with certain gear or low stats. Played Ratchet Tools of Destruction without the skill tree it's weapon differences aren't that important compared to other games so it's possible even if the base armour runs are their own difficulty settings then later games.

I played Scaler with no abilities other than camouflage 1 as you can't progress the game without it but base attack damage, base bombs, no camouflage increase upgrades and more, it was tough but an interesting experience to survive combat encounters, use 1 bomb and work around no convenience of the others, for combat or for collectibles whichever suited more to risk), people do Ratchet wrench only runs and more, particular details, limiting one's moveset, base stats, anything is possible with anyone's board game house rules as well.

It's why I don't find the roguelite ideas for Ragnarok/Last of Us 2 that bad of projects to work on, they are minor additions to those games, probably fair amounts of enjoyable for players to experience.

2 Remastered is a hit and miss but depends on how much the series/that entry or that content means to someone as well.

Re: DLC Review: God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla (PS5) - An Essential Epilogue for Fans of the Series


So roguelite because trends (and to see each devs attempt at such level gen sure but I don't expect they are that much, the assets I assume are reused a bit and that's understandable of course for a DLC/bonus mode and such but of which enemies and such across this game, the two games maybe?), it's free so that's a bonus, understandable why they did it but still even if the game already has high sales but maybe not enough so oh it's free, get people to buy the game?

I mean nothing is a second time success, not always. Good enough yes, consistently is rare for some things unless the brand is strong enough or it's been running for many years or other possibilities to keep 1 game/brand going.

Fair challenge I assume, the base game had fair references and conclusion and this does in it's own way. Makes sense.

Thing is only if you like the current two games I assume and didn't try GOW 2018 or never touched them and dropped off or liked Raganrok and yet roguelites aren't your thing maybe? Whatever possibilities. Whatever they do next though who knows but if it's the same gameplay, camera angle and story telling then.............

The new locations/mythology will be nice to hear about at least.

Re: PlayStation Blog Wants Your PS5, PS4 Game of the Year Votes


Wanted Dead, Pikmin 4 was eh, Disgaea 7 played the demo, Gravity Trickster played the demo, Bayonetta Origins not played yet. Clive n Wrench was ok.

I mean Forza Motorsport for racing.... Ha I never laughed so hard. WRC 2023 or Ride 5 (even if don't have high thoughts of it because it's Ride 4 again and I didn't think Ride 4 was good of playable just cool ideas) ripped of a chance sigh not surprised.

Wanted Dead. Yes I played not big games this year (not missing out) and my tastes of games I wanted were just as average or worse this year then last year where playing the 2022 games I wanted to this year and they were good/better than this years to just as average after a while of playing them or beating them.

I also go for gameplay, so graphics, story and more nah it wasn't a game good for that at all. Neither were the rest either they were fine but game of the year nah. Good music eh. Good characters sure in many of the games they were.

I know besides the Nintendo games even my tastes never get close to noticed or selectable if that's how they formulate the listings then just the user adding in their own and not a bunch of preselectable options.

Nor will they ever and that's totally fine that's what makes playing different games interesting, but I just don't care for the types that get noticed for game of the year most of them aren't my thing or bore me to death. So I couldn't care less what games get game of the year anyway.

Re: PS Portal Was the USA's Fourth Best-Selling System in November


A brand name situation like expensive shoes? I assume so who cared for a handheld, names and emotion towards them matters more than practicality doesn't it to most people?

Those that did buy it for practical reasons I understand that there is a benefit to it as a niche for off tv play (playing while watching/listening to TV, playing at night and so on).

But those that did for brand name/a new shiny thing and no understanding of it yeah.......... That and however much Sony had of stock too. Lets see about the next wave to be sure if it keeps going.

I won't buy it it isn't for me personally even as a uses remote play rarely, like handhelds, wants dual screen support then I'd consider it. Give the Indies sometimes to work with like PSVR2. Not a single screen device with not much going for it. If Deux Ex was willing to make Vita remote play second screen like Wii U for the PS4 version of that game then tell me why we can't have Indies or certain AAA use it for more than single screen Sony?

There was a bunch of SmartGlass/Second screen phone apps around the early period of them in 2012 and whenever. Why not again, a second chance.

This device is just PSP, Vita, phones, PS Portal, the 3rd/4th time doing remote play 10 years in to get people to use the tech, understand it, still struggle to with the PS Portal trailers.... but Chromecast/Fire TV/Apple TV are more widely understood in their own way right? Who uses a phone app on Android, maybe IOS has it to laggy cast their phone. Only a small percentage I assume. It isn't good but I mean it's something besides the not as bad as that of the PS Portal/Vita remote play, Xbox, Steam Link then the local to each device and not wifi approach of Wii U.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


While not for me. For those interested it's unfortunate. Second though why would Sony waste such money? They can't compete with multiplayer successes, especially not an exclusive one it's a waste of time. It's a waste of resources too. What they do best is probably more worth it. They did PS3 era multiplayer/PS4 with Uncharted 4, if it didn't do much then they should have known then.

They think too much about money then 'oh this competitive title will flop' yeah I wonder why. I don't have much experience with Naughty Dog multiplayer modes but did it have to be 'that' competitive at all? There is multiple ways they could have done it than such scale/expectations/Jim pushing for every big money making possibility then what the studios are good at, what fans expect, what DLC they can make to support it then multiplayer on that scale and oh Fortnite is big, yeah and it has crossovers and way too far ahead. Why bother. Make what works, and small multiplayer, or small project spins. Not look at the big giant in a space and keep trying to combat it. Last of Us Factions would compete with Ubisoft's offerings, COD, PUBG and more. It's always too crowded, Fortnite works because of it's artstyle and it's business model the more realistic ones can but I mean a tv show and cinematic stories makes sense. I don't care for them but it's more aligned business wise and what newcomers/fans expect not something of a survival mode or other things. The world is an apocalyse yes but did they need to go so far no I don't think it was worth the time and money.

I mean it's like the Mass Effect multiplayer team making Andromeda, they can but is it a good idea, no, multiplayer/singleplayer design is very different after all and requires different things especially in ongoing 10 years or forever climates even if they wanted 2-5 years or something at least it's still a lot of work and too much to split teams up or dedicate that much time to.

Then again the roguelike elements for Part 2 Remastered is a surprise, needed no but kind of cool even if just trend following still even if not something the studio has done before so it's different still but I mean Resistance 2 was enough for me to just go 'why Insomniac would you waste your time' and 3 had more of their DNA in it so like why not keep on track not trend follow and waste your time.

Did they not learn from GT5 and Last Guardian at all? Their biggest Japanese studio spending and development hell projects being pushed back so far.

If they knew it took too long to work out details/progress wasn't going well the first time they should have cancelled it earlier or did they and we just only hear about it now? Which is likely.

Either way why not get a multiplayer skilled studio instead? Why Naughty Dog if they yes had done Uncharted/Crash Team Racing/Last of Us (I know staff vary in a studio over the years and split screen offline vs. online is different and multiplayer has changed over the years).

Also isn't Ghost of Tsushima's multiplayer enough for that kind of thing? An Uncharted 3 style multiplayer chapters was awesome it's one of the things I did a few times in that game with a family member. It's the reason I keep the PS3 copy as the PS4 version doesn't have it. Or however Factions successor would be? Or Last of Us 3 has more story importance for the tv series to continue I guess? So postponing/cancelling.

While I am just coming up with possibilities I still don't care. I haven't cared for a Naughty Dog game in years. Let alone many of the current IPs but I still acknowledge them as existing for an audience out there and interesting to see what they come up with on the sidelines.

Re: Kratos Voice Actor Underfire for Roasting New Call of Duty Campaign


Is it funny in a way yes. Professional though not in the slightest of course.

I don't play current COD games but I won't deny what they do is tough and the quality is there. Are they the same ever year technically no. I've seen the 3 studios (obviously many assist with assets in multiplayer) do many interesting spins in the campaign from loadouts to mission structure to stealth/movesets and more from WW2 to modern to sci-fi and cut off sci-fi. They have tried many different angles by this point and I congratulate them on that it's hard to do so every year make them different. They may be slightly and the level design or story telling may or may not get worse or more basic and that can be a good thing for the audience their targeting. Many of us clearly do prefer different games and that's up to us.

COD always ends up a punching bag and however many of us actually see what they do or go 'oh it's annual it must be bad' even though as someone into non-annual racers it's hilarious to me people go oh 'annual ones and non-annual ones are to be treated the same'..... why? They are the only connection is they have cars. That's it. They are completely different games but for idiots who know nothing about them I'm not surprised they group them because it's easier then having brains. Oh there is guns/military it must be the same. Yeah...... since when are the events, Black Ops and other forces 'the same' the umbrella sure but an umbrella is just that. Not all the same just a category they fit into.

Even besides the 'accessible game' it has been over the years of the casual shooter for people to play a tutorialised campaign, an action movie, many NPCs help you, you can easily get through them, they do or don't

I do feel for Sledgehammer though most people prefer Treyarch or Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer have done many things and I liked Advanced Warfare and WW2 they were good. I don't play multiplayer but to me when people said oh Ghosts sucks I was like? But Advanced Warfare whenever I saw the multiplayer menus were like still building it up while Ghosts had the same modes as past games? I didn't see the issue at all.

The COD community is confusing to me I'll say that.

I don't play the games, I don't care to anymore but yeah being a punching bag without context because people in general, actors or otherwise not even part of the games, and fitting a narrative/joke/meme and don't know the context, don't care about the context, yeah clearly very unprofessional and very ridiculous I don't deny that.

Clearly the devs have heard it all and move on but yeah some people just throw shade/jokes for the sake of it.

Re: Poll: What's Your Most Anticipated PS5 Game of 2024?


Honestly no idea nothing has caught my eye yet.

Other than Stellar Blade not really fussed for anything else. (Aka almost a Bright Memory Infinite moment had no interest in COD, BF or Halo and it still was the most exciting Indie shooter later whether that happens with Stellar Blade no idea).

Warhammer Space Marine 2 I'm kind of into but even then I haven't gotten into the first game that much but want to just been busy with other games and other shooters even that are modern but retro.

Helldivers 2 and Sand Land are probably fine but just not my thing.

Do I think Grandblue Fantasy Relink or FF7 Rebirth are great yes, am I into those types of JRPGs no.

Do I care for most of the western IPs there not really, no, none at all. Like cool for Tomb Raider older entries then the more PS3 trilogy I have access to but even then. Anticipated not really just a cool bonus port/remaster.

Prince of Persia is probably fine but I have the others to play through enough still and I'd rather Sands of Time remake or the original. A 2D one is fine but if it's metroidvania to fit trends then not interested if it's a 2D platformer like the older entries then sure I may give it a go in the future. I mean Rayman is behind DLC since Legends released years ago so....... Got to support something if Ubisoft keeps trying but pushes the others and I know Red Steel 2 VR won't happen either. I have nothing to care about with modern Ubisoft as it is.

The other Japanese games don't do it for me of world/game design appeal I'm into tactics games or visual novels not fighting/turn or real time action linear/open world JRPGs at all and the Indies are fine games but not of my taste like others have prior years.

There isn't anything genre wise I'm really into here. Like Test Drive Solar Crown is probably fine but I mean it's an open world racing game, a genre I don't care for and most circuit/A to B ones have been hit or miss besides WRC 2023. Ride 4 & 5 are cool in terms of features in playability hard and pro level so can't play them. GT7/Forza Motorsport 8 are just boring/bad in so many ways I'll never touch them.

Re: The Game Awards Is Getting Ripped for Urging Award Winners to Wrap It Up


I mean there is saying things, there is what meaning we as an audience get from them that we ourselves don't feel but they do when expressing themselves. 3-4 hours, did they cut it down or make it longer. Some jokes/skits/memes/moments drag on and I just don't care. I came for announcements. It watched it when it ended so skipped what didn't care to see thankfully. XD

There is the tons of advertising, the trailers. I mean the Joystick awards have better flow for one but not as much reveals as the Game Awards as it's not it's goal. But also fan versus industry/critics awards presentation differences.

I don't take it as rude, I can take the 'thanks my staff in a manner of speaking, my family and more' but I mean there is only so much to say without dragging it on and to mean that or something else that can bend it way too far sometimes.

Re: Thrasher Is a Mesmerising 'Cosmic Racer' from the Artist Behind Thumper


The cursor like movement gave me Child of Eden and Rez vibes. It's probably not that but who knows yet. I know it's not but it looks like that than how Thumper is or a cursor space.... cosmic something looking racing, rhythm whatever they have planned no idea yet.

I liked Thumper but it was tough to play, got to early Second range of levels but not much further, either the 2nd boss or something I did struggle with the 1st level of the 2nd range of levels but I think I got further, loved the idea though just it's a challenge that is worthy if up to it.

Re: Round Up: Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Reviews Are Torn on Ubisoft's New Open World


@Fiendish-Beaver that impression seems to be the case any time I see a Ubisoft game. Literally my family checks the reviews for any major Ubisoft game they are into and yeah we notice. I have no interest in their open world games but I do notice the differences the studios make even besides their design not being for me. The reviewers have their minds set for sure of praise or hate even besides changes between the games in the way they write. Verdicts or full reviews.

Regardless of the design some design keys or the studios in general.

Re: Round Up: Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Reviews Are Torn on Ubisoft's New Open World


The reviews were weird. They won't make a survival game. They will make an open world RPG with the IP.

I love the plants that PS2 era organics to it. Leaf trampolines. Vine plants to lift you up. So nice to have. The world isn't the same but gives me Scaler vibes that forest/swamp but good balance of colour and particles (minus the motion blur, maybe or not the distance blur or whatever it's called in the game as a setting). We stopped seeing that. I love games with more immersive worlds then it looks but doesn't act/animate lively enough because they are too static or scripted. The plants move and the player interacts with them in engaging ways. The team had fun I think with them and I love the plant life. The plant life is my favourite character not the moving people and fauna in the footage/world.

I think the movement is pretty good, it suits the Na vi and it's also engaging then the more heavy/formulaic moments in other games besides Mirror's Edge or certain ones. The character creator is a sure few options but no functional purpose just decorative is a bit eh. Biomutant's gas immunity (I had issues with it not offering more animal ability traits for swimming/digging/flight or other traits. Like come on make the animals interesting not still human level bland but a 4 legged sprint animation, there is a reason I find platformer animals from 5th/6th gen more interesting and even then just because oh they have weapons in 6th+ plus doesn't make them better their movesets in 5th gen without weapons showed how interesting and still unique they are even today because 'no one' or 'rarely' do devs want to push them that much again, what a total waste of potential nowadays we don't see again) or some RPGs I think setting things is more interesting then just visual options.

The outposts seem a bit weak which as someone who isn't a fan because the level design/tools don't change what level design doesn't. Aka like GT7 who cares about cars if there is no new tracks to drive is and challenge the use of them. Aka a tools is less fun if the level design doesn't change. That's the problem with many spaced out and more possibilities but if the design doesn't have much use for them or feel good enough why should I care. Whether an explosion, whether electrifying water aka Bioshock, whether other things. More interactivity. Sure the wiring like Watchdogs is there but where is the more interesting tools and interesting environmental triggers.

Too mechanical too static then more oh I see that and that. It's why I can see people going I love the fire offers wind to up sail in Breath of the Wild that element can be in games but most don't. Not saying it's a Zelda only thing but as I wished more did more player interactivity like we used to get would be nice then static worlds all the time with limited interactions.

They don't have to be only explosives and breaking apart the world even though that would be nice just more things the player can do. If crafting is possible, why not the crafting logic (not meaning building mechanics I mean the level design personality lacks) of the world as a playground not a playgrywoth too many stop signs/rules/laws/don't in it. That's boring. It's a video game give us a world that's more livable.

Whether weapons that aren't just guns and bows but plants and more. Not just tipping arrows either.

It why I liked Journey to the Savage Planet or Pitfall The Lost Expedition that not using manmade but using more organic and irregular elements it's just more exciting, more fun animations exaggerated or not. Not safe, manmade and boring.

So with an interesting world alien and fictional then eh open human worlds and cities and boring done to death things give me more exciting worlds, exaggeration of organics of them.

There is a reason I found High On Life so cool for the weapons (not played it) the designs and what they could do is cool. It's why I like Ratchet games weaponry not always categories of weapons and visuals and functions being so been there done that.

In another review the AI didn't have that Valhalla/Odyssey or Far Cry 6 elements. It isn't a bad thing as The Division isn't known for that but I was surprised still as used to thinking they would have shared tech or attempted it themself. Or Ubisoft pushing AI. Not all have to though just surprised they don't have Na Vi fight for you but mention they would over radio. XD

Loot system has its issues it seems of score/stats/ and which you get/craft/buy.

I am very open world picky of design, this isn't my type of open world at all (Sunset Overdrive give me more tower defence missions or platforming challenge ones other open world developers I don't care for outposts or some general missions but some of them do need to be there still to suit situations, Darksiders 2 hub based and content or Infamous Second Son fun side missions eh story missions gameplay wise fair story) but at the same time I can tell they mixed things up somewhat here. By how much no idea. How much story/themes over same gameplay no idea probably a lot as that does happen.

The world and the setting aka Na vi and human war besides the project with the Na vi inbetween makes sense for the world in the films.

I think the graphics are fine. Snowdrop is beautifully used for sure. The world looks how I think Pandora would. The varied areas we have seen.

By that you can tell how far gaming has come. But they can't replicate Cameron and his team's tech and well I notice gameyness always but it looks to capture it well. But CGI versus games are very different of course.

I won't play this game but I won't deny they tried and put an interesting spin on their formula still. I can tell when Devs put effort in even if I don't play their games.

Far Cry Primal was enough a sign of kind of what to expect, besides The Division studio being the one behind it. The world makes sense, the tribal angle or mix of that and the Na vi in the project with human weapons.

The outposts make sense, the rest no idea what half the side missions or story will be besides footage/trailers.

Ubisoft I think put a fair spin on the world in certain areas and understand the IP.

I found the simplistic combat one to me was hilarious I saw on metacritic yeah sure. Some games are far more basic let alone can have good worlds but I don't think Ubisoft ever makes basic combat ever unless it's Rayman as it's a platformer and accessible but still has varied moves still in other areas.

Re: Layoffs Confirmed at F1 Developer Codemasters


F1 games have been hit and miss of quality of races, besides their changes/features. As far as heard/seen of footage but I don't know enough as haven't bought the recent ones. Either way sucks to see layoffs. If QA sure I can understand but if not then hmm questions there.

EA and their control too. I do wonder how the F1/WRC licenses will go, if Grid will survive even loved Legends improvements (It wasn't perfect but it was improved over 2019 and well I binged it to Platinum, rare for me with any racing game especially a modern one as hate most of them).

It was probably my 2022 game of the year as everything else I either hadn't played till 2023 and bought cheap, was disappointed by or something else.

Wish the best for Codemasters.

Re: GTA 6 Dev Laments Unfortunate Trailer Leak: 'This F***ing Sucks'


Unfortunate but it happens. Better control over it.

Me I couldn't care less not my type of game. The themes/content/setting don't appeal to me. I even played Liberty City Stories, PSP aside didn't care for it. The writing was boring, the controls were eh and I've played better on PSP and it's limitations of 1 stick they play way better than it does.

Granted a lot has changed and I got a cheap (pre-owned physical so no I don't add to the current GTA5 sales at all, not digital) GTA5 copy on PS4 with the physical map to try. But I'm not holding my breath for excitement on it. It's for curiosity and that's it.

Good on them with making it/supporting an audience/using the current consoles power then the PS3/360 base GTA 5 was to PS4/Xbox One. But I'm not missing out on anything my taste in game design is different then what people look for in games like these.

The worlds aren't gamey exciting to me. The satire may be something/romantised worlds but they aren't compelling I'm fine with other forms of parody then just too much on reality/whatever themes or even crime thrillers just never were my thing either (I also don't find elements of reality to be immersive/exciting. I mean most that aren't don't for me and even then I see past the character models/actions or and such) so they will never appeal to my taste. They have a place to exist though.