Comments 219

Re: Suicide Squad Backlash Doesn't Stop Warner Bros from Doubling Down on Live-Service Games


What these folks don't understand is that IF someone wanted a "live service" game, there is only room in their schedule for one.
It isn't like someone is juggling 3 or 4 of these types of games.
The major opinion through this thread is correct. Single player experiences is what is gaining attention and money from the gaming public. Best example from this year is BG3. For every live service game put in the market, it causes another live service to fall by the wayside. This represents much time, talent, and attention that could be given to a quality single player game.
I predict that Suicide Squad has the shortest shelf life of any WB game IF it even comes to market.

Re: Borderlands Studio Gearbox May Be Sold by Embracer Group, It's Claimed


Ideally someone like Take Two or Tencent can get them and help them back on their feet with borderlands 4.
I am constantly surprised that folks would want Tencent to gobble up more of the gaming industry.
Look at how much of the gaming space they already own.
You do know that this a communist regime that wants control of things that you interact with online?
Would MUCH rather have Activision or other companies take over these folks. We do not need more Saudi or Chinese money taking control of our hobby.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 (PS5) - One of the Greatest RPGs of Our Time


That is great that you decided to jump in with both feet.
The folks at Larian Studios certainly deserve to be recognized for making such an incredible game.
I fully believe on voting with your wallet.
I will also throw them more money for anything they make in the future until I feel they don't deserve it any more.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 (PS5) - One of the Greatest RPGs of Our Time


"I should also wait but damn its hard . And now a10/10 review… ***** 😂"
I know me... but I bought it on PC and played it there full price and then bought it on PS5 at full price to support the developer.
Just letting you know.... this game is phenomenal!
So get it now or get it later...but do get it and support this type of attention to detail in a game.
I imagine I'll get 500-1000 hours out of this game before I wring it dry. And maybe more.
My two cents

Re: PS5, PS4 Owners Are Understandably Irate with PS Plus Price Hike


I think this will all come down to the same thing that happened with the Red Dead Redemption coming to PSN. "I hate it... I will never buy it....etc." Then it becomes the best selling game for that month on PSN.If you are serious about PS Plus costing too much, don't buy it! Otherwise, just take it and fume to yourself.
I'll say it again, if you don't want something... don't buy it. These companies don't care if you are upset. They only understand sales. There are many things I don't buy any more. PS Plus is not going to be one because I play online with my friends. I will just buy it and be quiet even though I don't like it either.

Re: Sea of Stars (PS5) - PS Plus Extra's Retro-Inspired RPG Is the Whole Package


"Ok the big question. This or Chained Echoes?"

Wow that is a tough one. I loved Chained Echoes and thought it is a must for JRPG players. Have not finished Sea of Stars of course, but after about 4 hours so far and I'm just gobsmacked. So... both? Or choose which one you want to do first and pick up the other one later. That is as good as I can suggest to you right now. You really can not lose in this scenario.
I'm just amazed how good the games have been lately. I'm also playing BG3 on PC and stopped so that I can pick up and play that on the 6th on PS5. Really...really good times for RPG players.

Re: Round Up: Baldur's Gate 3 Reviews Rate It as One of the Best RPGs Ever Made


For those that have played, do you think this is too overwhelming with D&D gameplay knowledge and choices for a newbie?

Having played a ton on PC (and re-bought for PS5) I can tell you it is not overwhelming for a newbie. The game does a wonderful job of easing you into the game and explains everything you need to know in order to play. My wife has never played D&D (and not too many computer games) and loves playing BG3. In fact, I'm excited for this to come to PS5 so she can have the computer all to herself to play BG3, while I take up the sofa downstairs. If you are at all interested, I'd say jump in.

Re: PS Store Reloads with Almost 2,000 PS5, PS4 Deals


I had no idea. Here in the US, there are many places the sell used games. Usually these places sell used movies as well as used games. Never thought about used games being more than expensive than new games.

Re: PS Store Reloads with Almost 2,000 PS5, PS4 Deals


I guess many folks forget that "used" PS5 games are in the mix to be cheaper. I have multiple stores where I live that have great PS5 deals and I have never had a problem with any disc. In fact, these places always give you 14 days in case anything is wrong with the disc. If a problem does not show up in that time, you are good to go for your permanent collection. And, if I decide I really don't want something for my physical collection, I can sell it back or give it to a friend.
For example: (All PS5 versions)
GT7: $22.00
Ratchet and Clank: $19.95
Demon Souls: $13.00
Sackboy ABA: $9.50
Far Cry 6: $10.50
Frankly, none of the sales on PSN or from physical retailers like Amazon, Target, or Best Buy can come close.
Many folks turn their noses up at used games, but that is where the real bargains are now a days.
Just saying....

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Feast Continues, Cracks Steam's Top 10 Most Played Games List


"BG3 is a special game. A once in a generation game that will be played for years and possibly decades to come. Well done Larian. I could not be happier for them..."

I could not agree more. I was one of those folks that coughed up the money for early access 3 years ago on PC. I am dedicated PS player as I spend all of my time in front of a monitor for work and don't want to spend my gaming time there too. I played it for about 3 weeks all that time ago and almost spit out my coffee when it was announced for the PS5 in an early reveal. I immediately went and pre-ordered the console version. I did not mind double dipping on BG3 as I wanted to fully support Larian studios and put my money behind one of the best CRPG companies of all time. I have been playing it on PC for the past past week and wow...just stupendous. Now I just have to sit back and not play any more until September 3rd. Nice to know that it is cross play so that I can pick up my game right where I left off from the comfort of my recliner. I highly, highly recommend this game if you have any interest in RPGs or D&D. Fantastic piece of work. Thank you Larian Studios for going that extra mile.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Viral Druid Sex Scene a Potential Factor in RPG's Ascent to Steam Top-Seller


Sex sells and always has done. Look at all the buzz over Oppenheimer right now as it will feature full frontal nudity.

I don't think that is really a motivating factor in wanting to see the movie more than it is the latest "Nolan" film.

You can get sex in all kinds of media, why pay extra for it?

And for BG3. I think people that that scene was funny, but more likely, the fact that folks saw you can do crazy things in the game also pulled folks in who were on the fence.

I really don't think there are folks forking out their money to do "Bear Sex".

Re: Hideo Kojima Clarifies Involvement in Death Stranding Film Adaptation


"I can only imagine where I might be in life if I liked myself as much as Kojima likes himself."

Although I respect Kojima's designs, I think having this guy on the set would be an absolute nightmare for a director and producers. He is going to be prattling in their ears constantly with himself at the center of the conversation. I would hope that once production starts, they don't have Kojima on the set.
With a background in this area, I can say with certainty that movies are not video games and vice versa. Kojima is a brilliant man and a fantastic game creator, but when it comes to looking past himself, he has a blind spot.

Re: Mini Review: Garden Simulator (PS5) - Grow Your Troubles Away


Sounds about as exciting as watching grass grow.

I guess for me, it would make more sense to just get up and go outside and grow some plants in potting soil.
I usually like to do things in games that I can not do in real life.
But if others enjoy something like this... then I say more power to them. You do you....

Re: Well-Liked Immersive Sim Weird West Gets 4K, 60fps Version for PS5


"no mention of free upgrade..I fear the worst, bearing in mind they're calling it a 'Definitive Edition'"

Was thinking the same thing. Here's hoping there is at least an upgrade price over going in full boat. If they are look for full price, I will pass on this until it hits a deep deep sale.

Re: Nacon Knocks Up Cricket 24 for PS5, PS4 in June


I guess I'm not the one to talk. I love video golf games and they are certainly not what folks rush out to buy. So everyone enjoy what you enjoy. I'm all in favor of that.
Fact is, as an American, I really don't know the first thing about Cricket. Maybe if I did, I would get the game's appeal... or maybe not.

Re: Steam Deck Support Not Naughty Dog's Focus as It Fixes The Last of Us



Depends of which version of the Steam Deck you get. Short answer, pretty darn well. I have a deep PC library and most of it runs flawlessly on the Steam Deck. I would head over to YouTube and watch some of the reviews to see if it is something that might fit in your life. I do like mine.

Before you get one though, rumors are that Sony has something new up it's sleeve and many believe it might be some sort of portable. No verification... just saying.

Re: Poll: Did You Enjoy the Diablo 4 Beta?


"Question is: PC or ps5?

PC is a little better but no family sharing."
I think the answer to your original question is PS5 if for nothing else then for the couch co-op. Plus it looked really good on PS5 and the interface worked pretty darn well.

Re: Microsoft Thinks It Hasn't 'Pulled Any Games' from PS5, PS4


They're just constantly lying. Why aren't regulators calling them out more?

Because most of these regulators have been paid to allow the deal to go through. Doesn't anyone else think it is odd that the attitude was, "...I don't think this is a good idea"....into, "we see nothing wrong with this now."
Bribery pure and simple is my theory.
Certainly simpler than throwing even more money at lawyers.

Re: Mini Review: Demeo (PSVR2) - Dungeons and Dragons Experience Is One Roll Away from Perfection


Based on this review (and the others I found on Open Critic) I bought this game yesterday, and Wow it is fantastic!
Now I don't have a PSVR2 (yet) but the fact that it includes both flat screen and PSVR2 in one package is superb.
I guess I could have waited for it to go on sale, but, I really wanted to support the developers.
IMHO great development should be rewarded even though it cost a little more.
Played on my big TV and it really felt like I was playing D&D again.
Did the tutorial and then set up one game solo (I did have 4 adventurers) and enjoyed it, but then I played in a pick up game and man, it was a blast.
The multiplayer was fast in finding a group and the guys I played with were really nice and even though I was a newbie, they helped me understand a lot about this game.
And, I understood from them that the community as a whole in Demeo is really great and worth the effort anytime you are LFG.
So, bottom line, if you have any interest in this game, I highly recommend it to you.
It's fun, engaging, and a fantastic realization of the D&D experience.
This was a great addition to my PS5 library.
And, someday when I do have a PSVR2, I have another game along with GT7 and NMS to add to that future library.

Re: Out Today: PSVR2 Brings Next-Gen VR to the Masses


I would love to get a PSVR2, but I just can not afford it.
I'm on a fixed income, so unless something changes down the road, I just won't be in a position to afford the kit and the extra money for the games.
You all have fun though.
I'll be going back to my backlog.