

Anything Playstation. Or Nintendo!

Comments 143

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


@WizzNL it's the same type of person who gets a mini bought for them, and never waves at other minis.

Maybe they got a ps5 as a gift and have absolutely no idea where any of the bots came from.

Or the type of person on 'who wants to be a millionaire' who, when the audience is asked, puts a stupid answer so they can see thier vote.. lol

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


It's a 10/10 if you have are a playstation fan, knowing all the games and references.
If you had to nit pick and look for improvements, timed runs should have been included from the start, and, more importantly, abilities that you get from levels should be able to be carried over to other levels, like Skylanders or mario with the big and small mushrooms.
Going back to each level as the mouse could open up new areas inaccessible previously, same as with the sponge power up, etc...

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Vampire Survivors?


The fact you get the PS4 version, and the PS5 version, and there are literally hundreds of trophies across a triple trophy list makes this remarkable just for that.

Luckily, those trophies are achieved by playing an excellent game many, many times.

Looks awful, is a single stick shooter with no fire button, so should be worse than beserk in a world of robotrons, but it's actually a fantastic game..

Re: Rumour: Sony Paying Close Attention to Handheld Market After PS Portal's Shock Success


What suprise success was that then?

If they are going on sales, I hope that's net sales, as most people I know through internet forums like Facebook took theirs back when they realised that the updates they hoped for like ability to stream streams were never going to come.
Like the psvr2, it was a conspicuous consumption item that people used to flex over others, only to find out it had little support or real function.

Re: PS5 Gets a Staggering, Officially Licensed 8TB SSD


2tb is fine. Had it since they activated the nvme port just after launch..

I keep all PS4 games on a 5tb external HDD, and all ps5 games on a 2tb Samsung 980 pro.

The ps5 itself is almost full of the operating system.. it saves to the internal SSD all the data needed to find the stuff on the HDD and the removable SSD. No idea how anyone copes with less than 7tb of extra storage!

Re: Deals: PS5 Price Cuts Continue with Savings on Consoles, Games, and Accessories (Europe)


My first PS5 is a release day machine. Used daily for everything from gaming to streaming. My second PS5 is a second edition and has never been out of the box. It went out of warranty in the box. I really don't care, because I made the decision to be an early adopter, and it's odd that the same people who were feeling all smug cos they got a console or headset early are now feeling butthurt because of the inevitable price drops.
Ps5 got cheaper because it's the 4th edition. It's been made of cheaper components with smaller boards, less plastics, cheaper to distribute because they weigh less and you can fit more in a lorry or freight plane.
Vr is cheaper because it was dead before it released.
Guess what? Your portal will halve in price soon, because they are crap.
It's just the way things are and will always be.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Took 60 Developers Around Three Years to Make


@nomither6 not sure if you wanted an answer, but on psnprofiles it's almost a quarter of a million players that have seen it all the way to platinum, something like just under half the number of people who have launched the game and are members on psnprofiles. And that's just one trophy tracking site.

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


Having been a relatively early adopter of the first revision of the first psvr headset, with the lighter wires etc (which I'll always call PSVR2) I knew from the disintegrating rubber headband, the uncomfortable heat of wearing the headset in the summer, the low quality shovelware that was churned out like chocolate buttons, and the very few good titles like astro rescue mission, I guessed that the actual PSVR2 would have maybe a couple of games I'd like to experience, but I wasn't prepared to pay about £350 for each of those two games.. for an investment of £600 for a headset, and £50 per AAA game, you really need to spread that cost out over 50 games really, all of which still cost £12 extra each once you divide that £600 between them.

Re: Astro's Playroom: All Special Bots Locations


Bit of a misleading title.

We all know where they will be.

Memory meadow, gusty gateway, behind the ape escape bot

SSD speedway, turbo trail, where gravity rush girl is juggling the apple up the wall

Cooling springs, frigid flies, where the bot is waving the race end chequered flag. (You could probably backtrack from hotel hopalot checkpoint, to be fair)

You'll just have to wait 30 days in between each

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


Well, I play on my PS5 most, but it's usually PS4 games as they run better than on the PS4 pro.
I occasionally boot up my PS4 pro because the PS5 likes to hide PS4 games that are also PS5 games. It's good to check the 4 because you'll miss out on double trophy lists.
The vita is used occasionally, last week I bought an uncharted game.

The fat PS3 that plays all the PS2 and PS1 games I have, sits next to the PS5, wondering what it's done wrong. But at least it's not in a cupboard like my PS1's.
I have a UK and an USA PS2, but that gets used for Gitarooman and dance games with a mat controller.
Even as a day 1 PS5 owner, and owner of three PS5's, I still wouldn't push the PS5 on someone who is still happy with their PS4

Re: Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fail to Meet Expectations on PS5


Rebirth had the problem of being part of the FFVII trilogy.
Personally, on remake, I couldn't be bothered to do the last few vr fights, or do the entire replay of the game to get my last few trophies. Rebirth is so much better than remake, but not everyone will know that as the first one was very mink coat and no knickers.

FFXVI likely suffered due to the swearing for no reason, and that Dacia voice over guy. I was glad that for once, a Japanese game would not have phrases like 'candy' 'sidewalk' 'gee whizz' or any other American localisation phrases, but even as a Brit, the awful UK voices were jarring after a while. Also, XVI wasn't a real final fantasy. It was more a devil may cry arcade game..
I honestly can't remember ever having to alter my armour, change my weapon for an elemental advantage, or cast a certain spell to maximise damage against individual foes. You just put your best gear on with the best stats and hammer away. Once some people knew of the idiot mode you could enable using rings, it likely deterred some strategy fans as they knew anyone would easily be able to platinum it

Re: The New Free-to-Play Skate Is Going Big on Customisation, Licensed Brands, More


Depends if they are completely cosmetic, or if they give you an advantage permanently, like higher Ollie's,.more stable manuals, etc.
Having played 'happy dungeons' and 'is it wrong to try to chat up girls in a dungeon, battle chronicle' I know only too well that permanent bonuses and new areas you have to pay for that enabled better rankings in competitions do really make a difference.

Re: Stellar Blade: How Long Does It Take to Beat?


Handy article. I haven't taken the plunge yet as talk of 20-30hrs was originally used to describe the game length.

Just out of curiosity due to the 'censorship' hype, is it true the Japan version is uncensored on disc, and if so, does that mean that the Hong Kong version will be too? HK versions are usually the Japanese version with English as an option for select screens at a minimum, from what I've experienced

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Successfully Expanded the Series to New, Younger Players, Says Square Enix


I've been into final fantasy forever.
I came into the franchise very early, and still went backwards to play earlier games.

16 was enjoyable, but it was too simple for a final fantasy game. As some people have already said, more debuffs, buffs, elemental weaknesses etc should have been used, as I remember it as a bit of a one button bashing, wait for super move to charge, use and repeat.

I was also happy to not have the game americanised in it's translation. It really takes you out of the immersion when Japanese characters are saying Jeez, sidewalk, go to the mall, (not exact examples but you get the point)
However, having said that, and being English, the heavy English voice acting got pretty wearing. I remember it as almost a bunch of cockneys, like EastEnders does final fantasy. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I also remember a disproportionate about if swearing, which wasn't necessary.

Re: PS4 Is Still Getting Firmware Update Improvements, By the Way


We still have 4 PS4's in the house. Why wouldn't you? Even with a couple of PS5's, we can still play 6p linked burnout paradise etc..
No one is lingering... The idea that everyone would have sold their PS4 to buy a PS5 is odd, and who do you think bought them? Not gonna be people who don't use them, is it? Of course the PS4 is still alive and well.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


Quite a short sighted view really.
They will always lose money on hardware.
The PS5 has had 4 revisions that we know of already, and the development of the VR2 would have been very expensive. Seems sony have given up on that faster than the vita.
They will make their money back with the games and the subscriptions..
The thing about this sector is that any money taken, even at small margins, is money not earned by the competition.
Keep on plugging away and slowly kill off your rivals.