Comments 447

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 463


Metroid: Prime Remastered
Been waiting ages for the rumors to become reality, so once they shadowdropped this in the Direct, i bought it no doubt. Never played before, sure it feels like an older game, but the hybird of FPS and Metroid works great, it runs a beautiful 60fps too.

PC Game Pass
Citizen Sleeper
This is an intresting one, im streaming via mobile. Part visual novel, part survival sim, part RPG. Really odd combo, but quite intriguing so far.

Plague's Tale: Requiem
Loved the first one, was so underrated, happy to see it get a sequel. Looks gorgeous on PC, and story is quality. Gameplay wise, it really feels like same old, at least with the rat stuff. Only did 2 chapters so far.

Until You Fall
Slick style, fun loop and banging music. Very fun, if unforgiving. Finally made it to the final boss last night...but got my ass handed to me quick. Will try again tonight.

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Be Worried by Live Service Implosion?


Im not too worried, i always assumed they were going for a 'throw everything at the wall' approach with it, how could they maintain 10 live service games at once? All they really need is for one or two to be successful and they can drop the rest (and let their first party return to what they like best). If their racking in multiplayer cash, it helps support singleplayer games that are expensive to make and less profitable. Im not much of GaaS gamer but Horizon in style of Monster Hunter could actually be fantastic, so im actually excited for that rumored one.

Re: Dark Pictures: Switchback VR Now Out in March, Misses PSVR2 Launch


@thefourfoldroot1 where did you read WD: S&S 1 is a free upgrade? I own it on PSVR1 and have been anticipating confirmation of its upgrade mode, l but thought it was TBA still...
EDIT: nevermind, i just stumbled across the news on Youtube. Thats great, i was wanting to replay this before Ch.2. Such an awesome game, will likely look great on the new headset...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 460


Outlast 2
About a quarter in on this one, i remember playing the first back in the day and it likely being the most intense horror game made, and ive pretty much played them all. Enjoying it so far, the visuals are great, and the enviroment weird and tense, but after playing a ton of horror in VR, flatscreen games just dont bring the scare factor no more.

The game finally clicked for me. It felt like it took forever to explain how to play it, but now that it finally has, im having fun grinding and progressing. The juicy Arkane gameplay is still there, just presented in a new and offkilter way.

At the final act, was surprised the story didnt end after the major events in the last act, but it continues to chug along. Still am intrested in seeing where its going, but with the big shift, im not playing with as much investment.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Just over the midpoint and playing via Team Beef's VR mod. This shooter is definetly oldschool, but quite fun to play in VR, asides from some nonsensical frustrating stealth missions, at least you can save scum those areas, or wouldve called it quits already.

Re: Mad FPS Atomic Heart Alters Visuals to Hit 60fps on PS5


@Trousersnake the studio has said they are open to it on Twitter but want to release flat version before pursuing. This was intially going to get a PSVR1 version but the tech was too dated so it was would look fantastic in VR, im holding off playing till they confirm.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 459


Horizon Forbidden West
Made it to act 3 over the week and will plow through when free this weekend. Got my weapons and skill trees to a good place. The combat, visuals and narrative are awesome, but the performances, dialogue and UI are just as grating as with the first game...dont know what it is, but that aspect still doesnt gel with me this time as well.

Slowly playing through this one via cloud streaming on mobile. Pretty much passed the midpoint. A rich and involving narrative here, really engrossed with where the story is going...

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Playing this title for the first time via Team Beef's fantastic mod. Its a pretty old school FPS i missed back in the day, but playing in VR gives the whole thing a fresh layer of fun, in what is considered the best Wolfenstein...good stuff.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 458


Horizon Forbidden West
I got all the way to reviving Gaia a few months ago then gave this a pause as i landed four months of free PC Game Pass. Thinking to dive back in, want to finish before i play Call of the Mountain.

Quest 2
Until You Fall
Bloody difficult but rewarding and addictive. Pretty awesome VR roguelite, and what a soundtrack!

Its a bit meh. Lovely visuals and decent puzzles, but it leans so heavy into Team Ico's aesthetic that it feels more like a rip then a homage.

PC Game Pass
Pretty fun, and its style has clicked with me. Am a bit annoyed that the Roguelite aspect sortve makes my favorite part of an Arkane game (the skill tree and finding upgrade items) irrevelant. Fair enough, they tried something new with their formula, its still quite fun.

This one took a while to warm to me, but now im near the end of the first act and im hooked. As an interactive narrative, it is really on another level. Fantastic and gripping stuff.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Xmas 2022 Edition


Merry Xmas ya flithy animals!

Just started this one up, am a big Arkane fan so this long overdue, the style and story are cool so far and gameplay solid as usual but it hasnt click with me just yet...then again, most of their games take a little decation before i grow obsessed with them.

FABLE remake
Thought to give this series a spin before the eventual reboot but have to say it hasnt grabbed me, i can totally see how this was groundbreaking back in the day but now seems pretty routine, dont think ill keep up with it. Anyone has an opinion if the sequels are better and worth me checking out instead?

I Expect You To Die 2
Finishing up my Quest backlog before i sell it when my PSVR2 arrives. This is such a lovely game, esstentially more of the same, but when the original is fantastic, thats a major compliment.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 457


Destroy All Humans remake
Never played this one on the PS2, but what a blast. Yes, its design is dated and the mechanics take a learning curve, but hell this pure silly and irrevant fun...they dont make them like they used to.

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Fun to dive back into the series after finishing the first a while back. Its more of the same with some streamlined improvments, but the characters are sharp but goofy, the puzzles tough but rewarding, and the premise tense and involving.

Quest 2
The Room VR: A Dark Matter
Wonderful VR puzzle game. Its thick with a cool creepy atmosphere, and the puzzles are strong and never too obtuse. Really enjoying my time with this one.

Wraith: The Oblivion: Afterlife
Man, i really wanted to like this one, and it has some great moments and ideas, but the stealth and movement is so clunky, its more frustrating then gripping, espcially compared to something slick like Jurassic World: Aftermath.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 455


Ive earned 4 free months of PC Game Pass after being off there for a while, so time to catch on stuff i missed:

PC Game Pass
Guardians of the Galaxay
What a ridculously awesome game. I burned through the first 3 chapters last night. Captures the movies to a tee, has fantastic narrative, witty dialogue and a surprsingly enjoyable combat system. Good stuff.

Midnight Fight Club
Love a good beat em up and this one is a really fun variation on the formula with meaty skill tree. Narrative is thin, but the combat is where its at, too much fun to flawlessly take out a room full of goons with swift style.

Quest 2
Thrill of the Fight
If you want a VR boxing sim, this is the one. Creed and Knockout League have fun moments but cant compare. Yeah production is cheap, but the combat is a really satisfying and challenging experience..its not surprsing its developed by an actual boxer.

Re: PSVR2 Gets The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR on Launch Day


@Bleachedsmiles thats intresting, i had similar feelings with Inpatient, i really dug the tense build up but yh, the finale soured it for me enough, thought couldve been really special but they dropped it.
I was lucky with RE8, they anouced the VR version after i got an hr in, so have paused it, and will start again in VR.
Im with you about Horizon, but the one factor behind it that has me sold is the dev, Firespirite. They did the absoultely fantastic VR game The Persistance. Its probably my favorite PSVR title, and has me hopeful they will be able to provide the necessary meaty experience behind the flash.
Anyhow, only reviews will only tell, i can see why ppl are skeptical about getting day one, but for me im more then hyped, the tech is truly heads above Quest 2, and im tired of the hit and miss experience ive had with PCVR.

Re: PSVR2 Gets The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR on Launch Day


@Bleachedsmiles yh Inpatient had a few solid momements (and an awesome midpoint jump scare) but was overall disappointing for me, felt like a major wasted oppertunity...espcially when the plot left the cell. Im curious, what worked for you about it? Yeah, Switchback doesnt solely sell me on day 1 purchase, but RE8, Horizon and being a VR entusiast, certainly do.

Re: Sony to Pump More Money into Chinese PS5, PS4 Game Projects


@KaijuKaiser i would argue as well that incrediable cinema has existed in China for decades as well, from arthouse, to cutting edge action that essentially changed cinema. I'm in agreement that it is a totalarian and suffocating system, but that does not mean worthy creative product can not emerge either...just not easily.

Re: 10 PSVR2 Launch Games Revealed So Far


Im really intriguiged by the sneak shop listing that Walking Dead S & S is getting a bundle with a PSVR2 version of the first game. Fingers crossed its an indivdual free upgrade, i would love to replay the original (without the janky camera tracking) before tackling the sequel.

Im fine with the launch list personally, ill have Horizon, and also VR versions of No Mans Sky and RE8, im set.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 452


Horizon Zero Dawn
This one has got its hooks in me despite me being fairly neutral on Zero Dawn, also i was burnt out on openworlds but this landscape is so beautiful and intresting that i love exploring, the sidequest are well thought out and meaty too, the combat is really crunchy and streamlined. Most importantly, the main plot is really gripping, so keeps me intriguiged for the next cut scene.

Diablo 3
Finally crossed the threshold on the main campaign and am on the Reaper of Souls expansion...i usually dont bother with DLC but this one seems pretty legit, we'll see how long i stay with it...its been fun but am ready to move on. For anyone who played, is it worth hanging on till the end?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 451


Horizon Forbidden West
Time to get into this one and wrap the firstparty backlog. Good lord is the world gorgeous, am enjoying. Really cant remember any of the side characters, but think the plot and sidequest have my attention better in this installment. Gameplay is still slick as ever.

Quest 2
Journey of the Gods
Cute adventure title, that plays a little like old school Zelda in vr (with Wind Waker artstyle). Fun so far, if abit repitive.

Doom (1993)
I set it up to play the orginal Doom nativly on the quest, with Dr Beefs incrediable mod. Also doing it with Map of Chaos and Brutal Doom mods, n it is ridculously fun...highly recommended, and not too hard to fix up.