Comments 447

Re: Mini Review: Creed Rise to Glory: Championship Edition (PSVR2) - Boxing Upgrade Bests Predecessor


@NEStalgia for sure, if this sounds good to you, dont let me scare you off. The reason ill skip is cause i already played it last gen. It has some really slick production value, and is fun, espcially as a Rocky/Creed fan, but some of the design choices (at least in the PSVR1 version) were offputting, like having to do a ski movement to move at all, and an irratating stamina bar that really just interferes with the momentum.Thrill of the Fight is develpoped by one guy who is also an experienced boxer. You basically go into a ring and fight a series of well developed AI, no weird developer choices are implemented, and it has cool additions, like tracking speed and power of your hits, so if you can throw a real punch actually well, it will majorly help you in the fight. It sounds like they did a stellar job of improving Creed, so check it out if your intrested in VR boxing, it will be lots of fun im just going to skip cause i just really found the TotF experience a lot more stronger so will wait for the sequel.

Re: Mini Review: Creed Rise to Glory: Championship Edition (PSVR2) - Boxing Upgrade Bests Predecessor


@Anti-Matter your spot on, i frankly dont have any idea what your looking for, good luck waiting for your ideal game to materialize out of thin air. Also a little tip, if you want third person combat fighter, dont be surprised when a VR boxing sim doesnt fit your needs, its sortve like getting aggro that a sushi restaurant won't serve you burgers and fries 😉

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 471


Was doing some tech stuff with the Quest 2 and got airlink working decent, so have taken a break from PSVR2 and diving into the PCVR backlog:

Quest 2
Wilson's Heart
An early Rift exclusive that i never tried. It is badass, yes the teleport only movement is beyond dated, but otherwise this is a fantastic pulpy horror game with an A list budget and voice cast. Sortve like an old school ep of Twlight Zone with an R rating. I burned through a third of the game last night and am enjoying, the puzzles, the chills and the plot twists.

The Climb
Man...this is how you do a VR climbing sim! No doubt Horizon CoM took inspiration, but after playing this, i really wished they wouldve copied it closer even, it would improved it. Crytek has given their setpieces consequence and suspense missing in the other game (although its rivalled in visual spectacle). Ill burn through this one and check out the sequel straight after.

PC Game Pass
Persona 5 Royal
Been neglecting this one this week, family and work have been demanding. Will try to reach the fourth palace this weekend and grind a little bit of those remaining Mementos requests.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 470


Resident Evil 8
Just got the last hour left when Chris becomes playable, but having to delay cause in laws visiting. Will wrap tonight probably. Such a stellar experience, Capcom really outdid themselves with making this a custom experience to the headset, plus as a game it really does a great job of touching the series greatest hits, from the terrifying survival horror of House Benevieto, to the blockbuster blitz of the Heisenberg battle...really great stuff.

Persona 5 Royal
My fav of the series by far. Just wrapped the third Palace, and am busy catching up on my neglected social not much for long games, but this one has its hooks in me.

Re: Soapbox: PSVR2 Already Feels Like It's on Course for Failure


Man im really getting tired of the medias constant doom and gloom articles around the headset...its been a little over a month, it has a great launch line up and the 'report' numbers are from a source that has been proven inaccurate not once...but twice, about sony manufactoring. Im not saying lets pop the champagne, but at least give the thing a chance...stop chasing clicks pls.

Re: Metacritic Crowns Sony the Best Games Publisher of 2022


@RunGMhx i see your point, but certainly a port or remake is an artform in itself? A mediocre job would result in a lesser metacritic, shouldnt a quality job then count? Its not like they are copy pasting games to other consoles, they put a lot of care into PC versions of Spiderman & GoW, and LoU remake.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 468


Plagues Tale: Requiem
Am on the last handful of chapters. Great story as with the first one, and love the ambitious scope of this time...that said, im kind of tired of the rats lol. I know its weird saying that, considering its a trademark of the IP, but in the first game those scenes had you horrified and at the edge of your seat, here its starting to feel played out (even though they give new tools etc), ive really enjoyed the parts that strayed from the formula, like the haunting level where you explore the cult island. Very good game overall though.

Persona 5 Royal
Good stuff, grinding and building up to the third palace. Best in the series by far, 30 hrs in and cant get enough.

After The Fall
Was going to dive into Switchback VR this weekend, but might hold off for the patch the developers have promised. Will also wait on RE8 for my prescription lenses to arrive, just been having fun playing this in co op with my buddy via his Quest 2. The Discord update is a lifesaver for our party voice chat crossplay. Im getting some decent loot now, first 3 levels beaten on Veteran.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 467


Im just about recovered from a gnarly eye infection i caught from my little boy this week, but it means ive had to keep away from the PSVR2 as its really straining for my condition. Hopefuly next week im good to dive back into RE8. Instead its all about:

PC Game Pass
Persona 5 Royal
Just finished the second Palace and love it. It truly improves on the base formula in ways i didnt imagine. The dungeons are much more intresting to explore and complete, the heist element is fun, and the fast travel and network options really trim off the fat P3 and P4 carried. Have a while to go, but am fully hooked...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 466


@Daleaf yh, once the controls click, it really feels awesome, however if its too much dont forget you have option to do different calibrations and (i believe) an easier reload method. Ive forgotten where stuff is stored a couple times, hit square and click Inventory Assign and it will remind you where everything is on your body...otherwise enjoy, im having a blast with it

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 466


Its all about the headset still:

Resident Evil 8
Best PSVR2 experience so far; motion controls, reloading, inventory, all of it is so fantastic once it clicks. Got caught up to where i stopped on the flatscreen, the begining of Castle D. Absolutely love it so far...

After the Fall
Had played this a bit on PCVR before, but after my Virtual Desktop settings crapped themselves for no reason, i just picked it up cheap for the new headset. Graphics wise its exactly the same, but haptics give this a little edge as the best version. Pretty fun, if simple title, basically Left 4 Dead in VR.

Gran Turismo 7
Still grinding this one at the end of every session for 30 mins to an hour. The races are such a rush...and im a sucker for watching the whole bloody replay right after too.

Persona 5 Royal
When i cant access the headset, ive been digging into P5R. Ive played 3 and 4 in the past and wasnt too entusised about this one, however, about 15 hrs in and the plot has grabbed me, plus I really love how they improved and streamlined a lot of the fat of the former games, letting you get right to the good stuff.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 465


@Kidfunkadelic83 dont worry, you will adjust, just call time out straight away if you feel quesy, then the tolerance builds quicker. Also play round with customisazation options and see what works best. Im a long time VR user but still cant tolerate smooth turning, i do fast locomotion with snap turn on everything...everyone is different though, have a play to see what works for you.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 465


Headset arrived on wednesday so dropped all other games to dive into it:

Horizon: Call of the Mountain
We always knew this would be a tech marvel but what about the rest? Im a big VR nut, so im spending lots of time going off path to interact with objects and drool about vistas. I usually dislike VR platforming, but this title does a great job at giving you new tools and challenges to keep it intresting, plus stealth while climbing is well suspenseful. Combat aint bad, it does a solid job of bringing series style to first person...although i miss the melee follow ups. The main character and plot are dull, but all the rest is incrediable...its 8/10 material for me so far.

Gran Turismo 7
Never played this series nor really got into racing titles (asides Mario Kart)...but in VR? Just wow. So addictive. Cars handle great, theres so much customisation and things to do, im hooked. Its amazing how appealing a title i wouldnt look twice at, is so much fun in VR.

Resident Evil Village
Just started it the other night. This isnt some rushed port, Capcom have done a baffiling good job at bringing motion controls to this, and all for no extra cost...and holy crap, the haptics from shooting the shotgun! It plays great so far but am going to pause until finishing Horizon, then give this my full time.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Atomic Heart?


Im holding out on the potential PSVR2 port. Its not fully confirmed, but the devs have said they are quite intrested in pursuing it after willing to hold out, i got plenty other stuff to play otherwise.

Re: Out Today: PSVR2 Brings Next-Gen VR to the Masses


@Perryg92 had the same, coildnt believe it had arrived today and was so light. In connection to Synth Riders, id say check it later...similar to Swordsman VR, the upgrade was only paid until a few hrs ago, now its free for existing owners. I think devs are just working out the kinks...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 464


After an epic labor since Wednesday, i just welcomed my second child this morning. Tonight will get some game time as mummy and baby rest in hospitol:

PC Game Pass
Plagues Tale: Requiem
Very enjoyable. Loved the first game, this one intially felt very same-y, yet now a few chapters in it feels like a satisfying step up in terms of gameplay n story. These triple-a linear experiences are rare nowadays so really enjoying this as it goes along.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Over the halfway line on this one. Very old school, but a blast to play via VR mod, even if some design is frustrating.

In Death: Unchained
This game used to be my addtiction, felt like picking up again to beat the third world (tough as nails) boss. Have a feeling once the PSVR2 arrives with Light Bridgade, im gonna leave this title in the rearview...better tackle it now then never.

Re: Horizon Call of the Mountain (PSVR2) - Pretty Platformer Reaches New Heights


Since when is 7/10 mediocre? Calm down people...on the flipside, I've seen this get stellar reviews elsewhere too (Upload, Eurogamer, GamesRadar), but if this isn't your cup of tea, no need to condeem an entire headset, you got GT7, RE8, Switchback and plenty more. Personally the appeal of strapping on a headset and immersing myself in Horizon's setting with top tier tech, is well worth it even if (according this review) its flawed. To each their own though...