Comments 447

Re: PS London Studio Making a Fantasy-Based Online Co-Op Game


@AdamNovice i get your stance but disagree for a few reasons, heres why:
1. Who says they wouldve revealed it with a screen cap during a State of Play? Sony have revealed games with just animated titles (e.g GoW Ragnarok) or brief cinematics (e.g Wolverine) so its not reason to dismiss it wouldnt have been shown in some minimal format. This game has been speculated for a while, why reveal it randomly this week? Maybe London was tired of being secrative and negotiated to at least reveal it at some level. We're both speculating, but you got to admit its a little strange...
2. Just because SH and RE had their own showcases is not grounds to write this off either. In fact, its pretty common a game gets its big reveal at a publisher event, then gets a more detailed follow up. Just off the top of my head, the RE4 remake breifly revealed itself in a teaser at a State of Play, then had a more detailed trailer (with gameplay) at a Capcom showcase a week later. Not sure why that couldn't have been the case with SH2 reveal here. Also the fact that the RE showcase had the opening animations of a State of Play plus Sony quietly involved in the presentation, but then no ps blog post or mention of it, seems pretty odd, and leans that there was some linkage at some point.
3. Since when does Ragnarok solely have its own marketing campaign? Its appeared at 3 sony showcases, not to mention was revealed at one.
Lastly, Sony have held plenty of SoP with non-exclusive stuff. Once again, RE 4 remake was revealed at the 2nd to last one and thats third party, before that they held one strictly around Hogwarts Legacy, and thats coming to Switch and Xbox too. Heck, the very last SoP revealed Yakuza Ishin! remake, which is also third party.
Dont misunderstand me, im not saying a cancelled showcase can be fully attributed to the Acti-Blizz buyout, however, personally find it weird to completly call it garbage...theres too much coincidence here. To each there own...

Re: PS London Studio Making a Fantasy-Based Online Co-Op Game


@theMEGAniggle i agree with you too that it wasnt the sole reason, just thought it was odd they had such determined kneejerk reaction that there was zero truth to it, espcially when theyve reported on thinner rumors with a neutral or even hopeful tone..guess everyone is getting tired of 'leaker' culture.

Re: PS London Studio Making a Fantasy-Based Online Co-Op Game


So, this past week...finally a reveal on London Studios long rumored online project, a detailed trailer for PS5 exclusive FF16, a surprise trailer reveal for PS5 (timed) exclusive Silent Hill 2 remake, a lengthy gameplay trailer for RE4 remake (that sony has an exclusive marketing deal with, and subtly hosted the showcase itself), today also a GoW Ragnarok launch trailer..look at the facts and tell me, why did Push Square dimiss the cancelled PS showcase rumor as ridiculous garbage?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 449


@Zuljaras fair enough. Sekiro is worth a spin, as it flips the script on the gameplay and makes for unique take. Demon Souls might be weird to go to after playing all the others as its a bit more personally i loved returning to it, but i also have big nostalgia. Anyhow, hope you dig Elden Ring, i still have yet to play it but heard its the best.

Re: No 'Concrete Plans' for Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake


Well after 4 releases, they will be searching for content to fill out their remake instalments that run parallel to new entires. A proper remake of 1 is probably priority, then theres only reall CV left (they act like 5 & 6 dont exisit anyhow) im sure it will become a possibilty. I hope so, its the only entry i never gave a go.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 447


Resident Evil 3 Remake
Just started the first hour and its as slick and polished as i could imagine. Never played the original (although have played 1, 2 & 4 multiple times), so its awesome to finally see what went down in this entry.

Diablo 3
Still grinding this one out here and there. Had to up the difficulty cause it gets easy after a couple of level ups. Fun, brainless gameplay...thats about it.

Quest 2
Lies Beneath
What a kick ass game! Incrediable artstyle, intresting plot, creepy atmosphere, and juicy gameplay. This title is way too overlooked...maybe a PSVR2 port would amend that?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 446


Horizon Forbiden West
PSN finally discounted it last week so picked it up. Brings all the triple A polish expected from Playstation Studios and am enjoying the story. Found the first one good, if not great...this one feels about the same so far.

Diablo 3
Coming to the end of Act 2. Play it on mute while wife is watching Love Island. Not much to say, am enjoying hacking through enemies and levelling up...its starting to feel a little same-y, so might take a break.

Quest 2
Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy Edge
Went back into this to finish Part 2 of the campaign. Coming off RE4 VR, which had incrediably polished user experience and item placement, this really feels cluttered and frustrating, espcially when your in a firefight and guns wont pick up.
The game has nice production, and looks amazing on the quest, but is let down by those issues slightly...hopefully they'll amend for the PSVR2 version.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 445


Hong Kong Massacre
This is basically Hotline Miami meets Max Payne. Tough game, but once it clicks, you'll be stylishing wasting fools like no ones business. Just near the end, will finish tonight.

Planet Alpha
Overlooked platformer. Is bloody gorgeous, and an engaging and immersive title. Dead simple but really enjoying so far, sortve a hybird of Another World's setting with Limbo's playstyle.

Quest 2
Resident Evil 4 VR
The original is likely my favorite game ever made, of course its showing its age, but playing in VR completly refreshes it. Its easier, since you can aim and move, and dual wield, but hell if it isn't as fun, and possibly even better. Been having an absolute blast with it, would be great to see more same era games be ported to Quest 2...GTA San Andreas VR has shot up in my excitment book now.

Re: Talking Point: Is a PlayStation Showcase Really Happening This Year?


@Uncharted2007 some valid points but on the flip side Sony's radio silent makes any small nugget of info given, feel like a drop of water to someone in the desert. People are constantly speculating and theorising what they plan next (e.g this article) can they be left behind when their constantly on everyones mind? The alternative would be what Xbox is going through this year by revealing pretty much everything, then getting egg on their face from delay upon delay, PS4 went through similar problems and Sony likely reversed their reveal policy due to this.

Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss Shawn Layden Lands New Job at Tencent


@Shepherd_Tallon its an intresting point, i mean Jack Tretton was technically more of a numbers guy then Ryan even, but came across great in public, his humble E3 apoligy for the PS3 outage was major factor in reparing the damage, something that Ryan would struggle with. Im not big hater on Ryan myself, i fully agree, their all about the profit, but people like Layden was a 'creative' in the field, therefore came across geniune with his steps and made innovative moves for the industry. That said, im just surprised with anyone that goes with Tencent because of the moral implications, espcially when Layden stepped away at a peak time for playstation because he wasnt pleased where the industry was going.

Re: Talking Point: Is Assassin's Creed Moving in the Right Direction?


I'm pretty burned out on the franchise, i used to pick the entries up on release but hit an end point with Odyessy, despite it being a strong entry, the Ubisoft formula is so played out. In my opinion the best thing to do is to put this on hiatus for a good while...but this is the publishers cash cow, so we're getting 10 different variations to see what sticks instead.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 443


Im out of the country so its Switch only, been cycling between these 3 games:

Ace Attorny Trilogy
Coming up to the last episode on first game, wow truly love it. Blown my mind about what a visual novel could be. The humor is adorable and silly, but the investigations and trials will have you on the edge of your seat.

Diablo 3
Feels great on the portable space. Never played any entry before, but have played games that we're inspired by the series so it feels familar. Just feels great to go out, kick all sorts of ass and grab loot. Felt a bit easy so upped it to Expert, am on level 20 halfway through Act 1.

Yooka Laylie and the Impossible Layer
Love myself 2D platformers (much more then 3D collecathons) and this one does alot right. Although really could do without all the hub puzziling just feels like filler.

Re: This Is Every Game Dev the Embracer Group Owns


@KidBoruto thats a strange way to phrase it then. Dark Horse has published several comic liscenses (Buffy, Aliens, Star Wars), as well as published original IP (Sin City, Hellboy, Concrete), not to mention dabbled in film production and (briefly) in video games - to say their only in charge of managing a brand like Buffy is not really accurate..espcially when its FOX (now owned by Disney) that manages the brand. The article does a great job in descriping the relevance of all Embracer's other assests, just thought to point this out for a possible better edit, since Dark Horse is a major get for these guys.