Comments 447

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 411


@Mintie thats great you enjoyed too, caught it randomly as it was easy to stream on my phone with touch controllers via game pass...the result is its made me really get into visual novels. Cant wait to check out more titles after i finish - Danganronpa 1 just surprised dropped on GP last week, so will probably do that next. I'm curious how your playthrough was? I'm currently close to the Iris path ending...which way did you choose?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 411


While my wife and kid are finally covid free, ive got the bloody thing since sunday, add to that got to work this saturday from home always, will find an hr or 2 to game somehow 😜:

PC Game Pass
Psychonauts 2
Loving this, the first one had a great story and world but annoying platforming, this one is alot more refined. Plus am a big Double Fine fan, and while the smaller quirky titles theyve made for the last decade are (mostly) great, its awesome to see a AAA title from them again, the first since the failure of Brutal Legend. I find myself just walking around and looking at the brilliant ideas and design put into this.

AI: The Sommium Files
Still moving through this one, not much to add. Its hilariously weird but also gripping. Coming up to the final day so will prob finish this week.

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Never played a zelda pre-Wind Waker, thought to start at the begining with Zelda 1 but just couldnt get into it, and have heard bad things about 2. Started this one and am hooked, finished the palace and am now in open(ish) world of Hyrule. Crazy to see what a major shadow this game has cast on all games in the genre still to this day.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 410


Still making my way through the same games, my wife and son caught covid this week (ive been weirdly negative the whole time) so the little man stayed home from nusery while we both continued remote working...not a lot f gaming time, but 30 mins here and there:

PC Game Pass
Halo Infinite
Got back into this one after a brief pause. I was intially burning through campaign but now am enjoying the side tasks. Its an enjoyable semi-openworld cause its not overwhelming busy work akin to Ubisoft, and is all doable without becoming a 2nd job. Am on the last third, lots of fun.

Was intrested in checking this one out in co op, however me and my mates schedules never work so am just getting on with it. So far, its ok. Some cool story beats and solid gameplay yet it hasnt really clicked for me yet.

AI: The Somnium Files
Still making my way through this visuall novel. Usuallly stream on my mobile with touch while wife watches her reality tv fix. I wasnt expecting it to be this long, about 10 hrs in and am only halfway! Still, its fun, silly but quite gripping...i have no idea who's done the murder.

Re: Poll: Does Sony Need to Take Action After Microsoft's Activision Buyout?


Sony just needs to keep doing what sony does, the same way nintendo does. It feels like these guys are no longer competing with eachother anymore. U hav nintendo going for the family/indie group, sony going for high quality consoles n exclusives, n xbox pushing their subscription n legacy features. I think the gap will continue to become larger this generation as they each fit into a seperate niche. Xbox couldnt beat sony at their game last gen, so they went a different route, a route sony cant compete in, yet neither can do what nintendo does (as proven by kinect and ps move). Theres no loser, all are excelling on their chosen path. Just pick which console fits you best, lay off the salt, and enjoy an exciting era in gaming!

Re: Sony Responds to Activision Blizzard Buyout, Expects Games to Still Come to PS5, PS4


@Shepherd_Tallon yh i think we have a similar thoughts. Multiplat still, but Day One releases on game pass and free/discounted maps via Ultimate subscription (as theyve done with Gears 5 & Halo Infinite) and also timed exclusive dlc (as we ve seen Sony do during PS4). That would still give Xbox a competive edge within legal means, plus they reap profit from sales on all platforms, but PS players would still get franchise access.

Re: Sony Responds to Activision Blizzard Buyout, Expects Games to Still Come to PS5, PS4


Looks like COD will have to keep coming out on all platforms due to antitrust laws, xbox would basically lock competition in the market in their favour which is not allowed. So it will likey stay on ps4 & ps5 but with day one releases and contet via game pass. I dont play the series so am not fussed but for those worried, if the deal goes through, they wont legally be able to reeact the Bethesda situation again.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Realistically Expect from PS5, PS4's Game Pass Inspired PS Plus Reboot?


From everything we've heard, it sounds like it's going to be a beefed-up sexier version of what Nintendo does for the Switch, rather than a Game Pass competitor: legacy games, subscription tiers, etc. It would be cool if they could offer a more flexible cloud streaming option with Now on portable devices (and probably will, considering the Axure collaboration announced a few years ago)...but unless they start offering Day One first-party (which they never will), it can't threaten Game Pass. They might be able to coax third-party/second-party releases for Day One, but I wouldn't bet the bank on it.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Realistically Expect from PS5, PS4's Game Pass Inspired PS Plus Reboot?


@Robinsad Game Pass Ultimate lets you stream to your mobile/laptop/tablet devices already, with a heavy influx of games even having built-in touch controls as an additional option. Streaming quality varies of course, but Microsoft already has this angle covered. If you could download PS1 and PS2 games directly onto your phone to play? Now, that would be an innovative angle (let me dream).

Re: Twisted Metal PS5 Reboot Studio Swapped Mid-Development


Would make for an intresting fit for Firespirite, The Persistence is a personal favorite and am really looking forward to their the multiple projects their making for Sony - one revealed (with Horizon), one rumored (this one), and one yet to be shown (a dark fantasy new IP i believe).

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 408


@KingPev thanks for asking, nothing dramatic or exciting lols, just a DIY accident that broke 2 bones in my hand. The weird upside is that it got me to play genres i usually dont bother with, like RTS or Visual Novels and found some cool stuff over the last months. Im still waiting for a full surgeon sign off before getting back to the game i was in the middle of before the accident...Demon Souls.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 408


My right hand has fully recovered so been neglecting the PS5 and catching up on PC stuff i missed last year:

PC Game Pass
Halo Infinite
Thr best Halo game in years for sure...but considering how mediocre 5 was, that's not high praise. Reagardless, its a fun back-to-basics for the series, basically the Silent Cartographer level expanded into an entire game. Taking a step backwards was a smart move n its nice just to kick ass as chief again. About a third in.

The Gunk
Cute little double A title, where they ring alot from a simple premise: clearing toxic gunk off an alien planet. The characters are flatly cartoony but the enviroments are stunning. On the last level now, enjoyed my time with it but will prob forget about it quick afterwards too.

AI: The Somnium Files
Pretty cool visual novel i stream on my mobile. Really like how the mystery unfolds and keeps you guessing, plus coupled with an odd offkilter sense of humor only the japanese could pull off.

Rogue Legacy
Man, been hooked on this one for the past three weeks. So tough, yet so bloody addictive, have finally persisted to the final boss but am stuck on his 2nd form. Hopefully will get done soon, wish me luck!

Re: Soapbox: PS5's Next-Gen PSVR Headset Is Going to Drop Jaws in 2022


@themightyant did u try different customisation options? Im a big vr gamer but always need snap turning on to not feel woozy, since figuring that out i can be lost in a game for hrs. if u pick up a next gen headset id say play arournd and find out what will work for u,. Everyone is different of course. My first 2 weeks i felt slight nausea but got over it for good.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Xmas Edition


Merry xmas everyone!
Im visiting wifes family in cyprus so strictly on the Switch:
Steamworld Dig
Am hooked on this one, on last third but am scourging earlier stages for upgrades before pushing to the end.

Phoniex Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Have started thr 2nd ep of the first game. Really enjoy the humor and branching dialogue. Am pretty new to visual novel genre...but this is great in portable form.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 407


Life is Strange 2
Still playing more mellow games as my hand recovers. Enjoyed the other entries so thought to give this one a spin...meh its ok. Some intresting mechanics and decent moments, not a fan of the blatent agenda though, sortve kills the stories nuance.

No More Heores
Finished this one back in the day on the Wii
but it was censored version, happy to play this one in its full glory without motion controls. Absolutle insane Suda 51 fun...they dont make em like this anymore.

PC Game Pass
AI The Sominian Files
Pretty enjoyable anime murder investigation piece. Never played a visual novel before, bit am enjoying the genre so far. Some cute humor and an intriguing murder mystery. Am playing on my phone using touch controls.

Re: Video: The State of PlayStation VR in 2021


I hooked it up to PS5 to finish my vr backlog, but then sold it off. The tech was an innovation at release and made strides at breaking VR into the mainstream...but once youve tried headset tracking without all those bloody cables, its tough to go back to this beyond dated tech. Sony is still supporting it with great exclusives (Fracked, Arashi and Hitman 3 were great this year), but ill stick with Quest 2 until the next gen PSVR.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 406


Right broken hand almost at full capacity, soon ready to pick up all games i had to pause before accident, will keep mellow it for next 2 weeks so:

The Council
Wrapped recenty. God lord this game was bad ass. It has pacing and objective flaws, but the plot takes some crazy turns but never flies off the rails. If your're into narrative games...give this a play.

Telltales Walking Dead: Final Season
Just started last episode. Wow, the quality has significantly dropped. I have to cut some slack concerning the horible production issues that happened around it, but it went from a great experience to overall just a decent send off. Still exicited to see Clementines arc wrap up though.

Xbox Game Pass
Pillars of Eternity
Still chipping away at this epic plot on downtown via mobile streaming. Good stuff, even in small doses.

Super Mario Land 2 - Yoshis Island
Never ever knew this game existed. Its awesome, am enjoying its offkilter energy, and can see how it started the formula of offbeat nintendo spin offs.

Star Fox 2
After replayin the first one (my favorite SNES game) i was excited to try this...but am sortve baffled by the choice of mechanics and gameplay. Not that surprised it got shelved...but will give it another decent spin after yesterdays playthrough.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for December 2021?


Its a pretty decent one. Ive been close to getting Mortal Shells a couple times but held out, so really happy to get it, itll be a nice Soulslike fix before Elden Ring. Despie the mixed reviews, I wouldve been intrested in the base game of Godfall, not this odd ***** version, so its a pass. Ive never gotten into Lego games but it cant hurt too have it in the library - is it a good wife co op game?
Overall Mortal Shells makes it a win for me.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 405


@Divergent95 i just began episode 3. After 1 i would give it an 8/10, but after ep 2, which has weird pacing and loads of vague puzzles and objectives over the awesome RPG dialogue gameplay, it dropped to about a 7. The plot still kicks ass and ep 3 so far is better. Will prob finish over the week so can have a better verdict for you.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 405


Got my broken hand out of my cast this week, so can fnally play 2 handed. However am still sticking to more passive games for the time being:

The Council
Halfway through this overlooked narrative title. Really cool central mystery and mixing of RPG elements with dialogue trees is evolutionary for the subgenre. Uneven Voice acting and some frustratingly vague puzzles let it down abit so far.

Telltales Walking Dead Final Season
Finished the first ep and have really enjoyed it. Oriniginally binged the others a few years back and never got round to this one due being faitugued by Telltale games. Its not as fresh as the original felt but definelty improves on the story and formula of the sequels. Looking forward to more.

Persona 5
Have been playing through the first hours as a mellow palette cleanser. At a 100 hr length im in no rush and it makes for relaxed gameplay. Its basically just more Persona...but if thats if what your in the mood for, then its awesome.

Xbox Game Pass
Pillars of Eternity
Been streaming this to my phone with touch controllers on downtime during work. I detest mobile gaming but this works pretty well and was able to customise playing one handed. Obsidian are my current favorite western RPG studio and this game plays to there strengths. Only a couple hrs in though.

Full Throttle
The last remaining Lucasarts remaster i havent played. Pretty early in, but the expected humor and plot are working for me.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 405


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy DS2 aint bad, its just not comparable to the rest. The care and detail that Miyazaki puts into the ones he directs (level design, bosses, atmosphere) just wasnt felt there for me personally...although it does some solid moments. Then again, what so cool about this series is everyone will have a drastically different opinion on what is best.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?


@Th3solution correct theres lots of confusion about international pricing. thats an intresting way to look at it, i never assumed it was imbalanced the other way round last gen, if thats the case, then i feel its fair to switch it around, but its strange that Sony is the only one to do it. all PS5 third-party and most second-party are still 49.99 to 54.99 in price on launch. Regardless, even if it feels less confusingly lopsided for UK gamers, just on a personal front i cant justify (or afford) shelling out 70 bucks for one game, espcially when that will be cheaper in 2 months. i am happy to see others can though and Sony is supported by several gamers for the high quality they put out.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?


@GreatAuk good point i overlooked about the pretax, thank for the observation. with that said 75 dollars from what i can see is about 57 pounds, which is pretty close to what we payed in the PS4 era (49.99 to 54.99 pounds) for Sony exclusives. i think in the states they had 59.99 to 64.99 dollars as a pretax equivelent back then? but with the PS5 era theyve never made similar adjustments and (correct me if im wrong) have never really justified why. so defintely a valid pointer, the gap is not as large as i originally assumed - but there still is a gap and its enough for me to wait for a discount (e.g i finally picked up R&C Rift Apart on black friday sale for 54.99) whereas before i wouldve preordered sight unseen.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?


im conflicted with this. i was never a gamer who preordered or got day one releases due skeptism and stinginess and would wait a few months for things to get cheaper.
however that changed during PS4 generation 5 years back, where by default i would preorder every first party PS exclusive...and wasnt disappointed once. which made me more then happy to support Sony at full price.
The quality that they put into their games is undeniable and it stays true going into the PS5 gen.
Your always guareentied quality and with production cost being high, i think 70 dollars is steep, but factors considered, a reasonable price - but im UK based, and we are charged 70 pounds (around 94 dollars) for that same game. not only does it feel frustratingly unfair (and sortve perplexing), but also as a young dad with a mortage, i just cant justify that pricetag, espcially when im getting all kinds of Day One releases on Game Pass via PC for a simple subscription fee.
Its fine, ive just gone back to waiting a little longer to get ahold of PS games - but if they ever see reason and adjust the price to an even playing field across continients, ill go back to preordering without a problem.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 403


@render i started it before i sold off the PSVR, so played the first half within that mode. its defintely more intense and imersive (espcially crawling through the dark vents at the end of level one), but i switched to flat screen at the midpoint - i need snapturning to avoid nausea but it really hampered reaction times in tough situations - tbh i enjoyed it just as much in flat, plus it helps approach the combat in a stragetic manner. your pretty much just missing out a little on scare factor but thats it. hav fun with it, one of last gens most overlooked for sure

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 403


im still recovering from a broken (dominant) right hand so gaming is limited but possible with RTS and point and click games.
Just finished The Banner Saga - wow, what a story and i got a bleak as hell ending that haunts me.
Also just started first couple hours of House of Ash and am enjoying. it feels like SuperMassive coming close back to the quality of Until Dawn finally.