Comments 2,165

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 387


Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. I'm finishing off the final case. It's a good Ace Attorney game, better than I was expecting.

GTA: Chinatown Wars. Once I got used to the 2D top-down perspective, it's been fun. I've just completed the main story, though I'm not sure yet whether to go for 100% completion or not.

Earthbound. Playing through it for my very first time. It's a good RPG so far.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Expect from E3 2021 Next Week?


I'm excited for it. Nintendo is bound to have some new games that appeal to me, and it'll be good to see what Microsoft's studios have been working on. And Devolver's streams are super entertaining.

As Sony is remaining quiet, it's looking less likely they'll have some announcements during this period. Hopefully we'll get a State of Play not too long afterwards.

Re: Sony Celebrates the Evolution of Ratchet & Clank


My first time playing Ratchet and Clank was the demo of the original game, featuring Metropolis and Blackwater City. That was stunning first time around, especially with all the details in Metropolis.

Ratchet and Clank 2 (Locked and Loaded/Going Commando) was the first one I played fully, and it's still my favourite to this day. It nails the fine humour that the older games had, has great gameplay, and has some fun side activities and other things to mix it up.

I did miss the PS3 era games unfortunately. If I can ever be bothered to try out PS Now, then they might be worth a look.

Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?


Yes, Sony lied. Or at the very least, they were being intentionally misleading. The comments about generations came when Microsoft was getting flak for continuing to bring new titles to Xbox One. Those comments gave Sony some good publicity and made Xbox look bad. And yet, Sony ended up doing a similar strategy to Microsoft in this regard.

Personally I'm glad that there's still 1st party titles coming to PS4. But Sony definitely misled, and they deserve backlash from doing so.