Comments 284

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 88


I played the Life Is Strange demo which looked intriguing but may only be a PS+ game for me.

I am back into Dragon Age Inquisition: Jaws Of Hakkon. I have invested over 100 hours into the main game now.

May look at another session of Lara Croft Temple Of Osiris before the weekend is out too.

Re: Opinion: Sony's Not Solely to Blame for PS Vita's Demise


There were two flaws - one was the dedicated memory card when they could have gone for a cheaper option.

But a large party of the blame has to go with the games studios. They could have done more to help the success of the Vita.

But Western game studios have become mercenary - just look at the cons that is Lego Dimensions, Disney Infinity. And mirco-transactions, pre-order bonuses, exclusive DLC.

A few games like GTA, Bioshock etc would have helped but no-one was interested.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: PS4 Numbers Hit New Low as Price Drop Nears


In financial news this week Japan have announced a new round of Abenomics to address the poor state of their economy. Consumption has been down in all areas of the economy, not just the consoles. I believe the low console sales are the new norm for the Japanese market.

Unlike in the West the Japanese will not buy things on credit as a rule, especially non-essential things. I think you will find they will save for big releases and we will see a spike, then it will return to the current levels we are seeing.

Re: Atlus Insists That Persona 5 Is Coming To North America This Year, While Europe Gets It Later


It does seem a trifle strange that a game that will be translated into English for the American market cannot be sold in England whose native language is English. And have you ever been to Europe or spoken to a European. A lot of them can speak perfect English as well.

As much as I love the games from Atlus there is something a bit lacking in how they handle their releases.

Still looking forward to this release.

Re: Gravity Rush Testers Requested on Reddit


I've said it before and I'll say it again Gravity Rush 2 will come out on both the PS4 and Vita - just like World of Final Fantasy.

There are too many Vita owners who will buy the game in Japan for it not to. We won't get a physical Vita release in the West only a physical release for the PS4.

Re: Review: Onechanbara Z2: Chaos (PS4)


So the Japanese like combat games featuring women in skimpy outfits. We just pretend we don't.
I grew up in a period when Benny Hill was the most popular programme over here I'll have you know.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4?


With my gaming backlog I'll probably pick it up sometime in 2017. The first game was alright but got it as a PS+ game. Tomb Raider was never a day one game for me.

Persona 5 on the other hand. I am just hoping that it will come out in Europe before Christmas.

And that is the point. There are plenty of other games for me to play ahead of Tomb Raider.

BTW do you guys have any inside info on Persona 5 being out in Europe in 2015?

Re: Talking Point: Should More AAA Titles Adopt a Service Approach?


What I want to see is the end of paying for unimportant things such as clothing, weapons and supplies. I am okay about paying for a decent expansion at the right price. The Witcher and CDPR have got it broadly right and should be the industry standard.

I am not against extras being dished out for achievements in games such as bits of the UPlay pass in AC:Unity - a game I might finish one day.

I will definitely be buying the expansions to both Bloodborne and The Witcher 3.

One thing I wouldn't do would be paying money for different costumes as you could in FF13-2. That is just fleecing your customers.

Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Patch 1.07 Apparently Damages the Game's Frame Rate


No patch yet but it is becoming amusing at the Basil Fawlty-esque way it has been deployed.

It is not just gamers but everyone on the internet complaining about everything.

I have never understood all the fuss about the FPS and if a game is 1080 or not. Surely it should be about whether the game is fun to play. Prettiness and smooth frame-rates doesn't save a bad game.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: PlayStation's Road to Nowhere Continues


Japan is in severe economic crisis. The Govt debt is high and they have just increased the sales tax to 8% with an increase to 15% likely.

There is nothing that Sony can do with these problems and they are probably doing well. Big releases will help but the problems aren't isolated to the console market.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 75


Catch-up/PS Plus weekend for me.

Have played some Styx and Rocket League but I am determined to finish The Walking Dead Season 2 - halfway through Episode 5.

Like a chump alongside the PS Plus games I also downloaded FF7 on the Vita - I was caught up on the hype and I have never played it - another one to my games backlog.

Re: Talking Point: What Freebies Would You Like in June's PlayStation Plus Update?


To misquote a famous phrase,"When a man gets tired of Bloodborne he gets tired of life."

As far as Knack it is what PS+ is about in a way - giving you a chance to play games that piques your interest but you cannot afford to buy or have other games that you will buy ahead of it.

For instance, in the second half of the year, I intend to buy Persona 5 and MGS5 and that will probably have my meagre budget for buying games tapped out. There are other games that I would like to play but will have to pass on through lack of funds.

Re: The Next Assassin's Creed Is Being Revealed in Just a Few Days


I haven't finished Unity, or played it for a long time. First of all Dragon Age Inquisition came along. And then came Bloodborne...

Bloodborne has taken over my playing time. Getting killed in Bloodborne is more satisfying than succeeding in Unity.

I think I may swerve this one. There are too many other, potentially better, games such as Persona 5, MGS5, The Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4. The new AC game has got to hit the heights that AC2 reached.

And there is still Bloodborne to finish.

Re: Spotify Arrives Exclusively on PS4, PS3 Today


I have just tested it and my £4.99/month Unlimited account works with the app on PS4.

No adverts but a slightly lower bit rate I believe but you can choose a mid-point between the free version and the £10/month one.