Comments 303

Re: Best Free Games on PS5


@Palleon Agreed.
Its marketing genius that publishers coined the phrase "Free to Play". And its media ineptitude that allowed them to get away with it.
I should think it only a matter of time before we have class action law suits and regulation to prevent such.

OK slightly tongue in cheek, but FTP is, imho, the most grotesque corner of our beloved hobby for all but a very select few examples of how to do it right (Fortnite, RL, Apex).

Re: The Last of Us PS5 Remake Compared to PS4 Remaster, Has More Detail


OK late to the party of moaners on this one; but doesn't stop me trying.......

  • this is PS5 only right?
  • this is the remaster of the remaster that is 'free' on the PS5 right?
  • this is not a remake is it? Not in the sense RE2 was or Demon's Souls? Its just a skin-job right?
  • this is a full price game right?

fgs - how dumb do they think peeps are?

Re: Sony Discontinuing PS5 Accolades As No One Used Them


Never heard of them.

Wouldn’t it be nice to think someone from Sony actually reads these comment’s and work’s out they need to find ways to educate their users.

Makes me wonder what other killer features exist I’ve not heard of. Sounds like a feature for you there PS.

Re: Reaction: Meta Quest 2's Price Hike Will Have PSVR2 Relieved or Rubbing Its Hands


PS I don’t think it’s a coincidence Meta have to raise the price as they take away the mandatory link to a Facebook account.
With less data selling revenue available to offset the loss making £299 figure they have to.
Probably worth pointing that out.

Sony also won’t have that Facebook data selling angle either so expect a similar£399 price which is prob around cost price.

Very similar specs on screen and controllers.

Re: The Last of Us PS5 Remake Is Meticulously Built and Crafted, Not a Cash Grab


I think, as many in these comments have said, the animator misses the point. The consensus is not suggesting its a cash grab, but that it is unnecessary and that the opportunity cost is immense; i.e. what greatness those involved could have been doing elsewhere.
Just as I don't need a new phone every 3 months, the current one is fine, I don't need a slightly better version of a game I have already played every 12 months.

Re: F1 22 (PS5) - Another Solid Sim Racer, But Room for Improvement


Do wish they'd have an option to turn all the baggage off.
Anything other than being sat in an F1 car I would bet 95% of the buyers just aren't interested in.

Typically with EA I think said baggage will get worse every year. We will have XP next, with each glorious XP moment being recognised with an on screen rainbow as an XP balloon rises in to the sky.

Re: Video: In Defence of The Last of Us' PS5 Remake


Why would I? It was 'free' with the PS5.
Some Ps3 era games would really benefit rom a remake, e.g. Demon Souls sure did, Dark Souls would, but some were pretty enough.
I would personally rather teams concentrate on PS2 era games, where the concept may have been spot on (RE2, RE4) but the technology at the time just couldn't do it justice.

Re: PS1 Games on PS5, PS4 Have a CRT Filter and Much More


I love positivity but 3 almost black screenshots doesn't really paint the picture.
Given we've all been able to play PS1 and PS2 games for years on our Vitas, and perhaps not done so, I suspect it will be a one week wonder.
Each to their own, but for me though I tend to play a game and then move on; there's nothing from the last 30 years of gaming I am thinking if only I could have another 5 hours with that, but there's plenty from the last 2 years of gaming I am still to get to.

Re: Pay for PS5, PS4 Platinum Trophies Is Rampant on PS Store Right Now


@Max_the_German Agreed.
I can understand someone wanting to squeeze every last drop of value or recognition out of a game, e.g. getting the platinum for Bloodborne or Elden Ring, demonstrating skill and perseverance and also helping them to savor the longevity of the game. However they are only relevant when tied to a specific game - not in general. Would I 'buy' the platinum for Elden Ring, of course not, not even for 1p, would I care if it didn't exist, of course not. Will I get it, of course.

Re: By the Way, Elden Ring's Speedrun Record Is Now Less Than 9 Minutes


Agree with the majority; its much more interesting to me to see a 100% glitchless speed run. That's someone playing it like I do but with 100x more speed, precision and skill.

Seeing someone exploit some bugs in programme code doesn't really hit the mark for me; no matter how adept they have to be to trigger those exploits.

Re: Tom Holland's Uncharted Movie Strikes Gold As Box Office Total Crosses $225 Million


Great movie. Took the kids to the pix to watch for the second time over the weekend; and it remains a great romp; fun, fast and frivolous. Raiders of the Lost Ark for 2020+

Great film; I'd urge any doubters on the fence following the high brow reviews to just give it a shot; I am pretty sure you'll come away smiling.
[and to put in context it makes the like of Fast 9 continue to look like the steaming trash it was. UC is good, not just mindless].

Re: Sony Pictures Declares Uncharted a 'New Hit Movie Franchise'


Good news. Was a really fun thrill-a-minute film in the mould of Indiana Jones / Jewel of the Nile / pretty much most Dwayne J movies.

Great fun, great for the kids and all round great entertainment.

No it wasn't Schlinder's List, but guess what critics, its wasn't meant to be.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Investigating PS4 to PS5 Disc Issues, Trophy Transfers


@PS you have for years championed the representation and inclusion of all in gaming.
As one example we have support for the 8% or so of the population that have some form of colour blindness in this and many other games.
Yet still in 2022 we dont have support for the 8% of so that are born left handed.
This game and many like it, is completely unusable by the vast majority of left handed people that have not chosen to learn to be right handed in some cases.

Yes there are system wide options, but they impact the whole game and all games.
Typically a left handed person would want left handed controls for first person view (a lot of this game) but not for driving (a lot of this game) - thus system wide options do not work.

This game is completely unplayable for 8% of the population because of a simple choice by the developer. A needless choice.

Could we not begin to call out support for this just as we have for colour blindness and other areas bringing inclusivity and diversity ever more to our beloved hobby.

And yes I expect a torrent of abuse from people saying 'live with it', 'learn to be right', 'play something else' - being quiet does not get things fixed. Stand up, call it out.

Re: Movie Review: Uncharted - Glossy Green Screen Spectacle Isn’t Sure Who It's For


I watched this today at the pix with my family.

Easily an 8/10 for me; and I am one heck of a fussy bugger; I won't touch anything with less than 7/10 on imdb and typically look for 7.5+. [yes, its not the one website ranking to rule them all; my point is this was great for me].

This had everything a good old fashioned 80s romp movie had; of course its very like Indiana Jones for the new generation. I suggest lets not be nostalgia snobs and imho is was almost as good as Indy 1, better than Indy 2 and on a par with the others.

A good, pacey, fun and filling Saturday morning action flick. Done well, played well (both leads were fine, Sully better than Nate tbh but both well enough).

Don't be put off by the "its not in black and white at the art-house , it must be pants" crowd - its a great blast.

Re: No Man's Sky Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Where to Start


I'd suggest a little caution to any newcomer; don't just follow a guide.
I put perhaps 50 hours in a year or so ago, and yep I got to be a billionaire !! Wow, great. Thing is I'd spent 50 hours just getting to be a billionaire; I'd completely fatigued my passion for the game and yet I'd only seen perhaps 0.1% of what it had to offer.

So wish I'd just done my own thing, spent 50 hours doing hundreds of different things on hundreds of different worlds. So be warned - enjoy it your way

Re: Xbox Boss Reacts to PS Plus, PS Now Rumours, Says It's the 'Right Answer'


Lets not forget that in most areas PS Now has more than rivalled XBGP for the last 2 years. And with more games and lower prices.

The only real difference, and its the big one Phil details, is that XBGP has first party games on day 1. Thats not been a problem for MS as they have perhaps 2 a year. Sony is quite different, it has many more first party games and thus would be sucking up a lot more 'didn't buy it as on the sub' lost revenue.

I'd love to see a more expensive PS+ sub with day 1 first party games, but I do see how its harder for Sony to make it work.

Re: Poll: What's the Best Uncharted Game?


I cant remember 3 which isn't a good sign and U4 I only played last year on the PS5. I felt I kept waiting for it to start, for the great cinematic spoilers I'd been avoding for 3 years to kick in. Never did imho.

I couldn't play lost legacy. The idea of playing the person who tried to kill you in the previous game just doesn't work for me. I know many games use that mechanic but I'm old school and dont want to play the baddie

Re: Poll: How Long Should Games Be?


Depends of course. If you mean a single player campaign that's almost designed to be once and done, e.g. Control, a Tomb Raider, a COD etc, then 20ish. Less than that I'd feel short changed.

More thoughtful 'life' games, like Souls games, then 50+ at least.

Sims (driving, flying) 100s if not 1000s

And if you have a little fashionable beard then "I'm happy with 2 hours, its the experience that matters, not the length".

Ever felt ripped off by duration? Yep - the first Gears of War; couldn't believe a £40 game could be less than 10 hours.

Re: Nothing to Announce on PSVR2 Backwards Compatibility, Says Sony


Of course it will be

  • too much invested in those PSVR1 games with a limited audiance to date to recoup that investment. Re-release them of course
  • it would have been denied already
  • if they can run PS4 on PS5 they can run PS4 VR on PS5 VR (so its just the controller issue).
  • The PS5 VR contollers have positional tracking just as the PS4 did (but not needing to use a external camera)

Why would Sony leave all that money on the table? What would they not make an easy dollar from all those re-releases? Why would they not bring back all those PSVR1 owners to PSVR2 with such a great incentive?

No brainer. Of course its back compat.

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us Remake Almost Complete, Out This Year


@lolwhatno Hi mate. What do you mean? Are you saying you dont support the idea of remakes at all or that its too soon to remake TLOU as its was only a PS3 title (and quite a decent looking one anyway)?
I dont buy in to remasters, but I fully support remakes; thats how I got to enjoy RE2 and RE3; I simply would not have played their orginal too-ugly-didn't-age-well-imho outings.

Re: Video: The State of PlayStation VR in 2021


Yup, still have my gen 1 PSVR hooked up to my PS5. Some great games (Astrobot the best imho).
Slowly working my way through Moss and can't wait for PSVR2. I just hope its backwards compatible asI have more of a pile of shame on PSVR than PS4/5.

Re: Mini Review: Twelve Minutes (PS5) - Weird Twist Spoils an Otherwise Intriguing Story


I'm not going to read this as you've already sullied the game for good with that title. Telling someone that a piece of contant (film, story, game) has a twist in it is about as big a spolier as you can give. Even if all you say is it has the twist.
I will never play this game as I'd be constantly waiting for the twist.
fgs did you really have to. Couldn't you just have said "Some of the story telling is bizarre". Still a nice headline grabber for you but you manage not to spoil the game for every reader.

Re: Sony Set to Combine PS Plus and PS Now to Create Xbox Game Pass Competitor on PS5, PS4


Quite a fundamental correction... XBGP does not combine Xbox Live Gold and GamePass, they are two distinct things.

What you mean is XBGP Ultimate, the top tier.
So in Xbox land you have
1. XBLive - online gaming
2. Game Pass - (you have to buy XBlive separately)
3. XBGP Ultimate - which combines the two

At present PS+ competes with XBL, and PS Now competes with XBGP.

The combined PS+ and PSNow would compete with XBGP Ultimate. Currently XBGPU is £11 a month and if Sony could match that including access to AAA first party games on day 1 of release it would have a winner especially given XB 1st party titles are so few and far between compared to Sony's.

Re: Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Now Rated for Release on PS5, PC in North America


@mrmartinrohr 'better' resolution is of no use if the assets were created for the lower resolution, you'll simply have the same pixel multiple times, that's not higher resolution, that's just scaling and if you played the original on a 4k TV then your TV would have scaled it to that 4k panel anyway. Remaster = big con if its just a scaling of existing assets.

So would be good to know if they've put some effort in and either created new assets or released assets at a higher native resolution .