Comments 303

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@Gost each to their own but I think you can easily build an equivalent PC. The GPU is not even a 3060Ti ($300) and the CPU nothing more than $100. Add to that a $60 SSD, case, power supply and ram, it is close - but I'd much rather have a $700 machine that does games at least as well and everything else a PC can do.
Its just too close to a PC price thats the issue. Folks dont spend $700 on a games console. Ridiculous and I love my consoles but no thanks.

Re: Layoffs Hit Ballistic Moon Ahead of Until Dawn PS5's October Release


Tbf the quote literally says this is after the development. So it’s done and thus you don’t need the full team unless you’ve been commissioned for another game. Sad news for those impacted but I also expect it’s an industry norm that teams scale back when development is done esp if it’s a remake which had no DLC to move on to.

Re: PS5's Most Addictive Game Gets a Two-Hour PS Plus Premium Trial


I hate to be a prude, I am far from the pc woke brigade, but I don’t think addicted is a word we should use in any context as a positive state.
There’s many other words to infer delight, joy and satisfaction without using the one associated with umpteen negative elements of this world.
Prude out.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Big Patch 7 Delayed, Highlights Teased


@thefourfoldroot1 tbh I think the term "Update 7 + patch xx.xx" may have been more accurate. Its like when GT7 releases new tracks and cars (freely) we call it an update. So yes, valid point, better to clarify some of this is an update and some of it is a patch.

Re: 'PlayStation's Blessed with Marketing Budgets We're Not Able to Enjoy,' Xbox Bigwig Bemoans


Such bad decision making since the end of the 360 era where they had beaten the PS3 on price and performance. A series, pardon the pun, of bad decisions followed. The woeful One launch, the joke that was Kinect, the u turn on online only, the series naming nonsense, the GamePass moneypit shambles, the closing of in house devs and finally the crazy spend on studios to still not have any AAA titles to show for it 3 years later.
And the folks making these decisions are paid not too far of £1m pa I expect.
Shambolic, the Xbox leadership of the last 10 years should be ashamed of themselves.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


Sony get it right. Obv this is a PS site and there aren't going to be too many Xbox fanboys (although most of us enjoy both consoles). imho the issue Xbox have is that they released the all you can eat model without having any quality food on the table. They literally closed down their games production options and then opened the eat-all-you-can restaurant - and then scrath their heads when it failed.
Too late now for Xbox. They have about 20% of this gens market and I would be very surprised if they become anything other than a publisher going forward.

Re: Elden Ring DLC Made Easier with New PS5, PS4 Calibration Update


qq : If I had already just begun a NG+ run in the core game and then make my way to the DLC, is the DLC then at an even more difficult level (because I entered from a NG+ run) or does it know that its my first time in the DLC and therefore remains at base difficulty for the DLC?
This is my actual sit, and I'd rather go in with my L175 character than start fresh and get a second blokey up to spec.

Re: Poll: Can a Game's Brutal Difficultly Put You Off Playing It?


It can. Hollow Knight is my case in point. I paid for the full game but will never get to play half of it because its just beyond my skill level.
I love and have 100% completion on all FromS games (ER DLC to come) but I would vote for them having a difficulty option in the menus - after all no one loses out do they? There literally is no downside.

Re: Disco Elysium Successor Cruelly Cancelled in 2024 Would Have Been 'Most Hardcore Disco Since Disco'


Genuine comment, honest..... I've tried DE about 3 times but always give it up about 5 mins after I get out of my apartment, so perhaps 30 mins in to the game - I dont think I 'get it' because everyone raves on it and its just coming across as meh to me.
I assume its some sort of point n click adventure with RPG stats/build elements - but its just not biting.

Is it a case of it coming together and the magic happening in the next hour, or perhaps I should watch a playthrough of the first hour to help the magic along - or is it if you aren't up for a point n click 80s adventure it probably isnt for you?

LOL - Just noticed the comment above mine says exactly the same, much more succinctly though.

Re: Gaming Subs Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Aren't Growing At All


@Old_Man_Harper Agreed. Its works for some like yourself, but for others, like me, I prefer to pick just a handful of games a year, usually on sale. Thus the £20x6 games per annum is better value than the £17x12 GPU subscription when I may not even get the 6 games I really want to play on the sub service.

Horses for courses.

Re: Alan Wake 2 Yet to Recoup Dev, Marketing Expenses as Tencent Raises Stake


I think a few of the folks in these comments have hit the nail on the head. Its an art-house game with a blockbuster budget. That was always going to be a hard equation to balance.

I have it sitting on my drive waiting to be booted for the first time from the £20 Epic Christmas sale; but it doesn't feel like a priority - and thats the issue; art-house is great for those moments, but its not pizza; its not what you could have every week.

Re: Most PS5 Players Say 60fps Is a Must


What gets me is how can a meeting go along the lines of.....
"we could do the game at 1440p and 30FPS which will be incredibly janky, with stutters, a lack of control, fluidity and flow and with poor latency, or we could do it at 1080p, let FSR2 do the upscaling so no one will notice the resolution difference and run it at a super fluid 60 FPS that plays so much better"......

How do we vote guys............. 30 FPS please. FGS.

Re: Sony Hires Superstar Korean Cheerleader to Cosplay as Stellar Blade's Eve


@Balie3000 It is an interesting point. I suspect that in actuality the % of folks that feel aligned to one extreme or the other is much the same as its always been (humans dont evolve that quickly) but what has changed is the ability to communicate widely and at pace. Thus we have many more people able to latch-on to the latest band-wagon or group-think : perhaps because thats what the cool kids (in their blinkered view) are saying, perhaps they want to belong, perhaps they want to momentarily stand out. In actuality they are really no more extreme than aunt Matilda from Blackburn and will align to the next fad-think just as willingly and fleetingly.

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


Anything less then 60fps is a no pay. Jeez its 2024, PCs haven't entertained anything less than 60 for over 10 years. It is, imho, ridiculous that the question even has to be asked.

For anyone on the fence, try playing Control at 30fps; its a joke and will tell you all you need to know as to why its an insult to those spending almost £500 that they are served such nonsense.

Re: Seismic Free No Man's Sky Update Transforms Space Stations on PS5, PS4


The term procedurally generated has always struck me as a negative, i.e. as if the universe didn't really matter because it was all random and everyone had a different one. But if I now understand it correctly that is not the case - everyone shares the same universe, its just the case that the single universe was generated by a mathematic equation as such - but its the same for all and we all live and breathe and explore the same.
This makes it much more real, and much more valuable for me. And tbh is they stopped using the procedural term I think they would sell even more - it is seen as a negative not a positive.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


Day 1for me if we see a roadmap of Sony exclusives that can take advantage of the performance.
For x-platform games I'm afraid the Xbox S holds everything back, whilst its not everything we will have a 33TF console towering over a 4TF console - thats just ridiculous to try and code for them both.

Re: Devs Allegedly Pondering the Point of Sony's PS5 Pro Upgrade


Thats a very good point. tbh whilst some will argue it allowed more budget constrained fans to jump on this generation I think a key part of the failure of the generation (i.e. lack of a step-change in the content) is the xbox Series S. I have every console, always have so have no fanboy flag to fly - but releasing a console that is 25% the power of the other two units it shares the generation with (the XBX and PS5) has meant that all games have to be essentially crippled to run on the S. It has surely held the generation back, and thats why we aren't ready for the next half step of a generation to the Pro.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Is Up to Three Times Faster Than PS5 as Specs Surface


@Zenos agreed. both consoles released under the propaganda of 4K60 and neither can do it. sometimes 4k sometimes 60fps but never both consistently in a complex game. this is a welcome introduction to true console 4k gaming. day 1 for me. 35tflops is about upper-midrange PC spec and with the benefits of a closed system that could be awesome.