Comments 303

Re: Sony Seemingly Forces Nintendo to Remove Rubbish The Last of Us Ripoff from Switch's Store


@push, I am no expert but I think this line could have been worded better "due to its very obvious similarities to Naughty Dog’s flagship survival horror series".
The title in question had absolutely no similarities to that ND title you refer to other than the font and picture used on its store page.
Beyond that marketing there is no similarity.
Sorry to be pedantic, but this isn't a close approximation; its just a blatent con.

Re: Site News: Accessibility Brought to the Fore in New Push Square Partnership


A good step forward.
One of the key accessibility 'conditions' we have is left handedness. Approx 9% of the population. And yet because the left handed tend to just get on with it, they tend to get forgotten.

Can you believe that in 2023 there are still games released that specifically do not cater for 9% of the population?
Even the Playstation options makes it such a bind (no pun) to get to the accessibility options on the PS5 and turn on left handed mode for the controller thats its as if they'd rather the persky customers not bother.

So good step forward - but I do feel calling out developers for their shocking ignorance is the way to shame them in to action.

As exmaples note that Cypberpunk still doesn't have appropriate left handed options at present and a more recent example, Leyers of Fear (re-release) does not either. Prey does not, tbh its just shocking how what must be a free common API is ignored.

Attracts scorn I know, but what other 9% group of the population could be specifically excluded these days of equity without an outcry?

Re: Preview: The Crew Motorfest Is Forza Horizon on PS5, and It's Brilliant


Not for me, nor many racing sim fans I expect. We've had a glut of arcade racers over the years on PS5 (and Xbox) and yet each literally has one SIM, GT7 and FM respectively.

I'd much rather see a dedicated AC2 for PS5/X, or ACC confidently updated (rather than a slap and go approach), or AMS2 converted for PS5/X.

Each to their own, but the the Riiiidge Racer vibe didn't age well (like myself) imho.

Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer


@BAMozzy tbh thats a great way to think about it. If this is really intended to be a 'laptop you strap to your face', and it has the performance and features/functionality of a laptop but with the size and 'convenience' of just strapping it over your eyes then the price tag is high, but only Apple high. (assuming the power of a £1500 laptop is replicated).

At present if think the closest competitor is the £299 Quest 2, which isn't there with email/browser support unless you use virtual desktop and that itself has to be on a laptop/PC etc etc - so it quickly moves away from being a one stop device if you have to extend to real laptop functionality.
In summary, imho, if Apple really has put the functionality and performance of a £1500 laptop in a standalone headset then I can understand the price tag.

Re: Feature: PSVR2 Three Months Later - The Good, The Bad, and The Worrying


With the Q2 at £299 when PSVR2 was announced and the Q3 on its way in 3 months at £499 the PSVR2 just makes no sense at >£500
Surely Sony and its spreadsheet management team can see that.
Games at x2 price and number of games at 1/100th of PCVR its a no brainer to get a Q2.
Yes a PC is itself 2x price of a PS5 but anyone with enough cash to be thinking of forking £530 on a VR headset surely already has a PC.

Games sell hardware, not hardware and there's nothing of note for many on PCVR2.
I've been buying day 1 tech for 30+ years but there's nothing that attracts me to PSVR2.

Re: After Transformative Gran Turismo 7 Update, F1 23 Will Not Support PSVR2


Surely when developing and delivering a racing simulator and faced with limited budget and two choices there is only one winner in the either / or
a) include the most immersive, realistic and seat of your pants driving experience through the inclusion of VR support OR

b) include the ability to buy a coloured sofa

Surely everyone can see the sofa option is of far more value to your seasoned simracer?

Re: Oh No, the Bloodborne Remake Rumours Have Returned


As a big fan of Bloodborne I have no interest in a remake.
It was one of the best playing and looking games of the PS4.

Why on earth would you want to re-skin a game so new?
Have their been any skin jobs of great looking PS4 games?

TLOU doesn't really count as that was a remake of a PS3 game, the PS4 version was little more than make-up applied and thus there was a lot to improve upon from the base PS3 outing.

Really, have their been any PS4 remakes of good looking games that were originated on PS4? This really a thing?

Re: 900+ PS5, PS4 Games on Offer in New Bumper PS Store Sale


I love this site but £55.99 (Dead Space) as an example isn't imho something to celebrate. Did anyone buy (that masterpiece) at that price when not in a sale? And Forspoken, £45; every commentary on the game has suggested its overpriced at £20.
You PS are the experts, thats why its your job and not mine, but surely the news story here is that publishers are trying to sell games by advertising as sales prices, when in fact they remain overpriced in some cases. I'd be more interested to see the media take a stance against that practice.

Still love the site, please dont ban me for having an opinion

Re: PS5 Pro Is '100%' Happening, Says Reliable Report


@R_Ryder Agreed.
We dont even get 4K@60FPS on non-RT games at present with the PS5 and thus a Pro would be great news to finally get to the 4K target of this generation.

tbh its quite shocking that most games are still 1440P@60 and thats using FSR (so really at 1080P). Not quite the UHD generation we expected!

Re: Random: PlayStation's Massive Marketing Campaign Even Extends to ATM Machines


Said in respect and admiration of this site and with nothing but good intentions..... I don't think using the word 'biblical' in this way is entirely respectful to its true meaning. I am not a prude or particularly waving the 'woke' flag, but this usage does flick a switch.
Sorry to raise it, but its not a word i would use in the office and thus I think its perhaps not a word we should be seeing on this well respected site.

Re: Rumour: Sony's Allegedly Cut PSVR2 Production Plan by 20% in 2023


Thing is with the Q2 at £399 and the Pico 4 for the same you can have 99% of the experience + wire-free on the PC where games tend to be found 30% cheaper and in addition there are a whole load more of them for VR.

If Sony realises they are in a competitive market with PCVR they will see their price isn't, well competitive. In a captive market against the Xbox then they have no competition and hence the price.
VR headsets simply dont sell for $600 notes these days. Not like the $399 ones do that offer 95% of the experience.

It has to be £399 at most imho; crikey just over 6 months ago the Q2 was selling for £299; against that price the PSVR2 is simply not a sensible proposal.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Care About a PS5 Remote Play Handheld?


Now more than ever in the post covid world where many of us work from home 5 days a week the mobile gaming plartform just isn't a valid proposition. With all due respect Chardonnay and Anton like to play "Swipe the Bird" on their phone but I mean real gaming, the sort of gaming you get on Playstations.
It was OK for me in PSP days when as a student I had time on my travels, but Vita never got more than 10 hours use in 5 years I bothered to keep it out of the loft. Switch is the same, other than BOTW, its collecting just for 5+ years. Many of us gamers want experiences that blow us away - available on consoles or PCs. And even the same game on a micro screen just isn't going to cut it.

Sorry, not interested. As Sony must know given no-one bothers to stream games to their phone from a PS5, so why would they stream to a phone that cant make phone calls, i.e. a cloud handheld. No reason, no use case.

Re: Mini Review: The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Tourist Edition (PSVR2) Must-Buy VR Survival


Great game. I have 75+ hours on it

My top tip would be to take it at your pace. tbh zombies do not really get that much more abundant and items don’t get that much more scarce . Scavenge for days if you like, do a story quest, scavenge for another couple of days and then go back to the story.
Makes the game a lot easier and tbh you can relax and enjoy it, explore, find those secrets, upgrade your crafting and soak in the games glory when not being pressed in to the story elements.

Story is great, but don’t feel you have to rush it.

Re: Flagship First-Party Naughty Dog Will Develop for PS5 and PC Moving Forwards


@OmegaStriver I dont think there are too many gaming PCs still in use that are weaker than a PS5.
The minimum system spec for TLOU PC was more than what we have in a PS5. So I dont recognise your argument. Remember the equivalent GPU (RTX 2080) was released 5 years ago, not just the 2.5 years of the PS5 release in which its performance is now found.

If anything targeting gaming PCs will push the developers rather than hinder them. They will learn and thus be able to release console versions that come a lot closer to PC versions.

Re: Resident Evil 4 Remake on PS4 Is Why Cross-Gen Needs to End


Another reason these ridiculously long consile cycles need to stop.

We were promised shorter cycles, and we got longer - on both Sony and Xbox.
Yes I know they released mid-gen GPU updates but unless they up the whole package the devs still have to develop for the lowest common factor.

There is no way building a game that has to run on the 10 year old PS4 doesn't impact its design choices for the PS5/XBX.

Re: Poll: We Want You to Rate Your Favourite PSVR2 Games


Q. Are you interested only in response from PSVR2 users or in general, e.g. I can very postively confirm that Saints and Sinners and a few others will be superb (because I have played them on PCVR).

For new owners, and I think you are aiming for this, its more important to have the 'good games' list so as to use their time and money wisely, so long as the 'reviewer' has some real experience on the games, regardless of system played on???

Just to help spread the love of VR

Re: The Walking Dead PSVR2 Looks Generations Apart from Meta Quest 2


@Vacuumator not at all mate. They are comparing the PS5 version to one running on a mobile phone chipset.
They do state it’s. It the pc version but it appears many of this thread have leapt to that incorrect assumption.

10TF PS5 outperforms 1TF Mobile chipset. That’s all the article says.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting Potential 2024 Release


tbh if it is released 4 years after the PS5 release then that feels about right. Given console generations have become painfully long these last two cycles it will help to fill the gap before the inevitable 8+ year cycle is over ahead of the PS6.

So great news.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Finale - A Highlight Reel of Your Favourite Story


Great series imho. Joel was excellent throughout and Ellie grew in to the role after the first couple of episodes (not sure if they shot them in order????).
Just so surprised they didnt make it at least a couple of series for the first game. They added two good 'filler episodes' and even then only managed 9 in total.

Really good show, just had so much more potential.

I hope they see the sense of not just doing the second game. They could easily fill out a series with a new story of J&E in the between years.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 8 - Streamlining Hollows Out Iconic Moments


tbh I personally thought last night's episode was much better than the borefest of last weeks 'stroll through an old shopping mall'.

Ep 8 really brought out the growing strength of Ellie as a survivor and the growing strength of the parental like love between Joel and Ellie.

Of course it also said that surviving humans are in the main far worse creatures than surviving infected, but every zombie epidose/film has trodden that road for 50+ years, so you can't blame em for that.

I still dont see how they can end game 1 next week; surely they are not even 50% thru the game yet (I haven't replayed it since the month it came out on PS3).

Re: Mini Review: Zombieland Headshot Fever Reloaded (PSVR2) - A Simple Yet Fun VR Zombie Shooter



You are right the developer choice is to reduce the resolution of the native image and thus allow more GPU room for FPS or vice versa.

For COTM they must have chosen resolution over FPS; and like you say I hope they make it optional, like they do with 2D games, to have a Performance/Quality toggle on VR games. After all, its exactly the same PS5 GPU of course thats doing the work.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@Kundalini - exactly
Its a great novelty, just as Kinect was, and as PSVR1 was. But that quickly wears off and it becomes something you keep in a cupboard and bring out for a drunken Christmas party - unless this time they get some games for it.

For GT7 it will be great for those with full rigs and wheels, even more immersion, but thats a very small market - PS5 owners, with GT7, with a full rig, with PSVR2.

Needs a few games that make you want to use it 20 hours a month not 20 minutes.

I wish those that jumped in all the joy, but I urge those for which £500 is a chunk of cash to think what they will get from it.

For SIMS, VR is great, but it doesnt have the killer app beyond those yet imho.