Comments 303

Re: New PS5, PS4 Games This Week (26th February to 3rd March)


@WallyWest In fairness mate I value your thoughts but suggesting people can't talk of a certain characteristic unless they themselves have that characteristic is nonsense.
I know you are promoting a fair, open and loving society, which most of us do; but dont go down the 1930s route of suggesting that there is only one voice of truth and you either use those words or no words at all. Didn't turn out well for those who tried that in the 30s did it and thank god.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


I would suggest the math on SM2 be considered. If they had sold 10M and if each sale had netted $60 on average (some countries more than others etc) then thats still only $600,000,000 in revenue . However of course the actual money that gets back to Sony, i.e. to pay off that $300,000,000 cost is a fraction of that total - with much going to retailers, distributors, marketing etc etc. In fact I'd be surprised if Sony saw $30 from each of those $60 sales. Thus my guestimate would be that it was breakeven at best.

There's usually two options for profit, (1) sell more, at lower cost and price or (2) sell fewer at higher cost and price. Only apple has really mastered the magical art of (3) sell more at higher cost and price.

The ridiculously long wait between major IP releases just screams of too long, too slow, too costly. They've tried option (2) and it isn't working. I really think going back to option (1) with lower cost, but more releases is the answer.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


tbh and of course imho it came out with its main competitor being almost half the price, i.e. the Quest 2 at £299, and having perhaps 2% of the games that competitor has access to via PCVR, and finally not having the freedom and immediateness of the Quest 2 in standalone mode.

Its literally as-if Sony didn't look at the competition.

Its still over priced, it still has very few games, it still has no access to the vast expanse of PCVR games because Sony elected to make it proprietary, and of course it will never be standalone.

Makes you wonder which execs said "Yes".

Re: Rumour: A New PlayStation Handheld Console Reportedly in the Works


tbh Sony need a use for all those PSVR2 screens they wont be selling

Loved the PSP and Vita, if only it had an HDMI dock then it would have been a Switch killer before the Switch was a twinkle in the eye. (and yes I had the PS thing that did have a HDMI out but no screen, that was a little late to the party).

Great to see the Vita back, just needs that dock and native PS4 strength and its a winner.
Plenty of room for switch and Vita handhelds; very different games.

Re: The Day Before Dev Resurfaces, Blames Failure on 'Gold Rush' of Negative Takes


tbh I dont think we should be seeing this sort of misinformation on a respected site. I appreciate the news here is that the developer is spreading misinformation - but as with the nuttz on 5G and all the other nonsense we've half-heard these last few years; its better to let them mutter amongst themselves and not give them the respect airing their views would imply.

Re: Video: The Last Of Us 2 PS5 vs PS4 Graphics Comparison


@species Thats the most sensible thing I've read in all this debacle.
Calling it a remaster, accepting everyone appears to now understand that word means far less than remake, is the mistake.

Directors Cut would be perfect. And £10 for a new mode and a couple of mini pre-alpha levels feels fine. Dont even mention the graphics.

Re: The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered (PS5) - A Near Perfect Package for New and Returning Fans


If there were a hierarchy of innovation were :-
New IP>sequel>remake>remaster then this appears to be something even further to the right of the line. Perhaps reissue?

Digital Foundary put out a good piece and they are usually very on board with the blockbuster titles but even they could hardly notice any difference from that already released as a free PS5 patch years ago.

Good for those that missed it first or second time round, but you can't help but be thinking what was the opportunity cost of them working on this and not something else?

Re: Rock Out in The Last of Us 2 Remastered as Legendary Composer Gustavo Santaolalla


Is this a remaster (appears to be the word generally used for this one) or a remake? i.e. is it plugging in some higher-res textures and allowing the PS5 to run at full pelt or is it a from the ground up rebuild ala RE2/3/4 remakes?
I suspect the former.

Doesnt take away from the essence of the game and if you liked it first time round it wont lose that appeal I am sure; but for consumer awareness I think it would be good to know. There's a massive difference tween a remaster and a remake and I'd just like to be clear

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - Marvel's Spider-Man 2


@species its a game matey, not a spaceship. its whatever makes you happy, fave music, fave team, fave film...its just a preference and fgs how boring would it be if we all had the same preferences on everything.

As we mature we relish variety, give it time.

Re: Sony Wants PS5 Games to Automatically Adjust the Difficulty While You Play


Normally I'd say Sony have other things to put their efforts to but I have one example that stopped me playing a game I loved; Hollow Knight. I must have sunk 50+ hours in to that and got perhaps 60% thru; but there's no way my old eyes/brain/hands were going to get me to 100%. I literally missed almost half a game I loved just because the devs thought it cool to enforce 'git gud' on everyone.
Thus I salute Sony and welcome this change.
And now I am a PC gamer it reminds me to see if someone has modded in an easy mode I can go play........

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


just to clarify. DLSS raises fps by lowering resolution. it doesn't increase resolution.
i do wish this was made clear. it's not magic. lower the resolution and you get more fps. we've all been doing that since the 90s.
what it does special is anti aliasing on that lowered resolution image so that it's not as bad as the same low resolution without anti aliasing.

Re: Huge PS Store Black Friday Sale Live Now, 1,000+ PS5, PS4 Games on Offer


Sale prices at £40 !!! I remember not too long ago AAA games in a sale attracted a price of £19. I think greed has got the better of the publishers, the high prices then drive people not to buy as many games, and then the overall revenue falls i.e. the volume dip is greater than the price rises.
Ultimately the user loses out on playing games and the developers lose out - sometimes with their jobs.

Publishers really need to get another spreadsheet, one that looks at overall revenue and long term growth, not micro fluctuations in profit on a handful of sales.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PS Portal?


No, if I fancy a game I walk to my games room and have a game.
I tend not to find myself with 'game time' and not able to access my game room.

I guess if for some reason you have a big 'down time' in your day, e.g. an enforced 2 hours lunch break, then you could have the game itch away from home, but I've never been in that boat.

Re: Talking Point: As PS5 Turns 3, How Are You Feeling About It?


Like most here I've had one since day 1. tbh though the main appeal of a console over a PC to me is the exclusives and for PS5 the only one that has grabbed me to date has been GT7. That took 2 of those 3 years to get here.

Many will argue against it, but its fact that you can build a gaming PC for £550 that has a GPU (3060Ti) almost twice the performance of a PS5 and then enjoy non-exclusive games at almost half the price (£40 on release) with greater FPS and more consistently delivered 2k/4k presentation. So thats where 90% of my time now is. On PC games.
If there were the Uncharteds, the TLOU, the Astrobots, etc the new IP to blow you away then great, but its been pretty underwhelming remakes of PS3/4 games with a hint of gloss and nothing new and exclusive to drag me away from my PC. ..... Everyones different so dont flame me for not fancying your favourite.

Love the PS brand and the exclusives, just aren't that many this gen.

tbh the games I've played the most hours of these last 3 years have been BG3 and that I got on PC for £26 (non-UK store) and Lies of P (Game Pass). I should mention Elden Ring as a masterpiece, but again it was £40 on PC with much better performance and visuals (post initial patch) - so there's just not a good reason to not play the better version on PC.

Re: Poll: Are You Buying a PS5 'Slim'?


Ridiculous to even suggest this is some sort of 'upgrade' path for current PS5 owners. Its not a Pro and clearly the ambiguous reporting has confused some if you read thru these comments and see a few of the responses.
Its bordering on irresponsible tbh.

Re: The First Photos of the PS5 Slim Are Circulating Online


Absolutely, who on earth thought the PS3 slim was aimed at them when they had the OG PS3 (which looked soooo much better). Ditto the PS4 slim which looked like a kids toy compared to the OG PS4.

tbh I think the media have filled a few inches suggesting there is some 'upgrade' path here. There clearly isnt.

Lets see a PS5 Pro though, now thats somthing new and an upgrade grabber.

Re: Alan Wake 2 (PS5) - A Nightmare We Never Want to Wake Up From


I see many appear to forget the original was critically slammed at worst and faintly praised at best, and having played it recently as many have in anticipation of AW2, it quickly reminds me why. The feel, the story, the world is all great, its just the combat is so so bad. Really bad.
Glad to hear this one is great though and importantly improves in every way on the OG. Will certainly give it a go on PC when the price is right.

Re: Is It Surprising that PlayStation Fans Don't Really Care About the PS5 Slim?


I dont think anyone thought an existing PS5 owner would exchange their gen1 for this 'slim'?

As you say its not a 'Pro', its just a mid-gen slim. No one swapped their PS2 for a slim, and the PS4 slim and especially PS3 slim were real ugly tree compared to the originals and no one even spoke of exchanging the OGs for the inferior looking slims.

So if anything, based on past results, very few will change for the sake of change.

Re: It's True! Lies of P Sales Surpass One Million Units


@Powerplay94 I think they will more than reap the rewards with DLC. It is a simply stunning game as an fyi to any that haven't had the pleasure. Stunning. I think PS underplayed it and tbh I think its was just too 'hard' for the Eurogamer reviewer .

Treat yourself. Give it a whirl. Wonderful experience.

Re: Unity CEO John Riccitiello Retiring from Role Following Pricing Debacle


I assume that most development suites have a licensing fee of sorts, I mean Unity's employees need to eat and feed their families just like us all. I assume many are by consumption, i.e. not just on consumption of the tool but also consumption of what the tool produces.
Was the problem that this was an excessive fee?

Re: Preview: EA Sports WRC Combines Codemasters Pedigree with Authentic Rally Racing


Whilst I love PS it doesn't read like a hands-on preview and its the handling that makes a racing game imho.

I expect EA wont be able to help themselves from having mtxns throughut, stopping you from even navigating the game freely unless you proactively close the pop-up invites to spend more ala 'free' mobile games.

Hopefully its a belter but EA are EA, as the scorpion said to the frog.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Lies of P?


@roe Absolutely. From what I've played to date they put your ergo post death outside the boss arena so that you can pick it up and go farm a little and upgrade before you try again (unlike Souls games that made you go back in to the boss fight to get your dropped souls). Good choice for us less skilled.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Lies of P?


Only put about an hour in but 9/10 from me; and I am a fussy bugger. Plays great, looks great and there's been nothing like Bloodborne since, well, Bloodborne. So love it.

BB was my only ever Platinum, so I am kinda inclined that way.

Re: PS Store Adds a New Five-Star Rating System to Score Your PS5, PS4 Games


@Grumblevolcano Agreed. I think there should be say a 20 minute time played requirement at least. I 'own' many games I never intend to touch and I know would be 1* for me (but thats because they aren't my cup of tea and not because they are awful). Its a little unfair to allow reviews where the user hasn't even tried the product.

Re: PAYDAY 3's Chaotic Launch Experience Prompts CEO Apology


Why always online when in single (human) player mode?
Bonkers. No benefit at all to the playing customer (dont tell me the Cloud makes all the magic happen, yeh right).

The only benefit is for the publisher, so that they can harvest your personal data and make more revenue through selling it on.
Their greed gives them what they deserve.

Re: Lies of P (PS5) - No Fibs Found in This Souls-Like Great


Can you please confirm if your accessibility report includes 'swap sticks' in its Remap-Controls metric?
I suspect it doesn't as on your sister site I see starfield has the Remap-Controls measure ticked but it alas does not have left handed controls.
What other group of folks that account for 10% of those on this planet could be so 'left out'? Not an 'ism' in the scale of others, but I do feel that one day the plight of the lefty will finally make it on the agenda.

In all seriousness it would be good it you could point this out in your reviewes as games are simply unplayable without it for many of us. [swapping sticks in the dashbaord isn't the solution as that makes it a system wide feature and for some games you dont want that].

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Is Comparable to Ultra Settings on PC, But There's Room for Improvement


Its worth noting that the game is not that GPU heavy on a PC at all, and DF are using the 4+ year old 2060 Super to run the PC version at Ultra at 62 FPS. Its fantastic that the PS5 can match the 2060 Super though.

As with lower spec CPU PCs the game suffers on the PS5 in NPC heavy areas - but hopefully a patch can address that for both the PS5 and such CPU limited PCs.
In contrast

Re: Alan Wake 2 Was Delayed on PS5 to Avoid Going Neck to Neck with Spider-Man 2


i'm not looking to get banned but the author should know that something is either "common" or "sometimes". you can't be common sometimes or sometimes common.
hope it's a lot better than the first which was rightly poorly viewed on release. as one old enough to have enjoyed OG xbox from day 1 i did not get my rose tinted glasses delivered yet.