Comments 303

Re: Idiots on the Internet Are Still Abusing Abby from The Last of Us 2's Face Model


@thefourfoldroot1 Thats right mate. Only men, especially those over 30, are bad in this world.
And Santa lives on, the easter bunny is on his way, and you'll see some fairies down your garden if you're quick.

Anyhow, back to point in hand. Never be surprised as to how stupid some folks can be..its sad, very sad. But there are some real dumb s**** in this world.

Re: PSVR2 Headset and Sense Controllers Get Taken Apart in Dual Teardown Videos


@thefourfoldroot1 Personally I think it will be hit and miss for many.

I found, and I others did to, that PSVR and other headsets since (e.g. I have a Quest 2) spent most of their time collecting dust. Its a little like 3D on TV and in the cinema; its great to experience that wow moment a few times, but at the end of the day the downsides dont outweigh the upsides (namely big hunking lump of plastic strapped to your face).

It has its place though. I still love VR for simracing. But for everything else I dont find the compromises it imposes acceptable for 99% of my non-SIM game time (it will be nowhere near the graphical fidelity of what the PS5 can do in 2D for example in addition to the lump of plastic issue).

So great to be exited, but I'd be careful with those expectations. After the first two 3D films who went back for more?

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 5 - Clicker Chaos Reigns Supreme


@PlatinumKing Leadership doesnt work like that.

  • she acted that part really badly
  • there is no way the resistance would have put such a useless leader in charge
  • she essentially killed her entire resistance group on one initiative that was pointless and added nothing to the aims of the resistance (go back to the point of being a useless leader).

Great episode; but crikey she did her best to spoil it.

Re: Poll: Did You Love The Last of Us - Episode 5?


good episode but agree Kathleen was pathetic. She was terribly acted, it was like they had dragged a teacher in off the street . Yes she was meant to be a poor leader but surely not that poor, weak and improbable.
Otherwise a good episode after a disappointing ep 3

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 4 - A Heart-Warming Breather


@S1ayeR74 Agreed. Thats exactly what I said earlier in the thread or another on this site. Its as-if she has played the second game and thus acts to that bitter, hate filled, angry persona rather than the young, open, inquisitive, sometime loving nature of the younger Ellie.
I understand how the life journey from the start of TLOU 1 to the end of TLOU2 makes her a very different person but imho she is playing the wrong Ellie at the minute (in the show).

Re: Over 1,000 PS5, PS4 Games Discounted in PS Store Sale


I’m sorry PS but you’re not being sensitive to the current state of the economy and many peoples wallets when you say £52 is a bargain for a remake of a 10 year plus old game. I’m not looking for a ban but I do think you do owe a little restraint and balance between your just love for all things PlayStation and the loyal users that keep it alive.
£52 for a video game is not a bargain.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 4 - A Heart-Warming Breather


Was the least special of the 4 to date imho.
I think tbh that Ellie is much more aligned to the TLOU2 Ellie (bitter, angry, aggressive) than the human, witty, curious and loving of TLOU. And that matters as I dont see the relationship with Joel developing; atm he may as well be transporting a camel. Thus episodes that focus on the relationship are accordingly weak imho.

Re: TV Show Review: The Last Of Us (HBO) Episode 3 - Television At Its Finest


Yesterday I said that the first 20 mins didn't work for me. I seldom get an hour chunk of time and thus was left wondering what all the fuss was about and frustrated with the flashbacks.....

But wow. What a story the flashback became. Brilliant, great entertainment. If you told me I'd be weeping at a tragic double xxxxxxx during a flashback in a zombie themed show made on the back of a video game ......

Re: Preview: Forspoken on PS5 Feels Like a Weird Tech Demo


tbh I'm usually in mind made up territory well before the 6 hour mark. The fact that it hasn't swayed you enough by that point certainly sways it for me. Shame as we could do with a tentpole to get the games year going.
Looking forward to DS though, just hope EA haven't managed to turn gold in to cabbage.

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate The Last of Us - Episode 2?


I'm saving it for catch-up to avoid the ads.

I do hope Ellie has perked up a little though. They need imho to capture a little bit of the "the world isn't entirely *****" - which TLOU had even if they burned that to the ground in TLOU2.

Come on Ellie, you dont have to sulk your way through the entire series.

Re: Returnal Continues the Cycle on PC in February


I think I hadn't made my point clear. The article was doing its best to suggest high requirements rumours had been disproved. Then listed a set of requirements that was quite the opposite, i.e. the list proves the rumours were true.
. Thanks anyway.

Re: Returnal Continues the Cycle on PC in February


Looks good. Whilst its all subjective I wouldn't suggest that 4K60 needing a 3080 and 32G RAM proves that earlier reports of high spec requirements are shown to be invalid.

I'd be surprised if there's any PC games that cant do 4K120 on a 3080 tbh. I know there will be the exception to prove me wrong.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give The Witcher 3 PS5 Version?


Great game but the RT implementation is ridiculous - so 3/10 for that version; you simply shouldn't see games in that state being released. If you received any other goods in that state you'd take them back, get a refund and if it was a widespread problem there would be a recall in operation.

Imagine getting a microwave that stutters, stops, just fails at times, cooks at half the intended speed intermittently - there would rightly be some complaints. We shouldn't put up with shoddy work just because its digital.

At 60 FPS its a good improvement on the base game though.

Re: Elden Ring Adds Competitive Colosseums for Free This Week


Its funny. You put 100+ hours in to this fantastic game to finally craft a character that can get to the final handful of bosses (which of course you have to summon help for)....... to then find some 12 year old from Plymouth can woop you dead in 3 seconds the minute you go online.

Re: EA Reportedly Writes Off Project CARS, DiRT Franchises


@Benjamonk Agreed.
Its such a shame that a team that should be remembered for the greatness of PC1 and PC2 will be tarnished with Project Cars 3 on their epitaph.
Would be interesting to see a post mortem and how EA (I assume it was them) turned a great SIM in a largely empty market on console and killed it dead. Of course there's no PC4 as EA killed off the franchise with PC3, long before they made their announcement yesterday. I hope some exec loses some sleep in EA but I doubt it.

Re: Rat-Infested Sequel A Plague Tale: Requiem Surpasses 1 Million Players in Just One Week


tbh PS I find that an irresponsible headline.

I appreciate you are here to entertain your audience and thus drive engagement and growth - but you should also lean a little in to developing the medium that enables that.

30 FPS is a clear backwards step that your own poll clearly indicated (no surprise) was contrary to the expectations of the vast majority of the medium's consumers.

It is a big deal and such a great game deserves recognition despite this severe limitation.

Re: PSVR2 Launches 22nd February 2023, Costs $550


@stvevan yeh but with the competition you kinda need a £1200 PC so not really.

Yes the Q2 is £130 cheaper at £399, but when you lump in a £1200 PC to give you comparable power/performance that becomes £1599 total which is a lot more then the Playstation £1010 total.

Its a lot of money, but its still the cheapest way in to mid-tier VR.

Re: Dead Space Remake Gameplay Drops Tomorrow


Love it. One of the true greats of last gen.
Even EA can't mess this up.
Surely there can't be 'press X to upgrade' around every corner, or 'press 0 to skip chapter' or perhaps 'press X to respawn'.
With each press being tied to a lovely micro transaction.

Please EA don't FU a great game.

Re: Sony Producing Two Million PSVR2 Headsets by March 2023


Can't wait.
Even if they were to port the best 20 games from PSVR it would imho be a classic move. The lighter headset, the less faff to set up, the tighter visuals and of course most importantly the controllers makes this PSVR 2++++ and that's worth £400 of my money .
Quest 2 is a great device but its held back by its limited power in standalone mode (this won't have that) and by the faff of configuring everything bar the kitchen sink when linking to a PC (this wont have that).
In my view PSVR2 is sure winner now that the setup, fidelity and of course controllers are sorted.

Please please, do the ports. So many great possibilities in the PSVR catalogue.

Re: Best Free Games on PS5


i do wish the government would step in and insist that unless the full monty is available these be called free to start.

its a scam and PS should know better.

and applying same title to likes of astro is an insult. it should not be in this list.

Re: Gigantic GTA 6 Leak Confirmed Real as Devs Show Support for Rockstar


@Stocksy I agree with you mate.
So what, some folks have seen a work-in-progress. Big conk, no other industry worries about such.
Think of buildings, prototypes, other IT projects, the HS2 project or the Thamelink project, other art even - who gives a hoot that a work in progress has been seen. Even the greatest football teams are happy for Youtube to show their training sessions.
No one cares, its just life, do you think people believe you lay a perfect product overnight - no, they appreciate it matures over time to completion.

Move on.

Re: Latest PS5 Firmware Available Now, Adds Folders, 1440p Support, Much More


@Quintumply does that mean that selecting 1440P res in the PS5 allows games that target 4K60FPS to be more likely to achieve the 60FPS?
i.e. its a good way to get the promised land of 60 (or even 120) FPS, by outputting 14040p, without having to drop all the way to 1080p?

Or is it that games would have to be coded for such, as they may still be trying to render 4K (and thus have their FPS challenged) and then the PS5 just downscales it to 1440p for presentation?

Re: Poll: Did You Buy The Last of Us: Part I?


Just to be clear I can play the free remaster on PS5 for ,well, free, or the second remaster on PS5 for £70.

Tough question. Struggling with that one

Great game, love it. Played on PS3, already played the remaster (for free). Quite probably won't pay £70 to play another attempt at a remaster for £70. FGS what were they thinking.

Re: Poll: How Much Would You Pay for the DualSense Edge PS5 Pro Controller?


Its always struck me as strange that for a beast with 10 fingers we have made controllers with circa 13 buttons on the front for 2 of those fingers (sometimes called thumbs) and yet only 4 buttons (L1/L2/R1/R2) that can be used with 8 of those fingers.

fgs put more buttons where the 8 happy to do some work fingers are - great - rear buttons at last. [I know PS trialed this with the back plate a couple years ago]