Comments 1,309

Re: Preview: Ignore The Haters, Concord Is a Good PS5 Shooter We Can't Wait to Play More Of


@GilgaMax96 I don't think people are being sensitive about it it's just that the people who hate the game never shuts up about it like we get it you don't like the game that's fine move on to something you do like. instead you find those same people in the comment section of every article or tweet the game is mentioned in saying how much they hate and have no interest in the game.

Re: 13 New Games Land on PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Week


@Kraven Knowing Falcom they would much rather make you wait on a potential remaster. But other than that they can at least give us the Gagharv Trilogy as it would be both great to play those games again and to introduce trails fans to the older games in series.