Comments 1,788

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Team Confirms DLC Isn't Planned


1. I don’t recall once telling people what they can and can’t play.
2. A big budget Harry Potter game is always going to sell millions. So?
3. That game selling millions doesn’t legitimise the author’s view on Trans people in any way.
4. Her views are still abhorrent.

Re: Idiots on the Internet Are Still Abusing Abby from The Last of Us 2's Face Model


@Would_you_kindly Maybe she shouldn’t have attacked trans people with her grotesque distortions of feminism first. She started this.
Casting her as the victim is cringeworthy.
Her statements are not only objectively wrong but also damaging to the most vulnerable members of society who have hurt exactly no one. But please, continue defending a bigot.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


@Northern_munkey It’s clear you don’t understand what ‘privilege’ means in this context. The societal privilege of cisgender heterosexual males is so vastly disproportionate to non-binary and trans people, it’s absurd. You’re making a ridiculous false equivalency.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


@danlk1ng None of what she has said fall under the banner of ‘genuine concerns’. She is spreading fear-mongering rhetoric which has no factual basis whatsoever. None.
She isn’t qualified to pontificate about the lived experience of being trans and isn’t qualified to relegate decades of peer reviewed science around gender dysphoria, transitioning, and physiology to the dust bin because she doesn’t agree with it.
This isn’t subjective - she is catastrophically incorrect and needs to stay in her lane.
A lane that is informed only by a grotesque misunderstanding of feminism, and equally grotesque white, cisgendered, hetero privilege and obscene wealth.
So please don’t contribute to the already disproportionate pain and hardship of trans people by trying to tell us she has ‘genuine concerns’. It’s both ignorant and offensive.

Oh, and Rowling isn’t even vaguely ‘left’. She’s a TERF and a transphobe. A bigoted extremist.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


@Northern_munkey I never once said or implied that cisgender people or heterosexual people have anything against trans people.
I said they often diminish the damage that people like Rowling make because they can’t see past their own privilege.
Then they get on the defensive when that is pointed out. I’ve seen it thousands of times. Wholesale fragility and victimhood from the majority.
Kindly don’t put words into my mouth.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


Funnily enough, you can care about multiple social issues at the same time. It’s not a competition where we need to create some imaginary tier list of what’s important and what’s not.
It’s blatantly obvious that a significant section of cisgender, heterosexual males have deemed JK Rowling’s comments innocuous and are (as usual) downplaying anything that doesn’t directly pander to their privilege.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - A Harry Potter Dream Come True


Not for me. I refuse to give JK Rowling any cash. She’s a noted transphobe and TERF who makes a mockery of real feminism.
Her rhetoric is offensive and dangerous to some of the most vulnerable levers of society.
Push Square is correct in saying the game doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
I understand that the world-building and characters created by her are beloved by many, but I also think that we need to have an honest discussion around whether it’s ethical to bankroll someone who actively makes the world a more oppressive and dangerous place for many innocent people who have never hurt anyone. People who only want to exist peacefully in the world we all share.
It’s important to also recognise that she has both real-world and social media audience of millions. Her views are then amplified by right-wing media who have audiences in the literal billions.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for February 2023?


As usual I’m unimpressed. It’s not that the games are bad per se, it’s just that by the time they’ve come out I’ve usually bought the games I know are for me. However I was pleasantly surprised by Gone Home and Meat Boy - both amazing games.
I usually use PSPlus for the online component in FROMSOFT games and if I feel like being yelled at by neckbeards - the Modern Warfare remaster that was also a PSPlus freebie, but only with friends.

Re: Hnngh! Hogwarts Legacy PS5, PS4 Launch Trailer Teases a Truly Magical Adventure


@OrtadragoonX I understand that this is games site and not a political one, but alluding to the issue and then sitting on the fence is cowardly.
There is no middle ground. People who choose to be bigoted and bully an already vulnerable section of society by misusing feminism and citing rhetoric instead of widely accepted medical science, are damaging to society and progress.
Suicide rates among trans people are outrageously high and she is directly complicit in adding to those statistics. She is never held to account for her actions.
Adding to her income stream is ghastly.
Same goes for all the Hollywood actors who take paychecks in the Fantastic Beasts series.

Re: Forspoken (PS5) - Messy Action RPG Is Massively Hit and Miss


It’s so cringe when designers are so out of touch they think having teenaged or young adults constant swear is going to connect with any audience.
Resident Evil Revelations 2 had this issue. First it forces you to play as this cringelord teenager and then after that forces co-op in a series where co-op ruins all the tension.

Re: PS5, PS4 Is Getting a New Brothers in Arms, But Only in Pinball FX


@Stocksy The slow death of the Wipeout series still baffles me. Wipeout 1 sold me on buying a PS1 back in the day.

The remaster of the PS3 ones were ok I guess, but would it be so difficult to give us a new game? We’ve only waited 20 years-ish. Or even just a remake of Wipeout 3 Special Edition would be great. Imo the best in the series.

Re: Sony Could Skip PS5 Pro for PS6, Says Social Media Scuttlebutt


This is a bit off topic but hopefully someone can answer this: what format/specs does an external HD specifically for PS5 games require?
Does it affect loading times?

I have one external HD already connected for playing my old PS4 games - can I have two external HDs connected at once?

Re: Deadpool Deals Big Damage in Marvel's Midnight Suns Next Week


@EaglyTheKawaiiShika My point is if you treat every release (I’ll wait till it’s cheaper)
like this you’re not supporting the game developers who put in the effort to craft potentially great games.
By the sounds of it you’re supportive of GameStop’s toxic ecosystem too…