Comments 1,788

Re: Rumour: Days Gone PS5 Remaster Speculation Starts to Spread


Days Gone was a far better game than the reviews indicated. Very fun - just a bit slow to get going.
The only real issue I had with it was the boring one-note lead character - another example of the beige tough guy alpha male archetype who can’t show any emotions except anger and looks like he’s pushing out a painful turd when any other emotion pops up.
There was exactly no progression or growth with the character. Nauseating.

Re: Yoshi-P Pleads for Modder Restraint Ahead of Final Fantasy 16 PC Launch


Jesus Christ…. It’s a rough estimate. The gaming space is still dominated by men 25-40. Do you actually have a retort for anything else I said or are you just going to fixate on a hyperbolic statistical statement? Or are you one of the sad neckbeards that defends sexual infantilisation and other gross s***.

Re: Yoshi-P Pleads for Modder Restraint Ahead of Final Fantasy 16 PC Launch


@Yagami you didn’t even read my post. I said it’s disgusting when infantilisation porn which is largely Japanese intersects with and is normalised in mods. I never said there is anything wrong with porn or that is leads to anything bad. Don’t put words in my mouth. You didn’t read or comprehend my post in any way shape of form.

Re: Yoshi-P Pleads for Modder Restraint Ahead of Final Fantasy 16 PC Launch


@Yagami There is nothing wrong with adult content in games. What I’m trying to explain is how a lot of the modding going on treads a very thin line between standard content and content that intersects with very questionable and illegal stuff. It is all historically present in Japanese porn and neckbeards defend it as OK because it’s pixels and not real women. And it’s disgusting.

Re: Yoshi-P Pleads for Modder Restraint Ahead of Final Fantasy 16 PC Launch


@LifeGirl Give me a break. The gaming space is still dominated by men. If you bothered to explore the modding spaces on Japanese games there is a constant omnipresent line between adult content and things which are acceptable in Japanese pornography. Stuff which is absolutely about infantilisation of women or straight up CP.
Have you ever been to Japan? It might open your eyes. To refuse to see the intersectionality is ignorant.

Re: Yoshi-P Pleads for Modder Restraint Ahead of Final Fantasy 16 PC Launch


@LifeGirl Let’s not pretend it’s not 99% men making and consuming these mods. There’s less cringe ways to see naked people. Porn for instance. Or leaving the house and meeting people. Also let’s not pretend that it’s all heavily tied into CP or Japan-centric lolly territory. Ashley RE mods for instance.
Putting the cringe aside it’s very often about infantilising girls and women and that is very problematic.

Re: Sony Flop Concord Axed Two Weeks After PS5, PC Release


@DonJorginho “sacked immediately”? It’s interesting how flippantly you talk about the livelihoods of people who make games. Especially when it has no impact on you whatsoever. You’re no doubt the type of gamer who leaves 0/10 reviews on metacritic. Cringeworthy..

Re: Apex Legends Demands More Cash in New, Dodgy Battle Pass Strategy


@PuppetMaster I understand what you’re saying but I think consumers still have effective people power in certain circumstances. Remember horse armour DLC? I think we should still try rather than just laying down and putting up with whatever crappy business practices are inflicted on us.

Re: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Reaches 5 Million Sales in First Three Days


People that complain about the difficulty should go play Assassin’s Creed or something else where you can button mash your way to victory.
It’s fantastic that there are a few games here and there that don’t compromise on difficulty. We are allowed to have different types of games. The people that want everything sanitised and simple are insufferably dull.

Re: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (PS5) - Familiar FromSoftware Brilliance


I don’t care how hard this is. High difficulty suits the style of game. The people that complain about FROM difficulty don’t bother to experiment with builds and using different weapons and armour. They just sit on metacritic and whine like babies about a game that might not be suited to them. There’s always Assassin’s Creed or Ghosts Of Tsushima of God Of War for those gamers.

Re: Rumour: Borderlands 4 Is 2K's Big SGF Announcement


I know I’m in the minority but I’ve always hated these games. The humour is cringe and the shooting mechanics just feel “off”. Then there’s the endless bullet sponge enemies with boring battles that just go on and on…