Comments 890

Re: American Senators Continue to Target Sony Over PS5, PS4 Timed Exclusives


@Northern_munkey You do realize that ‘assault rifles’ count for a mere FRACTION of the actual murders of people in the US? Handguns are used to commit more crimes and murders than any other type of weapon in the US, FAR AND AWAY. it’s not even close. ‘Assault rifles’ are just a political distraction to get the average low information citizen to pay attention to the wrong thing so the scumbag politicians can push other agendas and further divide the citizenry. Do the research - see for yourself.

Re: With All Eyes on Activision Blizzard, EA Is Actually Driving Most Console User Engagement


As much as EA pisses me off sometimes and as much as I detest them for ruining some of my favorite franchises, I also can’t deny some of my favorite franchises in gaming are published by EA. Such as Dead Space, Crysis, Battlefield and Battlefront. But I also will NEVER, EVER pick up another Battlefield game until it’s gotten stellar reviews by both the critics and the gaming community at large. I thought BF V was bad at launch? I hadn’t seen anything until the unmitigated stinking dumpster fire that was BF 2042.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Resident Evil 4 Remake?


@LordBakemono Well, if you want to single out the story, RE 4's wasn't any less cheesy. At least IMHO. And Sheva's AI wasn't all that bad as I recall. I did platinum the game twice - once on the PS3 in co-op w/ a good friend and once on the PS4 solo. Funny enough, I don't recall the final Wesker fight being ridiculously difficult either in co-op or solo, though a final boss fight SHOULD be tough, or at least the toughest in the game. The boss fight that both I and my co-op partner thought was ridiculous was the Ndesu fight where you're in the back of the truck w/ the mounted gun. THAT was some garbage. But, I do agree with you on at least one point - Chris punching boulders was some over the top LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Like you said, to each their own, for sure. There's no accounting for everyone's tastes. And I also second what @It'sBritneyB_tch said: I didn't like RE 6. That was some hot garbage............ although I did recently go back and 100% it's DLC / MP modes. Some of those were actually not bad. But the main game was shiite.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Resident Evil 4 Remake?


@LordBakemono Actually, (and I know this is a REALLY unpopular opinion), I thought 5 was far superior to 4 in that it did everything 4 was trying to do only better. It was a more streamlined, smoother experience than 4, and had the benefit of some fun online modes to boot. I think 4 gets the love it does because it was the first game to give us the 3rd person shooter perspective, which, at the time was something new, interesting, exciting and fun. But going back and playing even the PS4 version of 4 against the PS4 version of 5, I just think the mechanics and gameplay of 5 is superior, hands down. In the interest of full transparency though, I will also say, 5 was my first experience w/ RE and when I went back and played 4, it just felt slow, clunky and a step backwards. That may also provide some reasoning as to why I liked 5 better than 4 as well. Just my 2 cents. Let the flaming begin LOL

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Resident Evil 4 Remake?


Very strangely, I have NO interest in this even though I very much like the RE series, but 4 never jelled with me at all. Never saw they hype although I thoroughly enjoyed 5, 7, 8 & 2 remake. My question to any who have played both of the following is: OBJECTIVELY speaking, which do you feel is the better remake - Dead Space or RE4?

Re: Best PS3 Games


A bit disappointing not to see Bulletstorm, Vanquish, Bayonetta, RESISTANCE: Fall Of Man, RESISTANCE 2, Borderlands 1 or 2, and Crysis 3 not in the top 50. Those games were all miles better than some of the others listed, at least IMHO.

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate The Last of Us Season One Finale?


That may have been the most game-accurate episode yet. SOLID. I haven't been wild about every episode this season and the season itself felt very uneven, having a few episodes they could have either cut out completely or cut down the content of in favor of other story beats, but this particular episode was bang on! Bravo and a great ending. Looking forward to season 2!

Re: The Last of Us 2 Was the Most Downloaded PS4 Game in February


@AgentGuapo I actually did. I platinumed the remaster on PS4 and didn’t mind it as much. Part of it was that I REALLY enjoyed the MP. That broke it up a bit for me in between playthroughs of the story. Part of the problem with 2 was once you knew the whole story it lost a lot of it’s appeal the second time around and wasn’t nearly as fun to play through that incredibly LOOOOOONG slog.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for March 2023 Confirmed


Can't speak to it's current state, and I will never, EVER put that game in my PS5 again, but BF 2042 was utterly broken at launch to the point of being rage-inducing, and was the most frustrating, unenjoyable, horrendous experience I've ever had playing a videogame in over 14 years of playing!

Re: Scars Above (PS5) - Ambitious Sci-Fi Adventure Fails to Launch


Shame that reviews are largely bad for this game as it's been on my radar for a good while and I was looking forward to it. Especially after Atomic Heart bombed so badly. But, I need something to play for a little while and I'm a sucker for shooters and sci-fi stuff so, I guess I'll gve this a whirl since I still have a $50 gift card leftover from Christmas.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of The Last of Us - Episode 7?


Honestly? The DLC was FAR more fun to play than to watch an entire episode of TV made out of it. Certainly worth seeing how Ellie got infected but to spend an entire hour on the story when there's still a lot of content to cover and only 2 episodes left to do it in? They could have condensed it down a bit for story purposes.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 465


Just finished my first ever playthrough of TLOU 2. Not so sure why it was SO divisive. I understand a lot of people didn't like the ........'main plot point'... towards the beginning of the game that essentially drove the rest of the story, but to me it was logically sound, fit the narrative & the world the story was told in and was a nice twist. I just don't get why everyone seemed to raaaave about the game. I'd agree the first one (including the EXCELLENT MP) was a '10/10', but in no way shape or form was part 2 a '10/10'. More like an 8.5/10 at absolute best (at least IMHO). Overall I liked the game and the storytelling was largely quite good, but there were definitely a few things that could have been done better. I liked splitting the story between Ellie and Abby and thought that was a great idea, effective, and really drove the point home that there are no 'good guys & bad guys', but everyone is morally grey. But WOWWWWW was the story waaaaayyyy too long!! They should have really trimmed it down a good bit. The pacing felt a bit off at times with some of the slower narrative sections. And what in the heck was with Abby's massive man-like arms?? I mean, even the game itself sort of joked about that at one point. Anyway, I could go on about the game, but suffice it to say I'm glad I played it, mostly enjoyed it, but I'll also be glad when I'm done with the second partial playthrough for platinum.

Re: PS Plus Essential, Extra Games for March 2023 Announced Early


BF 2042 can get bent!! That is EASILY, far & away the worst gaming experience I have ever had! And I say that with over 240 games (almost all of which are are platinumed or 100%) on my account over the past 13 years or so. I can’t hate that game enough and more so Dice / EA for what they’ve done w the BF series over the past 2 or 3 releases. This game isn’t even worth the price tag of ‘FREE’. And I’m off my soapbox…….

I will say though Ghostwire and RS: Extraction were a LOT of fun and Fenyx Rising was a good time too. Actually, I REALLY enjoyed RS: Extraction- surprisingly good, fun title! All in all, a pretty solid month if you have the Extra tier……..except for that one stinking turd they had to sneak in there for Essential.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Atomic Heart?


I'm a huge FPS fan and I love a good stylistic game. That said though, I'll be waiting for a sale on this as there's either too much coming out soon or games that are already out that I want to play. Besides, with the criticisms levelled against it by both professional reviewers and the player base, I can't justify $70 for it. But I'll definitely get to it at some point.

Re: Atomic Heart (PS5) - Alt History Shooter with an Identity Crisis


With other scores being higher and this being lower I’d have to guess it’s somewhere in the middle and say it’s probably around. 7 or 7.5, as that’s the way it seems to turn out for me, personally. I’ll give it a go when it’s on sale or there’s a price drop, for sure. I’ve had my eye on this for some time and I do really want to play it eventually.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 464


Playing through The Last Of Us Part II for the first time to see what all the fuss was about and since I’m watching the TV show as well. Besides, $9.59 is a darn good deal 😉💪🏽 So far it’s pretty good and I like the ‘big shocker’ towards the beginning of the story. Makes sense for the world the characters live in and I know why they did it as I already know the broad strokes of the plot. I’ll be interested to see how the rest of the game shapes up…..

Re: Idiots on the Internet Are Still Abusing Abby from The Last of Us 2's Face Model


I’m just playing through TLOU 2 now for the first time and I don’t really have any issues with where they’re taking the story. It seems like a natural progression for that game world, especially considering how violent and factional it is. That said, I can understand some people not liking what they did, but to lose all sense of reality and forget it’s just a game …….. WOW. People like that are truly under the control of the devil as clearly evidenced by the blind hate in their hearts.