Comments 918

Re: PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show


Nice xbox show but let's be hones if that conference was a PS conference A LOT of people would be saying:

  • ANOTHER game with a female protagonist? (there were 4)
  • Where are the dates of the games for this year?
  • A turn based game?
  • More souls like games?
  • This is CGI, I don't want CGI!
  • Great, more services ...

Again, it was a good show, I liked a lot of games but people act like they would be fine with it when they would be complaining either way.

Re: Some PlayStation Fans Are Losing Their Minds Over LEGO Horizon Being on Switch


The point of exclusivity is to add value to your console and also increase competition, the thing is Nintendo stopped being direct competition to Sony since the wii. The same way people talk about AstroBot saying "It looks great BUT NOT something I would pay for" most Switch users would say the same about games like Returnal or GOW so this move isn't taking any value from your console and has the potential to actually add value.

Between a situation where a pc only user plays this and buys a ps5 and a switch only user doing the same I would bet on the second one. That's why the game won't be on xbox, because xbox IS their competition.

Re: PS5 Hardware Architect Says It May Take Less Time to Build a Console Than a Game Now


I like the "We're not trying to build a low cost PC" line because it's true, buying a console is more than not having enough money for a pc. People who buy a console should do it because it means something, if that something is being able to play certain games or having the "cool" piece of metal it doesn't matter, any console should be more than a box that runs games.

And I absolutely LOVE the line about that one video with the pc for $500 "better" than a ps5 because is something I thought at the exact moment they specify the parts.

"They had to get a used motherboard, that was the only way that they could build a PlayStation 5 equivalent for a PlayStation 5 price. And if you're using used parts… well you can get a used PlayStation 5 for eBay for $300-something"

LOL, techbros think they are very smart and some of them are actually smart but most of their content targets people they know they can fool.

Re: The Last of Us 2 PC Port Wrapped Up Development More Than Six Months Ago, Report Claims


@HonestHick it's funny that you say that because A LOT of people with a pc has a ps5 and every time a new ps5 exclusive comes out there is more people buying a ps5. So no, obviously the strat of they are going to buy a ps5 for sure is not going to work but the fact that they have this ready and it isn't out yet means they weren't actually serious when they said that, they only said that to not say "Yeah well, Sony economy depends on hardware and has been depending on ps hardware since 2013 when we almost go bankrupt so if posible we want to keep selling consoles". They already know games cost too much (even when they aren't losing money, they just aren't making billions back) but what are they going to do? Cancel the games they already have started to start cheaper games from 0? That's just not going to happen ... a lot of time will pass before watching any kind of change there.

Also i think is cool pc players can wait, having the confidence to be alive in two years to play a game or to be alive 8 more years to play any game day one in this world that can end any day. That must be nice. I don't have that confidence so buying the cheap, weak and limited box to play the games I actually want to play without waiting doesn't sound like a terrible idea LOL.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Livestreams Are No Longer Speaking to the Fans Who Built the Brand


I see we are in OVEREACTION FRIDAY! Rich Elsen would be proud.

Who exactly build the brand tho? The old guys who played crash and spiro? The old guys who played ratchet and gow? The old guys who played uncharted and infamous? Or the soon to be old guys who played Horizon and Ghost of Tsushima?

We knew for more than 3 years they were making services, we know they cancelled half those services, were they supposed to not release the other half? People expect for Capcom to present a Resident Evil on sony shows every year?

Nah the show was bad but let's don't get it wrong. This isn't a shift, they just don't have anything to show yet and when they finally do either later this year or next year (because their goal is to increase first party revenue for 2025) people will forget about this and will celebrate and act like everything is perfect.

Re: PS5, PC Fans Are Trying to Figure Out if Concord Is Free-to-Play


I t won't be, they literally say new future content like characters will be free, f2p games don't do that.

It's a shame actually because a 5v5 game of this kind most likely doesn't hold a chance with a price tag vs other games like the Marvel game presented in the very same show. S*cks but not every service can be a hit, that's how the industry works, hopefully it gets a playerbase like Paladins or TF2.

Re: PC Players Are Fuming Until Dawn, God of War Ragnarok Appear to Require PSN Logins


One way or another they will end up making an account.

Don't want to? Don't buy the games. Want to review bomb a single player game? You need to but the game first and don't return it LOL. If Sony was desperate for that money the requirement wouldn't be there and "bad" sales (people are going to buy this yes or yes cry rivers included) will help the current strat to not change.

Re: Astro Bot Looks Absolutely Glorious, Lands on PS5 This September


@UltimateOtaku91 they have realistic expectations so don't worry. There was a difference in how they presented games between the Days gone fiasco and Returnal selling only 500k being a success enough to buy the studio.

They know this won't sell a lot because as you can see there is no enough demographic. If you want to be worried about a studio you can worry about MediaMolecule lol. Those guys were the next in line to execution

Re: Astro Bot Looks Absolutely Glorious, Lands on PS5 This September


This game looks FANTASTIC and it was announced the same year it will the released.

Now I hope all the people who always remember how
-Sony shut down JapanS (even when no one said thank you for keeping the last guardian alive for what felt like a decade)
-How Sony should be more like Nintendo
-How Sony needs smaller games

Actually buy this beautiful game.

This note should be the center of news in this website, not whatever reaction Sammy is going to write.

Re: Talking Point: State of Play May 2024 Predictions - What's Next for PS5?


No expectations besides me wanting Concord to look fun.

I know I'm in the minority here but I think the fact that they are doing a show for games to be released on 2024 should be celebrated.

Concord and Astrobot are the must for the show because Billbil doesn't miss.

No PS5Pro. That is going to be for the next half of the year (probably september like with the ps4 pro) and I actually expect for the big first party games for 2025 and beyond to be revealed with the pro not in this SoP.

XDEV made a tweet teasing their work is going to be there so a new or existent big partnership is on the way. I wish it won't be another SE game, those guys aren't wort it.

Re: Intense PS4 Fighter Samurai Shodown Finally Has Rollback Netcode, Almost Five Years Later


@GamingFan4Lyf It's waaay more simple than that dude. MS paid for that version LOL.

That version came out at the time when Xbox wanted to show "they have japanese games too" and somehow cared about Japan. That version can't be updated for PC or PS because SNK counts it as a whole different piece of software, it even has a different publisher than the original. SNK probably didn't invest to port the new version to other systems because they were already working in something else and they aren't that big, also it's unclear if the contract with MS would allow it. It wasn't until the Saudis bought 100% of SNK that they shifted to the idea of reworking not so old games with new multiplayer tech.

But no, it wasn't because how PS works, if that was the case the pc version should support 120, it came out just a couple months before the series x ver but it doesn't.

Re: Team Ninja Reveals Rise of the Ronin's Links to Nioh, Ninja Gaiden


It's still mind blowing that Ronin is selling more than the Nioh franchise in the same time frame. It's even better than thanks to those numbers they are going to open a new studio.

It's funny that KT and Shift up are growing thanks to their partnership with Sony and then there is Square ... the difference? The public perception. KT has a divisive reputation but those who like KT games buy them for what they are. SE now has a bad reputation so even when the games are good people don't want them.

Re: Sony Sets Sights on Ruling the Anime World


I liked the announcement for a new animation technology, people can hate as much as they want buy Sony develops very good stuff.

Also in the questions section some japanese dude asked if they think owning original anime IP are as important as PlayStaytion IPs. They didn't answer sh*t lol so basically no they aren't interested in building and animation studio of their own BUT in reality they have been part of the production of some successful anime. Kimetsu no Yaiba may not be animated or owned by Sony but they pay a part and publish lol. Buddy daddies and Lycoris Recoil are animes they also paid for so they may not be interested in their own studio and making their own anime but they made good investments in the department lately.

Re: Helldivers 2 Updates Set to Slow Down as Dev Shares Concern Over Patch Quality


I really wish they understand the best way to release content is with updates that have dates. Random drops are nice for the people who is playing at that specific time but they don't generate hype and hype is healthy for service games. The reason why Destiny has been thriving for more than a month is because people know they are going to have a big update in June.

I would hate if they drop the Illuminate and literally no one knows it happened because it was a shadow drop.

Re: PS5 Action RPG V Rising Snags June Release Date Alongside PS Plus Discount


@tselliot I don't see coop superiority over single player in this game to be honest, is a survivor so the only difference probably is making things faster??? It feels like a lot of situations in the game work better playing solo because they are designed for you to do everything to stay alive. If the game clicks with you I don't see the necessity to even think in playing online, actually is quite the contrary. A lot of people enjoying the game but they are playing in a shared server, they log out and some mofos mess with their things, that can be funny with friend but everything is funny with friends so it doesn't represent the value of coop.