Comments 2,186

Re: Helldivers 2 Is Still Absolutely Killing It on PC, By the Way


@oc1d there shouldnt be too many server problems now. Ive had a few instances where its been full but once i make it on to my ship ive had no issue with joining friends at all. Make sure you, and they have friends only tab in the options clicked so you party will be empy until they join. If not your party will just fill up with randoms and there wont be space for your friends to join.

Re: Poll: Are You Still Playing Helldivers 2?


Yeah, most days. Its such a good game (coming from someone that doesnt like online gaming) and an easy game to just load up, few rounds, play something else. Its possibly the best online game ive played. Gets tricky on the extreme and higher difficulties tho.

Re: Big PS5, PS4 Games Are a Pittance with PS Plus This Weekend


Would love to invest in some of these bargains but ive got shedloads to play atm. Helldivers 2 is taking up alot of the evenings and i got FF yesterday too. MGS games on the to play list, Grannlue to finish, P3 to start plus more. I dont need anymore games until Stellarblade launches. Although P4 golden is on sale atm ๐Ÿ˜ฌ.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


I dont regret selling mine. Really liked druns rock, pistol whip and GT7 but the forecast just looked too bare nones so i decided to try get a hefty chunk back on it. The forecast looks no better 6 months later imo. I csnt believe that they havnt made an Astro bot for it or atleast ported the psvr version.