Comments 2,186

Re: Mini Review: Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Reforged (PS5) - Wonderful Remaster of One of the Best Adventure Games of All Time


Just played the opening. I forgot how magical this game is. A soon as i heard "Paris in the fall" it took me back to 96. What an absolute belter of a game. One of the very best! Its great to see the love for it here too. The voices are a little fuzzy tho ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
@johncalmc i think you are wrong mate. 99% sure it was 96
EDIT- Wiki also states Dec 96 for PlayStation ๐Ÿคท
EDIT AGAIN- UK was 96 US was 98

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Astro Bot Barely Registers at Retail, PS5 Numbers Plummet After Price Hike


I think personally it should have launched a month or so out from Christmas and had a bigger marketing budget. The game is really good but then again so was Concrete genie and look how well that sold. Hopefully sales pick up physically and its sold gangbusters digitally as id hate for sony to think people sont like Astro and can any future games in the series. They like to do that.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


I would love one and could probarbly afford one but im not willing to pay ยฃ800 for a console i can play my disks on. Thats just rediculous imo. I will just stick with my OG ps5 and get myself the switch 2 and possibly build myself a gaming PC.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


Echoing the majority of comments here. I would have bit if the system came with a drive as im due some bonus around that time but knowing i will need to buy extra components like the drive and the stand has turned me off the idea completely. I will just stick to my OG ps5. The worrying thing is how much the PS6 is gonna cost. I think the days of console gaming for me are over after this gen because i just cant afford to be dropping up to ยฃ1000 on a console.

Re: Astro Bot Director Surprised By Level of Support from Fellow PlayStation Studio Heads


Really enjoying Astro so far. 3 worlds down but im taking a break for a day or so as dont want to just fly through it. Ive not played a feel good game like this for so long. Its not hard, its not really a challenge but the game just oozes charm and character. Asobi deserve this and i hope that Sony take a good hard look and realise there is certainly space and a desire for more games like this.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Credits Indicate DLC Cameo Bots Could Be Inbound


@rjejr i can confirm there is a level with a climbing ape but im pretty sure as far as im aware its only a lvl or 2. Most world have their "special ability" but imo they are not overused. I liked the climbing ape one ๐Ÿ˜‚. I think they look optional as from a "completing the story" point of view but to get all the bots, and i assume the plat they will need to be done @code45709 come on man, the levels arnt that hard and they are that short and load so fast theres not really much progress to make it back to where you last died. If they were like 5 minute long lvls and i was no where near the end i could understand but they can literally be cleared in just over a minute or 2. Hardest one ive found so far was a triangle one where every platform was glass. Probarbly took me about 10 attempts.

Re: PS Stars Guide: All Campaigns and Solutions (September 2024)


The thing that pisses me off about this stars programme is that its all out of sync. Was looking yesterday and one of them was to purchase Wukong but as the objective was obvioustly released after the launch of the game, which is when i purchased it i didnt get the extra gold coins for completing the objective. Next time i wont buy a game on launch and just wait a week or 2 to see if they add it to the stars program.

Re: PS5's Most Addictive Game Gets a Two-Hour PS Plus Premium Trial


@riceNpea Poundland is for peasants, i go to B&M on my electric scooter๐Ÿ˜‚ i get what your saying tho and if it was a game that looked like i might half be interested and backlog /pre orders wasnt an issue i would do but i just wish there were more demos of games like this available for all to try. It wouldnt be a bad thing, right? I blame Sony for locking them behind a pay wall. We hardly ever get demos now.