Comments 2,186

Re: Astro Bot Is the 'Biggest' Game Team ASOBI Has Ever Made


I cant add anything more than whats been said. Astro is probarbly the most fun expierience ive had on my PS5 and it was a day 1. Such a fun little game that is still, imo the best game that shows what the controller can do. I will be pre ordering it for day 1 and will support these guys. They deserve it.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 531


Plugging away with a bit more stellar blade. Only a few more trophys to go for the plat but i will need another run after this one to get the 3rd ending. I need to renew my + sub so will look for some cheap credit (shopto seem the cheapest) and take advantage of the days of play offer.
May play some Paper Mario on the switch.

Re: Astro Bot Raises the Bar for Sony's PS Studios Intros on PS5


@BlaizeV "ยฃ20 title for Ape Escape, Parappa or even Toro Inoue"

This is a good idea. Ive thought for a while that Sony should be sprinkling in some smaller more basic titles in between the bangers. Something to keep things fresh and put a little magic in to gaming because its starting to get stale and boring.

Re: PC Players Are Fuming Until Dawn, God of War Ragnarok Appear to Require PSN Logins


Its tough *****. EA, Steam, MS, xbox, Epic, google, Amazon, Netflix, Disney etc all do it. You want to view or play their content you need to abide by their terms and create an account. Either create an account or dont buy the game. Its that simple.
Taking a game away from people after they have paid for it and put time in to it is one thing i dont agree on but stating you need an account before a game is released is fair game.

Re: Astro Bot Looks Absolutely Glorious, Lands on PS5 This September


Really exited for this one. Its about bloody time Sony pulled their fingers out of the butt holes and got a full blown Astro adventure on the PS5. The bundled tech demo is still the best use of the dual sence controller and the most fun ive had on a ps5 game (not necessarily the best ps5 game) it has however solidified something for me. I will never but another VR2. That thing has been left to rot and since selling mine (about 2 months after launch) i still dont regret it. I did however nearly buckle and grab another in the sale for ยฃ430 but after the lack of support, especially with the lack of a game that was so beloved on the origional VR the writings on the wall for VR2, imo.

Re: PS5's Sublime Stellar Blade Can Now Be Yours with PS Stars Points


@Nekomichu I also found the last boss last night. Yeah ive not got every outfit as some i missed on my first play through so i only got the origional costume on my 2nd playthrough and my 3rd playthrough i just want to enjoy the story instead of searching for stuff again. Although the costumes are easy enough to find once i figure out the ones im missing and where to find them. This game really has surprised me.

Re: PS5's Sublime Stellar Blade Can Now Be Yours with PS Stars Points


@Nekomichu exactly what ive been doing today. Completed it through oce, now going through it a 2nd time to mop up some trophies then will go through it a 3rd time. Dabbled in boss rush today and nearly done them on normal, although there are still 3 im missing for some reason. Guess they are tied to sub stories i missed on my first run. I had planned to play my final run on hard with a fully upgraded Eve but after trying a couple of the bosses on hard and getting absolutely battered i dont think i can bare to fight the 2nd from lass boss again. By far the most problematic boss for me by far so i can only imagine what shes like on hard.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 530


I will be continuing Paper Mario: 1000 year door on the switch and will dip my toes back in to Stellar blade to see what the new update is about and continue toward the platinum. Got myself street fighter 6 again after selling it out of frustration ages ago. Think i will buy my guy Akuma and start trying to learn some combos ready to dish out some pain (or have it dished out to me)

Re: Helldivers 2 Dev Says It's Seen 'Horrifying' Toxicity from Some of the Community


I dont see what thr problem is from a players perspective. Play the game, add people who play well and as a team and just build your own group of people to play with like i and @Northern_Munkey have done. Dont go on reddit and you dont have to see it. Enjoy the game for what it is and what it offers. Granted, ive let my PS+ lapse so ive not played for a month but i know when i do jump back on there will be decent people that ive met along the way ready for a game or 2.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 529


Ive got stuck back in to EA pga at the minute trying to do some of the crazy hard challenges and failing miserably. I may put that to one side tho and get some more Stellar blade in. Done 1 run and am now on 2nd for the plat then a final run through on hard but that will be when there is a photo mode patched in. For some reason im very tempted to grab Assassins creed Odyssey whilst its ยฃ11 on offer for the gold edition. Any thoughts on the game?
Will also be watching the Gypsy king boxing for the belts too ๐ŸฅŠ๐ŸฅŠ๐Ÿ‘‘
Have a good one.

Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says


@GeeForce yeah there will definately be some people buying a 2nd console or just swapping over there PS4 or ps5 to jump to xbox for sure but when you factor in the cost of a console and then a year of gamepass its probarbly not much different to just buying the game outright on PS5 and using your current PS+ subscription. I think it will defenately give people food for thought that are looking to upgrade from an xbox one or PS4 tho. May sway a few decisions.

Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says


@MrBook yeah if you already have an xbox and are a COD fan its a no brainier but I dont think on a vast scale people will be going out and buying or trading in consoles to be able to play COD i dont think thats going to happen imo. I dont need to worry about it tho as i dont play cod and wont actively give MS and money unless its something i reaaaaaaly want. Id prob buckle on Gears of war.
Yeah i see the "free" thing thrown around quite alot too but that happens on here too.