Comments 510

Re: Spider-Man Creative Director Calls for Respect as PS5 Remaster Criticism Crosses the Line


@Arnna The fact that most of them are a good deal older than like, 12, which is about the age where such a response wouldn't be super unusual, is what's really sad. But like you said, at least they're the minority. Although the massive review-bombing that TLOU part II received by people who didn't even play the game makes me think that it isn't as small of a minority as I'd like.

Re: Spider-Man Creative Director Calls for Respect as PS5 Remaster Criticism Crosses the Line


This is just as ridiculous as the abuse hurled towards the people involved with the production of The Last of Us: Part II. These are FICTIONAL characters that other people created, and they have the right to do whatever they want with them.

It's fine to criticize choices in game design, but ultimately, the people making these games are doing way more with their lives than these miserable toddlers ever will.

Re: Soapbox: The Week After PS5's Showcase, Sony Told Us Nothing About Its Next-Gen Console


People in these comments, and across the internet, who complain all the time about people who complain about video game-related things are more annoying and grating than the very people they're complaining about.

Yes, we should also be positive about things, and we shouldn't complain about everything. But this is a hobby that millions of people care deeply about, and it's within an industry full of cutthroat companies that will do things like fill their games with slot machines to drain people of as much money as possible.

We have a right to complain and criticize them for anti-consumer practices, and it's important that we call them out. Otherwise, these companies will walk all over us, and our hobby as we know it won't stay the same. If you think and trust that Sony will always do things with your best interests at heart and nothing else without us doing whatever we can to keep them in check, you're wrong.

It's not unreasonable to want to know what you're paying for, and it's not unreasonable to use your voice when a company is screwing consumers over in some way.

Re: Gamers Will Happily Pay $70 for PS5 Games, Argues Analyst


I, personally, would just wait for a sale for most games. Games that I absolutely couldn't stand to have spoiled, like God of War 2 or a potential TLOU Part III, I would consider paying full price for.

But ultimately, a lot of games go on sale after like 3 months. There would be no sense in not waiting for sales anymore.

Re: Poll: Has Xbox's Bethesda Buyout Made You Reconsider a PS5 Purchase?


For me, it really just depends on who they buy out next. I wouldn't buy an Xbox for Bethesda games alone. But if they buy out several more studios who make games I enjoy, and make them exclusive? Might be a different story.

Ultimately though, I'm still leaning towards PS5, because I need my God of War and Naughty Dog franchises and the like.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of the Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay?


Looks solid. However, I think some people are looking at it through rose-tinted glasses, since what we've seen is hardly mind-blowing outside of the dense environments which are impressive IMO, and others who are super disappointed seem to have forgotten that this is just a video game and not some transcendent experience that will redefine video games as we know them.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Gets a Full 48 Minute Gameplay Demo


@Octane My personal reasoning behind it is that nudity can cause far worse problems for a person than shooting someone in a video game ever could. Most people don't tend to get addicted to the act of violence and whatnot, unlike nudity, unless they have some sort of weird issue that they should probably look into getting help for.

People can look at nudity if they want, since we all have to make our own choices, but my point is that it has consequences, unlike looking at someone getting shot in a game. Most people don't even realize that they're addicted to it until they try to stop and realize that it's very difficult to.

Not that what's being portrayed in Cyberpunk is full-blown pornography, although none of us have seen much of the game, so who knows. I just know that for people who have had problems with such things, it's better to avoid it as much as possible.