Comments 152

Re: Sony Buys Ex-Halo, Destiny Developer Bungie for $3.6 Billion


I can't get excited for both sides making acquisitions. It's much better if studios like these stay independent. Same with everything under Activision/Blizzard.
At least they're wording it like everything Bungie does will stay multi platform, but I'm afraid that's just PR talk. We'll see

Re: Poll: Does Sony Need to Take Action After Microsoft's Activision Buyout?


It's difficult. MS have the money to drop their 1st party games on gamepass day 1 (without DLC and with Microtransactions though). Sony just can't do that with Spartacus without seriously lowering their studios' budget. So I'm afraid they won't be able to compete on a subscription level and definitely not on a acquisition level.
What they can compete with is their quality, which is far superior. So I think they should just keep doing what they're doing.

I don't like the whole timed exclusivity that they've been doing and I definitely don't like MS buying up publishers with established multiplatform IPs. But Sony might be forced to make some minor acquisitions themselves.

Re: Hands On: FromSoftware Puts Its All into Elden Ring


I had a lot of fun playing the CNT. There was lots of exploring to do and you really didn't have to travel far to find something interesting.
The open world dungeons were all relatively simple and straightforward, but this was just the starter area. I suspect they will increase in difficulty and complexity further on.
Combat felt good as always with FromSoft games.

So far I didn't notice many elements taken from Bloodborne. There was an open world dungeon that felt like a chalice dungeon. And there was a beast boss. Besides that it felt very much like Dark Souls (have played part of the 2nd, currently doing the 1st remastered).

I did like that flasks have a chance to refill if you defeat a group of enemies. But I prefer Bloodborne's Rally mechanic where you regain some health by hitting enemies.

Anyway, if you like Dark Souls, you'll probably like Elden Ring. If you were always interested in Dark Souls, but thought it was too difficult, you'll like the spirit summons in Elden Ring. They make it significantly easier. Co-op is also not restricted anymore like in previous games. You only need an easy to craft item to summon players for help.

Re: Konami Apologises for the State of eFootball at Launch


Such a shame.. I always liked PES, but this didn't feel good at all. I uninstalled it after 7 minutes. They can say they're sorry for the state it's in, but why release it then.
Guess I'll go back to PES 2019 (can't be arsed to buy a football game every single year). EA will never get my money.

Re: Talking Point: Did PlayStation Showcase 2021 Deliver on the Hype?


It was okay for me. I can't get excited for timed exclusive games. GoW doesn't really excite me. I played the previous one a few months ago since it's in the Plus collection, but I thought it was a nice looking, average game.
I'm not into Marvel games. So only thing that I'm looking forward to is Gran Turismo.
Was hoping for some new IPs.