Comments 1,528

Re: Square Enix Commits to Business Consolidation in 2023 as Sony Buyout Rumours Start Again


@Tharsman You misunderstand. Why spend nearly $4 billion on a company when they're product won't even be exclusive? They over paid and got nothing new in the process. Destiny would have remained on Playstation unless MS bought them. Sony, on the other hand, is keeping Destiny on all platforms.

It makes zero financial sense no matter how good Bungie runs their operations.

Re: Game of the Year: Brett's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2022


I actually just snagged Sonic Origins (PS5) to replay Sonic CD. I'm enjoying the added animations and getting to replay these without hooking up the Genesis again. The only thing I wish is that they had added Sonic Spinball and maybe a couple of Game Gear Sonic games like Triple Trouble and Chaos.

As for Frontiers being #1. Good on you for going with your belief instead of worrying about the comments section. I got it for my son for Christmas and had some time with it as well. It's definitely the best 3D Sonic game I've played since the Adventure Dreamcast games.

Re: Soapbox: More Publishers, Including PlayStation, Should Celebrate Their Catalogues Like Atari 50


Agreed. Just picked up Sonic Origins Collection (PS5) as well. I'd love the following collections:

  • Double Dragon 1-3 & Battletoads DB (NES/SNES/Gen)
  • Tomb Raider collection (PS1/PS2)
  • Jurassic Park & Lost World connection (GG/Gen/CD/SNES/3DO/PS1)
  • Onimusha collection (PS2)
  • Prince of Persia collection (PS2)
  • Army of Two collection (PS3)
  • Motorstorm collection (PS3)

Others I'd love as full remakes of if done right...

  • Dino Crisis 1 & 2 (PS1)

Re: Game of the Year: #7 - Sonic Frontiers


It's not a horrible Sonic game. Got my kiddo the Switch version. I think my biggest complaints are the constant pop up notifications stopping gameplay and then the occasional forced camera changes that don't make sense.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing The Witcher 3's PS5 Upgrade?


@Olskeezy Cross save looks convoluted to be sure.
1. Have Witcher 3 (PS4) updated to version 4.
2. Click L2 over save you want and register on GOG.
3. Start save file and cause auto save like fast travel
4. Load Witcher 3 (PS5) and log into GOG. Save file should be there.

Luckily, I'm only planning to transfer my New Game+.

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 3 Is In Development at Naughty Dog


@Almost_Ghostly Uh no. If Naughty Dog decided to work on another Uncharted... I'd be all for it, but so far, Uncharted is the only game series they've done that I like and revisit and replay.

The Last of Us is so dark... showing the worst of humanity... that I beat it once and couldn't be bothered to replay. It was draining. I never bothered with the second knowing it would be dark and that was a good idea as it apparently was even darker than the first.

I see the worst of humanity regularly. I don't need it in my entertainment as well.