Comments 1,528

Re: Meet Your Maker (PS5) - Raid and Build Concept a Great Idea Yet to Reach Its Potential


Definitely going to give this a shot as it's free on Plus.

EDIT: Gave it a shot last night. An interesting take for the story. I can't tell if it will be good or not. It teeters on the edge of fun and frustrating. I can definitely see the points made in the review above. I think a saving grace for it may end up being the grappling hook. I think when I try building, I'll be making the user have to work on their grappling skills.

Re: Soapbox: Hold On, Is the PS3 a Retro Console?


Maybe we should use the term "Classic" instead?

Next Gen - PS6
Modern - PS5
Last Gen - PS4
Classic - PS3
Retro - PS2 and PS1

When PS6 releases, each system would then get knocked down until eventually, all end up in the retro category.

Eventually, gaming as we know it will cease. I expect the VR headsets are the first leap into the new categories of gaming presentation. Beyond that? Who knows. Perhaps Star Trek holodecks will eventually be the new "gaming" platform.

Re: Rumour: Sony's Big PS5 Showcase to Take Place in Approximately Two Months


Taking this outside of the realm that Sony will have a showcase, what I would like to see sometime this year is...

  • Dino Crisis Remake announced
  • Shenmue 4 announced
  • Mass Effect 5 update
  • Uncharted continuation announced
  • Tomb Raider project update
  • Indiana Jones (confirmed yes or no for PS5)
  • Witcher 4 update
  • Instinction update

I seriously question if half the above will actually release on PS5 or if dev time has increased so dramatically that PS5 will be skipped entirely.

Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Is Dead! Find Out Whodunnit in Free Steam Game


And here we start with the April Fools. Hoping to see some really good ones that maybe get a few really excited and chattering for a bit before coming to the realization.

What might have gotten me for just a moment (Sonic-wise) is if Sonic Spinball (Genesis) was being added to Sonic Origins Plus. The dozen Game Gear games would have got my hopes up too had it been announced today instead of when they were.

Re: Hunt the Night Might Help with Zelda FOMO on PS5, PS4


@Sil_Am Zelda games are generally fun with the exception of a few such as Skyward Sword. Anyone that's bought a Nintendo since 2006 knows that they aren't getting hardware that's capable of being competitive during its lifespan. I think Switch is at least a full generation behind graphics wise, maybe even more. Everyone knows this. I bought my Switch as a family system for the kids and to play Zelda. That's basically it. Everything purchased for the system in my house is appropriate for young kids. Everything else can be purchased on my PS4/5.

Re: E3 2023 in Doubt as More Publishers Pull Out


I remember really wanting to attend an E3. See all the newest games, the hustle and bustle, the swag, the both babes, getting to see new hardware before most in person and potentially try it.

Man... I wish it was still like that. End of an era. Sony won't even do their Playstation Experience anymore which was at least close to E3.


Re: Sonic Origins Plus Catching Heat for Using Zoomed-In Game Gear Versions


This is a non-issue.

I grew up on the Game Gear versions and am happy to see them included. The only thing missing for me is the Genesis version of Sonic Spinball but honestly, I could play my original Genesis copy, my PS2 Mega Collection Plus version, or my Retro Pi version. Not a huge setback as I have access too it.

What was the saying a while back if someone complained about the difficulty of a game... Git Good? — I'll never understand the need to destroy spelling on purposes on the internet.

Re: Hero-Ki Is a Sonic Cosplayer with a Magic Camera in SEGA Shooter Hyenas


This is a great example of what I hate about the modern videogame industry. It's Sega's version of Fortnite. That's basically it. Not only is this a Fortnite type game, they have these characters that have little originality. This Sonic cosplayer — While I'm sure it's meant as a jest — is a reflection of modern society as a whole... a complete lack of people being able to find themselves as they would have even 20 years ago, and instead try and make themselves and call themselves something they aren't. They base their identity outside of reality. No, obviously... we're all gamers or we wouldn't be here. We pretend and often overlay ourselves into the characters we play as in games. I get it, but when we step away from the screen, we should be able to differentiate ourselves from the characters. Many seem to have been able to forget that and blur the lines of fiction and non-fiction.

Re: US Senator Says Sony Has 'Monopoly' on High-End Japanese Game Market


Cantwell can't do many things very well... but what she can do is lie. We all know the truth here. No need to go much further.

I'm so sick of how corrupt American politicians (specifically America as I'm American, I'm aware other countries are just as bad if not worse, but this impacts me directly) are. So many are bought out by big tech, big pharma or other multi-national groups that have zero interest in the well being of anyone but themselves.