Comments 1,528

Re: Ubisoft Helps Out Its Writers by Implementing AI Tech to Do Their Job for Them


I'm on the fence about this. I like that it's giving the writers the focus on story and main characters, doing the throw away lines of NPCs for them, but I also understand it won't stop there.

I imagine we'll shortly see writer's protests about this as AI eventually takes their jobs and money hungry corporations won't care. When that eventually happens, assuming they'd come up with a game I'm interested in, I'll still not purchase it if it was only written by AI.

Re: This Android App Will Transform Your PS5, PS4 Remote Play Experience


@veryhoudini11 Sony set it up as a PSP successor with great AAA games. That's what it was promoted as and I was on board. I preordered mine with Uncharted. Then after two years the AAA games stopped. Not even Sony continued supporting their own system leaving it to be a cell phone port machine with jrpgs. Their sales pitch setting up the PSV became a lie.

Re: Preview: Capcom Showers Resident Evil 4's Late Game with Love


@Uromastryx You're welcome to your opinion but I'm pretty sure they're money hungry and would have remade it if they didn't think the activists would have tried pulling a Hogwarts Legacy type boycott against it. Regardless that the actual boycott is something that happened well after the decision was made to pass on Code Veronica, the writing was on the wall as to what activists were happy to do.

Re: Preview: Capcom Showers Resident Evil 4's Late Game with Love


Waiting for the demo. The problem I have is two fold.
1. They skipped Code Veronica and I'm betting it's because the mental disorder the main villain has doesn't mesh well in the modern political climate.

2. RE4 was ported to everything for over a decade. I had my fill of that specific RE and am still burnt out on it. Still an incredible game and I loved it on GC and PS2, but I'm not ready to commit time to it again just yet.

Re: Reaction: Sony Continues to Fumble the State of Play Format


I expected nothing to interest me so I didn't bother watching. I checked the aftermath list of showings with zero surprise.

Sony needs to go back to a big show this year. Bringing back the likes of the Playstation Experience like they had for a couple years would be incredibly welcome as they already confirmed E3 will be a no show for them.

Re: Idiots on the Internet Are Still Abusing Abby from The Last of Us 2's Face Model


Social media exacerbates and even celebrates hate and anger. The more insane, the more clicks, comments and general responses people give. It's made people psychotic and has truly ruined millions of people's psychological well being.

If it were up to me, I'd destroy every social media server in the world and render any code unusable and ineffective attempting to create a new one.

Perhaps then people could regain sanity.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


Appreciate the review. Sad to see motion sickness is still an issue that hasn't been addressed well enough. I may be completely sitting out this iteration of PSVR and wait for the next.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Hogwarts Legacy?


I'm in the middle of Witcher 3 again but planning to buy the PS5 version for the family once summer starts. My eldest is the biggest HP fan in the family but we all enjoy it.

As for the controversy... I'll ask this. Who's the bigger bigots? The group of people trying to destroy women or those trying to protect women? That's all I'll say on the matter.

Re: PS2's Best-Selling Console Crown in Jeopardy As Nintendo Switch Passes PS4


@Dreamcaster-X Negative. Here's the difference...

Switch Lite takes away the ability to play the system as a console on the TV. In fact, it doesn't live up to the name at all removing its ability to... Switch.

PS2 on the other hand... the PS2 slim added an internal network card reducing only the size. I guess you could argue that the Slim removed the ability to use the HDD that came with FF11 but the out of the box capabilities remained identical.

Re: PS2's Best-Selling Console Crown in Jeopardy As Nintendo Switch Passes PS4


@NEStalgia Maybe I'm old school? My eldest inherited my PS4 the Christmas shortly after the PS5 launch but she barely uses it. The TVs in my kid's rooms are there for watching DVDs... yes... DVDs. Not Netflix, Disney+ or any other streaming service. They aren't connected to those on purpose. And... they only get to watch TV in their rooms on weekends or during the summer. At all other times, they are expected to be out of their rooms and being part of the family... not brooding away alone in their rooms on social media... which they also aren't allowed to have.

Re: PS2's Best-Selling Console Crown in Jeopardy As Nintendo Switch Passes PS4


There's massive differences between the PS2 and the Switch... primarily, Switch Lite is only a handheld while the regular Switch can be handheld or home console.

A home console... only 1 per house would be the usual.
A handheld... could have multiple. As an example, each of my kids has a 2/3DS.

I would say that consoles and handheld markets are vastly different and due to that, the two should be counted separately. If we removed just the Switch Lite numbers, how close to PS2's total sales would Switch actually be?

Don't get me wrong, I congratulate Nintendo for reversing course from the brink the Wii-U brought them too. The Switch has been very successful and it's a great system. Definitely the best Nintendo since Gamecube.

Re: Placing Your PS5 Vertically Could Kill It, Unverified Claims Suggest


Mine has been horizontal since launch as that's how my entertainment center is built, but I doubt vertical PS5's will break because they're vertical.

Sony intended PS5 to be vertical as a showpiece of the living room. I think there's even an interview where someone said as much. If that's the case, they would have tested vertical functionality and build quality just as much as horizontal placement if not more.