Comments 1,528

Re: SoulCalibur 5 Will Be Axed from the PS Store's Stage of History Next Week


As someone who buys physical most of the time... I'm pretty sure people that still have it downloaded will be able to play their copies. What this does prove is that digital only will...
1. Make it impossible to attain/download the game should your copy get deleted or corrupted.
2. Destroys the ability for gaming enthusiasts to preserve games they've truly enjoyed.

For the digital only people who have a bone to pick with our concerns... we're all well aware in this particular instance, physical copies were more prevalent so Soul Calibur 5 will not be lost. It's the present and future digital only releases that concern us.

Re: GTA Inspired Isometric Police Game The Precinct Arrests PS5


@ShadowofSparta Look, if you're not willing to see the damage that's been done to these cities from policies that spawned from the Defund Police movement, then there's no helping you see the side of truth. If you don't think rampant crime where small businesses have been shuttered, sometimes burned to the ground, the spike in physical assault, theft so bad even large stores are leaving these cities.... then maybe you have a different definition of crumbling. But go ahead. You do you.

Re: GTA Inspired Isometric Police Game The Precinct Arrests PS5


@ShadowofSparta *Looks at all the cities across America [San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, New York] that have backed criminals over law and order and continues to watch them crumble.

Dude... people have outright admitted that Defunding the Police is exactly what they want. They want zero law enforcement. Time to wake up. The ideals were taken over by the ideological zealots that are destroying western society.

Re: GTA Inspired Isometric Police Game The Precinct Arrests PS5


In today's political climate of Defund Police and anti-law enforcement in general, I don't see this game doing very well. I expect that it will be attacked mercilessly in an attempt to shelve the project and an expectant apology will be demanded for ever considering this project be created in the first place.

Re: Don't Panic if Third-Party Games Aren't Immediately Announced for PS5, PS4 in the Aftermath of Xbox Showcase


Honestly, just hoping to see Indiana Jones from Microsoft. I'd love to see confirmation (sometime this week) that it either is or is not coming to PS5. I expect it won't and I'll be waiting to play until I eventually upgrade my PC in a few years. Still, with the new movie just around the corner, it would make sense for Microsoft to finally show the game.

Re: Sorry Physical Fans! The New Like a Dragon May Be Digital Only on PS5, PS4


@SirMarshmallow I'll happily be "left behind" as I won't buy a digital only game system. Besides, the way modern gaming is, there's almost no reason for me to stay up to date anymore. I'll wait for games like Instinction, Mass Effect 5, Witcher 1 and 4, and the new Tomb Raider, and then I'll bow out of modern gaming.

The best that gaming has to offer has already been made.