Comments 437

Re: Game of the Year 2018: Best PSVR Game


Astrobot is absolutely stunning. Was on the fence over whether to purchase or not ... wasnt sold on the VR demo and thought he was a bit anonymous as a title character. Wrong!! The first stages are nice and the monkey boss is amazing. . . BUT its level 2-2, Beachside Boogie, that completely blew my mind, and I usually hate underwater stages in games. Find myself booting up that level when im feeling a bit low and immediately start smiling.

Re: Bethesda Apologises for Fallout 76 Collector's Edition Bag by Giving Buyers Microtransaction Money


Who the hell wants a Fallout 76 Duffel Bag? Given the state of the game they should offer every upgrade and enough.. um .. atoms to buy EVERYTHING in the game. . . . and that still wouldnt absolve them for releasing this monstrosity. The fact that any naive consumer forked out $200 dollars for this game is baffling! I know theyre a company that probably has healthy reserves but recently whole dev divisions have been forced to shut down after releasing far better games than this!

Re: Fallout 76 - A Shockingly Bad Attempt at Multiplayer Survival


"Resi/Dead Space syndrome" ... take a series everyone loves for the isolation of the solo player campaign, "modernise" it with multiplayer, and you deliver easily the worst game in the franchise!! How was this allowed to happen? What happened to quality control and playtesting? The fact that a reputable company had the audacity to release this is shocking in itself .. BUT when you factor in the premium price, its pretty cynical . . . a Mongolian Cluster F$$K for the consumer. This is why you NEVER pre order digitally ... even for a franchise you adore!! Doubt this mess is salvageable.

Re: Astro Bot Rescue Mission - Just Like Super Mario VR


Wasnt really sold on this from the Playroom VR demo game but finished the first world and really liked it ..... THEN, I got to that dolphin level (lvl 2-2) and absolutely adore it now. Ive NEVER experienced anything like this in all my years playing games. I generally dont like swimming levels in games at all, but this game is different ... it actually transported me to the seaside. The waves and rippling water effects are so convincing. . . then, when you go underwater it gets even better.... THEN, when you resurface, you interrupt a cute little game of footy before playing headers and volleys with a giant robot!! Mind-blowingly good. Finding those little robots is soooo addictive! Cant wait to see what else they throw at me in later levels. . . ive got a sneaking suspicion its gonna get even better (if thats possible)!

Re: Firewall Zero Hour Outlines Immediate Update Roadmap


Great game but issues can be rather irksome. I stormed the laptop as last survivor, "smoked" all 4 bad guys. . . then got cut off from host, losing all xp and the congratulatory responses from my cohorts! Defo need some sort of host migrations. Another issue I have is my level consistently jumps from my current level … 8 or 9 or 10 back down to 2!!?? Keeps happening. Usually restarting the app rectifies it but it happens again. The levelling up/unlocking purchases is also really slow and tedious. Moving up 10 levels and having nothing good to unlock gets old pretty quick! Also have an issue with that frequency jammer thang. Last night my opponents had 4 jammers at same time. "Offed" all of em but couldn't find the jammers before the (not insubstantial) remaining time ran out! GGGRRR

Re: There's a New PS Vita Firmware Update Out Now


Love my Vita … Sony could've easily salvaged it with the revised Vita. The storage issue should've been resolved. Must be one of the most cynical, greedy, anti-consumer practices in videogame history! Only reason I didn't jump in at launch was the memo prices.

Re: Review: Firewall Zero Hour (PS4)


Really enjoying this when it works ... I was last man standing, stormed the base and eliminated 4 (no less) grizzly lookin' Middle Eastern "contractors" ... revelling in glory and eagerly anticipating the hoorahs from my cohorts, I was dismayed to find that the host had pulled the plug, my comrades were gone and I got ZERO XP!! Something fishy bout this!
Surprised this game has had little to no exposure. For a release I thought was eagerly anticipated, hardly any of the sites are reviewing it. Maybe a reduced price for first week couldve attracted a larger community. Would suggest a Rocket League PS Plus thing but not sure even that would work on such a comparatively small user base of headset owners. The potential is definitely there and when it works its really tense.

Re: Review: Guacamelee! 2 (PS4)


Love this. Just got the Jade Relic. Bit of a pain that you have to unlock exactly the same upgrades as the first (although Metroid has done this since the beginning) but that doesn't take away from the experience at all and newcomers obviously wont know the difference. Only slight issue I have is with the combat. If i'm pummelling someone and keep mashing punch, I cant change direction of strikes to punch someone on other side without actually stopping punching briefly to change direction (then start punching again). Not anywhere near a deal breaker but pretty irksome.

Re: Review: Super Bomberman R (PS4)


This game is a perfect example of why cross pay should be considered. My son adores this on Switch, but, despite the massive success of the Switch, the online community for Bomberman R is non-existent. . . theres never any one to play and weve never found a full lobby when playing. Actually considered asking for refund as the main reason people would purchase this is for the online battle mode ... the single player is pretty poor! Doubt PS4 will have a massively different result. Provide cross play and it would go a long way to improving the experience.

Re: Feature: Watching the World Cup with PSVR Feels Like a New Frontier for Sports


... dont wanna go back to normal tv footy now. Flipped the view to behind the goal to watch Ronaldos free kick bend in sweetly. Corners and free kicks are so exciting when viewed from behind the goal. The resolution doesnt really matter as much as your really close to the players/pitch. Given that this is the first experiment, BBC really have nailed it. Imagine how good it will be once they fine tune it ... 5 more camera positions and higher resolution. . . Spectating Heaven.

Re: Guide: How to Watch the World Cup with PSVR


Really cool and an absolute gamechanger. The side view is defo best place ... or maybe the end your team is attacking. The big overhead screen is a nice touch. Can switch your eyes over to the behind-the-goal when your team are attacking in the pen area. VR is defo the future of sports spectating. The PSVR boxing and basketball demos on PSStore are amazing. The next gen of headsets is going to rectify the draw distance and resolution issues. 4k VR sports will be incredible.

Re: Sony Prevents PS4 Players from Logging in to Fortnite on Switch


Hadnt thought about this before and havent played Fortnite yet .. but its an absolute crappy attitude. Ive got a PS4, my 10 year old son has a Switch. Whats the big inconvenience to Sony if we play cross platform? It just means less families who dont own duplicate consoles can enjoy playing together. Stingy and miserable!!

Re: Review: Gorogoa (PS4)


Played it on Switch ... good BUT defo not worth 10/10 good. Never really found it all that engaging. Wont be playing it again any time soon. Maybe a 7.5.

Re: You'll Be Able to Watch the 2018 World Cup Via Your PlayStation VR Headset


This is amazing!! This is where I was thinking the future would be.
PSVR's NextVR app gave me a taster of watching live footy and tennis, and the thought of watching a game live from the stands is incredible. You'll get the big match atmosphere from the comfort of your living room! The picture will have to be pretty clear though - the thought of watching a whole game with a fuzzy picture gives me a headache!

Re: June PlayStation Plus Games Announced


Xcom 2 was impenetrable to me. Played the tutorial and first level or two, then it got way too complicated. Not a fan of turn based games at all, although I did adore Steamworld Heist - only one ive ever enjoyed! Still, any month where I dont own any of the Plus games is a good one.

Re: Review: Detroit: Become Human (PS4)


Loved Heavy Rain, didnt like Beyond at all. Sure i'll enjoy this but wouldnt pay £50. Defo gonna purchase this one eventually, when its £20 in a sale. Disappointed in the reviews for this one. Typically polarising Cage! Hate it when a dev spends years and pours love and devotion into a project and it releases to mixed reviews!

Re: PlayStation VR Is Growing, But Virtual Reality Is Stumbling


PSVR is pretty cheap now when bought 2nd hand. Can find them with camera for £150. Really wish there was just "ONE" more Resi 7 type full game experience. Sony should really have made one or two NEW 1st party BIG games themselves. I just upgraded to the new PSVR headset with camera v2 for £180 (and then sold my original model for £200) as I'd had enough of scratching my Pro's HDMI socket by changing cables due to the HDR breakout box oversight.Think for a VR to be really successful it should be bundled with PS5 and ALL future games should have a VR mode in the same way that all games were supposed to have a Pro mode after the Pro was released. I restarted Resi 7 in normal mode the other day and switched back to VR after 5 mins. Just seems flat and dull now. Even in 4K HDR it pales in comparison to the lower res VR experience. Really looking forward to the next iteration ... higher res, wireless!
Downloaded that crappy Iniesta demo thing and got me thinking... really wish theyd live stream footy in VR. Set up a single 3D camera in one part of the stand at the Nou Camp (and all the other grounds) and let people watch the big game with their PSVR sets, with the crowd around them going nuts!

Re: Soapbox: PS Vita's Longevity Has Been Quite Remarkable


Vita couldve been so different. The initial model obviously had its shortcomings ... awful memo cards and 4(!!??) buttons less than what had been industry standard for 20 years, making remote play far from ideal!! Great news though, they announced a revised model ... surely they'll address these issues which would be sooooo easy to rectify. Nope, no buttons to improve PS4 remote play (which was a big feature being heavily advertised) making some games completely unplayable. They then remove the tasty OLED screen (the best feature) ... Oh ... and those greedy corporate fat cats continued with their cynical memo card policies ... the self inflicted coup de gras!! Still makes me angry!! Vita owners are ultimately paying for Sony's greed/incompetence. Wouldve flown off the shelves if they had made it micro sd compatible!!

Re: Sony Data Shows Digital Sales Continue to Grow on PS4


I was never into buying digital ... until I got my PS4 Pro. Gave my old PS4 to my niece. Left my main account on my niece's PS4 ... Buy digital only now so we each can both download a copy of any game I buy! Especially nice for online multiplayer.

Re: Poll: One Week Later, What Are Your Thoughts on God of War?


No. Niflheim is the area with the deadly mist. Its a procedurally generated labyrinth that keeps changing each time u enter. If u collect enough mists u can purchase the 3 best armours and various other power ups. If u commit to it for a few days u also get enough xp to max out just about everything in your arsenal. The ash area is various combat trials. You get smouldering embers there to purchase other armour.

Re: Poll: One Week Later, What Are Your Thoughts on God of War?


Was liking it but couldnt quite get to grips with the combat and upgrade system. Decided to spend 5 days grinding for mists in Niflheim ... which I hated at first. Kept getting killed over and over, usually because of my own greed ... then after a few days it all clicked!! Got really addictive. Each enemy has a way to phase it quickly with the right attack. Can clear it easily now on each try. Think im kind of a master at the combat now ... Thought I was NEVER goin to be able to beat a single Valkyrie BUT after I defeated my first one (after tons of deaths), I defeated every other one on my first attempt. Im pretty much fully upgraded now ... I'm a massive Metroidvania fan so going back and exploring the islands is one of the highlights for me. Dont want it to end so gonna explore everywhere again and mop up loose ends b4 I head for the finish line. After a great initial impression, then my meh-ish phase, i can safely say its probably my favourite GoW game and right up there with Horizon and LoU for me!! Simply stunning!!

Re: May PlayStation Plus Games Announced


Good month although never really took to Beyond. Big disappointment after how much I adored Heavy Rain. Only things I remember from Beyond was following a little white dot around, going to an Indian reservation and something to do with looking around some homeless guys cardboard home in search of a tramp?? ... or something like that?!

Re: Another God of War Patch Arrives to Squash Some Bugs


Great game.... played a good while... must almost be finished it ... still cant really get to grips with the upgrade system. Some "UPGRADES" increase the overall level say from 6 to 7 BUT every single individual part (strength, vitality etc) gets massive deductions!! How is that an upgrade? Seem to be making ok progress by FUMBLING about the ability tree and using components for better armour and weapons BUT i'm sure i'm not doing as well as I could. Ive purchased ALL the additional shield moves but cant use them as my vitality isnt the required 250 (its only 50)!! Pain in the butt!

Re: Poll: What Are Your First Impressions of God of War?


Combat really doing my nut in!! I swing my axe ... millisecond later enemy attacks (faster than me)! Kratos Cant/Wont use shield until the axe is finished a full swing ... meaning I get hit repeatedly, which has nothing to do with my reflexes!! Combat doesnt flow at all ... in previous GoW games it was gloriously fluid. Staying away from enemy and getting Atreus to continually attack seems better in most situations.

Re: Poll: What Are Your First Impressions of God of War?


Combat feels odd at first. Spongy R2 wouldnt generally be my attack button of choice, especially when paired with R1. Also feels odd to have so many menu RPGesque options in a GoW game. Minor gripes as I have got somewhat used to the changes. The story and production values are as high as can be. So far So impressive.