Combat really doing my nut in!! I swing my axe ... millisecond later enemy attacks (faster than me)! Kratos Cant/Wont use shield until the axe is finished a full swing ... meaning I get hit repeatedly, which has nothing to do with my reflexes!! Combat doesnt flow at all ... in previous GoW games it was gloriously fluid. Staying away from enemy and getting Atreus to continually attack seems better in most situations.
Combat feels odd at first. Spongy R2 wouldnt generally be my attack button of choice, especially when paired with R1. Also feels odd to have so many menu RPGesque options in a GoW game. Minor gripes as I have got somewhat used to the changes. The story and production values are as high as can be. So far So impressive.
Cant believe people are on the fence over this one... literally a MUST HAVE!!! Im expecting it to be graphically more gorgeous than Horizon .... no mean feat. Roll on Friday.
Started Witcher 3 on Monday after just completing Horizon... gotta say, Witcher 3 was a big graphical step down after the 4K HDR of Horizon. Looking forward to installing the update n seeing how much better it looks.
Great game and prob in my top 3 PSVR games BUT the graphics and character models were appalling. Obviously the budget wasnt there so theres no impressive Resi 7 style attention to detail but it did bring it down a bit. Following each character through the intricate story and discovering how their stories link together is incredible... no one is who they seem. Prob not worth double dipping unless the 4k version looks almost like a real movie.
Firewatch was prob my fave... I was getting paranoid playing it, thought it was gonna be some psycho slasher following me or was gonna turn into some alien abduction. Quite liked Edith Finch but dont get the OTT adoration it gets from everyone. Really loved Invisible Hours (apart from the poor graphics and character models) but, um, you cant walk in it... you teleport and your not even a person. Virginia was good and "Twin Peaks" style weird. Never finished Ether One, Rapture or Layers. Surprised Ethan Carter never made the list though.
GoW the big one for me. Prob my fave series... gone back to play them all on PS Now b4 GoW is released in April. Still stuck on the FRICKIN' Trial of Archimedes.... Ascension is the only one ive not completed coz of this bloody section!!! New God of War looks like it could be the "Resi 4" of the series.
Just finished it... Length was perfect. Only disappointing thing was the final "Battle" ... and one or 2 boss fights wouldnt have gone a miss. Last fight was way too easy ... not really a battle at all. The slow-mo rope slide/leap over Sarfogg and the slo-mo, extremely brave, Coup de Gras are right up there with my most memorable gaming moments. After playing this realised how perfect God of War would be in VR. Imagine climbing Gaia in VR ... as the camera zooms out.
PS ... stepping into the halls of that massive cathedral at the end ... wow!!!
LOVING this. Played two hours and utterly entranced!! If it ends after 5 more mins id be more than happy. The intrepid, benevolent, selfless Quill is utterly adorable! The love thats been poured into her little sprite is amazing and the smooth animations are incredible. Watching her "vaultspin" fluidly over obstacles is something that wont be getting tiresome anytime soon. Looking forward to completing her quest tomoz .. then, ill prob start all over again.
.Playing just now .. I dont get the controls. Why arent the smooth turning buttons used for incremental as well (why the hell would they be different??). Smooth turning makes me all yeuchy but 30° is always perfect for me!! Really dont want to continue unless the controls improve.
N++ is great but the co op is crap!! Loved playin first few levels with my 8yr old son .... but ... any game that relies heavily on someone having to ritualistically sacrifice themselves (repeatedly) is seriously flawed!
@AFCC The reviews for Zelda did tell the truth about it!! It got superlative reviews across the board!! BotW got 106/109 positive reviews!! Knack got 9(!!!!!) positive reviews out of 83! ... 9/83!! Your comparison system seems unbearably, unforgivably, wretchedly flawed ... at best!!!
Rime is a pretty recent title ... worth it for that alone. Never understood the baffling yearning for Knack to be on PS PLUS.... its supposed to be borderline atrocious!!
@get2sammyb Buy everything on digital now.. gave my niece my old PS4 when I got my Pro and kept old console registered as my primary so we both have access to all purchased digital games.
Damn... was really looking forward to this. Pricing seems crazy though. Defo doesnt seem worth £34.99. I'll wait 4-5 weeks till its 50% off in PS Store sale.
Batman Enemy Within. Including Batman on PS Plus was a masterstroke. I NEEDED the 2nd season after loving the 1st. The fact that 2nd season is 50% off on ps store sale sweetened the deal! Really enjoying it - its kinda an alternate reality as opposed to traditional Batman too, which im loving.
Why do companies even release things in this state... so glad I forgot to buy it last week. This game is a few yrs old now. Hard to believe it was difficult to take time to create a smooth version. . . the devs must know its a poor version ... so why is it being sold at a 32.99 premium? Pretty cynical... went from "... cant wait!!" to "hope it bombs!" in seconds!!
GoW 3 wins by a mile. The boss fights were incredible... leisurely waddling along to slowly cut off Hermes' legs, blocking the light before ripping off Helios' head and gouging out Poseidon's eyes are up there with GoWs best!! Ascension is still one of my biggest gaming disappointments (along with Resi 6 and Dead Space 3) which were also the worst of their respective series' - ignoring what fans wanted and sacrificing the quality of the campaigns for pointless multiplayer!!
Hadnt played Skyrim past the intro before. Starting to really get into Skyrim VR now! Nothing like travelling through a VR world to relax and forget about this twisted one for a while. Only negative (and its a big one for me) is the baffling lack of 3D audio. You hear everything in both ears so if you hear an enemy, it sounds like it could be anywhere. One of the great things about PSVR is the sound... someone talks into your left ear - you look left and see them. Someone whispers from behind you, you turn around and they'll be there. Its especially required for a conversation-heavy game like this... but in this game you can be standing in the middle of a circle of people and have no idea who's talking to you!?? Really big oversight but, still, really enjoying it nonetheless!
Devs are morons .... they only have to ask themselves one question .... "will loyal fans appreciate our practices .... or find them truly abhorrent?" If its the latter, DONT DO IT!!!! I dont even know what a loot box is ... got Modern Warfare Remastered last week and ONLY play the multiplayer, usually just T Deathmatch ... out of curiosity I (for the first time) opened up a couple of the menus to see you could buy CoD points (or whatever theyre called) at crazy prices. No idea what they do and not interested. Same with Fifa. Play standard online match and nothing else. Doesnt really bother me coz im not affected but I kinda miss the days when buying a game was just BUYING A GAME!
Everyone always wanted full console gaming on the go. People seemed to use it as an excuse for Vita's failure (while the 3DS's proper console games are the reason for its success) ... "Sony didnt understand that people dont want full console game experiences on a handheld"! What a load of rubbish. Just about every handheld game Ive played since the GameBoy through to 3DS has been a full console game. The only reason Vita failed was due to Sony thinking that cynical, greedy practices had any place in handheld gaming. They then had the chance to resolve the problem with the redesigned Vita model ... but no ... they stuck with the greedy practices and drove the final nail in! Shame ... lovely wee console.
@Totaldude911 Camera doesnt need to track it ... its just an analogue stick and a few buttons ... it didnt need to track it with PS3 Move games like Resi 5.
.... why arent any devs utilising the PS3 Move Navigation Wand for ANY PSVR titles? Surely it'd be a great fix for some of the games on VR? Paranormal Activity and Dont Knock Twice wouldve been fantastic with one hand using the Move and the other using the navigation wand to get around. Instead you have to use the Move shape buttons to move .... it works and u kinda get used to it but its pretty atrocious!!!
Paranormal Activity on PSVR is my no.1!!! Not finished it yet but had to turn off tonight after screaming 3 times in 40 seconds!! Very eerie, great sound design and great jump scares!!! Terrifying!
Was expecting it to be cheaper but stumped up £35 for it regardless!! Loving it so far. Just finished Chapter 2. Taking each chapter slowly and following every character before moving on to next chapter!! Think i've developed an unhealthy obsession with lil Miss Bernhardt. Some of the positions/poses she takes are somewhat ... um ... advanced!!
8 is maybe a bit mean. Actually enjoyed this far more than Samus Returns... and Metroid is my fave series. Defo a 9 at least for me. Sunk 12+ hours in and only got 92% of secrets. Best part was being able to fill in the entire map after getting the in-flight cool down upgrade for the rocket belt!! Great game!!!
The Vita couldve easily been resurrected, alive and flourishing if only Sony had listened to consumers before releasing the "revised" PS Vita!!! They had a great chance to right previous wrongs (Micro SD card compatibility and a full suite of PS4 compatible buttons for seamless remote play) but chose to stick to there greedy, cynical practices releasing a console reissue that very few bought! Wouldve been a must have for PS4 owners if remote play was perfect!! Instead we get a patchy remote play experience where some games are just completely unplayable!! At the risk of feeIing a bit ripped off I bought the L2/R2 add on from Japan ... helps a bit but still rubbish for some games... having to buy extra buttons for a console in 2017 is UNACCEPTABLE!!! Doubt they'll make another portable and wouldnt touch one if they did!!
WoW!! Amnesia was always on my to-do list!! Got MGS ... played couple hundred hours rescuing the same prisoners from the same camps (the side quests were all identica and repeated over and over!!) .. defeated Sahelanthropus and saw the End of Part 1 credits. Sold after that. I'll go back to it now!!
Vita had sssoo much potential. Sony, unfortunately screwed themselves and customers with greedy, cynical, shady practices. If it was micro sd compatible it would have flown off the shelves!!! I, and many others, didnt purchase on release due to this. When potential customers steer clear due to mind boggling decisions you know youve done something wrong! BUT , redemption could have been easily achieved with the release of a revised model, obvously (to everyone 'cept Sony Fat Cats) scrapping the propriety memo cards and adding a full suite of buttons for the PS4 remote play function they love to remind us about. But no, nothing was rectified and they ultimately stuck the final nail in themselves..... twits!!!
Never had any problems with this game's controls on 3DS, Wii U or PS3. Wasn't too keen the office level or the bits with those two dorks but the stuff on the Zenobia is right up there with Mansion/Police Station in Resi 1/2. Really is quite an enjoyable game. Defo an 8 for Resi fans that've never played it before.
Own none and have PSVR!!! Thats quite a Month!!!! Rigs is a really pleasant surprise! It was always a little bit too expensive for my liking so as a freebie, it kinda hits the spot!!
Really polarising the critics this one!!! Im really enjoying it so far.... 3 is a real kick in the nuts though!! By far the lowest score ive seen! Gotta be worth a helluva lot more than that.
Gggrrrr .... really struggling to master this.... must be doin something wrong coz i only ever come last! The tutorial seemed simple enough... my cornering needs some serious fine tuning!!
The first half hour of this feels absolutely incredible. Amazing fun, really fluid and taking out enemies while Neo-dodging bullets makes u feel badass! After playing slightly longer you realize the aiming controls are slightly off on occasion and the "throwing objects" mechanic could have done much better. Still, really enjoyable regardless and a must buy for PSVR owners.
Was excited as it looks very similar to Inside. . . it just didnt grab me the same way though. Glad I finished it but was getting a bit monotonous by the end ... and its over pretty quickly. Puzzles can have slightly odd solutions. 7/10 max. Good but not great.
I'll be getting this... pricing seems suspect though!!! I never had to pay an extra 60% of the RRP to play Resi 7 in VR! I'll defo just get the VR version only!!! Seems like the perfect game for VR!!!
Comments 439
Re: Poll: What Are Your First Impressions of God of War?
Combat really doing my nut in!! I swing my axe ... millisecond later enemy attacks (faster than me)! Kratos Cant/Wont use shield until the axe is finished a full swing ... meaning I get hit repeatedly, which has nothing to do with my reflexes!! Combat doesnt flow at all ... in previous GoW games it was gloriously fluid. Staying away from enemy and getting Atreus to continually attack seems better in most situations.
Re: Poll: What Are Your First Impressions of God of War?
Combat feels odd at first. Spongy R2 wouldnt generally be my attack button of choice, especially when paired with R1. Also feels odd to have so many menu RPGesque options in a GoW game. Minor gripes as I have got somewhat used to the changes. The story and production values are as high as can be. So far So impressive.
Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying God of War?
Cant believe people are on the fence over this one... literally a MUST HAVE!!! Im expecting it to be graphically more gorgeous than Horizon .... no mean feat. Roll on Friday.
Re: The Witcher 3 Finally Gets Its PS4 HDR Patch, Also Improves Performance
Started Witcher 3 on Monday after just completing Horizon... gotta say, Witcher 3 was a big graphical step down after the 4K HDR of Horizon. Looking forward to installing the update n seeing how much better it looks.
Re: Review: Owlboy (PS4) least a 9!!!!
Re: God of War PS4 Pro Lets You Pick Between Resolution or Performance
I personally go for resolution on Horizon! It looks spectacular with HDR!!
Re: April PlayStation Plus Games Announced
Not too shabby!!
Re: God of War's Crunchy New Combat Is Thrilling Critics
Fave series... this looks like a Resi 4 style change of direction/reinvention (no bad thang) for the series. Cant wait.
Re: Superb Narrative Experiment The Invisible Hours Sheds PSVR Requirement
Great game and prob in my top 3 PSVR games BUT the graphics and character models were appalling. Obviously the budget wasnt there so theres no impressive Resi 7 style attention to detail but it did bring it down a bit. Following each character through the intricate story and discovering how their stories link together is incredible... no one is who they seem. Prob not worth double dipping unless the 4k version looks almost like a real movie.
Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Walking Simulators
Firewatch was prob my fave... I was getting paranoid playing it, thought it was gonna be some psycho slasher following me or was gonna turn into some alien abduction. Quite liked Edith Finch but dont get the OTT adoration it gets from everyone. Really loved Invisible Hours (apart from the poor graphics and character models) but, um, you cant walk in it... you teleport and your not even a person. Virginia was good and "Twin Peaks" style weird. Never finished Ether One, Rapture or Layers. Surprised Ethan Carter never made the list though.
Re: Poll: How Strong Do You Think the PS4's Exclusive Lineup Is in 2018?
GoW the big one for me. Prob my fave series... gone back to play them all on PS Now b4 GoW is released in April. Still stuck on the FRICKIN' Trial of Archimedes.... Ascension is the only one ive not completed coz of this bloody section!!! New God of War looks like it could be the "Resi 4" of the series.
Re: Review: Moss (PS4)
Just finished it... Length was perfect. Only disappointing thing was the final "Battle" ... and one or 2 boss fights wouldnt have gone a miss. Last fight was way too easy ... not really a battle at all. The slow-mo rope slide/leap over Sarfogg and the slo-mo, extremely brave, Coup de Gras are right up there with my most memorable gaming moments. After playing this realised how perfect God of War would be in VR. Imagine climbing Gaia in VR ... as the camera zooms out.
PS ... stepping into the halls of that massive cathedral at the end ... wow!!!
Re: Review: Moss (PS4)
LOVING this. Played two hours and utterly entranced!! If it ends after 5 more mins id be more than happy. The intrepid, benevolent, selfless Quill is utterly adorable! The love thats been poured into her little sprite is amazing and the smooth animations are incredible. Watching her "vaultspin" fluidly over obstacles is something that wont be getting tiresome anytime soon. Looking forward to completing her quest tomoz .. then, ill prob start all over again.
Re: Hands On: Apex Construct Is a Beautiful But Irritating PSVR Adventure
.Playing just now .. I dont get the controls. Why arent the smooth turning buttons used for incremental as well (why the hell would they be different??). Smooth turning makes me all yeuchy but 30° is always perfect for me!! Really dont want to continue unless the controls improve.
Re: Redeem January 2018's PS Plus Games Before It's Too Late
Putting Batman on PS+ was a masterstroke. After completing first season, bought the next one immediately. REALLY compelling. Cant wait for S2 part 5.
Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Co-Op Games
N++ is great but the co op is crap!! Loved playin first few levels with my 8yr old son .... but ... any game that relies heavily on someone having to ritualistically sacrifice themselves (repeatedly) is seriously flawed!
Re: Rumour: February PS Plus Finally Gives PS4 Owners Knack
@AFCC ..
... i'm going back to Horizon:ZD .... i'll leave you with Knack!
Re: Rumour: February PS Plus Finally Gives PS4 Owners Knack
@AFCC The reviews for Zelda did tell the truth about it!! It got superlative reviews across the board!! BotW got 106/109 positive reviews!! Knack got 9(!!!!!) positive reviews out of 83! ... 9/83!! Your comparison system seems unbearably, unforgivably, wretchedly flawed ... at best!!!
Re: Rumour: February PS Plus Finally Gives PS4 Owners Knack
Oh great ... thats ... just ... HANG ON!! ... WTF has that got to do with anything??!!!
Re: Rumour: February PS Plus Finally Gives PS4 Owners Knack
28 NEGATIVE (ie under 40%) reviews on metacritic!! Thats sub mediocre ... atrocious in my book!!
Re: Rumour: February PS Plus Finally Gives PS4 Owners Knack
Rime is a pretty recent title ... worth it for that alone. Never understood the baffling yearning for Knack to be on PS PLUS.... its supposed to be borderline atrocious!!
Re: God of War Artist Rubbishes Downgrade Claims
... as if ANY previous GoW has been a let down graphically or artistically!!!?
Re: Review: The Inpatient (PS4)
Buy everything on digital now.. gave my niece my old PS4 when I got my Pro and kept old console registered as my primary so we both have access to all purchased digital games.
Re: Review: The Inpatient (PS4)
Damn... was really looking forward to this. Pricing seems crazy though. Defo doesnt seem worth £34.99. I'll wait 4-5 weeks till its 50% off in PS Store sale.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 203
Batman Enemy Within. Including Batman on PS Plus was a masterstroke. I NEEDED the 2nd season after loving the 1st. The fact that 2nd season is 50% off on ps store sale sweetened the deal! Really enjoying it - its kinda an alternate reality as opposed to traditional Batman too, which im loving.
Re: Review: Kerbal Space Program: Enhanced Edition (PS4)
Why do companies even release things in this state... so glad I forgot to buy it last week. This game is a few yrs old now. Hard to believe it was difficult to take time to create a smooth version. . . the devs must know its a poor version ... so why is it being sold at a 32.99 premium? Pretty cynical... went from "... cant wait!!" to "hope it bombs!" in seconds!!
Re: Guide: Best God of War Games Ranked
GoW 3 wins by a mile. The boss fights were incredible... leisurely waddling along to slowly cut off Hermes' legs, blocking the light before ripping off Helios' head and gouging out Poseidon's eyes are up there with GoWs best!! Ascension is still one of my biggest gaming disappointments (along with Resi 6 and Dead Space 3) which were also the worst of their respective series' - ignoring what fans wanted and sacrificing the quality of the campaigns for pointless multiplayer!!
Re: Game of the Month: Top 4 PlayStation Games of November 2017
Hadnt played Skyrim past the intro before. Starting to really get into Skyrim VR now! Nothing like travelling through a VR world to relax and forget about this twisted one for a while. Only negative (and its a big one for me) is the baffling lack of 3D audio. You hear everything in both ears so if you hear an enemy, it sounds like it could be anywhere. One of the great things about PSVR is the sound... someone talks into your left ear - you look left and see them. Someone whispers from behind you, you turn around and they'll be there. Its especially required for a conversation-heavy game like this... but in this game you can be standing in the middle of a circle of people and have no idea who's talking to you!?? Really big oversight but, still, really enjoying it nonetheless!
Re: December PlayStation Plus Games Announced
Useless for me. Got Forma and DS2!!
Re: EA Already Promising Changes to Star Wars Battlefront 2 Following Fresh Loot Box Outrage
Devs are morons .... they only have to ask themselves one question .... "will loyal fans appreciate our practices .... or find them truly abhorrent?" If its the latter, DONT DO IT!!!! I dont even know what a loot box is ... got Modern Warfare Remastered last week and ONLY play the multiplayer, usually just T Deathmatch ... out of curiosity I (for the first time) opened up a couple of the menus to see you could buy CoD points (or whatever theyre called) at crazy prices. No idea what they do and not interested. Same with Fifa. Play standard online match and nothing else. Doesnt really bother me coz im not affected but I kinda miss the days when buying a game was just BUYING A GAME!
Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?
Everyone always wanted full console gaming on the go. People seemed to use it as an excuse for Vita's failure (while the 3DS's proper console games are the reason for its success) ... "Sony didnt understand that people dont want full console game experiences on a handheld"! What a load of rubbish. Just about every handheld game Ive played since the GameBoy through to 3DS has been a full console game. The only reason Vita failed was due to Sony thinking that cynical, greedy practices had any place in handheld gaming. They then had the chance to resolve the problem with the redesigned Vita model ... but no ... they stuck with the greedy practices and drove the final nail in! Shame ... lovely wee console.
Re: Hands On: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Has Improved Massively with PlayStation VR
Camera doesnt need to track it ... its just an analogue stick and a few buttons ... it didnt need to track it with PS3 Move games like Resi 5.
Re: Hands On: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Has Improved Massively with PlayStation VR
.... why arent any devs utilising the PS3 Move Navigation Wand for ANY PSVR titles? Surely it'd be a great fix for some of the games on VR? Paranormal Activity and Dont Knock Twice wouldve been fantastic with one hand using the Move and the other using the navigation wand to get around. Instead you have to use the Move shape buttons to move .... it works and u kinda get used to it but its pretty atrocious!!!
Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Horror Games
Paranormal Activity on PSVR is my no.1!!! Not finished it yet but had to turn off tonight after screaming 3 times in 40 seconds!! Very eerie, great sound design and great jump scares!!! Terrifying!
Re: Review: The Invisible Hours (PS4)
Was expecting it to be cheaper but stumped up £35 for it regardless!! Loving it so far. Just finished Chapter 2. Taking each chapter slowly and following every character before moving on to next chapter!! Think i've developed an unhealthy obsession with lil Miss Bernhardt. Some of the positions/poses she takes are somewhat ... um ... advanced!!
Re: Hands On: The Invisible Hours Is an Incredible Narrative Experiment
Looks good. Sounds like a VR version of The Sexy Brutale.
Re: Review: SteamWorld Dig 2 (PS4)
8 is maybe a bit mean. Actually enjoyed this far more than Samus Returns... and Metroid is my fave series. Defo a 9 at least for me. Sunk 12+ hours in and only got 92% of secrets. Best part was being able to fill in the entire map after getting the in-flight cool down upgrade for the rocket belt!! Great game!!!
Re: Game of the Month: Top 4 PlayStation Games of September 2017
Steamworld Dig 2 is incredible!!! Defo should be top for me!!!
Re: Poll: Do You Want Another Portable PlayStation?
The Vita couldve easily been resurrected, alive and flourishing if only Sony had listened to consumers before releasing the "revised" PS Vita!!!
They had a great chance to right previous wrongs (Micro SD card compatibility and a full suite of PS4 compatible buttons for seamless remote play) but chose to stick to there greedy, cynical practices releasing a console reissue that very few bought! Wouldve been a must have for PS4 owners if remote play was perfect!! Instead we get a patchy remote play experience where some games are just completely unplayable!! At the risk of feeIing a bit ripped off I bought the L2/R2 add on from Japan ... helps a bit but still rubbish for some games... having to buy extra buttons for a console in 2017 is UNACCEPTABLE!!! Doubt they'll make another portable and wouldnt touch one if they did!!
Re: October PlayStation Plus Games Announced
WoW!! Amnesia was always on my to-do list!! Got MGS ... played couple hundred hours rescuing the same prisoners from the same camps (the side quests were all identica and repeated over and over!!) .. defeated Sahelanthropus and saw the End of Part 1 credits. Sold after that. I'll go back to it now!!
Re: Sony Doesn't See Much Potential in Portable Platforms
Vita had sssoo much potential. Sony, unfortunately screwed themselves and customers with greedy, cynical, shady practices. If it was micro sd compatible it would have flown off the shelves!!! I, and many others, didnt purchase on release due to this. When potential customers steer clear due to mind boggling decisions you know youve done something wrong!
BUT , redemption could have been easily achieved with the release of a revised model, obvously (to everyone 'cept Sony Fat Cats) scrapping the propriety memo cards and adding a full suite of buttons for the PS4 remote play function they love to remind us about. But no, nothing was rectified and they ultimately stuck the final nail in themselves..... twits!!!
Re: Review: Resident Evil: Revelations (PS4)
Never had any problems with this game's controls on 3DS, Wii U or PS3. Wasn't too keen the office level or the bits with those two dorks but the stuff on the Zenobia is right up there with Mansion/Police Station in Resi 1/2. Really is quite an enjoyable game. Defo an 8 for Resi fans that've never played it before.
Re: September PlayStation Plus Games Announced
Own none and have PSVR!!! Thats quite a Month!!!! Rigs is a really pleasant surprise! It was always a little bit too expensive for my liking so as a freebie, it kinda hits the spot!!
Re: Gamescom 2017: Fear Effect Reinvented Brings a PlayStation Classic to PS4
Never made it past disc 1 on PS1.
Re: Review: Observer (PS4)
Really polarising the critics this one!!! Im really enjoying it so far.... 3 is a real kick in the nuts though!! By far the lowest score ive seen! Gotta be worth a helluva lot more than that.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 182
Hollow Knight on Mac eating up ALL my bloody time and will be for foreseeable future... nightmarishly massive and bloody hard!!!
Re: Review: Tiny Trax (PS4)
Gggrrrr .... really struggling to master this.... must be doin something wrong coz i only ever come last! The tutorial seemed simple enough... my cornering needs some serious fine tuning!!
Re: Review: SUPERHOT VR (PS4)
The first half hour of this feels absolutely incredible. Amazing fun, really fluid and taking out enemies while Neo-dodging bullets makes u feel badass! After playing slightly longer you realize the aiming controls are slightly off on occasion and the "throwing objects" mechanic could have done much better. Still, really enjoyable regardless and a must buy for PSVR owners.
Re: Review: Black The Fall (PS4)
Was excited as it looks very similar to Inside. . . it just didnt grab me the same way though. Glad I finished it but was getting a bit monotonous by the end ... and its over pretty quickly. Puzzles can have slightly odd solutions. 7/10 max. Good but not great.
Re: SUPERHOT Slows Time on PS4, PlayStation VR on 19th July
I'll be getting this... pricing seems suspect though!!! I never had to pay an extra 60% of the RRP to play Resi 7 in VR! I'll defo just get the VR version only!!! Seems like the perfect game for VR!!!