Comments 437

Re: Why Is the New God of War So Different to Its Predecessors?


God of War series was brill. Loved em all ... 3 being one of my fave games ever!!!
Ascension was so disappointing though ... Wasted valuable resources on pointless multiplayer (also see Resi 6 and Dead Space 3) at the expense of a series thats main focus has always been the epic campaigns! Cant wait for this though!! Looks incredible!!!

Re: Review: Farpoint (PS4)


Reminds me of that subpar Wiiware game Onslaught! Seems quite short for the price. Sure i'll get Farpoint and the gun at some point! PSVR was so expensive, it only makes sense to snap up ALL the games that seem interesting!

Re: Video: How Does Resident Evil: Code Veronica X Look on PS4?


I always loved the tank controls in the original Resi games. It suited the fixed camera and pre-rendered backgrounds to be able to run from screen to screen by just holding up to go forward! .... otherwise youd be pushing the wrong direction every time the camera angle changed!!! Always remember that bloody Tyrant on the aeroplane fight!!! Took me days and tons of attempts to beat him ... then .. I crashed on the ice station with ZERO supplies!!! Still have nightmares about that section!!!

Re: Review: Statik (PS4)


ADORED this game. Pre-ordered it and stayed up till midnight last Sunday till it was activated to play it. Most original game ive played in years. Went in blind and managed to make it through to the credits unaided!! Some of it feels quite taxing but in every stage there are numerous EUREKA!!! moments!! Something you'll have overlooked for 15 mins comes to your attention and you kinda know you've got the right answer before you push the buttons! Great feeling!!! Fave level was the remote control droid one. I wont spoil it but it really is a great game! Probably finish in 2-3 sittings but well worth the £12 (PS+Discount) I payed for it! Try not to cheat.... wouldnt be the same. Ending was surprising and mysterious!!! So surprising I pulled a shoulder muscle at the end!!! Worth it though!!

Re: Review: Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (PS4)


Was loving this ... "WAS" ..... until I got transformed to the Lion ... then I accidentally went into The Unknown and got transformed back into the bloody Lizard again. Now I cant transform back to Lion again. I'm guessing I have to complete the Lizard's Unknown section ... which I cant seem to do .... keep getting killed over and over!!!

Re: Review: LEGO City Undercover (PS4)


Loved this on Wii U. My 4 year old son watched me play through and loved it. Really disappointed it was only one player on Wii U as he'd have loved to drop into the game with me. The co-op probably makes it worth purchasing again. Hes 7 now ... would adore this in co-op.

Re: April PlayStation Plus Games Revealed


After falling foul of several previous months free games (ie... I already owned them all) , any month where I own ZERO already is great for me! This 'll do. Lovers has always been on my list and that new cartoony multiplayer might just be alright.

Re: Resident Evil 7 Reloads with More DLC Banned Footage


Didn't enjoy this DLC at all! Certainly not worth the price! 21 was pretty rubbish! Really limited with zero replay value! Played through it 11 times with the comp character always cheating .... was driving me nuts!!! Then you realise theres one way you can cheat too! There isn't much randomness to it as there should be for a game of 21. It always ended up the same way! Daughters was similar to the Beginning Hour Demo with alt endings ... which I hated. I like feeling ive accomplished something and put a full stop to it! Not finishing something and being told ... "You have not found the true path ... try again!" Loved Bedroom .... was hoping for something similar in this lot.

Re: Feature: The Best Games on PS4 - Winter 2017 Edition


Journey? Journey was a lovely game! The stunning sand surfing scene where the camera pulls out as the sun sets through the pillars on glistening, gilded sand might be my favourite in gaming history. Well worth £10 and as such, super short. I found it had Zero replay value also! Defo not the greatest!
Last Guardian is doing my head in! I have no idea where to go in EVERY scene!! I try everything ... nothing works! Then a few days later I always stupidly go back, thinking ... maybe this time.... still the same outcome!!
Id say The Last of Us is my fave. I certainly find it hard to believe that anyone would find 2 1/2 hours of Journey (as much as I adored it), sticks with them in the same way as Joel and Ellie's relationship does.

Re: Sony: We Had to Be Careful Not to Overhype PlayStation VR


After hardware stock is resolved the other major problem is software! I loved PSVR but sold mine b4 Xmas. Went for £500 on Ebay! I view it as a new system (given the price) but what it will be getting is a "Sub-Wii U Drip Feed" of incoming games from now on. Naming 1 game, Gran Turismo Sport certainly isnt worth repurchasing it for me! Really hope next console gen has VR packed in, so devs have no choice other than to produce for it! Cant see it being worthwhile to develop for otherwise. Who wants to make games for an audience of 5,000,000 PSVR users when they can develop for 50,000,000+ PS4 users?!

Re: PS4 Pro Is a 'Half-Assed Upgrade' Compared to Scorpio, Says Xbox Dev


Playing Resi 7 on Pro on my 4K, HDR, 10-bit-panel TV and its the best looking game I've seen. (I'm not a high end PC gamer so have no frame of reference)! Everything looks incredible with extremely intricate attention to detail! Knocking a system thats absolutely annihilating you in sales seems like pretty bad form to me! The gap in sales is only going to continue this coming year, and with the likes of Scalebound (the only exclusive that interested me) cancelled, think most gamers would rather buy a Pro and enjoy the many upcoming PS exclusives! Sure it will be impressive but think MS might just be too late with releasing the Scorpio.

Re: Video: Sony Must Not Allow PlayStation VR to Wilt


I bought one at launch for £350, downloaded all the games I wanted, played them over a 6 week period, then sold it on eBay for £450 B4 xmas, which I put towards a £1200 TV! Its all down to Resi 7 whether or not I buy PSVR again! Find it hard to think they'll maintain creating games for it on a regular level. These peripherals really only work if they're necessary to be used with the hardware. Wiimotes, which were compulsory to Wii games, sold like hotcakes... PS Move, despite being far better than Wiimotes were doomed (at least until PSVR was released). When you fragment a user base, it seldom works. What dev wants to focus on a game for 3 million PSVR users when they can sell to 50 million PS4 users?

Re: Feature: 5 Crucial Resident Evil 7 Questions Answered


PHEW!!! No Co-Op .... thank god!!! Nothing like Co-Op to kill the isolation and atmosphere of a survival horror game!! Res 6 was pretty much ruined by focus on co-op. I loved Resi 5 but would've been far better without Co-Op/ AI partner! Dead Space 3 paled in comparison to 1 and 2 as well! Kinda ruined the franchise! For me, Outlast and Whistleblower really came along at the right time to quench my survival horror thirst! Absolutely terrifying games and a masterclass in sound design! Quite glad Resi has gone the same way, although I really didn't like Beginning Hour! Kitchen on the other hand was pretty damn scary!! If they can maintain that atmosphere for the campaign in VR ... its gonna be good! Defo not purchasing until the reviews come in though!! Got my fingers burned by Resi before!!!

Re: Game of the Year 2016: These Are Your Top 5 PlayStation Games


I never really got into Uncharted 4's story. Found the (seemingly hours of) smart ass dialogue with Elena such a turn off... really did almost ruin it for me. Never enjoyed the combat in Uncharted series either (although I loved it in Last of Us). Had some nice scenes .... sneaking in the house for the white journal was my fave. Playing Rise of the Tomb Raider just now and think its a vastly superior game in every way. Think Inside was my fave of the year! Looking forward to Last Guardian although it seems to have really polarised reviewers! Just read Edge's review of it today and it gave it a 9, defo picking it up!

Re: Talking Point: Has Holiday 2016 Devalued New Games?


Its rare for me but I bought Dishonered 2 day one... If its a game with exceptional reviews or something ive been eagerly anticipating, I may buy day 1. Given that games are generally £20 cheaper a month after release, it probably makes more sense to be patient and wait for price drops. Factor in the great PSN sales EVERY MONTH, paying full price for new games doesnt seem very good value anymore. Sony released 3 new hardware models in time for Xmas Xmas which I think must be a major reason why PS4 games werent meeting expected sales targets and why games dropped in price so quickly.

Re: Review: Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (PS4)


Loved Half Genie. 9/10 for me. A masterclass in graphics and sound design. Plays like a very colorful cartoon. The animals offer nice variety and I absolutely loved the back tracking in this game. Re-exploring an area with a new power is great and unveils many little secrets. Its occasionally tricky to work out where to go next, even with the bath house gal's hints. The bosses, although well designed, couldve been tougher ... after 4 hours when youve levelled up your hearts and abilities/armour etc, you can keep taking hits without fear of failure, especially if youve collected a stash of rejuvination items. Still, minor quibbles for an exceptionally fun little gem.

Re: Review: Amnesia: Collection (PS4)


Started Dark Descent umpteen times over the years and never enjoyed it. Keep trying to convince myself that I've missed something and restart it ... but i don't think i have. I just find it plain boring/dull. I did love Soma though!

Re: Push Scare: Why You Should Brave Outlast on PS4 This Hallowe'en


Great games! Outlast 2 defo on my top 3 Most Wanted list. Not sure what direction the series is going after playing the demo - hopefully it elaborates on the original story. Would love them to have a surprise VR mode ready for its release. Would be super scary in VR. Played the original again yesterday and its pretty scary in PSVR cinematic mode.

Re: Review: Wayward Sky (PS4)


Really enjoyed Wayward Sky. Bit repetitive and if it was just a 2D experience doubt I would have enjoyed it all that much. You really do feel like youve entered a new world though. Graphics are pretty without being highly detailed. Gameplay was mainly 1 type of rope puzzle over and over and did get a tad repetitive after a while. The last part climbing to the top of the tower on the robot really feels epic. (Really wish there was a Kratos VR sequence climbing Mount Olympus on Gaia)! Theres also a weird "mini game" (its no fun at all) where you have to put windchime pieces onto a dangling thing. Really dont see the point and added nothing to game. Overall a great experience - the visuals and the back story animations are all incredibly charming and touching.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 141


Batman VR .... everyday - not bored of it yet!!! Just finished Wayward Sky ... gorgeous visuals and story - puzzles are a tad repetative though. End scene on top of the robot is about as epic as games gets!! Then Emily Wants To Play .... if im brave enough. Playing it with the VR headset really ups the scariness! Had to yank it off a few times!

Re: Talking Point: How's Your PlayStation VR Hype Holding Out?


..... just went to Batcomputer and selected Killer Croc profile, put the third "action" cartridge (where he roars down on you) in the console and pressed pause.... Then called my 7 year old boy over n told him I wanted to show him something . Lol. Jumped out his skin when I unpaused. He wont be hastling me for another shot of "daddys blue torch glasses" anytime soon.

Re: Talking Point: How's Your PlayStation VR Hype Holding Out?


I took a punt and loved it instantly. Hard to explain to someone who hasnt tried it but it really is amazing ... when it works. I can turn it on one minute and its smooth as silk ... turn it on half hour later without changing anything, and the controllers are twitching like crazy, vision drifts all over the place. Really is frustrating. Sometimes I try and rectify it for an hour, then rip the headset off in a rage as nothing seems to fix it - lighting, camera position, recalibrating seem to have zero effect. I wonder if the processor box can overheat as I always have best results in the morning after its been turned off overnight. Still, exceptional when it works ... just hope firmware updates can fix these issues.

Re: Review: The Playroom VR (PS4)


Best part was watching my son spend all the earned coins on the ball machine and kitting out the playroom with all the monsters, characters, vehicles etc. The whole package is a tad limited but considering its free its a more than worthwhile intro to VR. Theres potentially a whole new world of asymmetrical gameplay if devs can just work out how to utilize it better than Ninty could with Wii U.

Re: PlayStation VR Has Sold Out on Amazon in UK and US


I walked into Game yesterday n bought one. No probs with stock! ... what really must piss people off is CEX selling second hand base packages for £410. 2nd hand Move controllers used to be £5 in CEX .... £60 each now. I bought my PS4 camera two years ago on ebay for £5 .... 48.95 for 2nd hand one from CEX. Amazing that Moves have been resurrected and the price has shot right up for what was undersupported/obsolete peripherals.I was lucky I already had all the hardware requirements ... otherwise I wouldve probably thought twice about investing.

Re: Reaction: Nintendo Switch Knocks the Final Nail in PS Vita's Coffin


Dont agree at all. My fave Vita/3DS games are all full console experiences. Never enjoyed watered down mobile gaming on phones or tablets. The Vita was rendered DOA by Sony on its release due to some very cynical design choices. Extortionate Memory cards and lack of a full suite of buttons effectively killed it off. Sony couldve easily resurrected it when they released the revised edition by really promoting PS4 remote play adding l2/l3 r2/r3 and using micro sd. Most PS4 owners wouldve jumped at the chance for a perfect remote play experience. Unfortunately they never listened to the public's criticism first time round and continued with those shady, greedy practices with the Vita V2.0. Shame .... Vita had such potential.

Re: Store Update: 11th October 2016 (Europe)


VR would be a definite for me if watching movies and off-TV play for standard PS4 games was up to scratch. Apparently its pretty pants. . . Buying what is essentially a new system for a dozen or so demo-esque VR experiences is hard to justify at this point.

Re: Hands On: Playing Non-VR PS4 Games on PlayStation VR


That was maybe the biggest draw for me ... playing horror games like Outlast and P.T. and watching movies in media player. Thought it would be great to replace Remote Play on the ill-conceived Vita with a PSVR and dual shock 4. Wish they had managed to make it possible without that sizeable drop in resolution.

Re: Hardware Review: PlayStation VR - The Future of Play


Dang... I was really looking forward to playing terrifying PS4 games like Outlast and P.T. again with the headset to see if the sense of immersion is increased... but given the drop in resolution, I might not bother picking up VR just yet. Also, was hoping some horror games would have you constantly looking over your shoulder to see if something was following you ... alas.. no! Was also hoping this would be my new preffered remote play device... Bit disappointed.