Comments 1,254

Re: As Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Explodes, Bandai Namco Is Reportedly Cutting Staff and Projects


@nessisonett Japan has some of the most protective labour laws in the world. It's almost impossible to fire someone. The type of companies you're referring to are called burakkukigyo (black companies) and they are subject to harsh penalties. Is the system perfect? No. But if a company wants to fire you for no reason, 6 - 12 months of severance pay is pretty standard.

Re: As Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Explodes, Bandai Namco Is Reportedly Cutting Staff and Projects


It is a thing. Been going on a long time. But before people revolt, it's close to impossible to fire people in Japan unless they have acted very egregiously. Labour law works almost too well here where you have MNCs that have less than 2% attrition. You might not like it but a lot of the people that are placed into these oidashibeya are completely non-productive and wouldn't survive in a meritocracy.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Astro Bot Barely Registers at Retail, PS5 Numbers Plummet After Price Hike


@johnedwin stats don't tell the whole story. I've lived and worked in Japan for 20+ years. There's always been pessimism about the economy but Japan keeps motoring along. I speak with business leaders at multinational companies on a daily basis and more often than not the Japan entity of said business is the only one performing well globally. This includes popular consumer brands that we make use of, indicating that people continue to spend. The Japan economy can be a hard one to read because people are very good at saving their money and personal debt has traditionally been low. The aging population is a massive issue but even so, the doom and gloom does not reflect daily life here in Japan.

As for Astro Bot, I've not seen any marketing for it all in Japan. Perhaps that's the issue? Or could be that people here, like elsewhere, have transitioned to digital.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Astro Bot Barely Registers at Retail, PS5 Numbers Plummet After Price Hike


@somnambulance @johnedwin no, the economy in Japan is not doing poorly. In fact, many global companies are surging in Japan while they languish elsewhere and Japanese companies continue to invest and hire. Spending power is down especially for imported goods (which PlayStation effectively is) but a lot of fuss being made about the weak yen is misplaced and reaction to inflation is a bit exaggerated because there was none for the last 30 years. The actual rate of inflation is still well below any other economy and thus the standard of living in Japan remains high.