Comments 701

Re: Sony Targeting 1.5 Million PSVR2s for Launch, But Could Drop in Early 2023


I'll be a day 1 buyer assuming its backwards compatible. Hoping the price is reasonable and stock is available.

I'm extremely curious about the details. We all expect it to be very expensive but will the fact that its still tethered to the PS5 help boost performance without jacking up the price? How much will the vastly improved resolution and frame rate help with motion sickness?

Re: PSVR2 Will Have Over 20 Major Launch Titles


LOVED PSVR but I'm super over it and just want the PSVR2 now. I wanna play Moss 2 (and others) so badly but I can't bring myself to use those blasted ancient Move controllers anymore. The tech of the headset is just so outdated now.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 News Planned for Game's 25th Anniversary Next Month


@BigBoom3ai3 You're not alone. The things they did right they really did right but the things they got wrong were VERRRY wrong and basically ruined the game imo (the last few chapters were mind-numbingly stupid). I played through it when it came out and had very mixed feelings. Just this week I've decided I'm finally ready to go through again and its been a bit better since my expectations are in check. I'm finding I just wanna battle and grind and there are enemies anywhere. Haha. Its very hallway simulator.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS Plus Extra or Premium?


While I'm sure this looks good to some, this new format is about as far from something I'd personally want as you could possibly get. I likely wouldn't even sign up for any if it even if it was free. In the end, I'm praying they just release a bunch of PS1 classics from game prison for individual purchase.

Re: Rejoice! Final Fantasy 16 in 'Final Stretch' of Development, Says Producer


@Niktaw I remember being so hyped for X and really liking it when it first came out but I actually can't stand that game now. Honestly, I really like the story and it has some good moments but ultimately, the protagonist is what makes or breaks a game for me and I think Tidus is one of the worst, most unlikable protags of RPG history. (I did really enjoy XII too.)

Re: PS Store Sales Charts: Gran Turismo 7 Laps Elden Ring in Europe as Horizon Falls Off a Cliff


@Serge_G Totally see where you're coming from but in my case, I actually won't touch Elden with a 10 foot pole. I despise games whose point is just to be insanely difficult. Always hated all the Souls games for that reason. I dont find inherently 'hard' games enjoyable at all. On the other hand, I'm LOVING Horizon. While its doing nothing new with open world mechanics, the story is fantastic which will trump all other aspects for me almost everytime. Its why I liked Zero Dawn way more than Breath of the Wild (and I'm a Nintendo fanboy). Story is everything.

Re: PS Plus, PS Now Merged Service Revealed, Goes Live in June


As a Playstation casual, I'm super pissed that I'll need to pay a ludicrous amount of money for the top tier just to get PS1 and 2 games. I will literally never play online or touch any of the 400+ free games. I expected no less but still upset. Praying now there is some kind of family plan like NSO has so I can split the cost...