Comments 693

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Huge PS5 Pro Enhancements Are a 'Vast Improvement'


I mean...when you slow it down and put it side by side...I can KINDA see a difference sometimes?? I played through Rebirth on Performance Mode and never had a single complaint about graphics soooo...yall enjoy I guess! Haha.
I'm a guy that can enjoy an Atari game running at 5 fps so I don't really care to spend $700 so that Tifas hair is slightly more defined. Lol

Re: 25 Years Ago, Square Released the Best Final Fantasy Game


Wow the FF community may run you out of town with torches and pitchforks for calling 8 the best. Haha. Although 9 is my all time fave, 8 might be my 2nd favorite. I LOVE THIS GAME and it played a massive role in the development of my gaming career as well. My wife and I even played Eyes on Me at our wedding 15 years ago.

Re: Dragon Quest Creator Says Silent Protagonists Look Like Idiots


I kinda hate the silent protag. To be honest, it can work for some types of games (like Mario) and it worked a lot better back in the 90s, but the big con to it is it automatically puts a ceiling on how impactful an RPGs story can be. A story is only as good as its characters and if your character is an empty shell with no soul, the ability to connect with and affect a player is severely diminished. Its the one thing holding Chrono Trigger back from being THE best RPG of all time in my opinion.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Took 60 Developers Around Three Years to Make


Sony are absolute idiots for not leaning heavily into Astro this gen and solidifying him as thier Mario. He's perfect in every way for the job.
Sony are bigger idiots for not making this game PSVR2 compatible. I understand not making it exclusive but there is simply no excuse to not have it be both like RE4 and 8 did.
Easily the biggest disappointment and betrayal in all this generation of gaming.

Re: Poll: One Year Later, What Are Your Thoughts on Final Fantasy 16?


Final Fantasy died and was buried two decades ago. 9 was the last true FF (and my favorite game of all time) in my opinion. 10 would have been okay but Tidus being the worst protag in any game ever ruined it. 12 was alright.
I'm just praying for that FF9 remaster (hopefully a faithful one) so I can say goodbye to the series forever.
I understand if turn based combat has to go the way of the earth but there are SO many other things that made FF magical they have chosen to abandon. Its sad to see my favorite game series fall so far but nothing good lasts forever. If I had my way, Square would pump out smaller budget titles with turn based combat and even pre-rendered backgrounds like the golden era but with modern graphics and load times. Can you even imagine??

Re: Metallica Fronts Musical PVP on Fortnite Festival's Battle Stage


As a MASSIVE Metallica fan, this will be the first and only time I buy all the skins and do all the things with this event. Cannot wait! 🤘🤘 I got my 11- year old son into them as well so we can't wait to grind this out.
Also...can I say I LOVE seeing all these 80s metal heads coming out of the wordwork on this Playstation news site? Haha. 😄 You all are now my brothers and sisters in metal.
Classic Metallica is amazing but I'm also a huge fan of thier new stuff. Hardwired and 72 Seasons are incredible!

Re: PS5's Astro Bot Doesn't Support PSVR2 Because It Was Never Designed to Do So


Complete and utter betrayal of the most hainus nature. A skyscraper-sized middle finger to all who showed loyalty with both VR1 and VR2. Objectively this game looks amazing but I'm so darn bitter toward it I'm not sure when I'll come around.

Seems like an extremely easy game to have done both flat and VR compatible like RE4 and 8 did. But Sony despises its VR fanbase.

Re: Final Fantasy 9 Remake Is Almost Certainly Real as Another Database Leak Appears


My absolute favorite game of all time. I get online literally everyday just to look for news on this. I'm praying so badly that its a faithful remake with the same artstyle with the deformed character models, etc. (not the ugly Dissidia design) and that outside of some quality of life improvements and graphics, it the same old game. In other words, I'm praying its just a super remaster...not a remake.
Makes me wonder when or how this will be revealed as the State of Play has passed. Seems weird to be at a Nintendo Direct but who knows?