Comments 2,529

Re: State of Play Announced, Covering More Than 15 PS5, PSVR2 Games


My PS5 is currently parked up and gathering dust. Give me a reason to boot up The Tub o' Lard, Sony!

PS4 Pro is getting much more use at the moment (ESO, for reasons explained elsewhere) so it seems a shame that £500 worth of console is sat there, looking grotesque by the side of the TV (Mcbazel black plates have helped somewhat)

Re: Soapbox: This Is Why Physical Games Are Still Important to Me


While I get the convenience of having all games digitally, the obvious choice is get physical as long as it's available.
Wait a month or two and the disc version is at least a tenner less than the (frankly sometimes rip off) PS Store prices. Makes no sense, with all the packaging, inlays, disc mastering, distribution, etc. but it's been the case since the PS3 days.

Weird thing is, people say what's the point as all games are patched via online anyway? But the thing is, even after a game has been digitally de-listed, quite often those game patches are still available. If you're digital only, you won't see the game. If you have the disc, the patches will still download.

Re: The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now


I was using the PS4's web browser only the other day - it's very convenient to look up locations in Elder Scrolls Online without having to boot up another device or even quit the game!

Folders and themes could work just like the PS3's implementation; effectively it'd give a layer over the top of the miserable funeral music and black as the night so -called front end. The UI theme would be in place when a game doesn't have a piece of cover art or music, otherwise you'd see & hear the game theme.

As for USB saves, PS aren't going to implement that as that causes PS5 owners to cough up for ever-rising PS+ subscriptions. PS4 still has it and I might very well make use of it once my PS+ sub runs out in December.

Another thing I'd like to see? Consistent use of the PS button (even if it looks like a Fisher Price cut-out on the DS5!) Just pop up a context menu, like the PS4 does with a long press of the button with all the usual options, including Close Application.

Re: The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now


@Dampsponge Isn't that the problem though? They got some half-arsed implementation (game lists?) hidden off down in the bowels of the dreariest UI known to man rather than having them on the front page.

@Drago201 They could add folders and a background theme and then when you hover over a game, the theme could be overridden by the picture and music of the title if it has one, otherwise the theme keeps going - somewhat similar to what the PS3's XMB does.

Re: Return to Oblivion in New The Elder Scrolls Online Expansion Gold Road


@DrClayman Yep, I've tried on PS5 with the PS5 version and the PS4 version, using the DS5 and the DS4 (on the PS4 version) and it just makes weird nonsensical buzzing noises and vibrates constantly.

Methinks something is badly emulated for the DS4 rumble on The Tub o' Lard as it works absolutely perfectly on the ever-quiet SSD Pro.

My son noticed the same effect when playing one of his PS4 F1 games; PS5 = no rumble going over the strips at the edge of the track, PS4 = rumbles to a lesser or greater amount depending on how much you're going over them.

Re: UK's GAME Stores to Stop Accepting Trade-Ins from Next Month


Our local GAME store has moved into the nearby Sports Direct and I can't say I've missed them. Still think I got somewhat ripped off by them when trading in my OG PS4 having already bought a Pro.

I get all my used games from eBay or CEX (new stuff with eBay, Shop To and The Game Collection) anyway so I suspect CEX in the high street will just get busier. Definitely not going to put me off buying a physical media copy of a game.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want from Sony and PlayStation in 2024?


@nomither6 @zekepliskin Gotta agree on the miserable PS5 UI. It's 5hite.

I boot up the old Pro and am greeted by the PS2 startup sounds and visuals, before seeing my games in the folders that I wanted to put them in.
Navigate to downloads and see several things patching themselves at once (was the download chip so expensive?)
A single long press of the DS4's proper PS button (no Fisher Price cut-out here!) and I have access to all the functions, including the 'quit game' option!

Why did they change it for the 5's turd?

Re: Japan Sales Charts: PS5 Can't Quite Topple 100k in Final Weeks of Year


PS4 still selling about as many units and the XSS and XSX put together! Ouch...

The Switch is in need of a replacement, simply to keep 3rd party titles heading to a Nintendo system as the ageing mobile tech just isn't enough any more. What's the point of a portable system when it has to rely on an online element to crunch the numbers fast enough?

Re: Believe It or Not, PS4 Sales Rocketed in the UK Last Year


@SuntannedDuck2 Some good points there. To be honest, I expected the PS5 to blow me away and it really hasn't. Owning a PS4 Pro with 6GB/s SSD nullifies most of the reason for the PS5. Sure there are a few games trickling out for the PS5/XS consoles but it's not much and it looks very 'same again' gameplay.
I agree Rift Apart was only PS5 only because of marketing - no way the PS4 couldn't have run it as those "only with the SSD!" arguments were blown out of the water some time ago but Sony needed something to prop up the 5. What I've played of it so far, it's no Tools Of Destruction!

Re: New PS5 Slim Faceplates Spotted at CES


I've stuck some of the Mcbazel ones (find 'em on Amazon) on our original disc fatty.
As they follow the lines of the inner (black) part of the PS5, it reduces the height (it really is hidden behind the TV unit now!) and black is slimming, apparently. Plus they were only about £30.

Re: Believe It or Not, PS4 Sales Rocketed in the UK Last Year


We've got two PS4 Pros (both with internal MX500 SSDs) and one PS5 in the household. Pros seem to be getting just an much use as The Tub o' Lard if not more so?
Perhaps that's just because the PS4 is a nicer place to visit (UI & OS still kicks fatty's arse) and perhaps it's because a shed load of all new releases are still hitting the PS4?

Sony made a million extra PS4s during the pandemic-crippled PS5 launch but those sold out very quickly and stock has been sporadic ever since.
£260 (ShopTo recently) vs £480 is a lot of difference for some people for playing 90% of the same games.

@TurboTom Personally I'd say keep the Pro as well.

I think there's something wrong on the PS5's emulation of some games as the DS4's rumble is not always faithfully replicated in the PS5, even with a PS4 title and a DS4.

Re: Sony's Third-Party Chief Explains How PlayStation Makes PS5 the Best Place to Play


@TrickyDicky99 I keep hoping that Sony will eventually allow the DS4 to be used on all PS5 games - there's no reason not to!

I too find the DS5 somewhat uncomfortable and also, there seems to be some weird compatibility issues with some PS4 games. Some examples:
1) Elder Scrolls Online - only the DS4 on a PS4 can correctly produce the rumble when picking locks, etc. The DS5 simply starts buzzing and not lot else and having either version on the fat boy doesn't work!
2) Immortals: Fenyx Rising - what the HELL is that 'rumble' supposed to be when firing with a bow? Sounds and feels like an old broken down diesel car trying to start!

Finally, what's with the cheap plastic, sharp edged finish? Is it just a ploy to get us to buy a posh £200 controller?

@PixelDragon Daley Thomson's Decathlon is responsible for so may broken controllers!
We actually kept a pair of Spectrum controllers just for those purposes as we found that waggling the controllers was an easy way to get up to speed - eat that waggling Wii!

Re: The Last of Us 2 Remastered's No Return Mode 'Not Recommended for Weak Hearts', Warns Dev


@MattBoothDev Interesting point about the PC - hadn't really considered that.

I don't have a problem with Druckmann - I neither like or dislike him - I find it concerning about the amount of people who have left ND since their end PS3-start PS4 heyday. I only named Druckmann as he's the only name left there that I recognise.
You say that it doesn't look like Naughty Dog are suffering, but I would say that they are creatively.

Re: The New Prince of Persia Will Run At a Blistering 120fps in 4K on PS5


@Professor_Niggle Don't think they're the same as the PS5's fans (although there seems to be some concern as to which fan you get in your PS5 as to how loud it can get - cheaper components, no doubt!)

This is the one that we replaced our original Pro one with:

There's a video further down in the reviews that convinced us to try it and it's definitely worked!