Comments 2,529

Re: Japan Hit with Yet Another PS5 Price Increase


@darylb24 I think if any more proof was needed, it's that PlayStation don't care about Japan any more.
Unfortunately, they seem to be an American company who are only catering to Americans and they are the only region to not have any price rises.

I just hope Nintendo come out with a corker of a "Switch 2" to shake up the console market.

Re: Incoming! Worms Armageddon: Anniversary Edition Rated for PS5, PS4


@LifeGirl Only the PS1 version using some emulation is available on the PSN.
I'm hoping beyond hope that this is Worms 2: Armageddon from the PS3.

There were several updated weapons in the Amiga Director's Cut edition (Super Sheep, Sheep on a Rope, Buffalo Of Lies and the Holy Hand Grenade) but most of these were incorporated in the PS3 Worms 2: Armageddon, as well as the Open Warfare titles on the PSP.

Re: Rumour: Sony Paying Close Attention to Handheld Market After PS Portal's Shock Success


@naruball True but I think there is a definite market for a new PSP (keep the name simple, everyone knows what it is).
The problem is that Sony's multi-million dollar productions these days would not transfer onto a handheld easily. It was easier in the PS2 & PS3 days but maybe taking PS4 code would be a decent start for a next-gen handheld.
Unfortunately, I could see New Sony 'doing a Vita' and abandoning it should the PS6 be a success.

Re: Rumour: Sony Paying Close Attention to Handheld Market After PS Portal's Shock Success


Still got my PSP 3000 and slim Vita. If the PS5 sales are slowing up, maybe Sony want to look at the situation again.

The amount of positive messaging surrounding a PSP 3 (Vita was 2) was absolutely massive. The amount of disappointment when it turned out to be a PS5 viewer was equally as massive.

We want a PSP 3 - whether Sony give us one, that's one for the bean counters to crunch but I'm sure Cerny could knock one up.
As an aside, indies love handhelds (3DS, PSP, Vita, Switch) so you may well get an increase in decent, fun oddball titles.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Was Allegedly Being Talked About Openly at Gamescom


PS4 Pro had a point - 4K visuals.

I'm barely starting up my PS5 Tub o' Lard at the moment - Dragon's Dogma 2 was a total let down, so perhaps Dragon Age will redeem the RPG genre on the PS5?

At the moment, I'm playing Diablo 4 on an SSD-equipped, quiet PS4 Pro and from the lovely UI to the quick loading times, I feel like the PS5 is just a waste of £500 so I'm certainly not going to drop £600 on a souped up version of such disappointment. I mean apart from fixing the obvious weaknesses in the 5's hardware, what's it going to do? 8K visuals? No-one cares. 4K @ 60fps? Shouldn't the current one be capable of that? The 4 Pro was kicking 4K chequerboard visuals at 30fps, sometimes higher so why is the 5 having such trouble?

Bring on the PS6....

Re: More Spicy Helldivers 2 Drama as Freedom's Flame Backlash Boils Over


@anon_pel222 Some do, ESO being a classic case in point - there were some nerfs and buffs a few years ago which included Wood Elves going from being excellent at thievery and sneaking to wandering around in a fluorescent jacket and honking clown shoes overnight, ruining some player characters forever, all due to some whinging sorcerers being taken out by bow wielding Bosmer.

Hopefully Arrowhead will eventually leave well alone but such is the pain of any live service game where the rules and balance (or lack of) can be altered at the studio's whim.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Needs a Price Cut


Thing is, Sony were recently selling the PS5 disc version for about £400 - so was that not sustainable or were they just offloading the old fatties before the new slightly slimmer fatties came in?

@x3King84 @Matthewnh I don't think it's developers being obliged to make PS4 versions, they're thinking of profits and if the old one is still capable of running a game, why not? Even if every PS5 owner has sold/retired their PS4, there are as many PS4s out there as PS5s and if they can sell it on the old platforms then they'll do it. Some studios can only prioritise one platform and it makes sense to aim for the PS5 going forwards but for the others, the PS4 will still be a thing for the next year or two. The Star Wars Jedi: Survivor announcement is one such case - no need for it but potential profits talk. Might run quite well on the Pro.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Needs a Price Cut


@x3King84 I have a PS3 Slim 2500 series and a PS4 Pro 7200 series and I'd be gutted if either died. I really couldn't care less about the PS5.

@Matthewnh Started at £450, rose to £480 (everywhere apart from the US for some reason), intermittent cuts down to about $430 and then the cheaper to make not-very-slim is erm, £480. Yes, it's due a price cut. Or we need the PS6.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Needs a Price Cut


By this time in its lifecycle, after 4 years, the PS4 had cleared 80 million units so the 5 isn't doing as well as it should.
I assume a big uptake of the 4 came with the price reduction to about £300.
Some of the PS5 failing to keep up with its dad is its high price (when 90% of games are available on the PS4) but also, bar a few titles, the PS5 just still doesn't have a system seller and, thanks to backwards compatibility, its sales so far have been on the shoulders of the 4.
While it's true that GTA6 will push the sales up a bit, the 5 is struggling to a certain extent when it's up against the still enduring popularity of the PS4.

Re: PS5 Pro Is Seemingly Starting to Appear in Source Code


Current one has been a waste of £500 - not going to be dropping another £500+ on a console with zero exclusives worth playing. I miss the old Sony and PS devs.

@NEStalgia Even the SSD is a bit of a hard sell if you had a PS4 Pro and upgraded the internal drive to an SSD. SATA 3 has max throughput of 6GB/s which is faster than the PS5 SSD in uncompressed mode (5.5GB/s, which might be one of the reasons why my Pro seems quicker downloading PS4 titles than the 5?).

Re: PS5 Simply Can't Match the Pace of 2023 in Europe


@rjejr I think Brexit can be blamed for most problems in the UK, unfortunately.

Consoles have always been built to a price. However, with the Tub o' Lard, I'm getting the impression that Cerny went a bit over the top in what he wanted to create and the bean counters then came along and made it cheaper.
I mean the DriftSense (thanks for the term @nomither6) seems to be made out of the cheapest plastics and the number of replacements/repairs because of drifting sticks and broken triggers seems to be off the scale - certainly way more than any generation of DualShock. Yes, they broke eventually after a LOT of punishment, whereas the DS5 seems to break as soon as you look at it,

Sony peaked at the PS3/PS4 era and then it seems to have stagnated.

Re: PS5 Simply Can't Match the Pace of 2023 in Europe


@wiiware Even the PS4 Pro regularly reduced to about £300.

Switch decline was expected as everyone that wanted one has got one and the next gen box is just over the horizon.
XBox - well, what can you say? Shot themselves in the PS4 era and keep doing it over and over again.

Sony are just profiteering - entire point of the not-very-Slim is that it was supposed to be cheaper to manufacture. They haven't even reduced the price of the PS4, it's still at £260. That should be down to £200 by now, with a free game.unless doing that will hurt fatty sales?

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


If Sony did a lower tier of PS+ with only online play and save game backups ('cos they don't allow PS5 saves to go to a USB stick for some reason - $$$) then I'd sign up for that.
I'll be dropping to Essential in December as Extra (which I've had for about 18 months) and Premium, in my eyes, are not worth paying Sony over £100 for a year's game rental.

Sure, it was useful when you used to get PS3, PS4 and PS Vita games as part of the sub, but these days, a few questionable PS4 titles and a PS5 remake of a remake of a remaster and the whole 'free' games option seems a bit overpriced.
Money off a game or add-on for being a PS+ subscriber is something I've made use of but only if I can't obtain the same thing physically for an even lower price.

Re: Astro Bot's PS5 File Size Is About Six Times Bigger Than Astro's Playroom


@__jamiie I've just got a 1TB external drive plugged in which has PS4 games on.

What I can't fathom is the amount of space that the PS5 uses for 'Other' (for 'system data so games can run correctly', etc. apparently) which is currently chewing up 23.03GB but apparently this can change depending on what the console is doing? I'm assuming that this is Windows-esque swap space (for Unix, obviously)?