Comments 2,529

Re: The New Prince of Persia Will Run At a Blistering 120fps in 4K on PS5


@Professor_Niggle Yes, but given the difference in age, I suspect the 4's thermal paste is starting to get a bit past its sell by date?
Biggest difference we found in ours, which we had done mid-last year, was having one of the new generation Nidec fans put in at the same time we had new thermal paste. Pro is eerily quiet now, even on things that used to make it take off.

Re: Analysts Peg PS5's 2023 Sales at Around 22.5 Million Units Worldwide


@StonyKL Not really fussed, to be honest.

Perhaps we're judging this generation unfairly by the previous generations (which we believe in, apparently) but the PS3 and PS4 by 3 years old were swamped by good quality 1st and 3rd party exclusives and multi-plats.
Perhaps it takes a lot longer to make a PS5/XSX game these days but we don't seem to be getting the same volume of decent titles as we had before (unless it's also a PS4 title).

I'd be interested to know how many PS5s out there are basically being used as a PS4 Pro Plus(ish)?

Re: Analysts Peg PS5's 2023 Sales at Around 22.5 Million Units Worldwide


@HonestTruth "themes or folders" - looking at my PS4 now playing its Happy Holidays 2019 theme (last one Sony issued, I think? It's that or the PS2 theme) with it's lovely tune playing in the background! Relaxing....
And all my games ordered in folders how I want them to be!

I mean, it's not as if Sony hasn't got a working version of what we want the guff 5 UI to look like.....

Re: Analysts Peg PS5's 2023 Sales at Around 22.5 Million Units Worldwide


@HonestTruth I don't have a problem with games being released for the PS4 if the PS4 is capable of running them.

I have a problem with the White Goods console having a PS3 remaster, a PS4 game (R&C) and a few other releases but I think it takes the pee somewhat when Sony's biggest release for the 5 seems to be a remaster of a PS4 title that was remastered from a PS3 title. 3 years in and we should be rolling around in must-have AAA titles but we're not - thankfully 3rd party studios are tarting up PS4 games because otherwise there'd be very slim pickings.

Re: Pornhub Reveals 2023's Most Popular Video Game Characters


@IndoorEnthusiast I was about to say the same thing - given that Fony have denied us access to the 'we know it's there' PS5 web browser, how is anyone looking anything up on the bloody thing?

I just want to look up ESO hidden treasure locations (not a euphemism) but I can't do that never mind going off to pornhub!

All I can say is thank god for the PS4 and its 'tap PS button, back to dashboard, load browser' web browser (for the ESO hidden treasure maps, obviously!)

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


Might be interested in a PS5 Pro. Actual consistent 4K@60fps would be good (and yes the PS5 still does use checker boarding to perform some of its visuals) A distinctly better looking console would be welcome!

I upgraded to a PS4 Pro from my OG so I could benefit from higher frame rates and higher fidelity at 1080p with the eventual switch to a 4K TV. I put an MX500 SATA3 SSD inside and so the jump to the PS5 has been somewhat depressing.
The PS5 UI still sucks massively and the lack of the PS4 features is jarring (folders, themes, ability to download more that one thing at once, backing up saves to USB, etc, etc.)

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@Max_the_German M$ were strong in the UK in the 360-PS3 era but I know a lot of people who swapped their 360s to PS4 instead of the XBone.
XBox almost became for parlance for video gaming but now PlayStation seems to be the preferred term again.

@XenonKnight @Bionic-Spencer Personally, I think the PS4 would still be selling in decent numbers if the Pro was still around. The used prices are nuts and a new one will set you back about £700.

Re: Incredible PS1-Themed PS5 Console Spotted at Jim Ryan's Farewell Party


@Flaming_Kaiser For Sony, it should be a very straightforward change to allow DS4s on PS5 games - all the buttons are present and correct. The PS5 identifies the DS4 before simply saying that you can't use a DS4 to play any PS5 games. That is a blocking limitation rather than an incompatibility.
They came up with some hooey about 'only by using the DS5 can players experience the true game changes in the PS5' but we all know it's all about the almighty dollar with the number of DS5s they can flog you.

Re: Review: PS Access Controller - An Innovative But Expensive Game Changer


@zekepliskin Played Astro's Playroom but I just found myself saying "oh, the controller's vibrating".
I know a lot of people claim to like it but didn't add anything for me. It's up there with the PS2 'feel the rain' slogan - I never did but I enjoyed excellent gaming.

TBH, I'm finding the whole PS5 era a bit "emperor's new clothes" - lots of things are reported to be so much better and yet...

Re: Incredible PS1-Themed PS5 Console Spotted at Jim Ryan's Farewell Party


Can't say I'll miss Ryan, unless they bring in another even worse accountant. Jack Tretton, Andrew House and Shawn Layden would be my top pick for replacements - mainly 'cos they know how to engage with the Playstation audience.

Still got 3 DS3 controllers and 4 DS4 controllers - all of which seem to have a much better battery life than the DS5 (DS3s ludicrously so!)
And even the DS3 controllers are more comfortable than the DS5s, never mind the sublime DS4s. The DS5s are as miserable to look at as the PS5s funereal UI.

Re: Review: PS Access Controller - An Innovative But Expensive Game Changer


Sony should enable DS4 controller support for all PS5 games.

The DS4 is more comfortable, seems better built (no cheap sharp edges) and more importantly has all the buttons you need.
Haptic feedback is just some rather lacklustre buzzing controller motors that (IMO) don't seem to add anything over what the DS4s could do. In some cases, it's worse - Elder Scrolls Online on the PS4 gives proper feedback with the DS4, giving varying degrees of vibration when trying to pick a lock whereas the DS5 just sits there buzzing all the time!? Immersion breaker that one.

Re: Layoffs Confirmed at F1 Developer Codemasters


All this and Embracer (or should that be backstabber?) closing Free Radical by the end of the year?

Given the buoyancy of the console market, you would've thought now would've been a good time in the games business but these cuts are devastating.