Comments 2,529

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


@HammerKirby3 Personally I'm still using the Pro over the PS5 as the ESO haptic feedback is totally broken in the PS5 & PS4 version on the fat boy, but works perfectly on the Pro with DS4.
Other games which suffer from the same problem are some of the F1 games (no rumble going over kerbs, etc. on PS5 but works on PS4) and Immortals Fenyx Rising where drawing back the bow string rattles the DS5 like a broken down diesel car whereas the DS4 just rumbles with increasing intensity.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


Still running a PS4 Pro (very quiet 72xx series) and I also have a PS5 (12xx series) and to be honest I prefer the old stager - the UI and OS are just much better and I even prefer the DS4 controller, both aesthetically and ergonomically. As for load times, I solved a lot of the issue by sticking a £50 Crucial 6GB/s SSD in place of the stock HDD and it slashes load times.

As for the figures, 59 million PS5 units sold (max) and PS active users stands at 118 million per month. That's half the users are on a PS5. Yes, some will be a PS5 that's being used by more than one subscriber, though the same argument to say that half those users are on a PS4 with multiple accounts?
By those numbers, yes, half are probably still on PS4 (assume they're not counting PS3 or Vita at all now?) and given my experiences so far, there's a limited reason to 'upgrade'.

Re: Reaction: Why You Shouldn't Worry Too Much About PS5's Year-on-Year Decline


So the PS4 is ahead - hardly surprising. In its lifetime (it's still alive and kicking) the PS4 had the Pro and the Slim launch - providing a 4K capable device and a cheaper alternative.

The PS5 has had the still wonky remodel but there's been no price cut and no 'super charged' model either. That could change if they can be bothered with the Pro (or is it better to just hop on to the 6?)

£480 for a console with 4 year old innards that's now cheaper to make and has a lot of PS4 titles upgraded a bit? Small wonder the sales are dropping. And as for "the PS4’s best-ever Q4 managed just 3.1 million units", what isn't said it that it was a constant, year-on-year performance that just kept growing numbers, levelling off in 2020 when its supposed successor finally appeared.

Re: Sony: The Future Is Incredibly Bright for PlayStation


@get2sammyb I think you're being optimistic if you think that the PS5 can emulate the PS3's zany architecture with any kind of decent performance. I mean, look at the specs needed for RPCS3. The poor Tub o' Lard would melt! (might look better though...)

Perhaps we'll see something with the PS6 (even number PlayStations tend to be better) and finally it might have the raw horsepower required.

Re: Fans Positively Review Bomb Hi-Fi Rush in Wake of Xbox’s Closure of Tango Gameworks


@Colt22 Without Japan Studio, we lost "Everybody's Golf" which is enough of a tragedy for me. Didn't quite gel with Gravity Rush on the Vita so no, I didn't buy GR2.

I have Motorstorm 1, 2 and 3 on the PS3 and Arctic Edge on the PSP/Vita. I think Motorstorm Pacific Rift sold quite well, hence Apocalypse being green lit.
Driveclub's difficult birth (it wasn't ready when Sony demanded it got released) was the one title that killed Evolution, even though it evolved in the Studio's death throes into a fine title. Trouble is, we'll never get Evolution back and so those titles are probably consigned to history.

Re: Fans Positively Review Bomb Hi-Fi Rush in Wake of Xbox’s Closure of Tango Gameworks


Sad when any creative game company gets stabbed in the back but this is far from being a M$ only problem of course.

Japan Studio - the ubiquitous Everybody's Golf is not appearing on a Sony console for the first time in its history.
Evolution - they finally got Driveclub in a good place but no MotorStorm going forwards?
Psygnosis/Studio Liverpool - Wipeout anyone? No, they were wiped out...

Re: Gaming Subs Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Aren't Growing At All


@Flaming_Kaiser Yes, the PS5 (mine is named "The Tub o' Lard") can back up PS4 saves to USB stick but point blank refuses to let PS5 saves be saved in the same way. The PS4 is much more user friendly though.
I'll be dropping to Essential when my bargain-bin Extra runs out in early December as I need it for online play. And I'll be using Shop To vouchers to add credit to my account to pay for it (irritating that they haven't introduced a £60 gift card)

Re: It Really Sounds Like the Next Glut of Big PS5 Reveals Is Coming Soon


Remake, remaster, reboot - the last one isn't so bad if only Sony would listen to what people want rebooting (I'm looking at the PS3 discs containing the Motorstorm series as I write this...)

C'mon, Sony give us a reason to be excited about the PS5.

You never know, perhaps they might introduce the new head of Playstation - only this one might have a soul!

Re: The Witcher's Ciri Says She Hopes Fans Give Liam Hemsworth a Chance as Geralt


First couple of seasons were good, if occasionally confusing, but series 3 has been poor - and what the **** happened with Jaskier's sexuality spin? Poor writing and I dread to think how the next 2 series will pan out...

Henry is off to do his Warhammer 40K series on Prime (he paints the lead mini-figures in his spare time!) before he (hopefully) takes on the role of Bond.

Re: Media Molecule's New Project Is 'More of a Game Than a Creative Tool' Says Co-Founder


@UltimateOtaku91 Loved LBP 1 & 2 but just didn't gel with Big Adventure. Tried it and just couldn't be bothered.

We need Sackboy & LBP back - nothing recently has competed with Uncle Jalapeno's Boom Town for sheer multiplayer laughs!

Odd that only recently, Sony's inept engineers just shut down the PS4 accessible LBP 3 servers (rather than fixing the security holes) even though MM had only just uploaded all the official content/textures/gadgets, etc. from the 'stuck on PS3' games!!

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


Games like Starfield will most likely be next as it was in production for the PS5 before the M$ buyout caused t to be shut down. There's probably a dusty server still with the PS source code on it.

Apart from that, I'd hope for something like Rare Replay - a chance to experience some Ultimate classics would be most welcome.

Re: New PS5 Firmware Update Adds Community Game Help Feature, Here Are All the Patch Notes


@Nepp67 "other than that you have never used a console before"
Eh? Other than the original Playstation, PS2 fat, PS3 fat, PS3 Slim (after fatty broke), PS4 (shiny top) PS4 Pro and finally, The Tub o' Lard itself, the PS5.

PS3 and PS4 introduced the dashboard UI - long press of the PS button on both consoles, a pop-up menu appears, one option being Close Game/Application and you return to said dashboard.
Pressing Options doesn't necessarily bring you to an option to close a game down and return to dashboard. For example, pressing Options on Elder Scrolls Online just brings you to the main menu where you can quit game and it returns you to the character selection screen - Options does nothing! You have to close application at this point, and the only way to do that on the PS5 is by one of two convoluted methods, Switcher or Options on the game icon on the dashboard? I mean, who signed that off?
I wouldn't have minded if a long press of the PS button brought up the Switcher if there's an active game - at least that would have been some use.

Re: New PS5 Firmware Update Adds Community Game Help Feature, Here Are All the Patch Notes


@Nepp67 No, I'm not joking or trolling!
First time trying to quit a game on the PS5, I pressed the PS button, held down the PS button and nothing happened apart from the dashboard coming up. Clicked on the game icon again but that just puts you back into the game you're trying to quit, moved up and down the details but nothing.
Eventually, I googled for the answer. I mean, it's hardly obvious to go back to the dashboard, press the Options button (only when you're over the game icon you're trying to close down though?) then select the Close Game pop-up menu option that had appeared.
Or there's the 'Switcher' widget at the bottom of the screen - I don't want to switch anything, I want to close the game so why would I go into that but of course that's where a close game menu pops up!?
Perhaps I was naive expecting it to work exactly like the PS3 & PS4's straightforward "PS long press->Close Game"?
Sooner they bin this UI or do some serious redesigns for the PS6,, the better.

Re: New PS5 Firmware Update Adds Community Game Help Feature, Here Are All the Patch Notes


@NEStalgia When you have to Google "how do I close down a PS5 game" as I had to, you know there's something wrong.

To be fair, you can reorganise the PS5 weird menu thing that shows up when you tap the Fisher-Price DS5's PS button, in the same way as you can also customise the PS4's pop up menu.
To close down my PS4, it's long press PS button, down one, right one, down one as my Power options are now just under 'Close Application'. Can't remember how many button clicks are needed from tapping the DS5 button as it's been quite a while since I've used it.

Re: Tales of the Shire Turns The Lord of the Rings into a Hobbit Life Sim


@3Above There have been a few more instances recently of stuff coming on PS5 & Switch but missing out the PS4 - mainly smaller devs. A niche title like this should be released on as many platforms as possible, you'd have thought?
I assume it's because there are enough PS5 owners out there to mug or that they know that PS4 owners have more discerning taste!

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for April 2024?


@Matroska Didn't say it wasn't possible but the specs to run RPCS3 are beyond the PS5's capability. You must have a decent spec CPU & GPU?

I'm referring to the x86 push-pop Intel architecture as 'archaic' as the tech dates back to the 1970s - brute speeds and extended instruction sets & the Wintel cartel kept it relevant when things like the Motorola 68k and Power PC chips were running rings around the wheezy Pentiums. The Cell was a PowerPC core with multiple SPEs that handled effectively distributed processing, which is why the multi-core AMD/Intel Core are only just about at the state where they can try to run it at acceptable speeds.

Re: Despite Flagging Physical Software Sales, PS5's Retail Presence Is Still Strong in Japan


@TheTraditional I like the GPD Win 4 - the sliding screen to reveal a keyboard reminds me of my old Sony Ericsson Mini Pro android phone!

But yes, something PS4 capable would be amazing - a 1080p screen would be fine and not cause any performance headaches whilst be relatively cheap to manufacture.

When Sony announced a new PS portable, of course we were expecting a PSP 2 (or 3). Having to have your PS5 on so you can play a game on a small handheld just wasn't what was needed. Now imagine a PSP 2/3 with remote play.

Re: Despite Flagging Physical Software Sales, PS5's Retail Presence Is Still Strong in Japan


@get2sammyb @LifeGirl "And it makes more sense than a very large, heavy, and likely expensive portable!"

A new PSP would sort that problem - a slightly bigger screen, and full-PS controls (multiple shoulder buttons and clickable sticks) and you could still have it pocket sized. At the moment, Nintendo are romping away with Japan as there is no competition in the hand-held market. The Vita did OK over there but with a Sony-branded knife sticking out of its back, it was never going to fly.

As for stationary consoles in Japan, I'm surprised they have bought as many PS5s as they have - maybe they've thrown their sofa out of a window to fit in that fridge freezer?

Re: Games Industry Mass Layoffs an 'Avoidable F*ck Up', Says Larian Studios Publishing Director


@Northern_munkey "I long for the days when we had company's like firebird,mastertronic and codemasters"

Now you're showing your age! Those Mastertronic tapes were everywhere - our local petrol station even carried them! Thing is they were written by one or two people in their bedroom and those days of presentation are almost over (Broforce is a classic case in point of brilliant game, no AAA budget required)

Odd thing is, with the exceptions of Larian and Shift Up, the PS5 is going to be struggling going forward to have any AAA titles heading its way so where does that leave the exclusives?

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


@nomither6 I'd rather have a rock solid, consistent 30fps than a wildly varying thing that targets 60 fps but sometimes drops below 30fps, that's all.

@Hypoman @Terra_Custodes I've kept my PS4 Pro for that exact same reason - some games do not work as well on the 5 as they do on the actual hardware, from graphics to controller feedback. Plus, I can enjoy the much nicer UI too!

Most people moaning about 30fps seem to be those with very expensive TVs that are expecting 4K at 120hz and the TV is struggling to interpolate that many additional frames. I've got a peasant spec 4K 60Hz TV so maybe I don't notice? Some of it also comes down to the software inside the panel - our old 10 year old 1080 Sony Bravia picture quality is about as good as our 2023 LG 4K TV.

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


A rock solid 30fps is better than a 60fps dipping when things get busy on screen.

Also, depends on the game - I can get the clamour for 60fps on a manic shooter or similar but even something like Baldur's Gate 3 running at 30fps, would it make that much difference? (I have no idea what fps it runs at)

Re: Random: Lara Croft Tops Mario as the Most Iconic Video Game Character of All Time, Apparently


Think I've mentioned on these pages before, I went for an interview with Rare at Twycross not long after I finished at university (so in the Nintendo days) and the walls were full with all the original Ultimate artwork, from Jet Pac and Atic Atac all the way through to Underwurlde and Knight Lore and beyond.

Hallowed ground though I live not far from Ashby de la Zouch. John Lathbury used to live round the corner from us at one point (he had a Lotus Esprit with registration JL 88)