Comments 67

Re: New PS5 Firmware Update Aims to Fix Final Fantasy 16 Issues, Available to Download Now


I tested FF16 for a few hours yesterday and Wednesday and didn't experience any visual glitches or crashes. In fact, i didn't experience any crashes or bugs in any of my games at all and I've been playing on PS5 every day since the update for 4-5h

I don't know if that's because I'm from Brazil and we didn't get some of the features that north americans are getting now in the latest firmware (Welcome Hub, for example) or if it's something else. Anyway, good to know that this issues has been sorted out

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 'Hugely Improved' on PS5 Pro, a 'Night and Day' Difference


As someone who played +60h of this game in Performance Mode on my simple 2012 1080p TV, i can already tell this console isn't for me. Selling my PS5 (non-digital version), to buy a Pro + a detachable disc drive (that costs 550 reais) + a stand (that costs around 50 reais) in Brazil is a complete nightmare that i won't ever want to go through. And we still don't know how much this thing will cost here (the non-digital base PS5 is costing around 3.500 reais, which is A LOT already)

Might as well save some money to either upgrade my PC or get a PS6 in 3 years

Re: Cult PS2 Genre Blender Killer7 Could Be Resurrected for PS5, PS4


Well, there's the PC port already. Just port that version to PS5. I really wish companies would stop releasing games only on PC, especially ones like this or No More Heroes 1 and 2. These games were made for consoles in the first place, so they need to release these remasters on consoles sooner rather than later. I'm tired of keeping my Wii version of NMH2 and the PS3 version of NMH around, I'd rather have all these games on one PlayStation console. And yes, i do own Killer7 on PC, but i really want this game on a console

Re: Doubt Cast Over PS5 Pro Actually Releasing This Year


@WaveBoy i thought about all of this already, and the thing is... everything is very complex, at least for me. I wished the PS5 would last until 2028, but we're still not sure if a PS6 will only come out at the end of 2028 or if PS5 will have Sony's support (like releasing 1st party exclusives) until 2028 but the PS6 will actually come out in 2027, for example. Most console generations last for 7 years, so the latter would make more sense to me.

Thing is, i live in Brazil. Consoles here are more expensive than NA or EU, even after converting dollars or euros to reais. Making an upgrade like that isn't something that most of us here take lightly. I also still trying to figure out how long PS5 will last so i can figure out what to do. PS4 is still going strong, but COVID affected chipset manufacturing, which affected PS5 production, making the console a little bit difficult to find until the end of 2022, i think. I'm not sure but i also think PS5 isn't that much cheaper now (because chips are still expensive) so most people are still on their PS4s and devs are aware of that and still releasing a bunch of games on PS4. There's also the whole free to play online stuff, that makes most people keep their PS4s. If a lot of people jump into the PS5 to the point where Sony doesn't feel the need to push a PS6 earlier, then they'll probably hold on to the PS5/PS5 Pro a lot longer, however if this console isn't as successful as PS4 then they will try to bring PS6 as soon as possible.

This generation is quite unusual, with the whole pandemic affecting consoles and now you have all these technologies like Frame Gen and VRR which can definitely make consoles like the base PS5 last even longer, and that without taking into consideration the new tech that Sony will use on Pro (that works like DLSS)

Anyway, imo 3 years isn't enough for me if the new console is costing around 5K here in Brazil (which i think it will be the case, since the base PS5 is costing around 3.700 reais now). Like i said, i still don't have a new TV with VRR support or 120Hz and that costs around 6-7K here, which is A LOT (minimum wage here is below 2K) and i feel like not having this kind of TV is actually hindering my enjoyment of my own console. I could play Immortals of Aveum with a decent framerate if i had a TV with even if i wanted a Pro, i would first need to buy a TV

But like you said, it's all about choices and having fun. I have fun with my PS5 and i feel like i spent my money well. Regardless of what happens, I'm still looking forward to buy new games and enjoy what i can from my PS5

Re: Doubt Cast Over PS5 Pro Actually Releasing This Year


I don't really care when it's coming out because i don't really see a reason to upgrade it. I don't even have the money, but even if i had, i would need to think it over.

First, i don't even have a TV that supports VRR or 120Hz (which is something that can improve performance in some games like Alan Wake 2) and i think this is something that devs will rely more and more as time moves on. Also, if devs start to use Frame Gen a lot, we could have a lot of games running well even on base PS5 (as long as you have a 120Hz TV with VRR)

Second, even though not every game runs perfectly on PS5, the console itself is still running most games just fine and those that aren't running well won't necessarily run decently with the Pro if they're CPU bound (like Dragon's Dogma 2), since the Pro has a very small boost on the CPU clock... and i think GTA6 will be one of these CPU bound games, since pretty much every open world game is CPU bound

Third, i think buying a Pro now will not benefit me since I'm planning on getting a PS6, and i just prefer the leap between generations to be more substantial, otherwise i just feel like I'm spending money on the next big shiny thing and not taking advantage of anything properly. I just bought a PS5, buying a Pro and then in 3 years buying a PS6...? That doesn't work for me

Re: Mini Review: Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn (PS5) - Yeah, It's Pretty Good


@Oxy nope, you're right. Very barebones """review""" that doesn't explain a lot. I played the demo on Steam so i know what to expect. The combat can be a bit complex and the reviewer fails to mention that, for example. He doesn't explain the premise of the story. Doesn't say anything regarding performance, voice acting....
Games are expensive so you should expect more detailed reviews before making your decision and spend your money, regardless of the game and its scope. This whole mini review thing doesn't really help me to decide anything (except in this case, because, like i said, i played the demo, so i know what to expect)

I advice anyone interested in the game to just watch YouTube videos about it or read more detailed reviews and then form your own opinions

Re: Hands On: Valorant's PS5 Beta Is Impressive and Unlike Anything Else on Console


@Dusk_Actual I'm not gatekeeping anything and you're selling the wrong idea of this game. People need to be aware that they need to have fast reaction or else this will be a very boring and time consuming experience to them and console players aren't familiar with these kinds of online FPS games that resembles CSGO. If you don't agree with me, i don't care, just don't go tell me I'm discouraging anyone when I'm giving my honest opinion about this game. Anyone can try, but that doesn't mean everyone will succeed or even enjoy it because of its requirements.

Re: Valorant Is Another Free PS5 FPS with a Rubbish Trophy List


"In the case of Riot Games’ enormous hero shooter, you’ll get gongs for racking up 1,000 headshots, dealing an outrageous amount of damage, and even using your abilities 4,000 times. A lot of these Trophies are going to come naturally during gameplay, and so you won’t have to specifically go out of your way to earn them"

So, you're telling me that you'll actually get trophies in a online FPS competitive game naturally, just by playing the game, instead of losing your focus by doing things that can negatively impact your team just to get a trophy??? Yeah...what a bummer...

Re: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (PS5) - Combat-Heavy RPG Gets a Major Overhaul


I usually disagree with most reviews from this website, since for some reason all their 7/10 games (with exception of Rise of the Ronin, which got an abysmal 6) are very good games, but Jesus...this one takes the prize for the "i disagree completely with your final score"...and yes, only the final score, because i actually can't find a review here. It's just a text explaining how the game works with a 7 slapped at the end.

7/10 isn't bad but it's definitely not the score this game deserves. This is not your typical JRPG with lighthearted story or with the cool style of Persona. This is a very unique, challenging and weird RPG that more people should give it a try and this score and the negatives might scare people away from giving this game a fair shot.

I really really really hope no one takes this review seriously and give this game a try. Read Steam reviews, ask about the game on Megaten subreddit, watch video reviews from YouTubers that actually play JRPGs and know SMT franchise, but don't skip on this game.

I missed playing SMT IV on my 3DS and this game is everything i was hoping for and I'm glad the game is now playable on Playstation

Re: Sony Plans to Convert PC Gamers Through the Power of PlayStation


Will this strategy work? I don't know, but I jumped ship from PC to PS5, main reason being a lot of PC ports that i was buying were just bad and i couldn't be bothered to keep buying them anymore on PC. I was reading and posting on a few forums on Steam last week about this very issue. Some users were experiencing stutters on Sekiro, Elden Ring and DS3 on PC, just like i did, and i "solved" this issue by playing them on my PS5 (except ER has to be the PS4 Pro version). Same goes for The Evil Within 2, FF7 Remake, Steelrising and more recently, Hogwarts Legacy. I've seen at least two users on Steam that dropped the PC version of HL and started playing on PS5 because of the stutters. You obviously won't have high end graphics, this is not the console's goal, but at least you can play these games without too much hassle. Will this always be the case? No. I'm pretty sure some people never experienced such issues on their PC, but I'm talking about my experiences. And at least i can buy these games while not being forced to keep upgrading my GPU and CPU, so that helps me financially a lot. I'm a very specific case, but i don't see myself using PC as my main gaming platform anymore, even if Sony keeps releasing their games on PC on the next generation. It's just not worth the effort and money for me, at least. To each their own, though.

Re: Rise of the Ronin Update Coming This Week, Adds Missions and Features


This game is awesome. Thankfully i didn't take Push Square's review seriously and bought the game Day decision i ever made. And i skipped DD2 (a game this website was praising a lot when it launched), second best decision i ever made. Nowadays i tend to ignore all the reviews from this website and just read the news, third best decision i ever made

Re: Poll: Years Later, How Do You Feel About PlayStation's PC Strategy?


To answer the questions directly:

Does it really devalue PlayStation as a platform? Yes, i think so. We've had a good beginning of the year with great PS5 titles but from here on now it's pretty much the "PC Port year" and less PS5 games. I don't like it.

Did the whole Helldivers 2 thing sour your perspective? No. I couldn't care less about these issues. Not my problem.

Let me make something clear, though: these are MY OPINIONS on the matter. I've seen time and time again PC people here or on Twitter getting pissed and trying to start an argument about "why PC gaming and Steam are better and PC is inevitable and yadda yadda yadda" but i don't care. This is MY perspective, as selfish as it can be, after all these questions are individual. So don't bother pestering me about what i think or what i don't like because i won't change my mind and i'm aware Sony won't either. I game on PC too (less now), i have +250 games on my Steam library and at least +150 games on Epic and 50 or more on GOG. You people need to learn to let others express themselves without getting worked up

I'm out

Re: Despite Hype, Analyst Says Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 'Underperforming'


One was released at the end cycle (7th year) of a very successful console, during the pandemic, a time where a lot of people were playing (and buying) games all the time. Another one was released at the 3rd year of a console that only in the last 2 years was easy to find (again, because of the pandemic) and that's it's still expensive for most people that are still playing on a PS4.

Re: Most PS5 Players Say 60fps Is a Must


I don't care about FPS as long as the game isn't fast paced, though i do care about games that only gives you the choice to play it with uncapped framerate and the framerate isn't a stable 60fps. If i can select 30fps (with no framepacing) I'm okay. And that's it, these are my only gripes with bad performance. Other than that, I'm fine. If a game can't hit 60fps all the time, i don't mind (as long as i can select other mode with 30fps). If a game only runs at 30fps, i don't mind either.

Re: Diablo 4 Season 4 Could Boast the Game's Biggest Improvements So Far


Subreddit feedback of this game (also Twitter) has been more positive than i initially though, to be honest. I'm also willing to give games a second chance
(especially the ones i already own) instead of acting like "I'll never come back, they lost me forever" or "they need to change a LOT to bring me back yet". I dunno, that sounds overdramatic. It's a videogame, not a relationship. I'll check out the update if i have the time.

Re: Not Everyone Is in Love with Dragon's Dogma 2 on PS5


I played the first game and i didn't like it at all. I even wrote a review on Steam talking about its flaws (some of them that still exist in the sequel) back in 2018. I pretty much believed in the fans rather than reviewers and journalists. The guy that reviewed this game here also reviewed FF7 Rebirth and I'm glad i didn't take his words seriously.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing the Stellar Blade Demo?


Played it, enjoyed and wishlisted. Performance, presentation and gameplay were top notch, but i have too many games to play and this one is quite expensive in Brazil, so I'll pick it up later. Didn't think i was gonna enjoy it and in the end i was impressed

Re: Devs Allegedly Pondering the Point of Sony's PS5 Pro Upgrade


All i know is that I'll skip the Pro gladly. Not gonna spend money again on another hardware that will probably last less than 3 years because by then a PS6 will be out. I'd rather wait and play everything i can on base PS5 and then jump to a PS6 (which hopefully will have BC) to play all PS4 and PS5 games at higher framerates. I still own a very simple 1080p 60hz TV. I just care about new and fun games to play and that's it

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 2 Remastered Is Sony's Next PC Port


@AverageGamer "You do you. But you are literally making accusations that console also don't suffer from these issues.

When you say stuff like " no stutters, bugs, crashes" that literally implying that does not happen on console which is an incorrect statement no matter if it your personal experience or not. If you want to keep it personal experience than phase it as such... Just don't leave it as a blank statement."

No I'm, not going to phrase whatever i think in any way YOU want. I didn't experience any of these issues so my statement will not change because I'm not writing a damn essay, I'm posting a comment on a website. The fact that you want me change something just to make you satisfied is absurd and I'll not do such thing.

"I never said that you shouldn't read forums, but you shouldn't be using them as factual tools."

Yes i will because people there are reporting issues and if you have a bunch of them reporting the same issue then you have a wide problem. And once again you're telling me what you think i should do and once again i will tell you i won't. It's my choice, my money, my way of doing things.

"Which is why people like to problem dump issue on forums. But steam forums aren't the proper channels to provide information to the developer. So, you're really just yelling into an echo chamber. Hoping that the developer will read your post and fix the issue. Even if you didn't open a support ticket about the issue using the proper channels."

Nixxes did reply in some threads and then they disappeared. They already moved on but people reporting these issues are looking for help from other users that might have going through the same thing, so it's still useful.

"I never said that PC was better than console. I kept the post Spider-Man because I didn't want to mention bunch of other games"

And yet you feel bothered by my statements just because you don't like what i said or how i said. And you reaffirm this stance here:

"You didn't really phrase it just as your personal experience tho."

I don't need and i won't say anything that you want. You're literally telling me "hey just change your comment to say this is your personal experience" as if I'm somehow obligated to do so. You're not my boss or anything. I'm not going to argue about my choices of words because this is just a waste of time. Like i said, this is not am official statement or some document, this is me saying how i feel and what i think. You're acting as if I'm not saying exactly what you want I'd be committing a crime. That's not how internet works.

And from now on you'll be on my ignore list because this isn't about games anymore, is about you wanting me to do whatever you want.

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 2 Remastered Is Sony's Next PC Port


@AverageGamer you don't know me so i advise you to stop right here about any accusations about me lying or anything like that because i will report you for harassment if you keep doing this. Behave yourself. What i have or what i don't have in my house is my problem. You're crossing the line.

And i obviously will read the forums. I don't want to fool myself into thinking every game is perfect, if i wanted that then i wouldn't even read reviews. If that's your argument, then PC is no better than consoles because SM aren't the only games with issues on PC, i already said that in other posts here.

As for me, I'm using RT in both Remastered and MM and never had any issues or crashes. The game can also be patched, by the way. Nixxes are reading these threads on Steam every day but the problem is still there. If i didn't have any issues with my console but i do have with my PC then it's clear what's my best choice.

People are allowed to have their own opinion based on their own experiences, and that's what i did here, although some people apparently care too much about what i think, for some reason...

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 2 Remastered Is Sony's Next PC Port


@nomither6 10 threads since February 15th with the same topic: "crashing". That's just the first three pages from Spiderman forums.

What's Steam forums compared to reviews? The place where people go to report on their experience with the game and ask for help, that's why the forums are so useful. It takes too much time to write a review, but not a thread about an issue that you're experiencing with a game. After all, you either do this or you won't be able to play the game, and that's why i go there. I don't want to be amused by cute reviews, i want to know if the game is a bad port or not. If you ignore these things, that's not my problem. I don't. I always do this research.

Also, most people are too lazy to change their reviews if the game starts to show problems later on their playthrough, same goes the other way, when the game is patched but people don't change their negative reviews. These Steam reviews can be quite unreliable, but that will never happen on the forums because people are posting there every day.

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 2 Remastered Is Sony's Next PC Port


@jt887 i don't think it'll make a difference, is just a matter of personal experiences. I never had any issues with my PS4, Xbox One or PS5 crashing. I don't even have issues with crashes on PC, but i do have issues with performance or other things. Building a rig takes time and patience, and i don't have money for that now. In Brazil these things are really expensive and i usually move around a lot, so a desktop wouldn't help me that much. But to each their own, if you're having a good time with your PC, that's cool.

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 2 Remastered Is Sony's Next PC Port


@nomither6 that's not even an argument, but anyway, spend some time on Steam forums and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Both Spiderman games have issues with crashing. You can literally go now on their forums on Steam and read dozens of threads about this issue

TLOU Part 1 was a mess on launch and still is (a lesser) mess

Returnal still has issues with crashing for co-op and performance issues related to a possibly memory leakage

Steelrising is a disaster in terms of performance, regardless of your hardware. Have you read their FAQ on Steam? Take a look

Hogwarts Legacy performance is still bad and people are still complaining about it

FF7 Remake is a stutterfest

Remnant 2 is still running horribly

I could keep going but i made my point. I jumped ship from PC a couple of months ago just because PC ports are a russian roulette, you never know what you're gonna get. If you're fine with your experience, good for you. But don't tell me that I'm wrong if i spent a lot of time and money in these PC games for the last 3 years. There are some really good ports like Lies of P and Doom Eternal, but every now and then we get a Wild Hearts

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 2 Remastered Is Sony's Next PC Port


Meh, I'm fine with the PS5 version. I'm at the moment in my life where i just want to pick up a game and play. No system requirements, no stutters, bugs, crashes or shader compilation screens. And i also don't want to buy another gaming notebook. Didn't have a good experience with some of these Sony ports, so I'm fine with playing them on console. It's way easier that way

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