Comments 1,059

Re: Happy 30th Birthday to PlayStation


Loving the update. That PlayStation boot up music reminds me of being a kid all those years ago getting my first PlayStation with V Rally and Abes Oddysee. I had to pick up a memory card a few days later to not keep playing from the start of Abe and to save my lap times.

Good times. Here’s to another 30!

Good luck @mikey856

Re: Ubisoft Comments on Buyout Reports, Says That It 'Regularly Reviews Options'


I don’t understand how they have made such a mess? Was Valhalla not a massive hit? Mirage did ok also I think as did the POP game? Xdefiant was a miss and outlaws needs some work but I think it’ll do ok in the long run.

Perhaps they should give their customers what they have been asking for. Splinter cell, Rayman and whatever other IP they own but seek to do NOTHING with

Re: Site News: Where's Our Concord PS5, PC Review?


I feel like this game is totally dependent on community, and many won’t pay for it so does that mean it’s beat? I would probably have paid for it and bought a battlepass had it been more reasonable. I really enjoyed the beta but there just doesn’t seem enough meat on the bones to fork out £40 for this right now with all the other games coming out