Comments 848

Re: Amazing Looking Granblue Action RPG No Longer Being Developed by Platinum Games


@NintendoFan4Lyf To be honest, they're the type of developer someone could snap up, or at least make an exclusivity deal with.

Haha, the comment about recognising your bias did make me chuckle, but I say all the power to you. If the Ninty Plat games are your favourite, then that's awesome.

I never dug into Bayonetta too much but what I did play was really good. However my favourite Plat game has to be Vanquish.

Either way they're a great studio and I hope they keep making games.

Re: Crash Bandicoot PS4 Is Indeed Harder than the Original, Says Dev


I've found that in some ways it's easier and in some ways it's harder. I'm not complaining though as I love this remaster.

It's easier in terms of player information. This time around you're actually shown which levels the coloured gems are in, and you only need to do a level without dying for the coloured gems, rather than every single one in the original. Bonus levels can be retried as much as you like now. Also, there are hints for the secret areas and the placement of the camera is slightly different to encourage finding them.

However, Crash's jumping physics is different. He's a lot less floaty and I think you spend less time in the air when jumping. As a result it does make some of the platforming a bit more tricky. Especially the bridge levels!

But all in all it's still great and a good challenge.

Re: Shenmue III Will Not Be At E3 2017


I'd make a bet that the HD re-release will be revealed at E3 though.

As for the visual style, it's going to be made in a different engine and it doesn't have the same budget the first two games had, when you factor in inflation. I'm just glad it's being made and will just keep in mind it's still going to be modest by larger industry standards. But I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it!

Re: Feature: PlayStation's Iconic E3 Press Conference Moments


Overall, I think 2016 might've been their best conference but those megatons in 2015 were incredible. That Final Fantasy VII trailer still gives me tingles, as does the Shenmue III video. Those two moments were perfect to me. Also, GameTrailers's reaction to it was a great part of it too.

Re: PS4's Days Gone Will Be at E3 2017 in a Big Way


I want to learn more about this. So far, there hasn't been much on this title and I can't really get excited for it until we have more. Hopefully we'll get more on it and get more of an idea about what it's aiming for in terms of overall design and gameplay.

Re: Gwent: The Witcher Card Game Will Be Open to All Next Week on PS4


@dkxcalibur Yes. But from what I've played of the Beta on PC the currency system is a bit more fair than other games. At the moment you can earn currency for things like winning rounds in a match or winning, winning a certain amount in one day or ranking up. When you do buy a keg, you get a choice between three rarer cards. Also, you can mill cards you don't want to make scrap so you can create new ones without using real life currency.

Also, they'll be including a single player campaign. Whether that'll be free or not I don't know, but CD Projekt Red are very good to players. From what I saw of it of Gamescom last year it looked impressive.

Re: Video: How Does Resident Evil: Code Veronica X Look on PS4?


One of the best Resident Evil games for me. And I'll defend those turret controls to the hills. I think it was smart for the remaster of the remake to include another control scheme, and whilst that would've been nice for this I think the turret controls work well for a game that has this kind of camera system, and it can actually aid the tension of the game.

Re: What Ever Happened to Vib Ribbon on PS4?


What would be super cool would be if instead of the game reading a CD-R and making a level based on it, it read a music file, or a group of them, instead.

Well, I hope that's why it's taking them so long.

Re: Here's More Crash Bandicoot PS4 Gameplay to Send You Spinning


My new favourite marketing phrase: "reality-based lighting".

I'm hyped for this for sure. What I found interesting is that he mentioned the slide move specifically for Crash 2, so I'm guessing it'll still have the specific move-sets for each game. I did wonder how they'd go about it.