Comments 1,089

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 552


@KyushuTrail Don't you faken dare to give up! I couldn't even beat father gascoigne in bloodborne but I will return for sure better than ever. And you managed to get to the final boss of the most difficult soulsbourne game. Don't you dare to delete it. The only thing you should delete from existence is that boss

Re: One Year On, Plucky PS Portal's Sales Remain Strong


This will sound offending, but I never understood why would people buy a piece of hardware like this? I mean, who is the targeted audience, why is it so expensive for the functionalities it provides and when should you use it if you already own a console hooked to a TV?

And the most important question is why is it so hard to use an internet browser on it because writing this comment took more time than usual, I really think they should do something about it in the next firmware update.