Comments 602

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


I'll pick one up eventually. I need a 120Hz TV before I'm too fussed about it. Maybe after that it'll be a bit cheaper and then I'll sell my launch PS5 to take away a little of the hurt. But we're talking a year or more down the road. This is the early adopter price and they can have it.

Re: Rumour: Watch Dogs Is Dead, and Legion Reportedly Killed It


I thought 2 was great. Legion was an interesting on-paper idea that shouldn't have made it into production as it was. It was okay just sticking to the main mission and doing a quick run-through, but the lack of a solid story or interesting protags, along with the awkward generated dialogue and voices, made it a boring slog for the most part. I like the universe it set up, so I'm a little sad to see it go.